Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1968 Daily Egyptian 1968 7-19-1968 The aiD ly Egyptian, July 19, 1968 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_July1968 Volume 49, Issue 183 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, July 19, 1968." (Jul 1968). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1968 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1968 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily EOYPTIAN Southern l1linou University C..-....I., 1111.. 1. For tas Staunch '1 / On Cou r t Views WASHINGTON (AP) - Abe Senate speech Lbat he WIll Port.. , fighting to win ron­ oppose FOTUS' conflrmal1 on firmatlon as chief )Jstice of "because I cannot approve the !be United States. said Thurs­ Warren philosophy of I he Su­ day be Is opposed to having pre me Court: Communlst.s tea chin (h e schools or work i n defense President J 0 h n 8 0 n nomi­ plants. nated FOrt8S [0 suc ceed the r e­ The Supreme Coun Justice , tirIng Chief Justice Earl War­ 10 a tbird day of testimony r e n. befo r e tbe 5 e n a (e Judiciar y Commhtee, also said he dis­ Sen. Wa yne Morse, D-Ore .• approves of enreme forms of countered in another Se~t e protest and diasem. apeech defending Fortas' participation in Whit e House O.e ..ue of a.e , .....1' proille. o. Ute &Iv caap•• f. And he readily registere d confere nces while on [he Su­ IU.attated by dieM two ..to. ___ t.D, .p tluee apaces 1. his recognition of the authori­ More Than pre me COUrt bench. tile p ........ lot .ex' &0 Pre.idea' Morr'.' office early ty of Congress and state legis- n.radQ aapt. TIle culprit no be... tile off-ceater latures (0 investigate subver- "W bat Is this nonsense Their Share slon. which sa ys t hat tbe separation ......... c~ .....ay .... e ned boura aco wu" till. result. H[ have aaJ.d on many oc- of powers or tbe Const1cwlon cas tons [hat I beUe-.e in the prevents honorable men from ex e r c is e 0 r investJgatIve consulting With one anotber on powers in tbis field/" Ponas grave issues of [he day?" said Ln response (0 a question Morse asked. ~~ Sen Strom ~burmond, R- Fonas turneQ aside moat ' Cze~h8 Reject 'Sta~l -..· ..,.... .,;. cenalnly bell_ In tbe/ al "<be ___ to "'- necessity !be valldtt nd b by Thurmond, saying be rould . ' y a . t e not reply and remain true co PRAGUE (AP) -Czecfloalo- !he Prape leadership In tbelr Tbe government, aJording ngbt of Congress to investJ- tus oath as a Supreme C oun vakla'. liberal leaders re- joint letter tbat tbey regarded to the repon, was aa1d to re­ gate subversion." '''St ce Thurmond quizzed jus_ ,.. I • Jected cIemanda Tburadayfrom It a. "our task" to see tlgbt gard the letter as open sup­ th~ tice for 2-1/ 2 hours before . •. You have e xpressed your Mo.cow'. onbodox Com- control re~l1.bed. press port for conservatives-the munlat bloc that !be nation re- cenaorshlp rerurned and anti- Sovie18 Indirectly pro m I sed Chairman James O. Eastland, Views to [he PresideD[ wben turn to the Stallniat existence Communist force8deal(a u de_ them .4all_round assistance" D-MIss., adjourned the bear- he has called you down there, iog until Frtdaymornfng. and over tbe te lepbone, baven'[ it cast aside six montha &80. ciaJYe rebuff. It .. -and an 1.nV1tatlon for actton Afterward, Tburmond told • . yo u?" Tlwrmond asted. They said the "overwhelming Tbe official Czechoslovak against the leadership of party reponer he would be able to . majority'! would re.let &Ill reply was rordtally and some- chief Alexander Dubcek. wind up then. "(['s not for .. ~:~~~.~,1r, Fonas repUed. attelllp(" to wedge the old guard time. ironically worded, but Tbe Yugoslav sources said .. delay, either," [he senator Into power again. a Communist report from tbe Czechoslovaks were par_ Thurmond pressed: •. And he In reply to letter from knowledgeable Yugoslav tlcularlyupset by a seemingly said of his enensive que stion­ a Ing. gO( the bene fit of your vie'ils the So'f\et Union and four East sources here aa1d government lnoccUQUS line In tbe letter Meanwbile, Sen. Er,nest F. on maners, did he not7" bloc allie. demanding a balt political c I r c I e s ronsldered whlcb said, "Ot~r Socla1l.at Hollings, D-S.c ., said In a to the "absolutely unaccep- the demands "absolute and rountrles cannotagreewlthtbe Fonas: ·'Neve r." -table"lIber~.,rIODcIli.ye,!be direct Interference In present developments InCze- Huge Alaskan Cze¢OsIoYak party presidium CzechosloVak I nter lor af- choslovakla, " The Czechoslo- Thurmond: "Why shOuldn't denied t bel r contention tbat fair.... 'Oaks were said' to Interpret a senator bave [be benefit of your views?" counrerre".,lutlonarieo bad LB' J D It as a statement tbat Mos- 0 ·1 D· taken hold "without m e e tin I <I to epart row and Its allies r eserved' 1 lSCO very Ponas: ,. I have never, never due re.1atance on the put of the rlgbt to move a g a Ins t been asked by the PreSident {!Ie pany and !be people In For A.ian Con~ab Prague Ifllberala did not give Confi' d nor have I expressed my Views powe~'" ~ ' 1 rme on any pending or decided "We do not see any realls- • AUSnN,TBX.,(API- Presl- D.Thls ronrr.. ted with the • case-never, senator, never." tic reasoDS permitting 0 u r dent Johnson embarked tor !be le!!er's assertion tbat " we PHILADELPHIA (API- Two present sitUAtion to be called mid-Pacific by Jet Thursday ""I!ber bad nor Save any In- American oU companieS baYe coUDterreYOlwionary,' , t b e for conferences with South temton to interfere in such re ported an Alaskan discovery Gus Bode pre.ldlum reaponded. Vlemameae PreSident Nugyen affairs which are strictly the ot " one of !be Iari.eSt perro- Tbe Czecboalnvak stance Van Thleu on !be course of Internal bllstneas ofyourpany leum accumulations known to was defl&Dt and It aeemed to ot !be Asian cootlIct and the and your 1Iti'l'e." Officially, the world. " be splitting Europe's Com- peace probings In ParIs. the CzechollJbvaks said tbey Tbe field appears to be on munlata iaro twO deeply Rnta- Thleu already w~ on tbe "welromed" lhIa assurance. a 90,000 acre block on tbe gonlstlc groupe of Prallue way eastward from ~on ro Tbe confrontation over !be arctic slope of Alaska, tbe backen andPt.,ueopPonenta• . !be ~t1ng place In HawaII, Czechoslovak lasue bas forced announcement said. Tbe dls- Tbe ~" partie. bad told talking confidently ·as be lett Western Europe's twO biggest coVi!ry was reported by At­ of early vlc;!Dr)' agalost the Communist parties, those of lantic Richfield and Humble Communist foe. France and Italy, away from Oil and Refining Go •• In a joint r~ndudion Draft U.S. officials were less exu- their nominal frlendsblp wltb venture. berant oYer tbat prospect. Moscow and to !be aide of "In our oplnlon," said the Phy.ie8l. cUTtaiied Tbey viewed !be Honolulu two other ~enegades from ,be 011 ronsultantfirmofDegelye r w' ASH1NGTa./ (API~ To hold !lummlt session as pretty Soviet orbit, Romania and and Nac/iaughren of Dallas , c!QWIl. ~~ tbe Seleet1?e much of ~ . regular, routine Yugoslavia. ' Botb President "thIa discovery could deve lop Ser~ , Systeln bas Qrdered affair for cbeck1n& up and nto of Yugoslavia and pany Ioro a field with recoverable 1ocalICIAIi: boar4a DOt to ache - tradi!'g viewll-wlth DO Im- chle( Nl1tlae Ceauseacu of reserves of some 5 to 10 dule Ml De. pre-InduCtion mense, declsloos likely. Sum- Romania are e>q>ected bere bUllon barrels of 011 . " This pby.l.:iJ eDmi.. tlon. In mltmeeUng-are beldrou'-. monly. for Ii sbow of soUda- would make It one of the A u&lIet nd SepteiDber, a tinely about every sIX mon~ha· rlty With Oubcek. l&.rll"st 10 !be world, tbe firm 8pODeeu 8Idd TboInday. .!be lut one . In December at Allgned with tbe Soviets are sald. R~ 10 queatloDa, be Canberra, Au8aalJa.. Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and The location was rep>ned In sa1cI 5eleCt1¥e 5er:'f1ce- .... DDt Secretary of StioIItDeaD,Rusk East Germany. Hungary Is the g~ner al area of prudhee bad any' 'Indlcatlon of a ' cut- flew clown from WublJlaton ro thougbt to be a moderating Bay. 390, miles nomof Fair­ • 'back In lnont!>ly draft calls Texas, wbere the President Intluence wltbin tbe group and banks and 1,50 miles south­ Gus says ,.·eo could ~eally from the Peflltgon. Tbe move sroppe,!- overnigl!t at his ranch. Poland. and 1,>ast Germany the west of Point Barrow. coaluse (he Norm "iet· . i8 being made In response to near Jobnaon City, to transfer roughest members because of Reports of the discovery had Preald.£.. f!IIon8on'. requeBt ro the .Iobnaon jet for a non- tbelr tear tbat the Uberall- been rumored around Wall' naMDese by dE"clariD, wllr aDd OU!D pulliD& out all that ~~..{educe!belr .• tOp fiIabr of nearly eight zitlon drive will reach their Street for about a \I1onth. a our troops. ~"aaIAI. ......... bouEa.."aa-u..., . populations. !lroker said. ( J"'yI9 i l~ Social Events Highlight Brazil Te(lChers' Visit A" group of English teachers versity activities and a Car­ from BrazU, interested in new ,bondale Rotary luncheon. methods of teacb!ng EngUsh, During a meeting with are guelts 01 SIU this past Joseph Frie nd, director of week.
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