Pleasanton CAMP CONNECTION It’s not too soon to line up summer Weekly activities for the kids >> 16 6/,8))) .5-"%2s&%"25!29 WWW.PLEASANTONWEEKLY.COM SNIFFING OUT Drug dogs keep kids on short TROUBLE leash PG 12 INSIDE THIS WEEK BUSINESS NEWS 7 ■ NEWS: Police to pay more toward pensions 5 ■ NEWS: Desperately seeking bone marrow 5 TRI-VALLEY LIFE 9 ■ LIVING: 104 and still going strong 9 SECTIONS Arts & Entertainment NEW The winter months are typically a challenging time CLOCK REPAIR Timely Service for blood collection due to busy holiday schedules Free Estimates and inclement weather. Free Pick-up & Delivery in Tri-Valley But the need for blood is constant. Byfield’s Clock Shop Call (925) 736-9165 The American Red Cross invites you to visit / iÊÀi>½ÃÊÃÌÊ «iÌi its Pleasanton Blood Donation Center. In addition to collecting whole blood, the 7`ÜÀ}Ê/Ê-ÌÀit center has recently expanded to collect UÊ7"" 7", Ê -- - double red cells and platelets—making it UÊ>`ÊEÊ*ÜiÀÊ/à UÊ*ÜiÀÊ/ÊVViÃÃÀià a convenient destination for local blood UÊ,ÕÌiÀÃÊEÊVViÃÃÀià UÊ >ÀÛ}Ê/ÃÊEÊ Ãià donors of all types. UÊ7ÀLiV ià UÊ>À`Ü`ÃÊEÊ ÝÌVà Every two seconds, someone needs blood. You can do your UÊ->`}ÊEÊ-VÀ>«} UÊ7`LÕÀ} part to help save a life by donating blood at your local Red Cross. Please UÊ6ÃiÃÊEÊ >«Ã UÊiÃÊEÊ,>ëà call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit redcrossblood.org. UÊ*ÀiVÌÊÌÃÊEÊ-Õ««ià UÊ*>iÃÊEÊ->Üà Pleasanton Blood Donation Center UÊ7`LÀ}Ê/à UÊ- >À«i}Ê-Õ««ià 5556-B Springdale Avenue - Near the Stoneridge Mall UÊà }Ê-Õ««ià UÊ->viÌÞÊ µÕ«iÌ Donate Whole Blood or Double Red Cells UÊ7`ÌÕÀ} UÊ>À`Ü>Ài Monday, Friday and Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. UÊ>À}ÊEÊi>ÃÕÀ} Tuesday through Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. UÊ >LiÌÊ>}Ê-Õ««ià À}ÊÊÌ ÃÊ>`ÊvÀÊ>Ê UÊ- «ÊVViÃÃÀià Donate Platelets , Êi>ÃÕÀ}Ê/>«iI UÊ ÃÊEÊ6`ià Friday - Monday from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Èä{{Ê Õ} iÀÌÞÊ,` ÕL]Ê Ê{xÈnÊUÊÓxnÇxnn ]Ê/Õi]Ê7i`]ÊÀÊ>ÊÊÇ« / ÕÀÃÊ>ÊÊ«ÆÊ->ÌÊ>ÊÊÈ«ÆÊ-ÕÊ>ÊÊx« I-Õ««iÃÊÌi` Page 2ÊUÊFebruary 3, 2012ÊUÊPleasanton Weekly AROUND GRAHAM-HITCH What is all the HYPE MORTUARY about HARP 2.0? PLEASANTON Dignified Care Can’t refinance due to: & Compassionate Service BY JEB BING UÊÌÌiÊÀÊÊiµÕÌÞÊÊÞÕÀÊ i¶ Since 1891 UÊ>ÊL>>ViÊÀiÊÌ >ÊÞÕÀÊ iÊÃÊÜÀÌ ¶ Help is here! Refinance at today’s best rates. Off to You may now be able to get a loan at today’s lower rates with the new Home Amsterdam Affordable Refinance Program (HARP 2.0). Upcoming changes make it easier to to play the organ qualify! Marylou Edwards Voted Best Mortgage mericans travel to Amster- Professional dam for various reasons, but Mortgage Planner seldom, if ever, do you hear 925.398.0211 " ÊUÊ925.285.5333 CELL A 2011 2010 about someone going there for a {>ÀÞÕJVV>ÃÌ°iÌÊUÊÜÜÜ°>ÀÞÕi`Ü>À`ðV meeting of the city’s Hammond Advance Planning ViÃi`ÊLÞÊÌ iÊ i«>ÀÌiÌÊvÊ À«À>ÌÃÊÕ`iÀÊÌ iÊ Organ Club. But Pleasanton’s well- Made Easy >vÀ>Ê,iÃ`iÌ>ÊÀÌ}>}iÊi`}ÊVÌ°Ê -ÊÓΣn£{ known musical team of Julie and Don Lewis were there a few weeks Call Deanna for a FREE ago as hundreds of the world’s top consultation. In-home organists spent a weekend per- Don and Julie Lewis with special rec- visits available. forming for each other. ognition they received from the Rotary Don Lewis, the renowned pianist Club of Amsterdam. who performs around the country 4167 First Street, Pleasanton $10.00 Per Unit and most recently at a pre-Christ- Botox® Treatment Always!!! mas musical celebration at the synthesizer specialty in perfor- 925-846-5624 Pleasanton Firehouse Arts Center, mances, he and Julie still have fond Crematory Privately Owned started playing the organ as a teen- memories of their years with Ham- & Operated ager. When he began playing pro- mond. To prepare for his perfor- FD#429 fessionally, he found the new Ham- mance in Amsterdam, playing on mond organ more versatile and an older Hammond organ model, bought one in 1968. A Hammond the two retrieved the same model Organ Co. executive heard him they had placed in storage 27 years Pleasanton Look Better. Feel Better. Be Better play at a concert in Denver and ago and restored it in their Mission ® asked him to represent the firm Park neighborhood home. Then NOW OFFERING ZERONA BODY SLIMMING at its booth at the 1969 National they left for Amsterdam. Zerona® is the only clinically-proven non-invasive Association of Music Merchants With all of the new technology laser slimming treatment that removes fat and trade show in Chicago. He was an and variety of organ-sounding reduces inches with: overnight success and in the next music on the market today, they FREE s:%2/PAINs:%2/SURGERYs:%2/DOWNTIME few years represented Hammond found the Amsterdam club “an Lose 1 dress size in 2 weeks! at shows that took him throughout amazing experience.” With 400 daily email digest! BeforeAfter Before After the country and to Europe, South- members, it’s the largest club of east Asia, Australia and Japan. its kind in the world with aficio- Top local stories and Along the way, and with Julie, nados playing Hammond organs his wife of 34 years, often at his dating back into the 1930s when hot picks delivered side and his business manager, the company was founded. One to your email inbox #ALLFOR9OUR&2%%#ONSULTATION he bought a few more Hammond organist, who came to the Am- ,UNCH %VENING3ATURDAYAPPTSAVAILABLE#ALL -9 "/4/8 and other brand-name organs, al- sterdam 20th anniversary meeting every weekday. ways enthused by the new sounds of the club from Finland, has 350 *i>Ã>ÌÊUÊÓxÊn{ÈxÈ£{ manufacturers were producing. He Hammond organs stored near Sign up online at ÎÇ{Ê-Ì°Ê>ÀÞÊ-Ì° even added a few sounds of his NORCAL his home, all in pristine condi- ->Ê,>ÊUÊÓxÊnÎÇÈ{ää own, becoming in recent years an tion. Others played on different PleasantonWeekly.com Weight Loss Center ÓÇä£Ê ÀÜÊ >ÞÊ Û`° expert in synthesizers with multi- models of the Hammond, “belting keyboard setups consisting of an out” tunes from their days play- organ and monophonic keyboards. ing pipe organs to two teenage Those were challenging days for girls who jazzed up their perfor- Don Lewis, who often stretched his mance well beyond what most of arms to the limit just to reach the us could imagine coming from keyboards around him. So he de- a Hammond organ. Don Lewis, cided to design a keyboard console again with Julie cheering him on, that would allow better access to was the last to play, having come the synthesizer and keyboards for the farthest for the celebration. performance, eventually encasing The “ClassJazz” organist brought the instrument he named LEO into down the house, with loud ap- a clear acrylic case. As a singer, he plause throughout his concert. was given more freedom by LEO to Don Lewis, by the way, will perform with more dynamics and play at the Ardenwood Elemen- TAKING THE CONCEPT OF unique sounds in concerts around tary School in Fremont today, the Bay and beyond. After one jam- with Julie helping him move SERVICE TO A NEW LEVEL. packed performance at the famed their organ synthesizer from their London House in Chicago, where home, into their van and into the % #$ $ he blended his pop/jazz/classical school auditorium. School Super- artistry together, a Chicago Sun- intendent Parvin Ahmadi wants % $ # Times nightclub reviewer labeled the Lewises to perform at Pleasan- Lewis as the “ClassJazz Organist,” a ton schools, and later this month, description that has stuck. Don Lewis will perform again at % " Although Don Lewis no longer the Bethel A.M.E. church in San represents Hammond Organ and Francisco when it celebrates its has long ago moved to his own 160th anniversary. N $!"" About the Cover Falco, a 2-year-old German shepherd from the Czech Republic, sniffs for drugs 925.939.3333 under the supervision of his handler, Officer Mark Sheldon. Photo by Glenn 2791 North Main St., Walnut Creek Wohltmann. Cover design by Kristin Herman. Vol. XIII, Number 3 www.lawrencevolvo.com Pleasanton WeeklyÊUÊFebruary 3, 2012ÊU Page 3 #6*-%*/(#&55&3/&*()#03)00%4 'FODFTt%FDLT Retaining Walls Streetwise "SCPSTt5SFMMJTFT ASKED AROUND TOWN Ornamental Iron $IBJO-JOL Since you live on the West Coast, are 7JOZM'FODJOHt3FQBJST "LINDS 3HADES 'FODF%FDL3FTUPSBUJPO 3HUTTERS you interested in the Super Bowl this ANDMOREx year? Sara Williams Student Over 20 years of Your local fence company I’ll be watching it, but not with nearly as for over 13 years s%XCEPTIONAL much interest as I would have been if the #USTOMER3ERVICE 49ers were in it. They had such a great sea- 575 Boulder Court, Pleasanton 925.426.9620 s(IGHEST1UALITY son this year. www.BorgFence.com 0RODUCTS s'REAT3ELECTIONS DIABLO FLOORING, INC We also do… Daniel Riskin UÊ ÕÃÌÊ À>«iÀià Furniture sales UÊÌÀâ>Ì Not really. I’m not a huge football fan, but UÊ,i«>Àà CARPET • HARDWOOD • LAMINATE • TILE • VINYL if the 49ers were in it, I would’ve requested Diablo Flooring Inc. is here to bring the best possible pricing with the most beautiful Sunday off. Since they’re not playing, I’ll and complete installation to the Bay Area. We are a small store which lets us give you probably just work.
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