APPENDICES TABLE 1 Panel DOLS Pooled Cointegration Regression Regressor Coefficient t-statistic HAC1 t-stat HAC2 t-stat i1 3.7160 108.52 37.120 37.569 i2 4.6468 133.37 45.619 48.386 i3 1.0164 29.048 9.9356 10.222 i4 1.6683 48.990 16.757 15.561 i5 1.6699 49.058 16.780 17.422 i6 5.8677 157.33 53.813 52.781 i7 2.5289 70.509 24.117 25.594 i8 2.7875 78.022 26.687 28.698 i9 0.45781 12.674 4.3350 4.6751 i10 5.4883 145.35 49.716 50.953 i11 0.70875 19.233 6.5786 7.0832 i12 8.2066 221.32 75.702 80.738 i13 6.4465 185.39 63.410 52.749 i14 4.6049 132.68 45.383 49.261 i15 2.9035 82.138 28.095 28.201 i16 2.7444 77.247 26.422 27.986 i17 5.8659 148.57 50.816 51.405 i18 4.4946 94.021 32.159 32.782 i19 3.0394 85.143 29.123 28.673 Pt 1.0548 135.52 46.354 49.7 * -1.2718 -93.223 -31.886 -32.678 P t D Pt-1 -0.15222 -6.6800 -2.2849 -2.8023 D Pt-2 -0.10378 -4.5709 -1.5634 -2.4335 D Pt-3 -0.050042 -2.2242 -0.76077 -1.4597 D Pt -0.24138 -10.547 -3.6075 -3.7043 D Pt+1 0.086649 3.8252 1.3084 2.2695 D Pt+2 0.078513 3.4762 1.1890 2.1963 D Pt+3 0.065758 2.9331 1.0032 2.0468 * 0.13238 2.8622 0.97900 1.5970 D P t-1 * 0.060708 1.3156 0.44999 0.90354 D P t-2 * -0.012088 -0.26339 -0.090092 -0.21970 D P t-3 * 0.25609 5.5231 1.8891 2.6229 D P t * -0.18241 -3.9546 -1.3527 -2.6882 D P t+1 * -0.13807 -2.9973 -1.0252 -2.1662 D P t+2 * -0.048884 -1.0647 -0.36417 -0.83617 D P t+3 R2 = 0.99675 32 TABLE 2 Individual Country DOLS Estimates * 2 Country Pt t/HAC stat Pt t/HAC stat (lags,leads) R AUSTRIA 0.52192 (2.8603) -0.85886 (-5.5939) DPt - 0.99868 * (1.1139) (-2.1785) DPt (0,2) BELGIUM 0.46999 (1.8547) -0.54864 (-2.2131) DPt - 0.99904 * (0.73529) (-0.8774) DPt (0,3) CANADA 0.89659 (4.1169) -0.81818 (-3.4611) DPt - 0.83257 * (1.4400) (-1.2106) DPt - FINLAND 0.64372 (3.9891) -0.65293 (-2.8172) DPt (0,2) 0.99212 * (1.4973) (-1.0574) DPt (0,1) GERMANY 0.50605 (2.2037) -0.80345 (-5.3162) DPt - 0.99057 * (0.88683) (-2.1394) DPt (0,3) SWITZERL 0.57905 (3.5845) -1.0845 (-9.4549) (0, DPt ,1) 0.99056 * (1.4843) (-3.9151) DPt (0,3) FRANCE 1.5503 (8.5233) -1.7500 (-7.3412) DPt (0,1) 0.99638 * (-3.0966) (-3.0966) DPt (0,3) UNITED 0.70500 (3.8163) -0.65908 (-2.3105) DPt (0,2) 0.98567 * KINGDOM (1.5253) (-0.92346) DPt (1,1) GREECE 0.66197 (15.302) -0.20286 (-2.1125) DPt (0,1) 0.99965 * (6.7076) (-0.92600) DPt (3,3) JAPAN 0.67909 (6.4646) -1.2690 (-11.206) DPt (2,2) 0.99964 * (2.6757) (-4.6382) DPt (3,1) LUXEMB 0.93556 (3.2647) -0.93109 (-3.5900) DPt - 0.99909 * (1.2952) (-1.4243) DPt (1,3) ITALY 0.71669 (6.4939) -0.56327 (-2.9002) DPt (0,2) 0.99979 * (2.7484) (-1.2275) DPt (0,2) SPAIN 0.96718 (6.3793) -1.2192 (-4.2099) DPt - 0.99898 * (2.6274)) (-1.7339) DPt (0,1) IRELAND 1.5203 (10.790) -2.0733 (-8.5442) DPt (0,2) 0.98907 * (4.7366) (-3.7506) DPt (0,2) NORWAY 0.081801 (0.37437) -0.14878 (-0.53540) DPt - 0.99456 * (0.12352) (-0.17665) DPt - SWEDEN 0.27681 (0.98773) -0.17861 (-0.49534) DPt - 0.99130 * (0.32726) (-0.16412) DPt - PORTUGAL 0.92745 (9.0516) -0.95854 (-3.7537) DPt - 0.99905 * (3.4393) ( -1.4263) DPt (2,2) ICELAND -0.027047 (-1.3893) 0.49037 (-1.3893) (3, DPt,0) 0.98288 * (1.1153) (1.1153) DPt - DENMARK 0.61494 (3.8488) -0.71456 (-3.3294) DPt - 0.99667 * (1.5165) (-1.3118) DPt (0,3) Notes: i) t-values in parenthesis ii) In the third and fifth columns are the t-statistics with ordinary t-statistics on top and those computed using HAC1 standard error estimates on the bottom 33 TABLE 3 80 % Nominal Confidence Interval POOLED DOLS ESTIMATES SIMPLE BOOTSTRAP METHOD METHOD Average Average Average Coverage Lower Bound Upper Bound Length of C.I. Probability % coef of Pt Asymptotic 1.04483 1.06476 0.01993 0.7946 Percentile 1.04458 1.06479 0.02021 0.8000 BC 1.04448 1.06460 0.02011 0.7984 BCa 1.04448 1.06460 0.02011 0.7984 Bootstrap-t 1.04476 1.06511 0.02035 0.8022 * coef of P t Asymptotic -1.28926 -1.25433 0.03493 0.7992 Percentile -1.28904 -1.25407 0.03496 0.8002 BC -1.28940 -1.25438 0.03502 0.7992 BCa -1.28940 -1.25438 0.03502 0.7992 Bootstrap-t -1.28965 -1.25449 0.03515 0.8010 Notes i) 5,000 Bootstrap replications used ii) The DGP for the DOLS Panel Cointegration Model is s s * p p* * eit = a i + b1 pit + b 2 pit + å b l Dpit-l + å b l Dpit-l + e it l=-s l=-s * where e it ~I(0) and {eit, pit, p it } are I(1) variables iii) BC means Bias Corrected iv) BCa means Bias Corrected and Accelerated x) Coverage Probabilities at the 80% Nominal level 34 TABLE 4 90 % Nominal Confidence Interval POOLED DOLS ESTIMATES SIMPLE BOOTSTRAP METHOD METHOD Average Average Average Coverage Lower Bound Upper Bound Length of C.I. Probability % coef of Pt Asymptotic 1.04199 1.06760 0.02561 0.9034 Percentile 1.04181 1.06725 0.02544 0.9000 BC 1.04157 1.06715 0.02557 0.9006 BCa 1.04157 1.06715 0.02557 0.9006 Bootstrap-t 1.04229 1.06792 0.02563 0.9016 * coef of P t Asymptotic -1.29424 -1.24935 0.04488 0.8992 Percentile -1.29410 -1.24898 0.04512 0.9000 BC -1.29468 -1.24932 0.04536 0.9010 BCa -1.29468 -1.24932 0.04536 0.9010 Bootstrap-t -1.29468 -1.24923 0.04544 0.9014 Notes v) 5,000 Bootstrap replications used vi) The DGP for the DOLS Panel Cointegration Model is s s * p p* * eit = a i + b1 pit + b 2 pit + å b l Dpit-l + å b l Dpit-l + e it l=-s l=-s * where e it ~I(0) and {eit, pit, p it } are I(1) variables vii) BC means Bias Corrected viii) BCa means Bias Corrected and Accelerated xi) Coverage Probabilities at the 90% Nominal level 35 TABLE 5 80 % Nominal Confidence Interval GROUP-MEAN DOLS ESTIMATES BOOTSTRAP PAIRS METHOD METHOD Average Average Average Coverage Lower Bound Upper Bound Length of C.I. Probability % coef of Pt Asymptotic -0.02332 1.51165 1.53497 0.9652 Percentile 0.29802 1.19997 0.90195 0.8000 BC 0.31911 1.21773 0.89862 0.7988 BCa 0.31911 1.21773 0.89862 0.7988 Bootstrap-t 0.33793 1.25166 0.91373 0.8772 * coef of P t Asymptotic -1.59730 -0.06404 1.53326 0.9534 Percentile -1.32020 -0.34513 0.97507 0.7998 BC -1.32020 -0.35015 0.97005 0.7978 BCa -1.32020 -0.35015 0.97005 0.7978 Bootstrap-t -1.30800 -0.39472 0.91328 0.7704 Notes ix) 5,000 Bootstrap replications used x) The DGP for the DOLS Individual Country Cointegration Model is s s * p p* * et = a i + b1 pt + b 2 pt + å b l Dpt-l + å b l Dpt-l + e t l=-s l=-s * where e t ~I(0) and {et, pt, p t } are I(1) variables xi) BC means Bias Corrected xii) BCa means Bias Corrected and Accelerated xii) Coverage Probabilities at the 80% Nominal level xiii) Computed using HAC1 standard error estimates 36 TABLE 6 90 % Nominal Confidence Interval GROUP-MEAN DOLS ESTIMATES BOOTSTRAP PAIRS METHOD METHOD Average Average Average Coverage Lower Bound Upper Bound Length of C.I. Probability % coef of Pt Asymptotic -0.24120 1.72272 1.96392 0.9906 Percentile 0.15895 1.34134 1.18239 0.9000 BC 0.17816 1.36613 1.18797 0.8986 BCa 0.17816 1.36613 1.18797 0.8986 Bootstrap-t 0.20448 1.37428 1.16980 0.9352 * coef of P t Asymptotic -1.81591 0.15456 1.97047 0.9866 Percentile -1.46498 -0.20310 1.26188 0.9000 BC -1.46616 -0.20456 1.26160 0.9000 BCa -1.46616 -0.20456 1.26160 0.9000 Bootstrap-t -1.44532 -0.25453 1.19079 0.8784 Notes xiii) 5,000 Bootstrap replications used xiv) The DGP for the DOLS Individual Country Cointegration Model is s s * p p* * et = a i + b1 pt + b 2 pt + å b l Dpt-l + å b l Dpt-l + e t l=-s l=-s * where e t ~I(0) and {et, pt, p t } are I(1) variables xv) BC means Bias Corrected xvi) BCa means Bias Corrected and Accelerated xiv) Coverage Probabilities at the 90% Nominal level xv) Computed using HAC1 standard error estimates 37 TABLE 7 80 % Nominal Confidence Interval POOLED DOLS ESTIMATES BOOTSTRAP PAIRS METHOD METHOD Average Average Average Coverage Lower Bound Upper Bound Length of C.I.
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