Ecological profiles of potential bush encroacher species in the Manyeleti Game Reserve G.J. Bredenkamp Department of Botany, Potchefstroom University for C.H.E., Potchefstroom The habitat preferences of twelve potential bush encroacher Introduction species in the Manyeleti Game Reserve, situated in the Arid Low· veld veld type in the eastern Transvaal, were investigated. These An undesirable increase of woody plants in savanna, wood­ species have wide distribution patterns and owing to their land and bush veld has for a long time been an important presence in many sample plots, high frequencies were recorded in problem facing pasture scientists, cattle farmers and conser­ almost all classes of various habitat variables. Application of the Ecological Profiles Technique therefore resulted in disappointing vationists (Van der Schijff 1964). The economical implications results, as habitat preferences could not be established. The of bush encroachment are enormous, not only as far as actual technique was modified to process quantitative density data (individuals per hectare) and the resulting profiles were expressed combat against encroachment is concerned (Scott 1967; in terms of relative mean density per habitat class. The results Mostert et al. 1971; Werger 1974), but especially concerning were significant and habitat preferences were positively identified. meat production (Roux 1976; Van Vuuren 1979). Grouping of species with similar profiles lead to the identification of the following five indicator groups: Natural increase in density of woody plants in bush veld Terminalia sericea, Combretum zeyheri, C. apiculatum and Acacia vegetation may be a result of higher rainfall (Walter 1971, exuvialis with preference to sandy, acid, leached, non-sodic soils with low conductivity. 1973; Bredenkamp 1976; Werger 1977; Van Vuuren 1979) Pterocarpus rotundifolius with preference to clayey, acid, medium during wet weather cycles (Dyer & Tyson 1977; Gertenbach leached, non-sodic soils with low conductivity. 1980). However, an abnormal undesirable increase in the Acacia gerrardii, A. nigrescens and Albizia harveyi with preference to clayey, alkaline, non-leached, sodic soils with high conductivity. density of woody species is probably caused mainly by a Oichrostachys cinerea, Oalbergia melanoxylon and Ormocarpum biotic factor such as overgrazing and trampling, and often trichocarpum with preference to very clayey, alkaline, moderately also by the incorrect application of fire (compare inter alia leached, slightly sodic soils with medium conductivity. May tenus senegalensis with preference to sandy, neutral (pH), Pienaar 1956; Van der Schijff 1964; Werger 1973, 1974; moderately leached soils with medium conductivity. Van Wyk 1974; Bredenkamp 1976; Gertenbach & Potgieter S. Afr. J. Bot. 1986, 52: 53 - 59 1979; Van Vuuren 1979; Van Vuuren & Bredenkamp 1980; Die habitatvoorkeure van twaalf potensiele bosindringerspesies in Dyer 1983). die Manyeleti-wildtuin, gelee in die Dorre Laeveld veldtipe in die Little is known about the ecology of bush encroacher Oos-Transvaal, is ondersoek. Hierdie spesies het 'n wye versprei­ ding en weens hulle teenwoordigheid in 'n groot aantal monster­ species in southern Africa. A knowledge of the habitat con­ persele, is hoe frekwensies in byna al die klasse van die habitat­ ditions favourable for the encroachment of undesirable species veranderlikes aangeteken. Die resultate van die Ekologiese can enable the land manager to devise ecologically sound Profiele-tegniek was dus teleurstellend aangesien habitat-voorkeure nie vasgestel kon word nie. Die tegniek is uitgebrei om management strategies for the prevention and control of bush kwantitatiewe digtheidsdata (individue per hektaar) te verwerk en encroachment. This study was therefore undertaken to deter­ die verkree profiele word in terme van relatiewe gemiddelde mine some of the relationships between twelve potential bush digtheid per habitatklas uitgedruk. Die resultate is betekenisvol en habitatvoorkeure is positief ge"ldentifiseer. Die groepering van encroacher species found in the Manyeleti Game Reserve and spesies met soortgelyke profiele het tot die identifisering van die certain soil variables. This Reserve is situated in the Arid volgende vyf indikatorgroepe gelei: Lowveld veld type (Acocks 1975) between 24°29' and 24°42'S, Terminalia sericea, Combretum zeyheri, C. apiculatum en Acacia exuvialis met 'n voorkeur vir sanderige, suur, geloogde, nie-natriese and 31 °03' and 31 ° 16'E. gronde met lae geleiding. From these relationships habitat preferences for the Pterocarpus rotundifolius met 'n voorkeur vir kleierige, suur, medium-geloogde, nie-natriese gronde met lae geleiding. particular species can be determined and distribution patterns Acacia gerrardii, A. nigrescens en Albizia harveyi met 'n voorkeur may be explained. As only scanty data on the grazing and vir kleierige, alkaliese, nie-geloogde, natriese gronde met hoe geleiding. fire history of the study area were available, it was decided Oichrostachys Cinerea, Oalbergia melanoxylon en Ormocarpum to exclude these factors from the habitat survey. trichocarpum met 'n voorkeur vir baie kleierige, alkaliese, effens geloogde, effens natriese gronde met 'n medium geleiding. Species included in this survey are Acacia exuvialis May tenus senegalensis met 'n voorkeur vir sanderige, neutrale, Verdoorn, A. gerrardii Benth. var. gerrardii, A. nigrescens medium-geloogde gronde. Oliv., Albizia harveyi Fourn., Combretum apiculatum Sond. S.-Afr. Tydskr. Plantk. 1986,52: 53-59 subsp. apiculatum, C. zeyheri Sond., Dalbergia melanoxylon Keywords: Bush encroachment, density data, ecological profiles Guill. & Perr., Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight & Arn. subsp. nyassana (Taub.) Brenan, Maytenus senegalensis G.J. Bredenkamp (Lam.) Exell, Ormocarpum trichocarpum (Taub.) Engl., Department of Botany, Potchefstroom University for C.H.E., Potchefstroom, 2520 Republic of South Africa Pterocarpus rotundifolius (Sond.) Druce subsp. rotundifolius, and Terminalia sericea Burch. ex DC. Infraspecific taxa and Accepted 23 August 1985 author citations are not repeated in the text. 54 S.-Afr. Tydskr. Plantk., 1986, 52(1) Methods class. In constructing an ecological profile of a species for a particular habitat variable, the normal procedures are: 1. Ecological Profiles Technique using frequency data 1. Establish the classes into which the variable may be The Ecological Profiles Technique (Godron 1965; Guillerm divided. 1971) is very useful to synthesize floristic and habitat data 2. Determine which sample plots are represented in each and to provide information on the ecological reactions of variable class. species to particular environmental factors (Morris & Guillerm 3. Determine the frequency of occurrence of the species in 1974; Bosch 1974; Bredenkamp 1982). A detailed description the sample plots represented in each variable class. of this technique is given by Morris & Guillerm (1974). Although application of the Ecological Profiles Technique The technique requires quantitative habitat data to establish resulted in valuable quantitative information on the ecological the different habitat classes for each variable, and qualitative behaviour of many of the herbaceous species that occur in (presence/absence) floristic data to calculate the frequency the study area (Bredenkamp 1982), the results concerning the (relative or corrected frequency) of the species for each habitat potential bush encroachers were, except for Tenninalia sericea, Percentage clay Conductivity pH Potassium >- 600 t- 300 300 300 300 (f) - Z - t- W 200 200 200 200 0 100 100 100 100 Z <l: 0 lrl--c 0 0 W 0 I 2 3 4 567 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 I 2 3 4 5 I 2 345 ~ Sodium Calcium Magnesium 300 300 300 W > - 200 200 200 t- - <l: r-r- 100 100 100 -.J W f--,.. a::: 0 r 0 0 ---fll---l 0 I 234 5 6 7 8 9 0 I 23456789 0 I 2 3 45678910 HABITAT C LAS S E S (see text for explanation) Figure 1 Ecological profiles of Combretum zeyheri. Percentage clay Conductivity pH Potassium >­ t- (f) 300 Z w 200 o 100 Z <l: W 01234567 01234567 012345 012345 ~ Sodium Calcium Magnesium 300 300 > t­ 200 200 <l: -.J 100 100 '-----,......,---, W a::: o I ~ 0123456789 0123456789 123456789 10 HABITAT C LAS S E S (see text for .explanation) Figure 2 Ecological profiles of Pterocarpus rotundifolius. S. Afr. J . Bot., 1986, 52(1) 55 disappointing as habitat preferences could not be positively the ordinate scale of all the diagrams, all the absolute mean identified. This is ascribed to the fact that the technique density values were transformed to relative mean density processes only presence/absence floristic data to obtain (RMD), expressed as a percentage of the normal density. frequencies, and as the ecologically aggressive encroacher Consequently, a RMD of 100 may be considered as normal species were present in too many sample plots, no significant whereas a RMD of larger than 100 usually indicates habitat habitat preferences could be established. preference or may in some cases suggest encroachment. The ecological profiles (Figures 1 - 5) are all expressed in 2. Adaptation of the Ecological Profiles Technique to terms of RMD. Species with more or less similar profiles are utilize density data grouped into indicator groups (Morris & Guillerm 1974). An During the field survey it was observed that despite the wide indicator group is a collection of species with the same or distribution of the potential bush encroacher species, their similar ecological requirements. In this study indicator groups density
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