Journal of the Textile Institute Proceedings and Abstracts ISSN: 0368-4504 (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tjti19 Some Physical Quantities of Mule Yarns A. E. Oxley M.A., D.Sc., F. Inst. P. & F. T. Peirce B.Sc., A. Inst. P To cite this article: A. E. Oxley M.A., D.Sc., F. Inst. P. & F. T. Peirce B.Sc., A. Inst. P (1922) Some Physical Quantities of Mule Yarns, Journal of the Textile Institute Proceedings and Abstracts, 13:9, 172-188, DOI: 10.1080/03684504.1922.11673741 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03684504.1922.11673741 Published online: 22 Feb 2016. Submit your article to this journal View related articles Citing articles: 1 View citing articles Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=tjti19 Download by: [University of Cincinnati Libraries] Date: 21 March 2016, At: 21:32 SOME PHYSICAL QUANTITIES OF MULE YARNS. By A. E. OxLEY, M.A., D.Sc., F. Inst. P., and F. T. PEIRCE, B.Sc., A. Inst. P (The British Cotton Industry Research Association). (1) THE RELATION BETWEEN THE TWIST AND THE AMOUNT OF FIBRE. In a previous paper (this vol., pp.M-98) a method of measuring the regularity of a yarn was described, the quantity measmed being the thick­ ness under compression and small tension. This quantity, which might be termed the " hardness " is a function of the t\vist and number and fine­ ness of the fibres in a cross section. A large amount of yarn from various cops was examined by this method, the same lengths being afterwards tested in li'' pieces for twist. Thousands of readings were also taken of the breaking load of the same yarns, the test pieces being consecutive lengths of 31 inches. The twist specimens were marked and preserved in the order of testing so that they could be oxamined to find the relation between the amount of raw material and the twist at the same portion of the yarn, since these two factors should determine completely the qualities of the yarn, given the same quality of raw material. The fibres were counted under the microscope with a fairly low power, the ends of the specimens being care­ fully teased out with a needle. Four yarns of different counts were examined, some hundreds of consecutive measurements being made on each. The number of fibres per section was next plotted against the distance along the yarn. This number varied by amounts up to about 50% above and below the mean, the variations showing no trace of periodicity, so far as can be traced by the eye. The regular periodicity of hardness, twist and tensile strength must be a pure spinning effect introduced by the transmission of all the twist from the spindle tip. (1-oc. cit. p.57.) Downloaded by [University of Cincinnati Libraries] at 21:32 21 March 2016 Many variable quantities enter into each of the hundreds of observa­ tions of fibre number and corresponding twist. The effect of the in­ dependent variable, the quantity of fibre, is determined not only by the number of fibres, but also by the shape and size of the cross-sections, the lengths and convolutions of the hairs, and the properties of the cuticle, etc. Superimposed on this effect is the periodic spinning effect previously refeNed to. The large number of readings, however, enables unknown random variations to be eliminated, and provides a means of isolating the effect on the twist of the two known quantities-(1) the number of fibres at a given section, and (2) the distance of this section along the draw. Throughout the length of the same yarn, the only unknown variable which seriously affects the question is the average cross-section of the fibres at the point examined. As the twisting couple which determines the conditions of equilibrium depends on the square of the cross-sectional area, SOME PHYSICAL QUANTITIES OF MULE YARNS--DXLEY AND PEIRCE 173 any variation of this yuantity will have a large effect. In couniing the fibres, it was plainly evident that a statistical average was not arrived at !or individual sedions, bunches of fine fibres being frequently observed. PLATE I. I I I ~ 60 ~ ~ 50 ~ ~ ;: ...::, ~ \ '•.. 40·,..~' ( .._; : ., I ;:l 0 so ()"' ~ .-n 0 ~""" 0 20 ...,; 4 1 N 3"10 I I 0 I l.'\ ()"' ] ~I I !i r.· .I II ·~ I ;~\ :• I. ....... • i \'\ ll 1.4 I ~ I I 0 I ~ ~ .._; ~ s:l ~ 40 0 ()"' ~ _-n 0 I 0 N ~ ~ 0 1.() ~ z0 Downloaded by [University of Cincinnati Libraries] at 21:32 21 March 2016 0 ()"' .. I tii 1 ~"I i •I j. ~·.. A, u I I·' I I I ~ 4 \ IJ I .. I '10 ......"" "'' ' tl I 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 TE;:;r Ptec>EB s tf; cl?M. Horizontal distance between consecutive points= H" of actual yarn. The results already obtained for the twists per inch, in consecutive specimens, were plotted alongside the corresponding values of the fibre number. The two graphs showed an almost invariable correspondence, the 174 SOME PHYSICAL QUANTITIES OF MULE YARN5-0XLEY AND PEIRCE variations being in oppot:;ite ways. There is, however, no regularit~ in the amount of the v'ariations for individual sections, and many exceptiOns occur even in direction, owing to the periodic variation along the draw and the random variations in fineness of the fibres. Two representative srJecimens of s:uch graphs for lOO's and 200's counts are shown in Plate I. Though these effects vail:y appreciably for individual seetions, they may be sufficiently eliminated to find a simple relation between fibre number and twist by finding the average twist whieh corresponds to given fibre numbers taken over the whole number of specimens from the same yarn. In this way, an average value is obtained which indudes the influence of up to 800 fibres and this substantially eliminates the variation. The effect of the periodic variation is also distributed at .random, and so the relation between twist and fibre number is obtained as an average over the length of the draw. The first yarn examined was a cop of 200's count, t\ea Island, the fibre numbers in 400 sections having been first counted. The average values of the various quantities involved are given in Table I, and the average value of the twists in ll'elation to the corresponding fibre number is given in Table II. These average twists were plotted against the number of fibres and a smooth curve drawn through the points. This curve was found to be expressed by an equation of the form (n- a). t1 = c.................................................... (l). where n is the number of fibres in a section of a specimen having t twists per inch, and a P.nd c are two constants for the yarn. The values of n were also plotted against 1Jt2, giving a straight line from which the values of a and c could be more easily estimated. Many other types of equation were tried, but the above was found to be the best for all the yarns, individually and collectively. For instance, an equation of the form n.tb=c may be found, which expresses the results as well as (1) over the range involved, but a different incommensurable value of the power b is necessary for the different yarns. The best value of a was found from the graph connecting n and ljt2 to the nearest integer, and then c was adjusted to satisfy the points nearest the mean, i.e., those representing the largest number of sections and the truest average. This determination is as exact as possible, for, if c be adjusted to small va.riations of a, the difference is only appreciable at the extremities of the curve where the points are not very determinate. The same methods were then applied to the other yarns, which were also found to follow this law with an exactitude depending on the number of readings used and on the number and uniformity of the fibres. ThE 32's yarn gave particular trouble in counting the fibres owing to the large Downloaded by [University of Cincinnati Libraries] at 21:32 21 March 2016 number in each section. For this reason, to get a better average, the fibre numbers are grouped in threes, the number given being the middle one. The resulting curves are shown on Plates IIa, lib, lie and lid. In the following lists of particulars, the observed counts (represented by N) were found from the unused portion of the cops, the actual yarn previously used not having been weighed. These values are taken in calculations involving the counts as somewhat more probable than the counts to which the yarn was said to be spun. The quantity p is the constant in the mill-rule, viz., Twists per inch= constant x vcounts. For this type of yarn, it is usually taken as 3·2 approximately and the change wheels adjusted accordingly. It will be s.een that there is a difference (loss) due to fib.re slip, of about 20% between the twists put in at the spindle and that observed in the yarn (l·oc. cit. p.93). TABLE II. COP No. 50. 200's COUNT. SEA ISLAND. FIBRE NUMBERS. 1>2 13 14 15 1& 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2!1 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 50 51 51 H 38 32 42 43 36 41 41 25 32 27 21 35 27 32 :II 26 30 20 23 lfo: 35 U> Ill 51 39 4S 34 39 4.::; 3S 35 30 2S 40 :lO 27 33 26 30 2~ 23 211 2fi 20 '27 '!.~ 2:1 0 ~ 50 60 48 4fi 41 37 37 33 31 31 40 29 21 35 42 28 24 36 41 40 34 :.15 :.:a ['1 64 40 28 55 37 25 36 32 33 27 31 30 31 29 24 32 35 29 32 Hi ., 42 37 58 36 33 45 31 33 30 26 39 22 26 42 42 34 27 30 42 35 25 54 30 35 24 29 25 30 31 29 36 25 22 41 ~:! 22 u;~ 36 42 32 38 28 til 27 27 25 42 34 28 35 ~7 34 32 18 37 45 2H 4S 53 as 41 32 32 47 35 42 31 4o :II 22 25 '27 n 34 49 46 28 49 42 34 43 44 27 23 41 32 30 30 36 r> 46 49 31 35 SG 30 35 35 30 35 3S 39 28 30 25 25 0 48 38 44 35 31 42 44 45 30 30 33 41
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