1 Volume 71 Issue 11 Students speak up at school board meeting March 22, 2013 By Tyler MacQueen to learn. “We learn more in the longer daughter of 8th grader Caleb Slyer. Redbird Writer On March 11th, block periods because the classes are “I will not give up my music for two hours longer, with a 50 minute class we classes. They give me confidence, students and parents criticized School won't have as much time to learn what courage and relief from the stresses of Board members over the newly in- we need to know and stay focused on everyday life,” said an emotional Jun- stated seven period day that will begin that certain subject than we do in a ior Emily Schneider. next year, and the elimination of the block schedule,” said Junior Katie “I am proud of those students block schedule. Over 60 people at- Smith. that spoke to the School Board, they tended the meeting, were respectful and wise with many arriving beyond their years,” said after the meeting Amy Banbury, mother of started. The people Sophomore of McKenna that spoke that night Banbury. emphasized that many High School elective classes will be Principal Mr. Lance very difficult to par- spoke and said that the ticipate in such as reason we are changing to Band, Art, some chal- a seven period schedule lenging Science due to the poor results on Classes, and Choir. college entrance tests. Parent Suz- “There are a lot anne deSalme empha- of misconceptions about sized that after the seven period sched- homeschooling her ule. The college entrance sons she decided to test averages have been have her sons attend Loudonville – below the state standards in English Perrysville School District due to their “I love taking classes like Zo- and Math for the past seven years. We excellent music program. ology, and with a seven period sched- would not be going to a seven period “I can't see how having seven ule, there will be people that won't day if it was not for the low test periods in a day could offset the dam- have the opportunity that I did,” said scores,” said Mr. Lance. age caused by making electives un- Senior Sierra Wright. available to students. Research has “My daughter, now shown that participation in classes like a freshman at the Univer- Music and Art improve tests score,” sity of Akron was success- said deSalme. ful here on the block sched- “I want to take post-secondary ule. It was more like a col- classes next year, and I may have to lege schedule,” said Lisa add Physics to my schedule”, said Jun- Turner, mother of 2012 ior Abbey Bucher, who was holding Graduate Nellie Turner. back tears. “If I have to do that, I will “My son wants to be unable to take band and band is have a career in engineer- where my friends are, the class I love ing, and trying to balance most, the place where people watch Band and S.T.E.M in his my back. I don't want to miss that.” schedule is going to crush Students also want more time him,” said Mrs. Syler, 2 Spring Sport Preview By Krista Matteson against Triway. Both of them at Travis Price in pole vault; and Aus- Redbird Writer home. The following Monday is tin Cary and Craig Henderson as when their season really begins, throwers,” said Coach Sprang. The snow is melting and the April 1st at Lucas. flowers are blossoming. It is finally spring time and new spring sports are arriving! For Loudonville High School our winter sports have ended, and now it's time for spring sports teams to shine. Softball: With the teams goal of Track & Field: This year there is being competitive in their confer- Baseball: With a team of 24 boys an exciting team of 25 boys and 22 ence, competitive in the three sea- this year, only four of them are sen- girls, 47 total members. There are son tournaments, and to make some iors. Cody Spreng, Zach Lozier, many coaches that are helping out kind of a run in the end of the sea- Allen Berry, and Tyler Cates are this year including the returning son tournament, the four softball this years four captains. They will coaches and some new ones: Shan- coaches are all working hard to have to work extra hard along with non Sprang, Jeff Marotta, Russ make this happen as well as the the three main coaches, Brandon Reynolds, Denise McCarron, Rick team of 24 ambitious girls. The four Grimes, Jim Baum, and Matt Wolford, Sami Theimens, and Tori coaches are Eric Stoner, Kenny Rucki, plus two volunteer coaches, Mowery. Young, Devon Butler, and Angie Eric Stitzlein and Skiles Haag. Every year the team picks a VanDyke. “My expectation this year motto and then designs a shirt with “I don't believe in captains, with only four seniors and three it on it. This year the motto is by and I never have. We are one big juniors is to have a constant compe- Eddie Finnigan: “We are what we team and we should all work just as tition between all the guys. They repeatedly do. Excellence, there- hard as the person next to us,” said need to be working their hardest for fore, is not and act but a habit.” Coach Stoner. “I have a lot of tal- spots on the team so they don't feel “The team’s big goal this ented girls returning this year along lie they are being complacent,” said year is to advance as many people with some high expectations of Coach Grimes. to the regional and state competi- them all.” Their goals for this year are tion as possible, also win as many Coach Stoner believes that simple: win their league and do bet- conference championships as we there is one specific girl on the ter than last year. Last year the Var- can,” said Coach Sprang. “Last year team that really has the ability to sity team finished 14-14 and all the girls 4x400 relay team of Chey- being a great pitcher and she is they want is to win more this year enne Bryson, Sydney Spotts, Sierra stepping up to take that position. and advance a lot further in the Wright, and Jessica Berry went to “Haylie Hurst provides tournaments. For each player there Districts, and they are all returning good team leadership, and she is the is also a goal: get better every day. again this year hoping to do just as only returning senior from the pre- “Because our team is so good.” vious year,” said Coach Stoner. young with mostly underclassmen, Sprang has high expecta- there is a lot of room for improve- tions for both the boys and girls re- ment,” said Grimes. “I am looking lay teams, and she expects Sierra for them to fill in spots where we Wright to make a return trip to state need help.” in the 400m and Tristan Bender to The coaches are getting beat the schools record in the 100m antsy for the weather to start look- hurdles. ing better so they can get outside to “I also have high hopes for practice more often. Scrimmages Cheyenne Bryson in the 800m; Jes- start next week on Tuesday against sica Berry, Vanessa Byers, and Colonel Crawford and on Friday 3 “Footloose” dances into the Ohio Theater By Emma Van Keuren The musical is based off the how it all turns out in the end. But Redbird Writer 1984 classic, starring Kevin Bacon. it is a challenge, but a good kind of And the more recent 2011 version challenge” said junior Valarie Musicals are great ways to starring Dennis Quaid. Lance. relieve tensions of the every day Helming the musical is and what a better way than to attend Traci Cooper, who also directed Footloose which is being put on by The Wizard of Oz last year. Mr. the Loudonville High School Music Barone directs the musicians in the and Drama Department. Footloose pit for his 11th year in a row. And is about a teenager named Ren who Mr. Snyder is the chorus director moves to a small town after living this year, he has directed this musi- in the big city of Chicago, and he is cal twice already in other school astounded to learn that the little C.J Stanton stars as Ren districts. Local dance instructor town of Bomont does not allow McCormick, Gina Barone plays the April Spreng choreographed the dancing or even rock music, thanks Reverends daughter, Ariel. Tyler majority of the big musical num- to Reverend Shaw Moore. Along MacQueen also stars as Shaw bers. the way, Ren makes friends, and a Moore, Katie Smith as Vi Moore IMPORTANT INFO: few enemies in this entertaining and Gunnar Sloan as Willard. Also When: March 22, 23,24 musical. The play will be per- starring is McKenna Banbury, Where: The Ohio Theater formed tonight, Saturday and Sun- Shelby Snyder, Maria Vermilyia, Time: 7:00pm (22,23) day. It will be at 7:00 tonight and Bala Fodder and Ryan Weber. 3:00pm (24) tomorrow, and 3:00 on Sunday. Cost: $8—Adults “It's going to be interesting $6—Students/ Seniors Music Department soars at O.M.E.A By Emily Schneider Last Friday instructor), we have an excellent I'm Gonna Sing, and the emotional Redbird Writer night, the band and expect to be better for the song In You I Found. Overall, They band went next time the OMEA judges see got strait ones and an overall score to OMEA competition.
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