THE WEATHER Cloudy and humid with pos­ sible showers today followed by clearing this afternoon or to­ morrow. She iu llsid e Sim es Entered ■■ second class mall matter. January 81, 1926, at the Poet Office at Elisabeth, New Jersey, under the Act of March I, 1879. VOL. XXIV, No. 1241 ESTABLISH El) 1024 OFFICIAL NEWBPAFKM HILLSIDE, N. J„ THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1948 OF THE TOW NSHIP OF HILLSIDE William H. Dade Will Retire August 1 Senate Candidate R. of C. Council Is After 41 Years With Western Electric Of Progressives Temporary Building Halt An active career covering 41 years* n the communications industry ‘ :*nds August 1 when William H. supervisor since 1924, gave a fare­ Here On August 10 Being Formed Here well luncheon in his honor at the James Imbrie of Trenton, candi­ Aims At Street Widening Will Include Both Newark Athletic Club last week. date for the post of U. S. Senator Widely known at the Wekearnyan from Newv Jersey on the new Pro­ Industrial Growth Local Parishes And plant as “Bill," Mr. Dade was born gressive Party ticket of Henry Wal­ Delay In Federal and educated in England, arriving lace. will visit Hillside with his International Air Exposition Opens Demands Action, Kreh in the United States in 1906. He im­ newly acquired campaign bus on St. Michael’s, Union mediately joined the Western Elec­ Tuesday. August 10. Imbrie, who is Informs Committee A Hillside Council of the Knights Aids Halts Action tric as a mechanic at the Hawthorne taking his candidacy directly to the July 31 For New York’s Jubilee Year A temporary halt to all building Columbus, to include the Hillsid Works, Chicago. When the Wekear­ people in one of the most colorful construction in the northwest section nyan plant was opened in 1924, he campaigns ever waged in New President Truman will review the* of the township where there has parishes of St. Catherine’s and On Steinberg Home was transferred here to organize Jersey, is traveling the state in u massed airpower of the United been considerable industrial devel­ Christ the King together with St. sound-equipped bus, and holding first public demonstration of cata­ opment recently to enable the town­ Dr. Milton M. Lilien, director of and help supervise the iron and States and inaugurate the greatest Michael’s of Union, is in the process sheet shops. He was safety super­ outdoor meetings in every nook and air -demonstration in history Satur­ pult take oil's and arrested landings ship to carry out a much needed the campaign of the United Para­ ,,l formation here. The Times visor for a number of years, and at corner of the state. day when he formally opens the from a 460-foot flight deck; other street widening program was rec- plegic Fund to erect a home for Irv­ the time of retirement was engaged His appearance in Hillside will International Air Exposition. events include precision flight dem­ i mmended to the Township Com­ learned this week. ing Steinberg, paralyzed veteran, in personnel work. tentatively be near Liberty and The scene will be New York Inter onstrations by U. S. Coast Guard, mittee last night by Township En Induced by requests of prominent reported at a meeting of the fund For prompt action in preventing Long avenues at 2 p.m. August 10. national Airport, Idlewild, where British Royal Air Force and Royal gincer Henry Kreh. CuUiulies of these parishes, a survey Monday night that because of the serious injury to a fellow employee, He will be sponsored by the local for nine days the warplanes of the Navy and other special events. Kreh pointed out that the erection delay in the Federal program of of several new plants, especially has been completed by State Deputy Mr. Dade was presented in 1945 branch of the Progressive Party and United States Air Force, the Navy, The second day of the Exposi­ allotting funds for erection of homes the Independent Citizens League of those of American Can Co. and Lawrence A. Dwyer and Past State with the Theodore N. Vail citation. the Marine Corps, Coast Gu^rd, The tion. Sunday, August 1. has bi for paraplegics, action has been His three children, Miss Dorothy C. Hillside. He may also appear for Air National Guard, and theBTltlJlfC'"SPesignuted "Air Force Day" and ad Weslinghouso Electric Co. will bring Deputy Michael Doody of the temporarily postponed on Stein Dade, William R. Dade, and Wilfred shop-gate meetings at some Hill­ Royal Air Force and Royal Navy d'lional demonstrations of precision heavier traffic to the area which Knights of Columbus who have berg's home. The government Con­ side factories. will salute the City of New York on the streets at present would have tributes up to $10,000 for these J. Dade, are also employed at the flying and recently adapted jet difficulty carrying. found that Hillside is in need of a Western Electric Kearny Works. Robert Imbrie, his son. a Purple its Golden Anniversary. lighter techniques will be given b> homes, depending on how much the Heart veteran of the Pacific theatre, Ho noted especially the intersec­ K uf C. Council. The Catholic popu During his retirement years, Mr. Grover A. Whalen, Chairman of pilots flying a variety of USAF veteran himself is able to raise. is accompanying the Senatorial the Mayor's Committee for the Com planes. _________________ • tion of Bloy street and Hillside ave- Union here has grown considerably" -Daele- expects-tt>-e rEj-oy—hi3~frobbie9 candidate. In order to save ihe cx- No^-U+ww-avenue-,- the jog in Application for the government’s of fishing, gardening, amateur memoration <>f the Golden Anniver­ On Monday, August 2, the Inter­ in recent years, a factor which was share of the cost of the Steinberg pense of a protracted campaign, the sary of the City of New York yester­ Cornell place and extension of the WILLIAM II. DADE theatricals and music. He hopes to two are sleeping in the bus, and national Air Exposition will salute Bloy street overpass which he in­ greatly responsible for the recent home will be made as soon as the continue meeting his Wekearnyan day announced that more than 1,000 tile Borough ol Queens. Borough Veterans Administration lays down making it their headquarters until dicated the slate is very likely to do. transformation of the Church of Dade, of 1430 Maple avenue, will friends, who have presented him planes,- many of them of supersonic President James A. Burke will be the procedure to be followed. Dr. retire from the Western Electric November. Imbrie, a major of Field speed and heretofore protected by New Building Setbacks Christ the King from a mission of with a life membership certificate Artillery in World War I, founded the Chief Executive Officer of the Lilien declared, and construction Company. The Wekearnyan plant in the Stanley S. Holmes Chapter of security regulations, will take part day and will preside at the cere The engineer proposed setting SL, Catherine's into a separate will begin shortly thereafter. Thus management, where he has been a the League of Voters for Roosevelt in the President's Review and in new building setback lines in the the Telephone Pioneers of America. in 1944. the Independent Citizens monial program beginning at 1:30 Catholic parish. far about $8,300 has been contrib­ the flight programs of the subse­ p.m. This also will be Air Transport streets mentioned at least 30 feet James O'Brien, special agent for uted by the numerous organizations League a year later, and has been quent eight days. lrom the center lines of the streets an active proponent of milk price, Day and among the events will be tin- Knights of Columbus, is now at comprising the fund, industries and With President Truman in the re­ and to make approval of future con­ state veterans bonus, and civil rights a luncheon sponsored by the Society work in this area laying the founda­ individual residents. The campaign Earle Assigned To Attend Sessions viewing stand will be members of of Automotive Engineers in con­ struction contingent upon the was launched April 1, legislation in Trenton for years the Cabinet, commanders of the owners of abutting property donat­ tion lor the council’s formation. Or­ past. junction with the Aircraft Industries ganization of a Hillside council will It is expected the fund will go be­ armed forces and other national Association. Air Transport Associa- ing the land for street widening probably take place by the Fall. yond the present total when Dr. Draft Board Post Of Progressives leaders, Governor rhomas E Dewey i lii>ii of America, American Society purposes. He indicated that since Lilien and Harvey W. Peace com­ Ul New York and Governor Alfred I 0l Mechanical Engineers and the most of the land involved is owned O’Brien said, with Rev. Perry G. De The name of Edward W. Earle Among the 3,000 delegates and ob­ Witt, pastor at Christ the King, in plete their work of contacting all Proclamation E Driscoll of New Jersey. Mr. litute of Engineering Sciences by the industrial plants which was submitted Tuesday by Col. Ed­ servers at the founding convention would benefit by the project, ac­ charge of arrangements. local industries. WHEREAS: Tile Coast Guard was Whalen revealed. gar N. Bloomer to Washington auth­ of the new Progressive Party in The President will arrive at New Brooklyn and the United Stales quisition of the land should not be orities to be appointed as local draft Philadelphia over the weekend were founded on August 4th, 1,790, by Army will share the spotlight on loo difficult or costly, Alexander Hamilton and is the old­ York International Airport by Tuesday, August 3.
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