.XONÄM* FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 8 ' 9 3 4 ^ NUMBER 23 Washington, Wednesday, February 3, 1943 The President brought into the territorial waters of the CONTENTS United Kingdom and Sierra Leone and THE PRESIDENT to the taking or appropriation of such v PROCLAMATION 2575 prizes within the territorial waters of the Proclamation: Page United Kingdom and Sierra Leone for Capture of prizes____________ 1429 Capture of Prizes the use of the United States: Executive Order; NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. Reports of contracts and pur­ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES ROOSEVELT, President of the United chases made under author­ OF AMERICA States of America, acting under and by ity of Title II of First War A PROCLAMATION virtue of the authority vested in me by Powers Act, 1941; amend­ the said act of August 18, 1942, do pro­ ment_______________ 1429 WHEREAS the act of August 18, 1942, claim that the Government of the United REGULATIONS AND NOTICES Public Law 704, 77th Congress, contains Kingdom shall be accorded like privileges in part the following provisions: with respect to prizes captured under Bituminous Coal Division: "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of authority of the said Government and District Board 1, order grant­ Representatives of the United States of Amer­ brought into the territorial waters of the ing relief________________ 1473 ica in Congress assembled, That the district United States or taken or appropriated F ederal Home Loan Bank Admin­ courts shall have original jurisdiction of all in the territorial waters of the United istration; i prizes captured during the present war on the States for the use of the said Govern­ Officers of the banks; agency high seas if said capture was made by author­ duties_____________ 1431 ity of the United States or was adopted and ment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ F ederal Trade Commission: ratified by the President of the United States Folger, J. A., and Co., hearing_1473 and the prize was brought into the territorial unto set my hand and caused the seal waters of a cobelligerent or was taken or ap­ of the United States of America to be F ood D istribution Administra­ propriated for the use of the United States on affixed. tion: the high seas or in such territorial waters, Bachman & Peterson Livestock including Jurisdiction of all proceedings for Done at the City of Washington this Commission Co., notice un­ the condemnation of such property taken as 30th day of January in the year der Packers and Stockyards prize. [seal] of our Lord nineteen hundred A ct----------------- 1431 * • * • • and forty-three and of the In­ Marketing areas; handling of "Sec. 3. The jurisdiction of prizes brought dependence of the United States of milk: into the territorial waters of a cobelligerent America the one hundred and sixty- Fall River, Mass______ 1431 shall not be exercised under authority of this Philadelphia, Pa.______ 1431 Act, nor shall prizes be taken or appropriated seventh. within such territorial waters for the use of F ranklin D R oosevelt Sugar determinations; 1943 the United States, unless the government By the President: sugarcane crop farming having jurisdiction over such territorial practices___________ 1430 waters consents to the exercise of such Juris­ Cordell Hull, Internal R evenue Bureau: diction or to such taking or appropriation. Secretary of State. Miscellaneous e x c i s e taxes; * * * * * [F. R. Doc. 43-1749; Filed, February 2, 1943; transportation of property- 1433 "Sec. 7. A cobelligerent of the United States 11:28 a. m.J Interstate Commerce Commission: which consents to the exercise of the juris­ Annual reports; form prescribed diction herein conferred with respect to prizes . for freight forwarders (2 of the United States brought into its territo­ documents)____ _____ 1472,1473 rial waters and to the taking or appropriation of such prizes within its territorial waters for '*v4 V Periodical and special reports; the use of the United States shall be accorded, ^EXECUTIVE ORDER 9296 form prescribed for quar- upon proclamation by the President of the V terly reports_____________ 1473 United States, like privileges with respect to Ending P aragraph 1 of T itle n of Labor D epartment: prizes captured under authority of such co­ 'Executive Order No. 9001 of Decem­ Shipbuilding and ship repair in­ belligerent and brought into the territorial ber 27, 1941 Concerning R eports of dustry; stay of application waters of the United States or taken or appn Contracts and P urchases Made Under of overtime wage compen­ priated in the territorial waters of the Unljid Authority of Title n of the F irst sation order____________ 1440 States for the use of such cobelligerent, War Powers Act, 1941 ciprocal recognition and full faith and Credit National War Labor Board: shall be given to the Jurisdiction acquired by By virtue of the authority vested in Tennessee Valley Authority, courts of a cobelligerent hereunder and to fall me by Title n of the First War Powers wage and salary adjust­ proceedings had or judgments rendered in ex­ Act, 1941, approved December 18, 1941, ments____________ 1440 ercise of such jurisdiction.” (Public Law 354, 77th Congress.) and as Office of Price Administration: WHEREAS the Government of the President of the United States and Com­ Adjustments, etc.: United Kingdom, a cobelligerent, has mander in Chief of the Army and Navy Aluminum Cooking Utensil consented to the exercise of the jurisdic­ of the United States and deeming that Co___________________ 1476 tion conferred, by the said act with re­ such action will facilitate the prose- (Continued on next page) spect io prizes of the United States (Continued on next page) 1429 1430 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, February 3, 1943 CONTENTS—Continued the said Executive Order No. 9001 have heretofore been or may hereafter be Office of Price Administration— extended. Continued. Page Franklin D R oosevelt FEDEM^fÿjtEGISTER Hardwood logs, prime grade ^iz/wno^ (MPR 313)______________ 1453 The White House, Indian and Eskimo handicraft January 30, 1943. objects (Supp. Reg. 1, Am. [F. R. Doc. 43-1731; Filed, February 2, 1943; / Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, 51)____________________ 1454 10:39 a. m.l */ / and days following legal holidays by the / / Division of the Federal Register, The National Milled rice (MPR 150, Am. 2) __ 1457 Archives, pursuant to the authority con­ Mixed fertilizer, superphosphate tained in the Federal Register Act, approved and potash (Rev. MPR 135, Regulations July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500), under regula­ Am. 1)__ 1459 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Petroleum and petroleum prod­ mittee, approved by the President. ucts (RPS 88, Am. 57) _____ 1457 TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE The Administrative Committee consists of Ration banking; depositors the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer (Gen. Ration Order 3A) — 1449 Chapter VIII—Food Distribution of the Department of Justice designated by Administration1 the Attorney General, and the Public Printer Rubber heels, etc. (MPR 200) — 1461 or Acting Public Printer. P etroleum Administration f o r P art 802—Sugar D eterminations The daily issue of the F ederal R egister War: will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free Petroleum production opera­ 1943 SUGARCANE CROP FARMING PRACTICES of postage, for $1.25 per month or $12.50 per tions (PAO 2)___________ 1470 Determination o.f farming practices to year, payable in advance. The charge for Petroleum supply (PAO 1)____ 1470 be carried out in connection with the single copies (minimum, 101) varies in pro­ Securities and Exchange Com­ production of the 1943 crop of sugarcane portion to the size of the issue. Remit money order for subscription or single copies mission: in the mainland cane sugar area, pur­ payable to the Superintendent of Documents Hearings, etc.: suant to section 301 (e) of the Sugar Act directly to the Government Printing Office, National Power & Light Co— 1477 of 1937, as amended. Washington, D. C. Tobacco Products Export Pursuant to the provisions of ¿section There are ho restrictions on the republica­ Corp____________ 1477 301 (e) of the Sugar Act of 1937, as tion of material appearing in the F ederal War Manpower Commission: amended, the following determination is R egister. Non-federal educational institu­ hereby issued: Telephone information: District 0525. tions; training programs § 802.23e Farming practices in con­ for armed forces_________ 1440 nection with the production of the 1943 CONTENTS—Continued W ar P roduction Board: crop of sugarcane in the mainland cane Office of Price Administration— Agave fiber, etc. (M-84)---------- 1443 sugar area—(a) Soil-building require­ Continued. Ascorbic acid (M-269)—,-------- 1446 ments. The conditions prescribed in Adjustments, etc.—Continued. Page Lead (M-38-c) ____ ______ — 1441 subsection (e) of section 301 of the Sugar Blue Diamond Coal Co_____ 1474 Sole leather (M-80-g)----- 1443 Act of 1937, as amended, shall be deemed Cap Sales Corp_________+_1468 Stop construction order------ — 1477 to have been fulfilled with respect to the Continental Spring Corp___ 1474 Suspension order: production of the 1943 crop of sugarcane Cush-O-Liners manufactur­ Baldwin Rubber Co------------ 1441 for sugar on any farm in the mainland ers.____ ______________ 1468 Textile fibers, leather and tex­ cane sugar area if there is carried out in Freedman Motor Service, Inc_ 1470 tile and leather products 1943, on land on the farm which is Goebel, Chester____________ 1474 P-139) __________________ 1448 adapted to the production of surgarcane Guerin Special Motor Freight Woodworking machinery and for sugar, an acreage of soil-building Line, Inc____ _______ 1469 light m a c h in e tools practices equal to not less than 15 per “Gulf Gas Station,” Buffalo, (L-237)________________ 1447 centum of the acreage of sugarcane for N. Y____ _______ 1474 sugar growing on the farm for harvest Hercules Cement Corp______ 1475 in 1943.
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