2012 April Visit online: www.atu587.com VOL. XXXV, NO. 4 The President’s Report by President, Paul J. Bachtel SHOULD 587 JOIN THE OCCUPY MOVEMENT? Page 3 APRIL Take this Job and… LABOR HISTORY CALENDAR Page 3 MORE ABOUT THE THREE LEGGED STOOL ing County Metro (KCM) is Local 587 enjoys a good working ment. The only exemptions from Page 4 required under the Ameri- relationship with Seattle Personal this asinine policy are provided cans with Disabilities Act to Transit. Unfortunately, I can’t re- by protected leaves such as Family THE METRO EMPLOYEES HISTORIC Kprovide Access service to residents port the same for First Transit. First Medical Leave Act and Washington VEHICLE ASSOCIAtion — MEHVA of King County who aren’t quite up Transit, nationally, has a well known Family Care Act. to riding the bus. For those of you reputation for having an antiunion Adding insult to injury First Tran- Page 5 unfamiliar with Access service, it’s bias. Its management hasn’t fig ured sit has decided to openly violate its LETTERS TO THE EDITOR provided with accessible vans com- out that King County is a labor contract with ATU in the assignment monly seen transferring passengers friendly community and continues of mandatory overtime. Like most Page 6 at park-and ride lots. KCM utilizes to perpetuate First Transit’s national transit labor agreements overtime three subcontractors to provide this reputation here in King County. is to be first assigned to volunteers HAVE YOU VOTED YET? service. One of the contractors (First Working for First Transit is dif- in seniority order then forced in Transit) operates a Call Center for fic ult at best, not on ly because of t he inverse seniority order from the Page 6 KCM located on the second floor antiunion bias, but also because First bottom of the seniority list up. First of the Exchange Building. The Call Transit employees, working under Transit has chosen to openly violate PEDS ARE HAZARDOUS Center, among other tasks, takes their first union contract, elected this assignment process and mem- TO YOUR BUDGET reservations, creates schedules, and to maintain a punitive attendance bers appear to be too frightened dispatches KCM Access vans. The penalty points policy that existed to file a grievance. Perhaps that’s Page 7 other two subcontractors (Veolia prior to unionization in exchange for because those who complain or elect THE BIRTH OF METRO Transportation and Seattle Personal an attendance bonus. This language to serve as shop steward seem to be Transit) provide the actual van ser- was perpetuated against the advice fired far too frequently. Page 8 vice. Drivers working for Seattle of the Union. In recent months we have seen Personal Transit are represented by Under the current contract with one member pass away unexpect- THE VIEW FROM Local 587 and drivers working for First Transit, members can be forced edly (a 32 year old single mother) THE BUSES Veolia have yet to be organized. We to work seven days a week for an un- and another member carried out are actively attempting to organize limited amount of time, and if they on a stretcher. First Transit issued Page 12 Veolia drivers and also have an call in sick, are assessed attendance attendance penalty points to the open invitation to KCM, to negotiate penalty points for missing work. The member who left on a stretcher. I bringing all three of these subcon- attendance penalty points can and was surprised when First Transit tracts in-house. do lead to termination of employ- continued on page 12 April 2012 The Month at a Glance Membership Meetings: Executive Board Tentative Agenda Report CHARTER MEETING JEFFERSON TRANSIT March 29, 2012 Thursday, April 5, 2012 Monday, April 9, 2012 8:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. All officers were present with Motion: By Clint DeVoss to The Labor Temple, Hall #1 Port Townsend Rec Center the exception of Executive Board increase sending from six to nine 2800 1st Ave., Seattle, WA Port Townsend, WA Officers Wakenight, Safrin, and members to attend the LERA Con- Anderson were excused. ference from April 26th thru April MORNING MEETING CLALLAM TRANSIT The following business was 27th paying registration and detail Friday, April 6, 2012 Tuesday, April 10, 2012 conducted: time. 10:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Motion: By Michael Moore to Motion: By Michael Shea to send The Labor Temple, Hall #8 Vern Burton Memorial Building send up to five members to the up to three members to attend the 2800 1st Ave., Seattle, WA Port Angeles, WA Northwest Conference in Calvary ATU International Women Confer- Alberta, Canada from May 31st thru ence in Las Vegas, Nevada from June nd st th WEDnesDAY MEETING June 2 paying registration, travel, 21 to June 24 paying registration, Wednesday, April 11, 2012 lodging, per diem and contributing travel, lodging, and per diem. 3:30 p.m. up to $2000.00 toward a meal at the The Labor Temple, Hall #1 conference. 2800 1st Ave., Seattle, WA Among Topics to be Discussed: Business of Grievance and Arbitration Update Unfinished Business: None the Membership At the March 2012 cycle of mem- Washington for all Local 587 mem- bership meetings the following bers retiring from Local 587 and business was addressed: electing to join our Local Retiree’s The Membership approved the Chapter. Motion passed. In Loving Memory… Bylaw proposals Article X, Section The following members were 5, and Article III, Section 2. March pot draw winners: Tamieko The Membership approved the Cook at the Charter meeting, Heath- “Inspiration does not come from the quote itself, recommendation that the griev- er Raleigh at the Morning meeting, but rather the person behind it.” ance of Antonio Bridges pursued Carol Headley at the JTA meeting, ~ Russ Myers to arbitration. Barbara Dixon at the CTS meeting Motion by: Paul Bachtel to pur- and David Larrabee lost rolling pot c h a s e a fi r st yea r memb er sh ip i n t he draw of $200.00 next month’s rolling Joe Glen the last few months. Brother Glen Retired Public Employees Council of pot will be $250.00. started @ passed away on March 4, 2012. KCM as Sig- Submitted by Bill Wallace, nal & Com- Sound Transit Light Rail, Signals munications & Communications. Te c h n ic i a n (February 28, Bert Harrison retired from Arbitration Update 2008) 10 months before the Link Metro King County on January Light Rail started revenue service 1, 1978. Brother Harrison joined with 5 other techs. the Local in August of 1946. He 1. Ray Beltran: Grieved withdrawn 5. Frederic Segelbaum: Grieved by Local 587. termination for alleged gross mis- He jumped right in on the train- passed on February 21, 2012. conduct, scheduled May 15, 2012. ing, bringing his experience with 2. Christopher McClure: Grieved BNSF into play. Always looking to David T. Lowe retired from suspension for alleged negligence 6. Michael Gallagher: Grieved ter- be a part of the action & always Metro King County September in derailment, Held for February mination for alleged falsification, willing to help out, he made most 1, 1991. Brother Lowe joined the 28, 2012. Awaiting Decision scheduled May 11 & 17, 2012. people appreciate his work ethics, Local in 1964. He passed away on 3. Ernest Kirschnick: Grieved ter- 7. Richard Wischman: Scheduled his gung ho attitude, & his smile. June 19, 2009. mination for alleged violation for 7-25-2012 Joe started the saying “ I’ve got it, of Metro policy, scheduled April I’ll get it, I’ll do it” which the crew George Green retired from 4&6 2012. 8. Symantha Cola: Grieved sus- picked up & is using as its motto. Metro king County August 1, pension for alleged misconduct, Joe’s passing from cancer end- 2002. Brother Green joined the 4. Thomas Miller: Grieved failure of scheduled June 15, 2012. ed after a yearlong battle, during Local in June of 1969. He passed Metro to upgrade a Mechanic to 9. Antonio Bridges: Grieved suspen- which he stayed working until away on February 7, 2012. Lead enabling skimming of Local 587 work by a Local 587 member sion for alleged Personal Electronic working in a Local 17 capacity, Device use while operating a Metro Please notify the union office of any member’s passing so that this vehicle. Scheduled June 27, 2012. information may be shared with the rest of our union family. scheduled for 4-2-2012 OFFICERS OF THE AMALGAMATED TRANSIT UNION, LOCAL 587: Letters to the editor Letters/contributions must include PAUL J. BACHTEL Pres/Business Agent Minority Affairs Office RAY Campbell email – [email protected] Vehicle Maintenance Position #1 Kermit C. Gipson JR. printed names, signatures, work ID Vehicle Maintenance Position #2 Patrick Stevens numbers, addresses and phone numbers J. RICK SEPOLEN 1st Vice President/Assistant Vehicle Maintenance Position #3 Clint DE Voss Business Agent / email – [email protected] Facilities Maintenance Dan Thorne that can be verified during working Supervisors Michael Shea hours. Letters that cannot be validated DON MacADAM 2nd Vice President/ Special Classifications Eric Butler King County Units Outside KCM Ninus Hopkins will not be published. All articles/letters Assistant Business Agent, Maintenance Transit Operator Position #1 Neal Safrin email – [email protected] Transit Operator Position #2 Michael Moore are subject to editing and should be Published monthly in Seattle. Transit Operator Position #3 Dee Wakenight limited to 1000 words or less. Not all PAUL B. NEIL Financial Secretary Transit Operator Position #4 Lisa Nault Official publication of Amalgamated email – [email protected] Transit Operator Position #5 Andrew JeromskY letters can be published due to space Transit Operator Position #6 Hal Poor limitations.
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