THETUFTS DAILY 1 Where You Read It First Thursdav. SeDtember 5. 1996 Volume XXXIII. Number 3 I Hurricane Lezberg resigns as Senate treasurer may affect TCU Presidentsays she may look for a senior to take over the position by PETE SANBORN Friedman asked senior senator Bryan Lezberg plans to stay in touch with both Daily Editorial Board Krause, who was assistant treasurer last Friedman and Goldenberg during the se- Flight SO0 Scott Lezberg, elected in April to a year, ifhe would take over as treasurer. He mester. “I’ll do as much as I can from here,” second term as treasurer of the Tufts Com- also declined. he said. munity Union, resigned his post last week, The TCU constitution states that the “He told me that anytime I had a ques- recovey citing academic difficulties as the reason Senate has 30 days following a resignation tion, I shouldn’t hesitate to give him a call. Los Angeles Times-Washington Post News Service for his departure. to fill the vacancy. Friedman said the Sen- I plan to do that,” Goldenberg said. SMITHTOWN, N.Y.- The Navy had Due to his academic performance, ate has to decide which class will elect a Goldenberg says Krause also has ex- encouraging news for investigators Wednes- Lezberg, who would have been a junior, new representative. pressed a willingness to help. day after assessing storm damage to the was placed on academic probation and While Lezberg is ajunior, there are only “1 hope it will be a smooth year,” Flight 800 recovery effort: At least some of forced to take leave of absence from the two representatives of the senior class on Goldenberg said. “The first month will be thedebrison the floorofthe Atlantic Ocean University . the Senate this year. an adjustment period, but everything will rode out Hurricane Edouard. “Academics come first. 1 have to do “My inclination is to elect a senior since get done.” But the full story ofthe storm’seffects is what is best for me,” Lezberg said from his nothing is explicitly stated in the constitu- Goldenberg says he will continue the not known. Navy officials said Wednesday home in Florida. “I’m upset, I would have tion,” Friedman said. projects that Lezberg had undertaken dur- that Edouard may have scattered some flight liked to do it another year.” “There are not seven seniors on the ing the past year. He also has pledged to wreckage from the largest remaining debris TCU President Andi Friedman said, “He Senate, therefore, it would be most appro- strengthen the relationship between Allo- pile offthe coast of Long Island. They said will clearly be missed. He was a major part priate to open the election to seniors then cations Board (ALBO) members and stu- they may know more Thursday if a video- of the Senate for the past two years.” go down from there.” dent groups. equipped drone is able to provide good Assistant Treasurer Josh Goldenberg, Aware that Friedman would like to fill “ALBO will continue to run the same images. who says he will not accept the position of the position with a senior, Lezberg said, “I way as it did last year, except that I will ask “We know there is debris there, but until treasurer, echoed Friedman’s sentiments. don’t think my class should be penalized counsel chairs to meet more consistently visibility clears up and we get a good look “Thetreasury andthe Senatewill definitely because of my academic problems.” with their groups,” he said. at the bottom we won’t be able to determine miss Scottfor hisexperienceandhis knowl- what impact the storm had on the debris edge in the treasury,” he said. field,’’ said Navy spokesman Lt. Nick Friedman praised Lezberg for his com- Reitrnan investigates Balice. mitment to the treasury and for the im- The Navy salvage ship USS Grapple provements he introduced while in office. returned to the ocean Tuesday after riding “He left the treasury much more effi- charges against Lezberg outthestorm ataNewYorkCityport.Navy cient and operating much more smoothly sonar found a significant amount of debris then in the past,” she said. in a400-yard-by-400-yardfield over which Said Lezberg: “I have worked extremely ents Bruce would the Grapple had been moored, so the ship hard to change the procedure and the daily repositioned itself there, said Cmdr. Gor- goings on of the treasury. It is sad to leave don Hume, a Navy spokesman. something I have worked so hard for.” The ship’s remote video camera tried to Lezberg’s departure leaves a vacancy get a look at the ocean floor but visibility on both the Senate and the TCU executive was poor and the drone was brought to the board. Friedman said elections for a new surface, Balice said. With seaswells reach- treasurer will be held at the first Senate ing 8 feet, diversstayed out ofthe water and meeting, this Sunday. While she won’t no new evidence was brought to the sur- speculate on who might run, she says there face. New York City Police Department is at least one interested senator. divers were to rebin the recovery opera- Currently, Goldenberg is managing the tion Thursday; Deputy Inspector Robert J. treasury. During the past several weeks, Giannelli said two police boats and a Goldenberg underwent intense training with complement of seven divers had returned Lezberg to prepare him for the year. to the scene. Goldenberg also has the responsibility of If Hurricane Edouard pushed debris off training the new treasurer. the pile, or if it moved other wreckage, the “I am confident that Josh will do a great scattered debris should show up when com- job. He has all the tools necessary,” Lezberg pared tomaps made before the storm, Bake said. said. Acknowledging that Goldenberg de- In another development, a report in clined the position of treasurer, Friedman “Jane’s Intelligence Review,”an authorita- said, “The constitution does not say what tive London-based reference, was to say in happens when the treasurer resigns be- Thursday’s edition that while it is possible cause ofthe unique position ofthe assistant a missile struck TWA Flight 800, that re- treasurer.” mains unlikely considering a historical re- Goldenberg said of his decision not to view of missile attacks on aircrafts. run, “I did not have any experience last year Lezberg replied tha Investigators citing numerous eyewit- with the Senate or the Treasury. 1 wasn’t charge the purchaseson ness reports reiterated Wednesday that the sure that I wanted to take on the responsi- missile theory could not be discounted. bilities at the same time.” EO he could get cash back, Lunin-Pack see INVESTIGATION, page 15 DiBiaggio to decide fate of Pepsi products on campus by GREGORY GEIMAN Tufts Burma Action Group have Burma, where a military govern- human rights violations. University entering into any con- Daily Editorial Board told President John DiBiaggio ment has committed a series of “We strongly urge Tufts to use tracts or agreements with Pepsi You’ve got the wrong one, about Tufts’ three year relation- human-rights violations. its consumer influence to pres- until thecompany has fully ceased baby. Uh-huh. ship with PepsiCo. The group is After meetings last week be- sure PepsiCo to cease its business doing business in Burma. That’s what members of the protesting PepsiCo’s presence in tween Director of Dining Services with Burma.” “They have partially withdrawn Patti Lee and members ofTBAG, The group is asking DiBiaggio because of consumer pressure,” the decision of whether to allow to terminate the University’s ex- said TBAG member Kathy Polias. Pepsi to continue selling its prod- istingcontract with Pepsi. Dining “They haven’t totally removed yet, ucts on the Tufts campus was Services’ contract with Pepsi, even though the company tells its placed in the hands’ofDiBiaggio. which is renewed annually, ex- consumers that they have done When the decision is handed pires at the end of this fiscal year, so.” down from the President’s Office, on June 30, 1997. Before Tufts reached an agree- Tufts students could find them- “They haveasked that wecease ment with Pepsi three years ago, selves dispensing Coca-Cola from business with Pepsi on all levels, Coca-Cola was the main supplier dining-hall soft-drink machines in from the syrup in the dining halls of soft drinks to the campus. the near future. and the cans in the vending ma- Coke’s distributer, however, was In a letterto the President dated chines to all of Pepsi’s subsidiar- often late with deliveries, Lee said. Aug. 28, members of TBAG ies, like Frito Lay,” Lee said. The decision by DiBiaggio wrote, “PepsiCo is one ofthe larg- “When we renewed our con- must beconsidered very carefully, est and most visible American tract with Pepsi this past year, the Lee said, and the University needs corporations currently doing busi- situation on campus with the to reach a solution which is “so- ness in Burma. PepsiCo’s involve- Burma group existed but had not cially responsible.” Daily file photo ment lends legitimacy and finan- yet heightened.” Still, Pepsi has provided Tufts Members of the Burma Action Group protested last spring for the cial support to ... a brutal military Members of TBAG also re- removal of PeDsi from Tufts. junta responsible for egregious quested a moratorium on the sw PEPSICO, page 15 )age two THE TUM[’S DAILY Thursday, September 5,1996 rHE TUFTSDAILE Letters to the Editor - John B. O’Keefe The Greek System handbook. However, I am personally of- American Cancer Society is not considered Editor-in-Chief fended that such traditions as the Alpha aso-calledTuftonian Tradition.
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