5658 in the said several parishes, townships, or places of veniences connected therewith respectively, that is Paddington, Saint Mary-le-bone, Saint John Hamp- to say, firstly, a Railway or Railways, commencing stead, Saint Pancras, Saint Mary Islington, Saint by a junction with' that part of the London and James Glerkenwell, Saint Luke, Saint Leonard North Western Railway heretofore called the Shoreditch, Saint John Hackney, Saint Matthew Grand Junction Railway, near NechelTs Green, Bethnal Green, Saint Dunstan Stebonheath other- in the township of Aston, in the parish of Aston- wise Stepney, Mile End Old Town, Mile End New nigh-Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, Town, Saint Mary Stratford Bow, Saint Ann Lime- and terminating by a Junction with the 'South house, and Ratcliife, as may be necessary for the Staffordshire Railway, at or near St. John Street; purpose of executing and making the said railways, in the parish of St. Michael, Lichfield, in the or either of them, and of keeping open the naviga- city and county of the city of Lichfield, and tion of the said Regent's Canal, and to divert into passing from, in, through, or into the parishes, such variations, alterations, widenings, or enlarge- townships, and extra-parochial or other places ments the waters now supplying the said Regent's following, or some of them, that is to say, Birming- Canal. ham, Aston, Aston -juxta- Birmingham, Aston And notice is hereby further given, that a plan Manor, Witton, otherwise Wilton, Upper Witton, of the said railways and works, and also a dupli- Lower Witton, Neachells, otherwise Nechells, cate of such plan, and a section and duplicate Duddeston and Nechells Duddeston, otherwise thereof, together with books of reference thereto, Dudston, De'ritend and Bordesley, Deritend, Bor- and also a published map with the lines of railway desley, Saldey and Washwood, Washwood Heath, delineated thereon, will be deposited for public Saltley, Little Bromwich, Castle Bromwich, Small inspection with the clerk of the peace for the Heath, Ward End, Erdington, Gravelly Hill, Park county of Middlesex, at his office at the Sessions Hall, Oscott New College, Water Orton, otherwise House, Cler ken well, in the said county, on or Water Overton, Pipe Hays, Bcrwood, Sutton before the said thirtieth day of November, one Coldfield, Great Sutton, Little Sutton, Sutton thousand eight hundred and forty-six; and on or Park, The Coldfield Pens, Hill-Doe Bank, Cooper's before the said thirtieth day of November, one Wood, Warmley, Wylde Green, Maney, 'Langley thousand eight hundred and forty-six, a copy of so Hill, and Four Oaks, all in the County of Warwick; much of the plans and sections as relates to each Handsworth, Perry Barr, Birch-fields, Aldridge, parish in or through which the said railways and Thorne Hill, Queaslet, or Queeslet, Hardwick, works are intended to be made, together with a Oscott, Great Barr, Little Aston, Mill Green, The book of reference thereto, will be deposited with Bosses, Lower Stbnnall, Upper Stonnall, otherwise the parish clerk of each such parish, at his place Over Stonnall, StonriaU, Lynn, Hilton, Shenstone of abode. Lodge, Shenstone Park, Shenstone Hall, Knowle And notice is hereby farther given, That it is Hill, Shenstone, Bury Hill, Bull Moor Lane, intended in the said Bill to apply for powers for Chesterfield, Ogley Hay, Weeford, Swinfen, Pack- the compulsory purchase of lands and houses, and ington, Swinfen and Packington, St. Michael, to vary or extinguish all rights and privileges in Wall, Wall' Butts, otherwise Wall Budds, Burnt- any manner connected with the lands and houses wood Edial and Woodhouses, Burntwood, Edial, proposed to be taken for the purposes aforesaid; Woodhouses, Hammerwich, Pipe-cum-Membris, and also to levy tolls, rates, or duties upon or in Pipa Parva, Pipa Magna, Pipe Place,, Pipe Hill, respect of the said railways and works and the said Freeford, Fulfen, Streethay, St. Chad: otherwise Regent's Canal, and to alter the existing tolls, Stowe, Curborough, Elmhurst, Curbqrough and rates, or duties authorized to be taken by the said Elmhurst, The Close, Lichfield and West Brom- company of proprietors of the Regent's Canal; and wich, all in the county of Stafford; and Lichfield, to confer, vary, or extinguish exemptions from the St. Michael, Pipe Hill, Pipe-cum-Membris, Free- payment of tolls, rates, and duties, and other rights ford, Fulfen, St. Mary, St. Chad, Stow6, St. Chad, and privileges; and to enable the same company of otherwise Stowe, Curborough, Elmhunst, Curbo- .proprietors to raise money by shares, mortgage, or rough and Elmhurst, The Close, Lichfield, and the •otherwise, for the purposes of the said railways and Friary, all within the city and county!of the -city works. of Lichfield. Secondly, a Railway o'r Railways Dated the sixth day of November, 1846. commencing at or hear the point where the road • Lyon, Barnes^ and Ellis, from Thatcher's Barn to Freeford crosses the Solicitors of the Regent's Canal Company. Wyrley and Essington Extension Canal, in the parish of St. Michael Lichfield, in the said county and city of Lichfield, and terminating by a Junc- London and North Western Railway. (Birming- tion with the South Staffordshire Railway, at of ham and Lichfield Line, with Branches to join near the Bone House, in the said parish of St. the Trent Valley and South Staffordshire Rail- Michael Lichfield, in the said city and county of ways, and Amendment of Acts.) Lichfield, which said intended railway or rail- "OTICE is hereby given, that application is ways, and other .works connected therewith, will intended to be made to Parliament in the be situate within the said parish of jSt. Michael next Session, for an Act to authorize and empower Lichfield, in the said county and city of Lichfield; .the London and North Western Railway Company and, thirdly, a railway or railways, coi unencing at .to make, maintain, work, and use the several or near St. John Street, in the parish oi' St. Michael .Railways hereinafter mentioned, or some of them, Lichfield, .in the said county and city of Lichfield; with all proper roads, approaches, works, and con- and terminating by a junction with the .Trent-.
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