ENHANCING OPPORTUNITIES FOR CLEAN AND RESILIENT GROWTH IN Public Disclosure Authorized URBAN BANGLADESH COUNTRY ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 2018 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized SEPTEMBER 2018 ENHANCING OPPORTUNITIES FOR CLEAN AND RESILIENT GROWTH IN URBAN BANGLADESH COUNTRY ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 2018 SEPTEMBER 2018 © 2018 The World Bank 1818 H Street NW, Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000; Internet: www.worldbank.org Some rights reserved This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. 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CONTENTS ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 INTRODUCTION 6 CHAPTER 1: Impacts and Costs of Environmental Degradation in Urban Bangladesh 8 1.1 Impacts and Trends 8 1.2 From Impacts to Estimating Economic Costs 14 CHAPTER 2: Policy and Institutional Framework for Pollution Control and Cleaner Production 18 2.1 Core Environmental Policies and Standards Governing Industries 18 2.1.1 Revising the Environment Conservation Rule 20 2.1.2 Legal Framework for Industrial Hazardous Waste Management 21 2.2 Enforcing Environmental Compliance 22 2.2.1 The Department of Environment 22 2.2.2 Environment Court System 30 2.2.3 Civil Society 31 2.3 Promoting Better Environmental Performance and Green Growth 33 2.3.1 Policy Framework for RECP 33 2.3.2 Institutional Framework for RECP 33 CHAPTER 3: Toward Cleaner and More Resilient Cities in Bangladesh 42 3.1 Understanding Environmental Management Responsibilities at the City Level 42 3.2 Urban Environmental Management Experiences in Case Study Cities 43 3.2.1 Dhaka—The Mega City 43 3.2.2 Cox’s Bazar—A Tourist Coastal City 48 3.2.3 Environmental Management in the Municipality of Pabna 51 3.2.4 Madhabdi and Narshingdi—A Tale of Two Cities 53 3.2.5 Mymensingh—A University Town 54 3.3 Priorities for Action 55 CHAPTER 4: A Way Forward 57 REFERENCES 66 ANNEX A: Key Achievements in the Development of Bangladesh’s Environmental Legal and Regulatory Framework Since 2006 72 ANNEX B: Key Observations and Recommendations for the Draft 2017 ECR 75 ANNEX C: Comparison of the DoE’s Organizational Structure with Those of Other Countries 78 ANNEX D: Hazardous Wastes in Bangladesh—Policy Note 85 i Enhancing Opportunities for Clean and Resilient Growth in Urban Bangladesh ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS µg microgram µm micrometer 3R reduce, reuse, recycle ADB Asian Development Bank BAPA Bangladesh PoribeshAndolon BB Bangladesh Bank BBS Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics BCIC Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation BDT Bangladeshi Taka (Tk) BELA Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association BEPZA Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority BEZ Bangladesh Economic Zone BEZA Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority BFD Bangladesh Forest Department BFIDC Bangladesh Forest Industries Development Corporation BFRI Bangladesh Forest Research Institute BFSIC Bangladesh Sugar and Food Industries Corporation BGMEA Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association BIWTA Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority BPC Bangladesh Parjathan Corporation BSCIC Bangladesh Small Cottage Industries Corporation BSEC Bangladesh Steel and Engineering Corporation BTFEC Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation BUILD Business Initiative Leading Development BWDB Bangladesh Water Development Board CASE Clean Air and Sustainable Environment CBECAM Community-Based Ecologically Critical Area Management CCTF Climate Change Trust Fund CEA Country Environmental Analysis CETP centralized effluent treatment plant CIP Country Investment Plan CoED cost of environmental degradation CoUK Cox’s Bazar UnnayanKartripakkay or Cox’s Bazar Development Authority CSR corporate social responsibility CWBMP Coastal and Wetland Biodiversity Management Project DALY disability adjusted life year DAP Detailed Area Plan DC Deputy Commissioner DCC Dhaka City Corporation DG Director General DMA Dhaka metropolitan area Enhancing Opportunities for Clean and Resilient Growth in Urban Bangladesh ii DNCC Dhaka North City Corporation DoE Department of Environment DoF Department of Fisheries DPHE Department of Public Health Engineering DSCC Dhaka South City Corporation DWASA Dhaka Water Supply & Sewerage Authority EA environmental assessment EC electrical conductivity ECA Environment Conservation Act ECC Environmental Clearance Certificate ECR Environment Conservation Rule EF environmental fund EFCC Environment, Forestry, and Climate Change EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMF Environmental Management Framework EMP Environmental Management Plan EPZ export processing zone EQS Environmental Quality Standards ESRM Environmental and Social Risk Management ETP effluent treatment plant FCK fixed-chimney kiln FD Forest Department FFZ floodflow zone FY fiscal year GoB Government of Bangladesh GDP gross domestic product GHG greenhouse gas GIS geographical information system GIZ Gesellschaft fürInternationaleZusammenarbeit (German Agency for International Cooperation) GNI gross national income HAP household air pollution HHK Hybrid Hoffman kiln IEE initial environmental examination IFC International Finance Corporation IHME Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation IQ intelligence quotient ISO International Organization for Standardization JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency LGED Local Government Engineering Department MIST Military Institute of Science & Technology MoC Ministry of Commerce MoEFCC Ministry of Environment,Forest, and Climate Change MoF Ministry of Finance MoHPW Ministry of Housing and Public Works MoI Ministry of Industry MoL Ministry of Land MoP Ministry of Planning iii Enhancing Opportunities for Clean and Resilient Growth in Urban Bangladesh MoTJ Ministry of Textiles and Jute MSDP Mymensingh Strategic Development Plan NBR National Board of Revenue NBSAP National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan NDC Nationally Determined Contribution NGO nongovernmental organization PaCT Partnership for Cleaner Textile PCB polychlorinated biphenyl PIL public interest litigation PM2.5 particulate matter with diameter smaller than 2.5µm POP persistent organic pollutant ppb parts per billion PPD public-private dialogue ppm parts per million PSDSP Private Sector Development Support Project RAJUK Capital Development Authority or Rajdhani UnnayanKatripakha RECP resource-efficient and cleaner production RHD Roads and Highways Department RMG readymade garment SDG Sustainable Development Goal SEZ special economic zone SME small and medium enterprise TLCC Town-Level Coordination Committee TSDF treatment, storage, and disposal facility TSIP Toxic Sites Identification Program TSP Textile Sustainability Platform UDD Urban Development Directorate ULAB used lead-acid battery UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization VCG village conservation group VSBK vertical shaft brick kilns VSL value of statistical life WASH water, sanitation, and hygiene WB World Bank WDI World Development Indicators WEF World Economic Forum WHO World Health Organization WRA water retention area WTP willingness to pay WWF World Wildlife Federation Enhancing Opportunities for Clean and Resilient Growth in Urban Bangladesh iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report was prepared by a team of World Bank Bazar Urban Development Directorate, officials from Group staff and experts led by Suiko Yoshijima (Senior Rajdhani Unnayan Katripakha, the Bangladesh Water Environmental Specialist) and Nadia Sharmin (Senior Development Authority, representatives from local Environmental Specialist), and consisted of Tijen Arin government, academia, research and development, (Senior Environmental Economist), Leanne Farrell and civil society organizations, all of whom provided (Senior Environmental Specialist), Sebnem Sahin very useful feedback during the various discussions (Senior Environmental Economist), Antoine Coste and consultations that took place in Dhaka. (Economist), Jia Jun Lee (Research Analyst), Asif Zaman (Consultant), Md. Khaliquzzaman (Consultant), Constructive comments on the report were received Tanvir Ahmed (Consultant), Elena Strukova Golub from the following peer reviewers: Maria Sarraf (Consultant), Mokhles Rahman (Consultant), Santiago (Lead Environmental Economist), Nagaraja Rao Enriquez
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