; • ^§l %t$ ...... t '»' .•••'. ! - - *i J ' ' ' jjflTT - V '."• ^^r^y^tryp*^' • &^> •«*«?*-. Jsa^Bws -&& J NCWC Compilation chow (Expelled); Bishop Assuero ! Rancans, Auxiliary of Riga (Tn & J. Bassl, S.X., of Loyang (Un­ exile). Friday/ fr ml der house arrest); Bishop Stanis­ January 1, 1954 laus Beaudry, M.E.P., .of Ning- LITHUANIA yuan (Expelled); Bishop Lorenzo Archbishop Joseph Skvlreckas IBS Members Of Hierarchy Bianchi, P.I.M.E., of Hong Kpng of Kaunas <In exile); Archbishop fchimrak, Ordijjaitfox %M Bv*ajL (Barred from Red part of dio­ Miecislaus Reinys, Auxiliary of tine-Rite See iii Ktfft&vftatf cese); .Bishop Rene Boisguerin.j Wilna (amprisoned); Bishop Vin­ dered In prison); BishopFrancis M.E.P., 6f Suifu (Expelled,-: Bish­ cent Borisevicius of Telsiai (Mur­ Franic, Auxiliary of^plMttf. Listed As Red Terror Victims op Theodore Breher, OStB., of dered by Soviets); Bishop Theo- ducted-Into army); BJshop Jo» V Yenkl (Expelled; later died in seph PaVlislq, Auxiliary of, Senj (N.C.W.C: NEWS SERVICE) inors — the latter serving as Pre-i The N.C.W.C. list contains the phlle Matullonis of Knisedorys Switzerland); Bishop Alessandro (Reportedly died in Soviet pris­ (inductfed into mm. ftshop - Marxist hatred • of religion j fects, Administrators or Visit* names of'13 American-born pre Carlo, M.E.P., of Lanlung f Ex­ Joseph /Stefan Oaflc, '<&{» HL," fori has brought death,, imprison-i tors Apostolic-~- have been vie- on); Bishop Vincent Padolskis, lates. Terr suffered persecution.in, pelled and- <tied- in route out of former Auxiliary of Vilkaviskls mer'{^'eMe"ufuli? Bishop of Banjalufe i (Died I 1 meat, expulsion and suffering i tlms of Gommunist persecution. T 1947K J$r China, two in Red Korea-arid one China); Bishop Ferruccio Ceol, (In exile); Bishop Vincent Briz- _ _| to 185 Bishops and other | They have been either murder- in Red Rumania. ed O.F.M., of Kichow (Expelled); gys, Auxiliary of Kaunas ' (In heads of sees throughout thel V imprisoned,, expelled or are The list shows that 23 Bishops Bishop Job Chen, CM., of Cheng- exile); Bishop Francis Ramanaus- world. • : otherwise impeded from exercis- were murdered, executed or died ting (In Exile); Bishop Mario in heir offlce kas. Auxiliary of Telsiai (Impris­ JAn exhaustive survey by thel S * - as a result of Communist brutal­ Civelli, P.I.M.E., Wolhwei (Ex­ oned). N.C.W.C. NEW SERVICE shows Tnese m0**1"" -confessors and ity. Thirty-eight Bishops''" arid pelled),'. how decisively international com.'martyrs dot almost every part other heads of Sees are known to' POLAND e lobe Bishop Patrick Cleary, S.S.C., munlsm has taken to itself the"^* *" S where Communism be In prison. Seventy-four have of Nancheng (Expelled); Bishop has seized power. They lie in been expelled from the land of " Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski, persecutor's mantle dropped suc­ Philip Cote, S.J., of Suchow Primate of Poland (Under ar­ cessively by Nero when he' killed humble graves and languish In their work. Fifteen are in exile; (American) (Expelled); Bishop Red dungeons from Chechoslo­ others have died in exile. Twenty- rest); Archbishop Eugene Baziak himself and by Decius when he Andrew Defebvre. CM., of Ning- of Lwow (Under arrest); Bishop vakia in the West to Korea In two are,under some form of ar­ po (In prison); Bishop Leo de was defeated, killed and buried the .Far /East. rest. The remaining Bishops on Stanislaw Adamski of Katowice In an unknown grave in the Smedt, C.I.C.M., of Siwantze (Under arrest); Bishop Ceslaus Despite the impressive number the list are In some other way (Died in prison); Bisnop Jean de marshes of Dobrudscha. of names, the N.C.W.C. list does permanently barred from per­ Kaczmarek of Ktelce (Sentenced Vienne, CM., of Tientsin (Ex­ to 12 years in prison); Bishop THIS XJST compiled by the not mention every Bishop or head forming their offlce. pelled); Bishop Peter Josieph Fan Karl Maria Splett of Gdansk • of "See' who has ever suffered at N.CW.CTNEWS SERVICE shows, The arch-persecutor of ihe CARDINAL STEPINAC of Paoting (Imprisoned); Bishop (Danzig) (Confined to monas­ SPECIAL Communist hands. It names only Church, according to the list, BISHOP SLOSKANS thai four Cardinals,^ 32 Archbish­ 'Impeded' Alfonso Ferroni, O.F.M., of Lao- tery); Bishop Herbert Bednorz, FOR those who have been murdered. Is Communist China. Mao Tse- hokow (Imprisoned); , Bishop •Exiled* t ops, 117 Bishops and 32 Monsig. to the army in an apparent effort Apostolic of Shaowu (Expelled); Coadjutor of Katowice (Under ar­ tung's attempts to "purify" Francis X.' Ford, M.M.; of Kaying rest); Bishop Anton Baraniak, NEW YEAR Christianity have resulted In 96 to keep them from discharging Msgr. Blaise Kurz, O.F.M., Pre­ their office. (American) (Died in prison); Auxiliary of Cniezno (Under ar­ LOVELY FRESH'LAVENDER '1 victims anions' the Hierarchy. Bishop August Gaspais, M.E.P., fect Apostolic of Yungchow While not listed under the per­ (Barrtd from See); Msgr. Ferdi­ rest); Bishop Lucian Bernacki Seventy-three Bishops and oth­ of KIrin (Expelled; later! died in ViGar General of Gniezno (Un ORCHID CORSAGE 1 er heads of sees have been ex­ secuted Bishops special attention nand Loy, S.V.D., Prefect Apos­ must be drawn to the many Bish­ France); Bishop Edward Galvin, $ pelled. Nine are in prison. Five S.S.C.. of Hangyang (Expelled); tolic of Sinkiang (Expelled); ,der_arrest): Bishop Julius Bien- '".% ops in Yugoslavia who have been "~t; have died of . Bed brutality. Bishop Peter Grimm, O.F.M., Msgr. Peter Maled^lu, O.F.M iek, Auxiliary of Katbflce *3.49 i Three are In exile.. Three are beaten, bruised and bloodied by Conv., Prefect Apostc/lic of Hing- (Under arrest); Bishop Stanislaw WHITE organized mobs of Communist Cap., of /Tslnchow OExpelled); barred from their Sees and an­ Bishop Edgar Haering O.F.M., anfu (Expelled); Msgr. Tarcisius Rospond, former Auxiliary of other is impeded in the exer- ruffians. One of these Bishops — Martina..._ „,, C.P.S.._ , Prefec_,.,.t. ..Apostoli, wc Cracow 'Under arrest); Msgr. ORCHID COBSflGE of Shohchow (Expelled"); Bish- **l ''*- I - . else of his office. Bjshop Cyril Banic, ApostolicAd- ^f-YIhsica.. iSen tcaciSdLJo Jj^im-l-Wo^ech^^kT-^ear^apfttrfarof1 •* ' / 5 - The -Peking~*egime- 4s^guilty-...ministrator—.of—Siheafa ^ ^sfXOJ_-^€ra«i---Herrero—GarrotiT prisonment); Msgr. Hippoiyte Olsztyn (Under arrest). «•'- i of the persecution of one Cardi­ flogged so brutally that months Martinez, O.E.S.A" Prefect "AIT O.E.S.A., of Changteh (Ex­ RUSSIA nal — His Eminence Thomas Car­ later he has still hot been able pelled); JBishop Francis Hoo- ostolic of Llchow (Expelled); OPEN NEW YEARS dinal Tien — 18 Archbishops, 54 to resume his episcopal duties. waarts, S.V.D., of Tsaochow (Ex­ Msgr. Peter Morettl, O.F.M., Pre­ . Archbishop John Cieplak, Aux­ IVE Till 9 P.M. • Bishops and 23 Monsignors. Here, country by country, fol­ pelled). fect Apostolic of Tungchow (Ex­ iliary of Mogilev (Sentenced to < low the names and fal«s of the pelled); Msgr. Gustave Prevost, prison; died in exile); Bisnop Bol- i4 Of the ten American persecut­ Bishop Rembert Kowalskl, /3<<isu:Aa. t<rZ 185 victims of Communist per­ O.F.M., of*Vuc|hang (American) S.F.M.. Prefect Apostolic of Lin- eslaus Sloskans, Apostolic Admin -Ji ed by the Chinese Reds, Ave secution: tyng-44mprisened)T Msgr. Gabriel jistrator-orMtmR" rExTTea") jTHTsgr." BJsJioisJL9JDd^hree_J^caislgnocs-j-fc (Expelled); Bishop Francis.Kra­ mer, O.fM.', of Luan (Expelled); Quint O.F.M., Prefect Apostolic August Baumtrog, Apostolic-Ad 58 Lake Ave. BA 9494 Were expelled; one — Bishop ALBANIA 3•$ Francis X. Ford, M.M. — died in Bishop Ignatius Krause, C M., of of Weihaiwei (Imprisoned); mlnistrator of the Volga (Impris­ rLENTY FREE PARKING Archbishop Nicholas Prrnnushl, IShunte h (Expelled); Bishop Lu- Msgr. John Romaniello, . M.M., oned); Msgr. Michael Juodokas, i Jt'e a fambl* you usedn't take Prefect Apostolic of Kweilin Apostolic Administrator of the ..~r.-..S,i. •J: TmSLJ.™i™Ambrose Pinger , O.F.M**\r . — ^S'O.F.M.is still . of Durres (DM In Pris-' cien Lacoster. S.C.J., of Tali (Ex whan thcre'i an expert who.caa on); Blsh6p Francis Gjini of Lezh i pelledl: Bishop Ignatius Larrana- Kazan (Exiled); Msgr. Casimir 4 in prison. .*>• pack your houiehold food*, (Executed); Bishop George Volaj ga, O.F.M.. Cap. of Pingliang (E* Naskrecky, Vice-Administrator move then to your new bom* THE COUNTRY with the next of Sappa (Executed). polled); Bishop-elect Gaspar Lis Apostolic of Zytomir (Exiled); New Year's or store them in the finest fire­ .largest number of persecuted cherong, S.J., of Taming < Under Msgr. Ivan Roth, Apostolic Ad­ proof warehouse in your com­ Bishops against its records is So­ BULGARIA house arrest); Bishop Joseph ministrator of the Caucasus (Im­ munity . often at less cost viet Russia with 29. This includes Maggl. P.I.M.E., of Hanchung prisoned) ; Msgr. Theolphile Skal Eve...: than it would take to replace Bishop Eugen Bossilk'nY, C.P., not only Russia proper but also of Nikopol (Sentenced to death, (Expelled); Bishop Gaotano Mig- «kl, Administrator Apostolic of It damaged goods. Free estimate the three Baltic countries (Es­ nanl, CM., of Kian lExpelled); Zytomir (Exiled); Msgr. Ivan ' on request, but believed still alive in prison); tonia, Latvia and Lithuania) Bishop John Romanoff. Vicar Ap­ Bishop Cuthbert O'Gara, G.P., of Swlderskt, Apostolic Adminlstra OPEN ABF. GkOJSSZ gobbled up by the Kremlin and ostolic of Sofia and Plovdiv (In Yuanllng (Expelled); Rishop Au­ tor of Kamleniec (Exiled). BLANCHARD the large slice of Polish-Ukraini­ prison; facing "trial"). gust Olbert, S.V.D., of Tsingtao 'IS Ye»r*'' (Expelled).
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