Nov. 24, 1942. s. HUNT 2,302,867 COMÈINED MIXER AND INTERMEDIATE FREQUENCY STAGE l Filed Oct. 25, 1941 Q/ T - l INVENToR ’ SEYMOUR BY 7% é ArróRNEY Patent-ed Nov. 24, 1942 2,302,867 . UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE tratas@r COMBINED MIXER AND INTÉRMEDIATE FREQUENCY STAGE Seymour Hunt, Flushing, N. Y., assîgnor to Radio Corporation of America, a corporation of Dela Ware Application october 25, 1941, serial No. 416,438 8 Claims. (>Cl. 250-20) This invention is concerned with an improve ` accelerate the electron stream and to shield elec ment in radio receivers of the superheterodyne trostatically the signal control grid G4 from volt type and more particularly with a combined first age fluctuations on the oscillator anode-grid G2 detector-oscillator or mixer and intermediate fre and the output anode P. quency stage that may be used with advantage in Cl According to my invention the functions of such receivers. the several electrodes and the connections there In the present state of the art it isknown to tol of the circuit elements are modified somewhat use in superheterodyne circuits a multi-electrode ~ as will now be pointed out more particularly. In type of tube designed to perform simultaneously the circuit of Fig. 1 the grid G1 serves as the the functions of a mixer tube and of an oscillator signal control grid as well as the oscillator grid. tube. According to my present invention the ` Connected between the signal grid G1 and cath same or equivalent multi-electrode tube is made ode 'is the circuit L1-C1 which is tuned to the to perform in addition the function of interme received signal oscillations. If desired, an RF diate frequency amplification. As a result ne. amplifier stage may precede the detector-oscil cessity for the use of a separate tube to perform l15. lator-IF amplifier tube V, the same being inter the function of intermediate frequency ampli ' posed between the antenna A and said resonant ñcation is dispensed with. circuit L1--C1 through the radio frequency Other objects of the invention are to provide a transformer T1. Included in the connection to circuit which would be attractive in small low the signal grid G1 is an inductance coil Lz to - price receiving sets where the cost must be kept 20 which there is coupled an inductance coil La, one down to a minimum; to provide a receiver'of re end of the latter being connected'to the second duced size and weight; and in battery-operated grid G2 which serves as the oscillator anode, the sets to provide economical operation by reducing other end of the coil Lsbeing connected to ground battery consumption. through a variable condenser C3. The circuit The novel features characteristic of my inven 25 comprising the elements Ls-C‘s constitutes the tion are set forth with particularity in the ‘ap principal portion of a` circuit which is tuned to pended claims. 'I'he invention itself, however, the oscillator frequency above or below the sig both as to its organization and mode of opera nal frequency by the amount of the intermediate tion. together with further objects and. advan frequency. The remaining portion of this cir tages thereof, will best be understood by reference cuit is vprovided by the primary tuned circuilt I1 to the following description ltaken in connection of transformer T2 whichbeing tuned to the inter with the accompanying drawing in which Fig. 1 mediate frequency presents a low reactance to the and Fig. 2 illustrate preferred circuits embodying oscillator frequency. It will be seen therefore the present invention of >combined mixer and in that the local oscillator is constituted by the termediate frequency stages. n ' electrodes K, G1 and G2 and that­ feedback from vIn the circuit of Fig. 1, the tube designated V the output to the input of said oscillator is pro isa multi-electrode vacuum tube and may be vided by the magnetic coupling between L2 and of the type known as “6A7” or “6A8,” also known L3. VIt will be seen also that the grid G1 serves as pentagrid converters. This tube is provided _ not only as the signal control grid for the re with a cathode K, an output or plate electrode P 40 ceived oscillations but also as the control grid and a plurality ofy grids G1 .to G5 interposed in of the local oscillator. the space between K and P in the order named. The variable tuning condensers C1 and C3, In the normal use of this tube -as a pentagrid and the variable condenser C2 of the RF ampli converter, the cathode K, ñrst grid G1 and second fier, if one ­is'used, are mechanically intercon grid G2 have external circuit elements connected 45 nected as shown by the dotted line U for the thereto to perform the function of a local oscil purpose of providing uni-control. Connected to latorl for generating thel local oscillations, the the grid G2 is the approximately fixed tuned grid G2 serving as the output or anode elec circuit I1 which is resonant to the intermediate trode of the oscillator. Received signal oscil frequency oscillations resulting from the inter lations are impressed on the fourth grid G4, and 50 action between the received signal oscillations due to the combined action within the tube os and the locally generated oscillations. This `cir cillations of the Vintermediate frequency appear cuit is not exactly fixed tuned since the adjust in the output circuit connected to the plate P. ment of C3 affects its resonant frequency, but The third and ñfth grids G1 Gc are connected if 'C3 is small compared to the capacity in I1, together, v_inside the tube envempe and serve tg’ 55 this variation in tuning is not important. Cou 2 2,302,867 pled to the circuit I1 is a second fixed tuned cir tube having within a common envelope a cath cuit I2 also resonant to the intermediate fre ode, a plurality of grid electrodes and only two quency oscillations, the coils of said circuits con output electrodes, 'a tuned input circuit having stituting the transformer T2. The circuit I2 is impressed thereon the received signal oscilla connected to the fourth grid G4, which formerly tions connected between cathode and one of the served as the signal input grid. The interme grid electrodes, external circuit elements con diate frequency oscillations impressed upon this nected between said latter grid electrode, cath grid is now ampliñed and appear in the output ode and one of the output electrodes to serve as circuit of the anode P, the output circuit being a generator of local oscillations, a ñrst inter constituted by the tuned intermediate frequency. 10 mediate frequency circuit connected to said one circuit I3. A fourth intermediate frequency cir output electrode, a second intermediate fre cuit I4 is coupled to the output circuit'Ia of tube. quency­ circuit coupled to the first intermediate V, the coils of said circuits constituting the trans `frequency circuit connected to one of the other former Ts. The oscillations occurring­ in the . >grid electrodes, and a third intermediate fre circuit I4 may then be further amplified a> 15 quency­ `circuit connected to the second output second intermediate frequency stage or else fed electrode. directly to a second detector, the resulting audio 2. A circuit as defined in claim l wherein the currents being fed to an audio frequency'ampli ‘ external circuit elements comprises an induct ñer and reproduced by a loudspeaker in the ance _coil connected to the grid electrode to usual manner. 20 which the signal input circuit is connected, a In order to provide suitable operating bias second coil in'coupledrrelation to the first con for the signal control and oscillator grid G1 nectedto said one output electrode, and a vari the cathode K has connected between it and able condenser connected to the second coil and ground the conventional»self-biasing resistance forming therewith a tuned circuit resonant to capacity network, R-C. In the event that it is 25 the frequency of the locally generated oscilla desired to provide the receiver with automatic tions. volume control, the control bias therefor may 3. In a superheterodyne receiver, a circuit for be obtained in the usual manner from the second performing the combined functions of first detector and fed either to‘thesignal grid G1 or detector-oscillator and intermediate frequency the IF grid G4, or both. The electrodes G2, 30 amplification, comprising an electron discharge Ga-G‘i, and P are connected to a suitable power tube having within a common envelope a cath supply source (not shown) vthrough the leads ode, a plurality of grid electrodes land a single marked +B, +S and +B, respectively. anode electrode, a tuned input circuit having In the second embodiment of -my invention impressed thereon the received signal oscilla shown in Fig. 2 I make use of the tube V’ which 35 tions connected between cathode and -one of combines in one bulb a triode and a pentode, the grid electrodes, external circuit elements these units being independent of each other connected between said latter grid electrode, a except for the common cathode K. A repre second grid and cathode to -serve as a local sentative type of‘ tube that may be used is the oscillator, a first circuit tuned to the interme “6FT” or equivalent. The triode section of the 40 diate frequency oscillations resulting from the tube includes the grid Git and the anode Pr. interaction between the received and local` os The pentode section includes grids G1P,Gzp, grid cillationsv connected to said second grid -elec Gap, and the anode Pp.
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