An Alphabetical Analysis Part 4 Terms and texts used in the study of ‘Dispensational Truth’ R to S By CHARLES H. WELCH Author of Dispensational Truth Just and the Justifier The Prize of the High Calling The Testimony of the Lord’s Prisoner Parable,Miracle and Sign The Form of Sound Words This Prophecy Life Through His Name THE BEREAN PUBLISHING TRUST 52a WILSON STREET,LONDON EC2A 2ER ENGLAND ©THE BEREAN PUBLISHING TRUST First printed 1961 Reset and reprinted 2003 ISBN for the complete set of 10 volumes: 0 85156 200 0 ISBN for this volume: 0 85156 204 3 Note: The book Numbers will be right but the page numbers will only be right in the books CONTENTS Main articles are printed in full capitals thus: SEED. Subsidiary articles are printed in small capitals thus: Remnant. Please ignore the article ‘the’ when using the Index, i.e. ‘THE SEED’ appears simply as ‘SEED’, and so throughout. A Subject Index to all 10 Parts of this Alphabetical Analysis has been included at the end of each Part. Page Subject Index i Introduction iii To the Reader v SUBJECT INDEX R RECONCILIATION 1 Reign 34 Remnant 35 Repentance 39 Restoration 55 RESURRECTION 67 REVELATION 93 RIGHT DIVISION 118 ROMANS 126 Roman Stones for the Ephesian Temple 150 S Saints 160 Salvation 167 SATAN 169 S continued Page Seal 206 Search 216 Seated 218 Second 219 Second Coming, see Hope2 ; Mystery3 Secret in Romans 16:25, see Romans (p. 126) Secrets of Men 221 Secrets of the Son 234 Secret Things 237 SEED 238 Seventy Weeks 276 Shadow 283 Sheep 284 Sons, see Adoption1; Children v. Sons1 Sons of God 285 Star Seed, Dust and Sand 287 SURVEY OF AGES AND DISPENSATIONS 291 A Subject Index (to all 10 Parts of this Analysis) will be found at the end of each Volume INTRODUCTION TO THE 1st PRINTING When the Alphabetical Analysis was first conceived, it was intended to deal with ‘Terms and Texts used in the Study of Dispensational Truth’ for that is the distinctive feature of our witness. This Dispensational Series is comprised within five Parts. Although the preparation of these five volumes in the midst of a crowded life was a colossal undertaking, we nevertheless felt sorry that while, in the dispensational series, we could deal with ‘Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth’, the ‘Word of Truth’ itself and its inspiration, lay outside the first five Parts of this Analysis. In spite, therefore, of increasing years, we have been graciously enabled to prepare Parts 6 and 7, which are devoted to Doctrine. But we were not permitted to write Finis, for Prophetic subjects began to claim our attention; accordingly Parts Eight and Nine have been prepared, which are devoted to Prophetic themes. To round the whole witness off, a Tenth Part is in hand which will concentrate attention on the Practical and the Experimental issues involved. We sincerely hope that these volumes will be of service to the reader who, while considering everything that has been put before him in all good faith, will nevertheless ‘Search the Scriptures’ to see if what is here advocated is ‘so’. 1961 TO THE READER A distinction has been made in the type used to indicate subsidiary headings from those which are of first importance. Titles of main articles are printed in Helvetica bold type capitals, and are placed in the centre of the page, thus: RESURRECTION Titles of subsidiary articles are printed in Helvetica bold type small capitals, and are placed at the left -hand margin of the paragraph, thus: Restoration Cross References Cross references to articles in Parts 1 to 3, and 5 to 10 of An Alphabetical Analysis, are indicated by superscript numbers. For example: In Adam2 refers to the article with that heading in Part 2 of An Alphabetical Analysis. Millennium3,9 refers to the articles with that heading in Parts 3 and 9, respectively, of An Alphabetical Analysis. If the reference is to another page in this book, the page number is printed in brackets after the title of the article. For example: Romans (p. 126) refers to the article with that heading on page 126 of this book. Structures Where the meaning of a term can be illuminated by the structure of the section in which the term occurs, that structure is given, and as the scope of a passage is of first importance in the interpretation of any of its parts, these structures, which are not ‘inventions’ but ‘discoveries’ of what is actually present, should be used in every attempt to arrive at a true understanding of a term, phrase or word that is under review. Under the heading Interpretation2, the uninitiated believer will receive an explanation and an illustration of this unique feature of Holy Scripture. In like manner, other exegetical apparatus such as Figures of Speech, and all such helps, are indicated under the same main heading. Received Text (Textus Receptus) This is the Greek New Testament from which the Authorized Version of the Bible was prepared. Comments in this Analysis are made with this version in mind. Where there are textual variances between the Received Text and the Nestle Greek Text (or other critical texts) such variances are noted. The phrase ‘in the Received Text’ is printed in brackets next to the word or words in question. RECONCILIATION The following Greek words enter into the make-up of the word here considered: katallasso, apokatallasso, katallage, allasso and allos. The root word is allos, which means ‘other’, and indicates a change. Allasso is translated ‘change’ as follows: Allasso -- ‘Change the customs’ (Acts 6:14). ‘Changed the glory’ (Rom. 1:23). ‘We shall all be changed’ (1 Cor. 15:51,52). As will be seen by the three examples given, the word indicates a change of a very radical kind. The change from law to grace was profound; the changing of the glory of God to the likeness of animals was a terrible departure; and the changing of the body at the resurrection, while most essential, is beyond our understanding. Katallasso -- ‘Enemies ... reconciled ... being reconciled’ (Rom. 5:10). ‘Reconciled to her husband’ (1 Cor. 7:11). ‘God ... hath reconciled us’ (2 Cor. 5:18). ‘God was in Christ, reconciling’ (2 Cor. 5:19). ‘Be ye reconciled to God’ (2 Cor. 5:20). Katallage -- ‘The atonement’ (Rom. 5:11). ‘The reconciling of the world’ (Rom. 11:15). ‘The ministry of reconciliation’. ‘The word of reconciliation’ (2 Cor. 5:18,19). Apokatallasso -- ‘Reconcile (the) both’ (Eph. 2:16). ‘Reconcile all things’ (Col. 1:20). ‘You ... hath He reconciled’ (Col. 1:21). The translation of katallage by ‘atonement’ in the A.V. is somewhat misleading today, as the word no longer means ‘To make at one’ as it did in Shakespeare’s day. The fact that the A.V. uses the word ‘reconcile’ in the immediate context, shows that the translators must have chosen the word ‘atonement’ in Romans 5:11 with intention. They evidently felt it necessary to link the Old Testament typical offerings, that foreshadowed the true Atonement, with the one great antitypical Offering of Christ. We must accept the R.V. rendering, as being more in accord with modern usage, but we must avoid blaming the translators of the A.V. for the changes that time produces in language, for which, naturally, they cannot be held responsible. We should also be grateful that the A.V. rendering is a forceful reminder, that there can be no reconciliation that is not based upon the finished Work of Christ. Generally speaking, the Hebrew word translated ‘atonement’, corresponds with the Greek word translated ‘propitiation’ in Romans 3:25. No man can be said to ‘receive’ the atonement in the modern sense of the word; he does receive the at-one-ment, the result of the atoning sacrifice of Christ, which the reading of Romans 5:11 in the A.V. teaches. Cremer’s note on the two words katallasso and apokatallasso is suggestive: ‘Apo, referring to the state to be left, and kata to the state to be sought after ... katallasso is the setting up of a relationship of peace not existing before; apokatallasso is the restoration of a relationship of peace which has been disturbed; cf. apokathistemi, apokatorthos’. Exclusive to Paul Of all the New Testament writers, it will be observed that the words katallasso, katallage and apokatallasso are used only by Paul, for to him was committed the message of grace that provided complete acceptance in Christ for the sinner and the ungodly. Moreover, to Paul was entrusted that stewardship towards the Gentiles which: (1) Dealt with their alienation from God, in Adam, apart from personal sins (Rom. 5:12). (2) Dealt with their alienation from God as Gentile nations (Rom. 1:18 and 11:15). (3) Dealt with their alienation from God by sins personally committed (2 Cor. 5). (4) Dealt with the alienation perpetuated by the distinctions of circumcision and uncircumcision, which was abolished in the new man of the Mystery (Eph. 2). (5) Dealt with the alienation of the whole Church of the One Body from its destined sphere in the heavenlies, far above principalities and powers (Col. 1). Let us pass in review these five aspects of Reconciliation: (1) Reconciliation as it deals with the Alienation of Man from God in Adam (Rom. 5:12) This aspect of human need and Divine provision is scarcely touched upon in the Old Testament or in the Gospels. Paul is the only one who has anything to teach regarding Adam and his one great act of disobedience.
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