Abilene Christian University Digital Commons @ ACU Lectureship Books Lectureship, Summit, and Ministry Events 1960 1960: Abilene Christian College Lectures - Full Text Lenoard Mullens John T. Smithson Neil R. Lightfoot David H. Bobo Jack Meyer See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.acu.edu/sumlec_man Part of the Biblical Studies Commons, Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, Comparative Methodologies and Theories Commons, Ethics in Religion Commons, History of Christianity Commons, History of Religions of Eastern Origins Commons, History of Religions of Western Origin Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, Practical Theology Commons, and the Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion Commons Recommended Citation Mullens, Lenoard; Smithson, John T.; Lightfoot, Neil R.; Bobo, David H.; Meyer, Jack; Sanders, Joe; Trout, Virgil; Thomas, J. D.; Osborne Jr., Roy F.; Spain, Carl; Teel, Gordon; Chesshire, L. Haskell; Pope, Jack; Fox, Harry Robert; Skelton, Robert; Blum, Heinrich; Bryant, Rees; Kallus, Reiner; Ferguson, Everett; Holton, A. R.; Rotenberry, Paul; Smith, Jay; Roberts, J. W.; Warren, Thomas B.; Sime, Donald R.; Easley, Paul; Craig, Mack Wayne; Sawyer, Wyatt; Jackson, Hulen; Bell, Robert S.; Welch, Louie; Kerr, James C.; Vanderpool, Harold; Ferguson, Everett; Pack, Frank; and Holton, A. R., "1960: Abilene Christian College Lectures - Full Text" (1960). Lectureship Books. Paper 53. http://digitalcommons.acu.edu/sumlec_man/53 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Lectureship, Summit, and Ministry Events at Digital Commons @ ACU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Lectureship Books by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ ACU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Lenoard Mullens, John T. Smithson, Neil R. Lightfoot, David H. Bobo, Jack Meyer, Joe Sanders, Virgil Trout, J. D. Thomas, Roy F. Osborne Jr., Carl Spain, Gordon Teel, L. Haskell Chesshire, Jack Pope, Harry Robert Fox, Robert Skelton, Heinrich Blum, Rees Bryant, Reiner Kallus, Everett eF rguson, A. R. Holton, Paul Rotenberry, Jay Smith, J. W. Roberts, Thomas B. Warren, Donald R. Sime, Paul Easley, Mack Wayne Craig, Wyatt aS wyer, Hulen Jackson, Robert S. Bell, Louie Welch, James C. Kerr, Harold Vanderpool, Everett eF rguson, Frank Pack, and A. R. Holton This book is available at Digital Commons @ ACU: http://digitalcommons.acu.edu/sumlec_man/53 HCHRISTIANFAITH IN ....- ,_.. THE MODERN WORLD" the ~bilene Christian College ~nnual Bible Lectures I 9 6 0 Price: $3.00 P ubli shed by ABILENE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE STUDENTS EXCHANGE ACC Station Abilene, Texas COPYRIGHT, 1960 Abilene Christian College PREFACE The lectures contained in this book are those which were given at the forty-second Annual Bible Lectureship at Abi­ lene Christian College during the fifty-fourth year of the college's operation. For this Lectureship on the main theme of "CHRISTIAN FAITH IN THE MODERN WORLD" our purpose was to have up-to-date and scholarly investigations of the several issues discussed; and they should be among the finest works in print, for the purpose of confirming our faith in the Bible as God's Word and for our need to let it truly be our religious authority. The primary purpose of the Annual Bible Lectureship is to further the cause of Christ in the world. In order to do this, each man must be as sure of his religious authority as is possible for him to be; and we trust that these lectures and discussions will not only serve to confirm and stabilize our faith in a strong and definite way, but will also give many valuable and helpful suggestions for the doing of the Lord's work and for determining what our Christian re­ sponsibilities are. We feel that the brotherhood has need of top-quality ma­ terials to aid people in meeting challenges against their faith, and we hope that the efforts presented herein will be full y effecti ve to help in meeting these needs. We dedicate the book to all men of great faith for the influence that their faith and their lives have had on us. We pray God's blessings upon all who believe in the Christ. J. D. THOMAS, Director The Annual Bible Lectureship TABLE OF CONTENTS THEME SPEECHES CHRISTIAN FAITH IN THE MODERN WORLD BASIS OF FAITH-Leonard Mullens -------- ----- -- 9 AUTHORITY IN CHRISTIANITY-John T. Smithson, Jr. ____ 27 ORIGIN AND PRESERVATION OF THIE BIBLE-Neil R. Ligihtfoot ------------------------------------------------- -------- --- ---------- 44 ALLEGED DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLEc-David H. Bobo 62 THE UNITY OF THE BIBLE-Jack Meyer --- --------- --------- 91 FAITH AND REASON-Joe Sanders ________ ___ ___ _______115 THE REASONABLENES S OF SUPERNATURALISM- Virgil Trout ----------------------------------------------- ------- ------------ --------------126 THE PRESENT STATUS OF THE DOCTRINE OF ORGANIC EVOLUTION-J. D. Thomas ___________________________________146 THE NATURE OF MAN-Roy F. Osborne, Jr . ________________ ____181 MODERN CHALLENGES TO CHRISTIAN MORALS- Carl Spain ------------- 199 THE CHRIST, WHOSE SON IS HE?-Gordon Teel _______________-232 SPECIAL SPEECHES TEACHI NG THE WORD OF GOD IN KOREA-L. Haskell Chesshir e ----------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------·_ 2 55 THE INFLUENCE OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION-Judge Jack Pape ----------------------------------------------- __________276 MI SSION OPPORTUNITIES IN THE F AR EAST-Harry Robert Fox ------------------------------------ ---------- ------------------- 288 MI SSION WORK IN AUSTRIA-Rob ert Skelton ___________________ 303 REPORT FROM SWITZERLAND-Heinrich Blum ________ ___ 313 THE WORK IN NIGERIA-Rees Bryant __ __ ___________ 320 THE TRAINING OF EVANGELISTS IN FOREIGN FIELDS -Reiner Kallus ________________ ___ ___ __ __ ___ 331 CHRISTIAN SCHOLARSHIP-Everett Ferguson ________ _ 340 EVANGELIZING THE WORLD-A. R. Holton ___ ______________349 TI-IEME SPEECI-IES-­ Christian Faith In The Modern World BASIS FOR FAITH By Leonard Mullens Leonard Mullens 4216 Stanhope Dallas 5, Texas Born: Mart, Texa s, April 9, 1919. Wife: Frances Pye. Children: 3. Training: Texa s University, Baylor University. Churches serv ed: Robstown - 1942-1947. Ayers Street, Col.'pus Christi - 1955-1959. Pre ston Road, Dallas - 1959 - Editor, " Tips for Teachers," Firrn Foundation. St!aff, 20th Century Christian. E dit orial Council, Christian F amily Book Club. As sociat e Editor, Clwistian Bib le T each er . Author, Unity in Christ. There are many things in life about which we may be perfectly indifferent. Some are completely outside our interest; others we can ig­ nore. Again, about some matters we may never reach any definite conclusion. There are many questions concerning men and move­ ments about which we may reserve passing judgment. But, when we come to Jesus ( 9 ) 10 ABILENE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE LECTURES of Nazareth, invariably we find that men have had to take sides for Him or against Him. Indifference to Je­ sus has been impossible. There are two opinions, two verdicts, about Jesus. His disciples said, as they worshipped Him, "Of a truth, thou art the Son of God" (Matthew 14 :33). The Scribes and Phari sees, when they went to Pilate and asked for a guard at the tomb lest the disciples should come and steal the body of Je sus, offered the other verdict, saying , "Sir, we remem­ ber that deceiver said , while he wa s yet aliv e, 'After three days I will rise again' " (Matthew 27 :63). Son of God or a deceiver . which is He? Between these two conclusions there is no neutral ground. If Jesus is not God, as He claimed to be, then He is a liar and a de­ ceiver and should neither be followed nor admired. If Je­ sus is not the Son of God who came in the flesh of men, He is the greatest imposter this old world has ever known. "What think ye of Christ? Whose Son is he?" (Matthew 22 :42). Each man as he is confronted with the Christ of the New Testament must make a decision. Jesus of Naza­ reth cannot be ignored. Through the centuries this has been true, and it is no less true toda y. Every student of religion knows what a tremendous im­ pr ession has been made on men by a small number of lead­ ers and teachers in the history of the world. All great re­ ligions can be traced to the influence of one person, ~uch as Buddha, Mohammed, Moses, or Christ. It is possible to under stand the se religions by ignoring the personalities of the founders. In this respect, the relationship that Christ sustains to Christianity is quite different from that of other great religious teachers. ABILENE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE LECTURES 11 Moses stands before us as a commanding historical fig­ ure, but no Jew would say that Moses founded Judaism. Mohammed is considered a prophet, but divine honor is not ascribed to him. Buddha' s influence is exerted more through tradition al teaching than throu gh personality. Christianity is the religion of a Per son. The center and core of Christi­ anity is this Jesus of Nazareth. What is Christianity? The an swer is obvious, "Christianity is Chri st." Through the centuries, since Jesus lived, men have preserved His teach­ ing s and paid divine homage to Him. Every Christian is re­ lated to Chri st in a distinct, personal way, and the true dis­ ciple seeks an ever closer fellowship with Christ in what can best be described in the terms of human fellowship. The New Testament emphasizes the person of Christ J e­ s us. Whatever a man may think about the gospel accounts, their purpose is to reveal the personality of Jesus. The epistles of Paul are centered around Christ as the Lord of life. From its beginning, Christianity has considered Jesus of Nazareth as Lord. No comparable claim has been made for any other great teacher. Immediately then, Jesus stands apart from all other leaders of men. From the beginning, there has been a recognition that Jesus Christ is different from all others who have lived and died.
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