Harringay 1947 Compiled by Hugh Vass Update 11.7.2019 Friday 4th April 1947 Harringay Stadium, London Easter Best Pairs Joe Abbott X 3 2 1 2 8 Norman Lindsay 1 1 1’ F 3 1 Total 11 Les Wotton 3 3 1 3 3 13 Geoff Pymar 2’ 0 0 1 2’ 5 2 Total 18 Ron Johnson 3 3 3 3 E 12 Eric French 1 2’ 2’ 2’ 2 9 3 Total 21 Lloyd Goffe 2 2 X 4 George Saunders 0 0 1 2 2 5 Total 9 Norman Parker 2 2 3 3 3 13 Mike Erskine 1’ 1’ 2’ 1 1 6 3 Total 19 Phil Hart 3 E 3 F 6 Bob Lovell E 1 0 1 3 5 Total 11 Nobby Stock (res) 0 0 Ht1 Wotton, Pymar, Lindsay, Abbott (exc) Ht2 Johnson, Goffe, Franch, Saunders Ht3 Hart, Parker, Erskine, Lovell (ef) Ht4 Abbott, Goffe, Lindsay, Saunders Ht5 Johnson, French, Lovell, Hart (ef) Ht6 Wotton, Parker, Erskine, Pymar Ht7 Hart, Abbott, Lindsay, Lovell Ht8 Johnson, French, Wotton, Pymar Ht9 Parker, Erskine, Saunders, Goffe (fexc) Ht10 Johnson, French, Abbott, Stock Ht11 Wotton, Saunders, Pymar Ht12 Parker, Abbott, Erskine, Lindsay (f) Ht13 Wotton, Pymar, Lovell, Hart (f) Ht14 Parker, Grench, Erskine, Johnson (ef) Ht15 Lovell, Saunders, Hart (nf), Goffe (nf) Reserves Match Harringay 20 Wembley 16 Harringay Nobby Stock 2 3 3 8 Johnny Eismark 0 0 1 1 Norman Lindsay 3 E 3 6 Danny Lee 1 2 2’ 5 1 Wembley Bronco Wilson 3 3 1 7 Split Waterman 1 1’ 2 4 1 Charlie May 2 1 3 Freddie Williams 0 2 0 2 Ht1 Wilson, Stock, Waterman, Eismark 2 4 2 4 Ht2 Lindsay, May, Lee, Williams 4 2 6 6 Ht3 Wilson, Lee, May, Eismark 2 4 8 10 Ht4 Stock, Williams, Waterman, Lindsay (ef0 3 3 11 13 Ht5 Lindsay, Lee, Wilson, Williams 5 1 16 14 Ht6 Stock, Waterman, Eismark 4 2 20 16 Friday 11th April 1947 Harringay Stadium, London Harringay and West Ham 42 Wembley Lions 65 (Challenge) Harringay and West Ham Joe Abbott 1 E 1 2’ 2 6 1 Norman Lindsay 2 2 0 0 0 4 Eric Chitty 2 2 3 3 2 12 Buck Whitby F 0 1’ 0 1 1 Malcolm Craven 0 0 E 3 2 1 6 Bob Harrison 3 0 1 1 2 7 Nobby Stock X 2 1 3 Danny Lee 1 2 3 Wembley Bill Kitchen 1 3 3 3 3 2’ 15 1 Roy Craighead 1 1 0 N 0 2 Tommy Price 3 2 2’ 3 3 3 16 1 Bob Wells 2 1’ 2’ 1 F 6 2 George Wilks 3 3 3 2 3 14 Bill Gilbert 0 1 1 1 1 4 Bronco Wilson 3 3 6 Charlie May 2’ 0 2 1 Ht1 Price, Chitty, Craighead, Whitby (f) 2 4 2 4 Ht2 Harrison, Wells, Abbott, Gilbert 4 2 6 6 Ht3 Wilks, Chitty, Kitchen , Craven 2 4 8 10 Ht4 Wilson, May, Lee, Stock (exc) 1 5 9 15 Ht5 Kitchen, Lindsay, Craighead, Abbott (ef) 2 4 11 19 Ht6 Chitty, Price, Wells, Harrison 3 3 14 22 Ht7 Wilks, Lindsay, Gilbert, Whitby 2 4 16 26 Ht8 Kitchen, Price, Abbott, Craven 1 5 17 31 Ht9 Chitty, Abbott, Gilbert, Craighead 5 1 22 32 Ht10 Price, Wells, Harrison, Lindsay 1 5 23 37 Ht11 Wilks, Stock, Craighead (nf), Craven (ef) 2 3 25 40 Ht12 Kitchen, Chitty, Wells, Lindsay 2 4 27 44 Ht13 Craven, Wilks, Harrison, Craighead 73.8 4 2 31 46 Ht14 Wilson, Lee, Stock, May 3 3 34 49 Ht15 Wilks, Abbott, Whitby, Wells (f) 3 3 37 52 Ht16 Price, Craven, Gilbert, Lindsay 2 4 39 56 Ht17 Kitchen, Harrison, Gilbert, Whitby 2 4 41 60 Ht18 Price, Kitchen, Craven, Chitty 1 5 42 65 Special Match Race Tommy Price bt Jack Parker Captains’ Scratch Race Kitchen, Chitty, Abbott, J.Parker (f) Friday 18th April 1947 Harringay Stadium, London Harringay Racers 50 West Ham Hammers 33 (Challenge) Harringay Joe Abbott 3 3 3 9 Frank Dolan 2’ 2’ 3 7 2 Vic Duggan F 3 F 3 6 Nobby Stock 2 1 F 2’ 5 1 Ray Duggan 2’ 1’ 2 3 8 2 Norman Lindsay 3 2 1’ 0 6 1 Cliff Parkinson 2’ 2 3 7 1 Danny Lee 2 0 2 West Ham Eric Chitty 1 2 3 2 8 Cyril Anderson 0 0 2 2 Malcolm Craven 3 3 3 3 12 Buck Whitby 1 1 0 1 3 Bob Harrison 1 E F 1 Tommy Croombs 0 1 2 1’ 4 1 Bill Matthews F 0 1’ 1 2 1 Benny King 1 0 1 Ht1 Abbott, Dolan, Chitty, Matthews (f) 5 1 5 1 Ht2 Craven, Stock, Whitby, V.Duggan (f) 2 4 7 5 Ht3 Lindsay, R.Duggan, Harrison, Croombs 5 1 12 6 Ht4 Abbott, Parkinson, Whitby, Matthews 5 1 17 7 Ht5 V.Duggan, Chitty, Stock, Anderson 4 2 21 9 Ht6 Craven, Lindsay, R.Duggan, Whitby 3 3 24 12 Ht7 Abbott, Dolan, Croombs, Harrison (ef) 5 1 29 13 Ht8 Craven, Lee, King, V.Duggan (f) 2 4 31 17 Ht9 Chitty, R.Duggan, Lindsay, Anderson 3 3 34 20 Ht10 Craven, Parkinson, Whitby, Lee 2 4 36 24 Ht11 V.Dugganm Croombs, Stock (f), Harrison (f) 3 2 39 26 Ht12 R.Duggan, Chitty, Matthews, Lee 3 3 42 29 Ht13 Parkinson, Stock, Matthews, King 5 1 47 30 Ht14 Dolan, Anderson, Croombs, Lindsay 3 3 50 33 Grand Match Race Bill Longley bt Bill Kitchen Arena Scratch Race Ht1 Craven, V.Duggan, Dolan, Lee Ht2 Kitchen, R.Duggan, Stock, Anderson (f) Ht3 Abbott, Lindsay, King, Parkinson (f) Ht4 Longley, Chitty, Whitby, Croombs Final Craven, Kitchen, Abbott, Longley Friday 25th April 1947 Harringay Stadium, London Harringay Racers 47 Belle Vue Aces 33 (National League Division One) Harringay Joe Abbott 2’ 3 3 2 10 1 Frank Dolan 3 2’ 1’ 2 8 2 Vic Duggan 3 3 3 3 12 Nobby Stock 0 1 1 2 4 Ray Duggan 2 1’ 1’ 3 7 2 Norman Lindsay 1’ 2 2 0 5 1 Wally Lawrence E 1’ 1 1 Johnny Myson F F 0 Belle Vue Ralph Horne 0 E E 0 Jim Boyd 1 2 3 3 9 Wally Lloyd 2 3 2 3 10 Ron Mason 1’ F E F 1 1 Dent Oliver 3 1 2 3 9 Wally Hull 0 0 F 1 1 John Yates 2 X 2 Louis Lawson X 1’ E 1 1 Ht1 Dolan, Abbott, Boyd, Horne 72.4 5 1 5 1 Ht2 V.Duggan, Lloyd, Mason, Stock 73.2 3 3 8 4 Ht3 Oliver, R.Duggan, Lindsay, Hull 76.4 3 3 11 7 Ht4 Abbott, Yates, Mason (f), Lawrence (ef) 75.6 3 2 14 9 Ht5 V.Duggan, Boyd, Stock, Lawson (exc) 73.2 4 2 18 11 Ht6 Lloyd, Lindsay, R.Duggan, Mason (ef) 75.8 3 3 21 14 Ht7 Abbott, Dolan, Oliver, Hull 75.0 5 1 26 15 Ht8 V.Duggan, Lloyd, Lawson, Myson (f) 74.6 3 3 29 18 Ht9 Boyd, Lindsay, R.Duggan, Horne (ef) 74.8 3 3 32 21 Ht10 Lloyd, Abbott, Dolan, Mason (f) 75.4 3 3 35 24 Ht11 V.Duggan, Oliver, Stock, Hull (f) 74.6 4 2 39 26 Ht12 R.Duggan, Myson (f), Horne (ef), Yates (exc) 79.6 3 0 42 26 Ht13 Oliver, Stock, Lawrence, Lawson (ef) 75.8 3 3 45 29 Ht14 Boyd, Dolan, Hull, Lindsay 74.0 2 4 47 33 Harringay Scurry 3 laps Jeff Lloyd, W.Lloyd only 2 Duggan brothers ns 56.4 Reserves Scratch Race Lawson, Lee, Horne, Myson 78.0 Arena Scratch Race Ht1 Abbott, Boyd, Lee, R.Duggan (ef) 74.4 ? Ht2 Oliver, W.Lloyd, Horne, Myson 76.4 ? Ht3 J.Lloyd, Dolan, Stock, Lindsay 75.0 ? Final Abbott, Boyd, J.Lloyd, Oliver 74.6 Saturday 26th April 1947 Vue Stadium, Manchester Belle Vue Aces 54 Harringay Racers 30 (National League Division One) Belle Vue Ralph Horne 1 F 0 Jim Boyd 3 3 2 3 11 Wally Lloyd 2 2 2 3 9 Ron Mason 1’ 1’ 2’ 2’ 6 4 Dent Oliver 3 1’ 3 3 10 1 Wally Hull 2’ 2 1 2’ 7 2 Brian Wilson 3 1 1’ 3 8 1 Louis Lawson 1’ 1 2 1 Harringay Joe Abbott 2 3 2 2 0 Frank Dolan E E E 1 1 Vic Duggan 3 3 3 3 12 Nobby Stock 0 2 0 0 2 Ray Duggan F 0 Norman Lindsay 1 2 1 0 4 Johnny Myson 1’ 0 0 F 1 1 Wally Lawrence 0 0 1 1 Ht1 Boyd, Abbott, Horne, Dolan (ef) 77.0 4 2 4 2 Ht2 V.Duggan, Lloyd, Mason, Stock 77.2 3 3 7 5 Ht3 Oliver, Hull, Lindsay, R.Duggan (f) 78.8 5 1 12 6 Ht4 Wilson, Stock, Myson, Horne (ef) 81.2 3 3 15 9 Ht5 Abbott, Lloyd, Mason, Dolan (ef) 78.4 3 3 18 12 Ht6 V.Duggan, Hull, Oliver, Stock 79.0 3 3 21 15 Ht7 Boyd, Lindsay, Wilson, Myson 80.4 4 2 25 17 Ht8 V.Duggan, Lloyd, Lawson, Lawrence 77.2 3 3 28 20 Ht9 Oliver, Abbott, Hull, Dolan (ef) 78.4 4 2 32 22 Ht10 V.Duggan, Boyd, Wilson, Stock 79.8 3 3 35 25 Ht11 Lloyd, Mason, Lindsay, Lawrence 79.6 5 1 40 26 Ht12 Oliver, Abbott, Lawson, Myson 79.4 4 2 44 28 Ht13 Wilson, Mason, Lawrence, Myson (f) 82.4 5 1 49 29 Ht14 Boyd, Hull, Dolan, Lindsay 81.0 5 1 54 30 Friday 2nd May 1947 Harringay Stadium, London Harringay Racers 42 West Ham Hammers 41 (National League Division One) Harringay Joe Abbott 2 3 F 5 Frank Dolan F 2 3 3 8 Vic Duggan 3 2 3 3 11 Nobby Stock 2’ 1’ 1 E 4 2 Ray Duggan 2 3 2 2 9 Norman Lindsay 1’ 0 1’ 1 3 2 Danny Lee 0 0 2 2 Bat Byrnes F 0 0 West Ham Eric Chitty 3 3 3 3 12 Jack Cooley 1 0 F 1 Tommy Croombs 1 2 2 2 7 Benny King 0 1’ 1’ 1’ 3 3 Malcolm Craven 3 3 2 3 11 Buck Whitby 0 1 0 F 1 Cliff Watson 2 1 2 5 Bill Matthews 1’ F 1 1 Ht1 Chitty, Abbott, Cooley, Dolan (f) 73.4 2 4 2 4 Ht2 V.Duggan, Stock, Croombs, King 76.4 5 1 7 5 Ht3 Craven, R.Duggan, Lindsay, Whitby 77.0 3 3 10 8 Ht4 Abbott, Watson, King, Lee 76.6 3 3 13 11 Ht5 Chitty, V.Duggan, Stock, Cooley 76.4 3 3 16 14 Ht6 R.Duggan, Croombs, King, Lindsay 78.8 3 3 19 17 Ht7 Craven, Dolan, Whitby, Abbott (f) 77.4 2 4 21 21 Ht8 V.Duggan, Croombs, Matthews, Byrnes (f) 78.6 3 3 24 24 Ht9 Chitty, R.Duggan, Lindsay, Cooley (f) 78.4 3 3 27 27 Ht10 Dolan, Croombs, King, Lee 75.6 3 3 30 30 Ht11 V.Duggan, Craven, Stock, Whitby 75.2 4 2 34 32 Ht12 Chitty, R.Duggan, Watson, Byrnes 77.8 2 4 36 36 Ht13 Craven, Lee, Matthews (f), Stock (ef) 78.6 2 3 38 39 Ht14 Dolan, Watson, Lindsay, Whitby (f) 78.2 4 2 42 41 Guest Match Race 3 laps Norman Parker bt Ron Johnson 56.8 Trial Scratch Race A.Sweeby, Basil Bumstead (exc), Joe Bowkis (exc), Les Tredgett (exc) ? Arena Scratch Race Ht1 V.Duggan, Craven, Lindsay, King 75.2 Ht2 R.Duggan, Croombs, Stock, Abbott 78.2 Ht3 Parker, Chitty, Whitby, Lee 76.4 Ht4 Dolan, Johnson, Cyril Anderson, Cooley 76.6 Final V.Duggan, R.Duggan, Dolan, Parker 75.6 Monday 5th May 1947 Wimbledon Stadium, London Wimbledon Dons 40 Harringay Racers 44 (National League Division One) Wimbledon Norman Parker 3 2 3 3 11 Mike Erskine 0 1 F 1 2 Dick Harris F 2 2 3 7 Archie Windmill 1 0 1 1’ 3 1 Les Wotton 2 2 3 1 8 George Saunders 1’ 1’ 0 E 2 2 Cyril Brine 1’ 2 3 1 Ken Brett 1’ 3 4 1 Harringay Joe Abbott 2 1 1’ F 4 1 Frank Dolan 1’ 3 2 3 9 1 Vic Duggan 3 3 3 2 11 Nobby Stock 2’ 3 F 1’ 6 2 Ray Duggan 3 2 2 3 10 Norman Lindsay 0 0 0 2’ 2 1 Danny Lee 0 2 2 Bat Byrnes 0 0 0 Ht1 Parker, Abbott, Dolan, Erskine 3 3 3 3 Ht2 V.Duggan, Stock, Windmill, Harris (f) 1 5 4 8 Ht3 R.Duggan, Wotton, Saunders, Lindsay 3 3 7 11 Ht4 Stock, Parker, Brine, Lee 3 3 10 14 Ht5 Dolan, Harris, Abbott, Windmill 2 4 12
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