% ■ l'- ■•*,v.-: ‘ ■-,■ ■ ■■ ■■',* .W r. • ■■:, ■■■ -jiftiSfv. i •■ , , v # ^ . ■N FRIDAY. DECEMBER 23,1956,. ^^^^Byj^bURTBBH ^anrlipstpr lEopnittg %^ra(b Today*8 Edition Js The Herald^ Gift to It» Newsboys. mlalatsrtsl student of Albion Col Church. This Sunday morning at Holmes, chairman of ths board of future congregations. Ths pressnt Anderaon • Shea Auxiliary No. thutacs. 'Ths prayer of Thanks­ church is wan ovsr a cantury pM legs, Mich. 2046, V F V fi will hold a aetback Church Dedjeates 10 o'clock, tba deeda to the Parker —i. ^ :6AL The Weather St. property, on which a new giving will ba offered by the pa^ and a growing congregation has AT LOW PRICES A range Daily Net Run % About Town -party aa uaual thia evening at the necessitated the construction - of CUJB SPEAKER P arfsast of O. R, W aatker I .t'C O O C rty LICCCIB churchtor, edifice .the Rev.-John nill be cpnstnicteo. fil. Post. Miss Doris (^dio of 188 Oak Par tke Week Btaed l ^ t home. Playing will commence (will be dedicated, representing full It was about one year'ago that new and'larger facilities. Dec. 17. 18W ^ The Mwy Cheney end Whitoln at 8:30, p.m. ' 8t. will be among tbs’undergmdli ■ tiibnmee • lie! open Seturdey payment. '* I the congregation at North Church The Christ mas Day acrvioewUI Arthur Drug Storis j CSondy, net ae eOM toulfkt aad decided Jo relocate its pariah cen-s be conducted by the pastor, as- ata epeakere at the sub-freshmenmen,A . ■ ■ ^ momlnf only feotn to 12 o'clock The meeting of the convention CbPistmes Day will be a highly On behalf of the building com­ tea to be given by ths Mount Hol-Hoi-1 r HOURS 8 AM. to U P-lt. ^ cliiaiioe at drissle ar freaetag. leSe . noon. They wtU be doaed ell dmy significant one In the century-plus mittee. Alton B. Cowles, chairman, ter. following an intensive survey aiated by Robert A. McBride, ax- 11,928 tonrehL* ^ OanalderaMa ciMpSlaaaa committee of the Orange l<)|dg«a. of its responsibility to present and horter, and Jamea R. Nelson Jr., yok^ Club ot Hartford on Dec^ “ Rowley'end, will romi^ refoler scheduled for^ this evening, has history of the North Methodist will present tlie deeds to M ark Mcasber af tke Audit and wanabr Snaday, )je^ on Tneedey. ^ l-een'pbatponen uhtil a later date. Riusau ft Ctfculatien ■VT M tm ehester^ A City o f ViUago Chorm • Dr. ta d Atre. .^indeld T, Miwer The Rev. Paul G.^.Prokopy an­ -X nnd their family are’ vlriUnif tier nounces that the rerV|ces Christ­ ^|C&iai4Rsi Advartlalag aa fa g a U ) family In Nova, BcOtla. They wlU mas morning r.t 8 p.tn. in Zion yOL. LXXV, NQ. (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1956 PRICE PlYB CBNT« return Dec.'29. Church,for diaplaced p«soits and j ’ i.a I rcfufiTcei will b i in ’th®\Gurniwi T- Idas Pouletto,Croteau. daughter •> ELECTRICAL GIFTS of Mr. tad Mrs. Archie Croteau of j______ \ , . m 11 Rosemary PI., a pupil of the |, ^ Gertrude Gardner Tyler School of C C ^ t t a o 1 the Dance, will appear on the Tex ICt./ ^ v n l Christmas show a t liSO.p.m. tomorrow on Station WKNB-TV. Accidents Here i i She is an eighth grade pupil at the v: h ' •- y:r'.' :• Barnard School. ■ - '/ M •^ile Patrolman Prederlck Ted- ' ' • ' Amonf the divorces granted In ford was investigating onehtcident ■^y Superior Court. Hartford, this, yesterday evening, his' crtitrer— week were the foiloddng to' local parked along the road—became in residents: Marion from Nelson G. Briggs on the grrunds oMntpler- volved-iii another. ahle enielty; Bemeltc B. from ■ Both were' attributed to snow James 8. l^rrelT, 310 Weakly aup- and ice, Tedford said. f ' 'port for each, of four c'hildren, on- The. patrolman related that he the grounds of <^descrtion: and had parked his crui.ier on the north Chrolyn from Stanley J. Qlander, side of E Middle Tpke. before in­ 380 monthly support for one child. vestigating a coliniton Involving TOASTERS ELECTRIC Proposes^ Three Steps An^y W aters TrafS cars driven by Leonard Johnson; ' Supt. Alton J. Munsle of the 85, of 41 HoH ,St., and Richard Geiwral E l^ ric PERCOLATORS Salvation Army Sunday School in- P. Resnicky, 28, of Mansfield, ■A Toastmaster >vltaB paranta of the children to at­ General Electric Plan for Arnts Curbs which occurred at 5:55 p.m. ' . Sunbeam Scor^ in Yuba City; tend the program of reeUatlMts Johnson's car traveling south on , Presto. ind special music in the Junior hall Summit 8t., had atartsd through T^iversal tomorrow at 7 p.m. Santa Claus Cory ' Vatican City, Dec- 24 (ff*)—f The Pontiff also: the intersection of E. MIdme Proctor Mirromatic 1. Wamsd that colonial pfople'b Is alsoiexpKKtsd to drop In during Tpke. and Summit St. on a green Pope Pius XII, in his 17th an­ the evening. West Bend must not be deni^ political free­ Sail Francisco, Dec. 24 (4v-T he rampaging Feather tight, and Resnicky'r car, pro­ Charnlhouse . nual Christmas message, dom. smashed through a levee eaily; today, forcing an crtii ceeding on' the .turhpike, aklddM called on the world today to and crashed into Johnson's, Ted­ c - ' i . Repeated emphatically the 8,000 persons to flee from the Central California coim ford said. ★ ★ renounce atomic tests and the Catholic Church's -rejection of of Yuba City with water lapping at their heeja. _ PORPROMPT No arrests ware made and no A . use of atomic weapons. communism as a aocial aystam, Rapidly-rising water trapped cduntless-otKerit' ir t^ e l^ lEHtlGERATtON injuries reported, and things The 79-year-oid spiritual leader by virttip of Christ's doctrine. Yuba City homes as one of the mightiest floodi inVWesI^v SERVICE seethed to be under control, then- ’T/ of morg than 450 miOion Roman The Pope, dreesed in white and a car driven by Ruth Bikekmukiia, OathoUce said control of nuclear gold robes, spoke in a firm voice to Ckiaat history showed signs af receding^te^surging c a iA m i l i j a n s 18, -of 436 N. Main St.. sViddSfl weapons Involves three siihuUane. 16 assembled Cardinals and other parts of three states. ■ ,, ► while approaching the red light at -ous steps: Renunciation of taperl- prelates. ' His delivery was in V Across the Sierra Nevada, a sudden c o ld ^ f^ in the moun* ’ Ml f.3S85 the Interssctlon, stru,ck the ritat ■ 7 -as 'L- mertts with such weapons, renun­ marked contrast with last year, tains and snow storm appeared to be s a v ^ the gambling a n d : rear end of a truck which-, had ciation of their use, and general when he wad able to give the world \' stopped •for the light, and skidded control of alt armaments. He called only a brief greeting after his con- divorce center of Reno,- Nev., from a major floo^g by the^^: into, the left rear end of the police for an International agreement to- valescene Jrom a grave ilineas. Truckqe River. The Tnickee was back in its channel todajrj!: cruiser, Tedford said. \W ell known make achieve them. Persona cloae to him said today he after toi^nts of melting snow in t)ie mountains sentlt overf fEFUN Tedford's invrtigaton of the sec­ The Pontiff, speaking ftom hit kppearfd somewhat tlrad from the ts bankSrxflooding parts of Reno. i*- THISC UlSTMAS ond accident revealed that 3300 golden throne over the 'Vatican prethiure of the Christmas season At Stocktoq, an inland port citji^<^ damage was doh'e to the front end NYLON PANTIES ■ /. Radio; wamed-that merely halting but otherwise seemed fitter than •ome 70 milea aaat of San Fran- X, Archery, I of the Bikemuks car,. 350 to the Ti;unk or brief style#, lace atomic weapon testa would not be for some years. claco, an eitimatad S.ODO paraona Flood Summary BowUttg Shoes, i left fender of the van truck being adequate. ,8uch a limited step, he The Pontiff warned against the wait) ordarad avacuatad aarly to­ Pishing Needs, 81041 operated by Robert DauPhlnals, trim or tailored. Sizes 5 to 9. added, would give "sufficient rea­ possible danger of too many ax- day whan a eoVarad\Slough ^aln- Oym Rags, Jackets 31, of Granby, and $25 to ths left son to doubt a sincere desire to perimenta vrith atomic axploalons, into tha atock aMp ehannel sear -of Ihe cruiser. By THE ASSOCIATBD PRESS ^ put into effect' the -other ta’o 'coh- flooded and aent water ^Tsvar a Here is a brief, breakdown of th a . ParUag Per Ooetemers No'..rtaats and no injuries ra- •ventlons." (Conitianed oa Mge rmtiieea). aavaral'block aTaa. WoMt crawa Rcnr ef store 888 Cars sulted from, the second accident, ripped up parts of atraata to wsatem flood aituatlon by araa: police said..,' -— ^ I.OO to 3,95 divert tha water to/Shlihlp'chtaneb MarysviUa-Yuba p ity, alater^ Damages resulting from the id l u a n D ajr>f Rain citlaa on the rampkUng Tuba and - JOHNNY HEDLUND'S first accident entailed 3400 to the Maanwhna, th ^ Feather Rivera—some 13,60S per-^'' r ' i t i f ama avacuated from HaiyavlUa .i ' SPORTS CENTER lefK.side of the Johnson car and drenched qn<r drenched tad ASd about 8,000 frdm Tuba City.' ^ > g l EAST CENTER STREET ‘3150^ ths front left end of the \ l Three Nuns .JPerish bal«afuarad tartharn California Resnicky auto .Tedford said.
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