Vol. Ln, No.8 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D.C. Thursday, October 30, 1969 Dr. Tripp Resigns For Ohio State Post Student Senate GU Administrator Calls For End Leaves To Teach To 'Neutrality' The Rev. Robert J. Henle, S.J., and was published in several stu­ The Student Senate passed a President of the University, has dent personnel journals. resolution last week which out­ announced the resignation of Dr. His nationally-recognized ex­ lined its position on the Three Philip A. Tripp as vice president pertise in the student development Sisters Bridge controversy and for stUdent development, effective field made him an excellent candi­ called for an end to University Jan. 1, 1970. His contract was not date to become Georgetown's first neutrality on the question. due to expire until December of student affairs official with vice­ next year. presidential status. Thus he was In introducing the motion, Jerry contacted in the latter part of Meunier (ColI. '70) said that the Dr. Tripp is vacating his admin­ istrative post in favor of a teach­ 1967 to coordinate the various construction of the bridge repre­ University offices which deal with sented "a grave environmental ing position at Ohio State Univer­ sity. He will receive a full profes­ student life. crisis for the District of Columbia ... insensitivity for the welfare sorship in that institution's Colleg~ Shortly after assuming his posi­ of thousands of inner city resi­ of EdUcation and will concentrate tion here, he said, "I see a strange dents, and . a flagrant viola­ his efforts in the field of student set of separate states-the College, tion of D.C. citizens' rights." personnel administration. East Campus, faculty, administra­ A native of Cleveland, he at­ tors, nurses, interest groups, etc. His resolution called for the tended Ohio University for a while What we need is a University Senate "to reject any notion that before enlisting in the Navy at the personality, and my office could the bridge has been the result of beginning of World War II. serve as a catalystic force in an 'honest difference of opinion' When his service career ended, promoting this wholeness." (he was quoting from the Oct. 17 he entered the University of statement of the Rev. Robert J. Whether that wholeness has Chicago, where he earned a been achieved is open to debate, Henle, S.J., President of the Uni­ master's degree in education (with­ versity) and declare it rather a WeekendActivities out ever having received an under­ (Continued on Page 12) matter of political irresponsibility graduate degree) and a doctorate due to unfair and vested inter­ in higher education. ests." Mark Homecoming From 1948 to 1952 Dr. Tripp He also moved that "the Senate taught English at Shimer College demand that the University Ad­ by Eduardo Cue ing dance is set for 8 :30 in in Illinois. He then moved on to ministration voice a personal ex­ Homecoming weekend activities McDonough Gym Saturday night. Chicago Teachers College, where pression of opposition to the con­ The semi-formal event will feature he was a member of the student struction of the Three Sisters start tomorrow, promising exten­ sive athletic and social events. The the "Joe Jeffrey Group" and "Cat personnel services staff. Bridge." Mother and the All Night N ews­ In 1956 he became dean of stu­ Discussion of the motion cen­ weekend is sponsored by the Stu­ dent Athletic Commission to make boys." Both groups have seen re­ dents at Washburn University of tered on the Three Sisters situa­ cent successes. The "Joe Jeffrey Topeka, Kansas, where he also tion in general. Jim Vaughan sports and athletic spirit an in­ tegral part of Georgetown. Group" recorded a hit song en­ served as an associate professor (SFS '71) stated that even if the of education. He remained there The weekend will begin with a titled "My Pledge of Love," while proposed freeway would not affect "Cat Mother and the All Night seven years before joining the U.S. the inner city, as the Washington pep rally in the Quadrangle ':1t Office of Education, a branch of 7 :30 p.m. Friday night, to be fol­ Newsboys" had a very successful PQ8t suggested last week, the tour of rock festivals during the the Department of Health, Educa­ bridge still represented an en­ lowed by a senior-alumni reception tion and Welfare. at 8:30 p.m. at the 1789. summer. vironmental danger for George­ Sunday night "The Who" will As an associate at the Office of town UniverSity itself. Saturday'S events begin with the present a concert to bring the an­ Education, Dr. Tripp acted, in his Meunier twice cautioned the traditional float parade, which is nual festivities to an end. The words, as a "kind of dean of stu­ senators against overlooking the scheduled to commence at 1 p.m. group has just finished a two week dents for Uncle Sam." He became second part of his resolution. He The parade will end on Kehoe sellout engagement in New York, the government's representative emphasized that the motion "de­ Field, the site of the main event and are the authors of the first in research programs in the area manded" an administration state­ of the day, the game between rock opera, Tommy. of student development problems DR. TRIPP ment of opposition. However, none Georgetown and Catholic Univer­ of the student legislators voiced sity. The Hoyas hope to return any objection to his terminology, to their winning ways after losing Speaks In Gaston and the resolution was passed to Manhattan 14-13 last Saturday. without any dissenting votes. Before last week's defeat Coach Fr. Henle was out of town over Mush Dubofsky's men had the weekend, and thus did not re­ crunched Hartford University 43-0 ceive any communication from the and beaten Iona 26-13. During the Gregory Lauds 'Youth Power' Student Senate until Tuesday. He halftime period, the track team "You youngsters got a big job you can break the back of the remaining issues, such as civil has not yet had time to reply to will run against Navy. military-industrial complex tomor- rights and poverty." the motion's demand. The annual open-bar Homecom- in front of you." Gregory's use of humor through­ With these words, black com­ row as well as solve all of Amer- out his presentation was appar- edian-turned-politician Dick Greg­ ica's current social ills." ently well-received by his listeners. ory opened an address before a The older generation, Gregory The audiencf' responded with sev­ near-capacity crowd in Gaston said, is only beginning to wake up eral drawn-out rounds of applause, Hall last Monday evening. Center­ to the threat that youth power especially after barbs cast at cur­ ing upon the various themes of offers to their system. "What rent political leaders and issues. youth power, the presentation made the system uptight about Topics ranging from Vice President emphasized the growing inequal­ your generation," he said, "was Agnew-"the kind of guy who ities in today's society. Chicago, where you came not only would make a crank call to Mos­ to protest, but to change their cow on the hot line"-to the lack The comedian's remarks were system. When you tried to change of recent race riots-"all the black not limited to current social is­ their system, you threatened them agitators were serving as tech­ sues, however, as a number of directly, and they reacted vi- nical advisors in Ireland"-made comic interludes highlighted the olently, as they did at the Demo- up the bulk of the material. even for his audience. cratic Convention. Commenting on Pre sid en t The basic message was clear: "But you can't ever stop try- Nixon's statement that he would that "America is a sick, insane, ing," Gregory continued," because ignore the M-Day proceedings, racist society" was repeatedly now you have the strongest weap- Gregory suggested that he "find stressed in the lecture. "The only on: moral dedication and commit- out what happened to the last guy hope that we 'old fools' have for a ment." who disregarded youth power by change," he stated, "comes from Gregory stressed that youth has placing a long-distance call to the the youth of America; your gen­ to press its advantage quickly to LBJ ranch." eration, not mine, has the power avoid being stopped by the sys- "The young are meeting chal­ to effect this change." tem's corrupt institutions. "You lenges the world over," Gregory Gregory emphasized his point must understand," he exhorted the said in conclusion, alluding to the by indicating that American youth audience, "that we have a vicious young Czechs' recent anti-Soviet had finally recognized their po­ system and a vicious country, but campaign. "There's your big job, Dick Gregory, the 1968 preSidential candidate of the Peace and Free­ tential power to influence the you can help put an end to all its youth," he added, "meet the chal­ dom Party, addressed Georgetown students Monday night at Gaston power structure. "You organize troubles, simply by applying the lenges of the system and change Hall. this power now," he said, "and same power used on M-Day to the it." Page Two rUE HorA Thursday, October 80, 1969 ODYSSEY November Mobilization Plans by Don Casper Sent To Senate Committees The undergraduate Stu den t committee on University policy to full page advertisement in the Senate took preliminary steps at determine precisely the particular Times will include these names. ~O~~oov 0' av~pw~wv toev aaTea the Oct.
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