Winnisquam Echo THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 2008 SERVING TILTON, NORTHFIELD,BELMONT & SANBORNTON, N.H. FREE Selectmen fire Transfer Station manager BY ERIK ZYGMONT “What happened to Mary?” [email protected] The selectmen declined to SANBORNTON — At give a reason for her dis- their Aug. 20 meeting, the se- missal. In meetings over the lectmen revealed that they past year,the board had ques- had dismissed Transfer Sta- tioned O’Neil on various tion Manager Mary O’Neil in practices at the Transfer Sta- a non-public session at their tion. The board expressed ag- meeting the previous week. gravation when the roof of a “Mary O’Neil is no longer trailer used to store salvage- working for the town,” said able items collapsed after not Board of Selectmen Chair being shoveled this winter. Andrew Livernois at last The selectmen also ques- Wednesday’s meeting. tioned her management of The board had been dis- the station’s scrap metal pile, cussing the work hours of which was frequently bur- Transfer Station employee glarized for valuable metals. June Plummer, who was ap- O’Neil had said that she did- parently putting in some ex- n’t lock the gate protecting tra time in O’Neil’s absence. the metals because the lock Livernois responded to a had been cut numerous question from the audience: SEE FIRE PAGE A10 No survey needed for Thrilled to be back PHOTO BY DONNA RHODES Students file off the bus at Belmont High School for opening day of classes on Tuesday. Tioga River Sanctuary BY ERIK ZYGMONT do a full wetlands survey.” [email protected] The town purchased the BELMONT — The Con- property about two years ago A little community has a lot of love for Dave servation Commission will from an owner who had filled DONNA RHODES not have to pay for a full wet- some of the wetlands, with CONTRIBUTOR lies, doing the cooking and ing.” She went on to say it this,” said Plumb. lands survey of the 60-plus the intention of building an NORTHFIELD — Hun- all today!" wasn't that surprising Parents, teachers, coach- acre Tioga River Wildlife OHRV course, according to dreds of people filled North- Originally planned to be- though, considering all her es, and even police officers Sanctuary off Route 140, said Knowlton. field's Pine Community Cen- gin at 7:30 a.m., Duffey and husband has been involved were a sampling of those at Chairman Ken Knowlton. “When we did get the ter Saturday morning to Stewart were contacted by with in the area. the breakfast on Sunday.Try- Knowlton said that he and piece of property, we did un- show love and support for lo- the Winnisquam Regional "He knows everybody, on's job as the Drug and Al- Rick Ball, the town’s land use derstand that there were vio- cal resident Dave Tryon. field hockey, soccer, and vol- everybody knows him!" she cohol Awareness Coordina- technician, met with DES of- lations on it,” Knowlton said, Tryon, known for his ex- leyball teams who wanted to said with a big smile. "He's tor for Winnisquam Middle ficials and “they agreed with adding that the violations tensive commitment to the attend but needed an earlier just all about the kids and and High School touched the us that we shouldn’t have to SEE RIVER PAGE A10 community and its youth, breakfast. when you are about people's lives of many students over was recently diagnosed with "They had field day to go kids they appreciate it. It's the years. Megan, Kali, and a serious form of lung can- to, however so we had them too bad Dave couldn't be here Kathryn McKenna, along cer. Currently he is at the come at seven instead," ex- to see everyone though. He'd with friend Amber Nash, Town takes economic Mountain Ridge Healthcare plained Duffey. "It was great love this!" were four such students. Center in Franklin, building to have them all come here Nancy Tryon's co-worker Heading out on a day trip to up strength for chemothera- for Dave!" and friend, Carol Plumb, was Maine, they first had to stop lesson from Franklin py. Tryon's wife, Nancy, was busy taking pictures so they by to show their support. The BY ERIK ZYGMONT that businesses don’t like to [email protected] With costs mounting for quite surprised when she could at least show Dave how girls spoke of field trips Try- walk into city halls and talk treatment and hospital stays, walked in and saw the three much support he has. Re- on organized and all the fun BELMONT — Input from about what they want to do,” the Pine Community Center teams. cently named Tilton's Citizen they have had with him in the Denise Sharlow, vice presi- she said. rallied together for a "It was awesome! I walked of the Year, Tryon himself past. It was evident that his dent of the Franklin Busi- Town Planner Candace fundraising breakfast. Exec- in and they started applaud- has worked on many local sudden illness affected them ness and Industrial Develop- Daigle said that she has had utive Director of the council, ing!" she said. fundraising events over the and they wished him well in ment Corporation, led the the same experience in Bel- Katie Duffey and Brittni Nancy was there with her years. Plumb was very happy his fight. Belmont Economic Develop- mont. Stewart, Recreation Direc- two daughters, Kimberly and to see the community come "It's a great turnout!" said ment Committee to ponder “We answer a lot of ques- tor, said they put the break- Kathleen, who coach the vol- out in support of him this Walter Hall. His entire fami- the idea of a non-profit or- tions for people who won’t fast together in under two leyball team, along with oth- time. ly had come to the breakfast, ganization, completely sepa- tell us who they are, where weeks when they heard the er friends and family mem- "Dave has done a lot in this including Joana, a German rate from the town itself, as a they’re going, or what the news. bers. Her first reaction to the area. It is payback time now exchange student they are facilitator for business devel- business is,” Daigle said, "We are used to doing hundreds of people arriving and it's wonderful to see the hosting. "This is three times opment. adding that while the Plan- breakfasts, so it was some- was that it was “overwhelm- community step up like SEE DAVE PAGE A10 At Monday night’s meet- ning Department is “willing thing we could put together ing, Economic Development to play ‘what if ’ all day long,” fast," said Duffey."Dave is on Committee Chair Brian Wat- the process becomes awk- the council as well, and has terson observed that ward. done so much around here. Franklin is an “up-and-com- Daigle said that the Right Now we wanted to do some- ing city.” to Know Law makes it diffi- thing for him." “I have a lot of clients cult to keep information "This is something we moving from several other sharing with prospective knew we could do," Stewart towns to Franklin,” said Wat- businesses confidential. agreed. "We have 10 mem- terson, who owns Shaker In- Sharlow also gave exam- bers on the council and they surance in Belmont. ples of where, as a private or- are all here with their fami- He said that in terms of ganization, the FBIDC has encouraging economic de- more freedom in the ways it velopment, the FBIDC in can act than a municipality. INDEX Franklin is “already doing One of the organizations ● what we’re trying to do” in first successes was obtaining Belmont. a 9,000 square foot building Sharlow said that though in west Franklin to house Volume 1 • Number 25 the FBIDC has a $77,000 budg- three business tenants, one 24 Pages in 2 Sections et funded in large part by the of which operates a “very, Sports..............................B1-B5 city of Franklin, it is actual- very high-end” metal cast- ly a separate entity, and con- ings business. Entertainment ......................A9 siders Franklin’s contribu- To obtain the building, Editorial Page .......................A4 tion a donation. Sharlow said, the FBIDC “set Classifieds .....................B6-B10 There are several advan- up” a limited liability com- Schools ...............................A10 tages using such an organi- pany with Franklin Develop- zation to encourage econom- ment, another private com- Almanac ...............................A2 ic development, Sharlow pany,which owned the build- Spotlight...............................A3 said, with confidentiality for ing. prospective businesses being “Primarily, we had to get Culture............................A6-A7 PHOTO BY DONNA RHODES Obituaries.............................A6 A donation box, brightly decorated with helping hands, sits inside the Pine Community Center at a fundraiser a major one. in writing that we had ten- held for Dave Tryon last Saturday. “It’s been my experience SEE FRANKLIN PAGE A10 WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC – AUCTION PRICES EVERY DAY 603-581-7133 WWW.BELKNAPHYUNDAI.COM A2 August 28, 2008 LOCAL NEWS WINNISQUAM ECHO ■ Y Project awaits final DOT approval BY ERIK ZYGMONT tions with the state this past so needs to take into account $1,050,000 of the multi-year Y over the roads and appropri- been “straightened out.” [email protected] spring and into the summer, the fact that the town also Project, even though some of ate one-third of the cost, The previous week, Nick- SANBORNTON — The the town received verbal as- cannot appropriate any mon- that money has already been measures that have to be ap- erson had expressed conster- town is putting the finishing sent from the state that it ey toward the project until spent.
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