Conserve Your Food Supplies

Conserve Your Food Supplies

1166 PAGESPAGES JJIiiinficlft (£onvlW'%[tto& AVERAGVKRAGKE DAIMDAILilyY cincc-CIHjCC- IINN WHICHWHICH ISIS MERGED MERGED THTHEE LATIONI..n I"N I.ASTLAST WEWKRKI PLAINFIELPLAINFIELDD DAILYpAILY PRESSPRESS 7,5797,579 ruu.intu),|wwPL.U.>FIEM»,J(EW jekhky.JERSEY,, apu. it. iii Y. APRIL IT, 1»17 PRICEPRICE TWOTWO CENTSCENTS MUHLENBERG i CONSERVE YOUR OFFERSOFFERS 6063 ACRES ACRES PROGRAM FOR ffDHLENBERG1 1 CONSERVE YOUR PROGRAM FOR GIRL’SGIRL'S ASSAILANTSASSAILANTS FIRSFIRSTT ACTACT OFOF HOSTILITIESHOSTILITIES ONON FOFORR CULTIVATIONCULTIVATION TILLOTSONTILLOTSON CONCERTCONCERT BEFORE COURT STANDSTANDSS READYREADY FOODFOOD SUPPLIESSUPPLIES ! BEFORE COURT U.S. SINCE WAR WAS DECLARED JudgJudgee DeMezaDeMeia HeldHeld TwoTwo for fo r U.S. SINCE WAR WAS DECLARED JJ.. B.B .Schwabacher Schwa'oacher ofo iNew Ne wLyriLyricc SopranoSoprano WiDWill SingSing ToTo-- GrandGrand Jury—GaveJury—Gave OthOth-- Byfly United Unite Press:d Press : p Hospital National Cily Bank oi NewYorYorkk toto Allow Allow UseUse of o fHol- Hol - morrowmorrow EveningEvening inin Plain- Plain- F$ Hospital Mattes National Gty er*ers SixtySixty DaysDays Boston.Boston, AprilApril 17.—A17.—A German German torpedotorpedo was wa slaunched launched at at York Giv«» Timely Advice lyly CrestCr«t TractTract field HighHigh SchoolSchool ' QackQoiclt ReaponseResponse ttoo ReqaeA York Gh*i rollerIce ileutenulLieutenant Higgle,Hlggins andan dP»-. Pa- a, navalnava, l vessel,vessel, the,th e U. U .S. S S.. S destroyer. destroye. - rSmith, -Smith > from, •from a asubma- subrna - J.J. n.Ii .ftehwabacber, Schwabacher, ofo fNew New York, York TbsThe Dayna yNursery Nursery snOand the th enew new Or- Oi -troiman Martin waiah ye»teraa» after- rine at I Z.Zo o clock this morning. m the first engagement of •(of thethe Government Government jiflti TMiiiil ownerwner ofof the th eHolly Holly CraatCres t RealtyRealt y I tbopedi noon arrestedan s^aru nMichael waish Comlsky.yesterday Johnafter- '.1 rm ware at I Z.Zro o dock • thii s morning, in• thle 7first tot engagemenI t or ! thopedic Clinicls (which(which bishus been bt-uii estab- estab - ftrrefted Michael Conjlsky, John • ,1 - i- . • l ' • ? r>\ I Iran,ract; huhas offered olft-red tot oMayor Mayo r CalkinsCalUn s 1!Kbw , , Boric. Edward comhiiag and Joseph ‘he ewar - according to a wireless message received at Lharle*- thwthe freeTree Siteuse of o fthis this sixty siity-acr acree plotplo tof o f I lished' to treatit theth eUtile little -paralysis -paralysis vlo-vie - Vitei".. Edfcar>«“>«»«d conkifn whoseg anagesd rangeJoseph lownI t" Navy. accordin Yard. g to a wireless message received at Charles- Ueddj forfo rcultivation cultivation byb ycltlsens citizen s ofo f ; tlntalm8 ) 'SI MuhlenbergMuhlenberg Hofpltsl.Hospital , arear eto to ages range ! town Navy Yard-. CO-OPERATION IS URGED recelve te profits from I the concert organizations tblas dtycity ioto whom whom theth eMayor Mayo rmay ma yas- as-' rrcelre Ihe profits tram the concert wiih an attemptt to*to «nunMt commiold t/a*.'ir», charged The-Thn torpedoe .torped ,missedo misse andd an thed th submarinee submarin quicklye quickl disap-y disap - "IK 11 One On ore o morer inori lot*' lot su a las inbis. hi Judg-s JudE - \which which la toto tobe given givea WednesdayWednesday even- even - rcd 1 ment worn appropriate. ln«ins AprilApril 1*.is ,at athet tb riylDTl.lde Ptkinflel highd hig h*«»»“» aSI’rl.riSi'VSS^d*?? P“ sd-. T*Th'e destroyer destroyer was wa snot no damaged,t damaged but, bu wast wa unables unabl eto to Mr, Schw her. when seen school. The Cup Bearers' Circle of • kmu* Nsidm*. m iuo- tracetrac thee th enemye enem underseay underse boat.a boat . lilwnj Offer, U> Mr, Sch wa bar her. when seen by a school. The Cup Baariffs' Cleric of Association. Special representativepfcaentatl ofof the Courier-News,Courier-N King's Daughters has secured Miss .dolpbdolpb road,road, at 9:30 o'clock _laat. Son- King’s Daughter, has .-reared Mlaa iy night., Til is waters, still prohaMy well yesterday,yesfee said:id: queehaQueena Tlllotaon.TillotBon, thathe treated talented youngyoung [day night.i it 9:30 o'clock last SunTtalx- wm th* firxt aaiHMirance of • I adjacent walrra. still probably well kfW, Boy *">•*■. Mclir lyric -soprano, for tomorrow evening. '• ThThee girlgirl •waxis sente*n t byb yher he remployer employ bxlllgcrent submarine In American armed, causedcause ad greata grea stirt stiInr ahip-Injahlp - "I "wantedrained toto see se e MayorMayo rCalkins Calkl lyric -soprano, for tomorrow evening. I aavaL circles all along th* (Mn, etc.. Offer thisthis moraine,morning, butbu tarrived arrived ata thla hi sof- c MfaMia.s TlllotaonTillotson hasha ssupg sir.ig beforebefore Ini n !•to Nagle'n* drugug xtor*store laIQ Weal Wes t FrontFron t ! ««tersloe*« eli th« United State* en- ping sod naval circles sM aloug tha ficeflee alterafter hehe had bad left. left . 1 Ishall Bhal l call« PlainfieldPlalnAeld andand ail al lwho who heard he'ird herhe rthen then '' ffrerf. corner ofof AroveGrove street.sir^et - SheSh e tercfhod th war.e Tbe wfra/esawireles mas-s mes commt- [t upon him at his New York of flee t areare mostIHHM enthusiasticenthusiastic aboutab>>u ther he rvoice voice < wasis unfamiliarimtamili r withwith thatb eCity, city ,having having ' Mg*! sag ecame cam from Flra Island, off : Tha{ scoutcou crulsart cruise Chasterr Cheste to rtha in (ho upon him at hla New Yorki officeot to-th e I *n<* '"r Personality. EKHOUC should only been' hher#i re threethree daya,days , andan dwaa -w -outhern| th NewNew Kngland. England and, an wasd wa re-s re- l flagshipriagsfafp orof thethe big big patrol patro l fleelflee t bono w 1 iw. The sixty acres ot t! ukand etor udvanta personality.c ot tn Everyonee should A short Hate ago the Muhlf-o Tar Simla 'I^ust ompany, morrow. The sixty acres i ofsoi l the It' K opportunity to toldtoldFro toto w«ik walk downdown.Centra Centrall avenueavenue tot olaid j lai dto t othe t hNavyNav yYard Yar hered her bye bthey the ! guardingguarding thethe coast.coast, Thaf he 'number *numbW of of I. "! that franc'Up )rm«rat outlook 8ptaken 1ad a ventage of the of-portunlty HMpttai aathoritlra wept aeke.l Holly cmt tract la virgin Isoil.d Drivin It g spend* < a moatmo»t delightfuldelightfi^ eveningevening aaas flnd lhe °*dro •*«*!-,,ore where onler ahre,b sh wouldeop> h,r •Biaeoutd 1cruiser ,iseCheater,r Chest whiche richgave gave vesselsvessels on,nn dutydu 7 isla noto t known,known . but1 It «• Ooverament as to the bed et_ Ihere w«H to s lood shortagertage | jwgs was formerlyformerly theth ePlalnflold PI Driving ldlnB th chlI tDeir the .•her position as latitude 4' mill throughout the itrx uolema dram-draa-ipark Park,, locatedlocated nearnea r the PlalhlleldPlainflel d ! well as*f,/ aiding tha *childrenjl«» in» ntheir * * i P®***®" *• latitude 40. longitude. loi gltud e Is known thnfth 1 bothboh AmericanAmerican and dtr that COOM be furnished In rfae I 73. wblch Is about 130 mileB duedu eBritishBritish shipsBl areare engagedengaged Iinn pro-pro - rt.ff to Ip tillingtilling ] jCountry Country Club,Club ,and an dIs I seasllr easil yacceaal- iwn cltf The ed at the. drug stoi rf u ,..rt«ct The,, replied_Sat tie measures .ra- I be *k follows: tectingtectlng thethe ccoastast ffrom Halifax toI t m available, footi or-of 1land,; t, andandjbl hiee tot othe th eArllnitton Arlingto narenue aven trailertrolle y TbiTha programpr0Kraln will to m, follow. id heda would be placed at lbs pis- !•••»» avallkble r, 1 « redtJe..Scarlatti made her purchase, hut when she came Th# fact that th# submarinetrln ela I sin inpointspoint sfarfa r Ml th. of thd Ooverumellt at toce: *!•» "ra-allslbg realizing Ahat- iha t .Therhff"e *™ “t«n»many line,line ,tlhlch which runsrun slo t oHUIalde. Hlllsid 1 (a)(IJ a*^ Flortndopk,rln a f-d.1.,,b Srarlatll - tvpearu garden --[ intensely Inteies (b) Care Selv (by Special re- more oo tweoty-four hours'1 I’eople who could ulffrat*er m garden ■[ , Bnm )Intenraly In the >" tlL, Hande, d"-nl dm - ,ad sreater rapacity., on-. .reu- .- patches It— the land1 lin d Terh£ made avail-1ii aark ull oral preparedness movement , tin-. TheTh efour You rmen mi .tood on th- ror- e\cri:pn( al'lt' to them, and. further, that the 4,M( wottld co LTljilev. *' • aer and vitelll asked aotlra. This la an eicellent | kbleoa; lo them, ,nd, ier. that tha and would consider It s crime did I — -•f ." M-V--I,ldnt. Hh-‘■"'1 rvjillod VHoltl thntaakrd .to bvr w.ntod It .hv townn SHORTSHORT NEWSNEW S ITEMSITEM S FROMFROM THETHE WAR WAR ZONE ZONE __e io the present«nt need.,needs/an andd It,lt| ownersnera ofo fi>a<*nt ivackn t lt>ujanandd arreale;.< i • •,,*• permitf;. ,.,,, :,this tn traetUt of land to lie Idle. Joat. She p H nude without impairing the- tacili- In aRd about p)alnfi4ld jwould doubt- (j,!s »,lralapr, MImiMIBB rilfolao,Tillotsoti nnd- An rrntnffd Centnf nvrnu-l On lb. pretext of I B ...»PrM ’ u mad. without Impairing the faclll- In slid about PJalnBqld Would doubt lc ly United Press: .By Uni tielie.s torIer lshins taking carecare ofo fordinary ordinary andan dIce* '• les sbe b verye ver yglad "jla dlo t.permito tpermf thelt thei r prPSf(ient Governor of every Sate ' 2* (a);**'•< Vl-llt- "*" rhanaon ^«™mw» .qjmrgoa. .**ywis« !BlxotBize t takingtaking ht-H her !to that Hr—L b« Y «»*>*« « .By Dahod Pra..- Masl local requirements. 'land t° be «ulttVated| ls;glad to place an(1 tne Mavor8 o, ci,|eB are Ur-Kfnc I <b).L*(hi. Lo.s Fapillons Papllton.. .Err&s Em—tt Ch fhnu*oni ide>n,'ben hor' he rrin t oMadison .Madfso.Mad navrhut- avehu eand an Randolphd Randolph , ! BoonoaBueno Alroa.s Aires April, Apri IT.—Th-l 17.—Th pa-e paBerlin- Berli tvtan iviLondon).a London) April, ApriIT.-»l l-7.-« —I loMl requirements lead to to nitrated l.jffUd I, pl^ „„ ,,r Mayor, of dUea are edging Re Fl TOTo meetmeet thl.this emergencyemergency demanddemand b«th eclerics clerica fo«»l fot* eof o1 fdReal H« Rea Estatel Estat e thp*,e p#oplpl.

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