Intelligent Transportation Systems Benefits, Costs, and Lessons Learned 2017 Update Report www.its.dot.gov/index.htm Final Report — March 2017 Publication Number: FHWA-JPO-17-500 Produced by Noblis, Inc. U.S. Department of Transportation ITS Joint Program Office Notice This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. The U.S. Government is not endorsing any manufacturers, products, or services cited herein and any trade name that may appear in the work has been included only because it is essential to the contents of the work. Cover Photo Credit: Top Row (Left to right) – ThinkStock, U.S. DOT, ThinkStock Middle Row (Left to Right) – U.S. DOT, ThinkStock, ThinkStock Bottom Row (Left to Right) – U.S. DOT, ThinkStock, ThinkStock Technical Report Documentation Page 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient’s Catalog No. FHWA-JPO-17-500 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date Intelligent Transportation Systems Benefits, Costs, and Lessons Learned: March 2017 2017 Update Report 6. Performing Organization Code 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No. Greg Hatcher, Drennan Hicks , Cheryl Lowrance, Mike Mercer, Mike Brooks, Kathy Thompson, Alexa Lowman, Amy Jacobi, Rachel Ostroff (ICF), Nayel Urena Serulle (ICF), Amanda Vargo (ICF) 9. Performing Organization Name And Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS) Noblis 600 Maryland Ave., SW, Suite 700E Washington, DC 20024 11. Contract or Grant No. DTFH61-11-D-00018 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered ITS-Joint Program Office Final Report 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 14. Sponsoring Agency Code HOIT-1 15. Supplementary Notes Marcia Pincus, COTR 16. Abstract Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) provide a proven set of strategies for advancing transportation safety, mobility, and environmental sustainability by integrating communication and information technology applications into the management and operation of the transportation system across all modes. In the future, ITS technologies will transform surface transportation by offering a connected environment among vehicles, the infrastructure and passengers' wireless devices, allowing drivers to send and receive real-time information about potential hazards and road conditions. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (U.S. DOT) ITS research program focuses on the overall advancement of ITS through investments in emerging ITS technologies, as well as supporting the evaluation of deployed ITS. This report presents information on the benefits, costs, and lessons learned regarding ITS planning, deployment, and operations obtained from almost twenty years of evaluation data. The report is based upon three related Web-based databases, known collectively as the ITS Knowledge Resources (KRs). The Knowledge Resources were developed by the U.S. DOT’s ITS Joint Program Office (JPO) evaluation program to support informed decision making regarding ITS investments by tracking the effectiveness of deployed ITS. The Knowledge Resources contain over eighteen years of summaries of the benefits, costs, and lessons learned of specific ITS implementations, drawn primarily from written sources such as ITS evaluation studies, research syntheses, handbooks, journal articles, and conference papers. They can be accessed online at www.itskrs.its.dot.gov. The report has been developed as a collection of factsheets presenting information on the performance of deployed ITS, as well as information on the costs, and lessons learned regarding ITS deployment and operations. The report has been designed to be flexible for the user. There are a total of 27 factsheets representing the 16 taxonomy areas. Four of the taxonomy areas (arterial management, freeway management, transit management, and driver assistance) have enough data and breadth of functionality to require more than one factsheet. 17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement Benefits, Costs, Lessons Learned, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Connected Vehicles 19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price Unclassified Unclassified 196 Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized Preface/Acknowledgements This report was produced as an outcome of work performed by Noblis for United States Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO) under contract DTFH61-11-D-00018, as part of the ITS Evaluation program. The authors wish to thank Marcia Pincus of the U.S. DOT for her expertise and support, as well as the many transportation industry personnel who contributed evaluation findings to the ITS Knowledge Resources. U.S. Department of Transportation Intelligent Transportation System Joint Program Office ITS Benefits, Costs, and Lessons Learned: 2017 Update Report – Final | i Table of Contents Executive Summary ................................................................................................................ 1 FINDINGS ........................................................................................................................................1 ITS EVALUATION HIGHLIGHTS .........................................................................................................3 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 9 1.1 ITS LEADS THE WAY ...............................................................................................................9 1.2 THE 2017 ITS BENEFITS, COSTS AND LESSONS LEARNED FACTSHEETS ................................9 1.3 MEASURING ITS PERFORMANCE .......................................................................................... 10 1.4 ITS KNOWLEDGE RESOURCES ............................................................................................. 10 1.5 ITS TAXONOMY ..................................................................................................................... 11 1.6 REPORT ORGANIZATION ........................................................................................................ 11 1.7 NEW TOPICS ........................................................................................................................ 12 2 Connected Vehicle – Safety ......................................................................................... 15 2.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 15 2.2 BENEFITS ............................................................................................................................. 17 2.3 COSTS .................................................................................................................................. 19 2.4 CASE STUDY / LESSONS LEARNED – SAFETY PILOT MODEL DEPLOYMENT (ANN ARBOR)/USDOT ......................................................................................................................... 19 3 Connected Vehicle – Mobility ...................................................................................... 21 3.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 21 3.2 BENEFITS ............................................................................................................................. 24 3.4 CASE STUDY ........................................................................................................................ 26 4 Connected Vehicle – Environment.............................................................................. 27 4.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 27 4.2 BENEFITS ............................................................................................................................. 29 4.3 CASE STUDY - GLIDEPATH – ECO-APPROACH AND DEPARTURE AT SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS ........................................................................................................................... 31 5 Automated Vehicles ...................................................................................................... 33 5.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 33 5.2 BENEFITS ............................................................................................................................. 36 5.3 COSTS .................................................................................................................................. 36 5.4 CASE STUDY – PREPARING A NATION FOR AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES (2015-00977) ............ 37 6 Smart Cities ................................................................................................................... 40 6.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 40 6.2 BENEFITS ............................................................................................................................. 41 6.3 COSTS .................................................................................................................................
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