MMilt Published Quarterly by Atlanta University DECEMBER ■ TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 3 Calendar 4 The New Music and Radio Center 6 The Annual Meeting of the As¬ sociation for the Study of Negro Life and History 8 Feature of the Issae French Graduates Lured hy Teaching 12 The 1950 Summer School 13 Sociology Department Con¬ ducts Post Health Survey 13 Private Library Bequeathed to University 14 The Conference on Library Ed¬ ucation AT OPENING OF MUSIC AND RADIO CENTER 17 Charter Day Is Observed (See Page 4) 18 Three Hundred Ninety - to assistant director Eight (Left right) Thomas Bernard, of public relations, RCA Are Enrolled in Graduate Victor; President Rufus E. Clement, of Atlanta Udiversity; James M. Toney, School director of public relations for RCA. 19 Spotlight 20 The Countee Cullen Memorial Collection 22 Graduate Degrees Awarded to 99 at Summer Convocation 23 Sidelines 24 Faculty Items 27 Alumni News 29 Requiescat in Pace 31 A Letter to Alumni and Friends from the President of the University Cover: Summer Graduating Class. 1950 Series III DECEMBER 1950 No. 72 Entered as second-class matter February 28, 1935, at the Post Office at Atlanta, Georgia, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Acceot- ance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, 538, P. L. 4 H. 2 CALENDAR CHARTER DAY CONVOCATION: October 16 —Dr. Subject: “Integration of Undergraduate Pro¬ Charles S. Johnson. President of Fisk University grams with Graduate Programs in Library Ser¬ Subject: “Coming of Age” vice" CHARTER DAY DINNER: October 16 —Honoring CLOSING OF THE LIBRARY CONFERENCE: No¬ New Members of the Graduate Faculty vember 11 — Summary Delivered by Eric Moore. Di rector. Library School. North Carolina College OPENING OF MUSIC AND RADIO CENTER: October at Durham 23 — Trevor Arnett Library INSTITUTE FOR COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVES BY ROOK REVIEW PROGRAM: October 24 — Truman, OFFICERS OF THE TEACHERS INSURANCE Stalin and Peace — Discussant. Dr. William M. AND ANNUITY ASSOCIATION: November 13 Boyd, Chairman, Department of Political Science, Atlanta l niversity; ‘‘Other Recent Books on the BOOK REVIEW PROGRAM: November 14 — Reprisal International Situation’ — Discussant, Dr. Hugo — Discussant, Dr. William H. Hale, Chairman, Skala. Chairman, Department of Economics, At¬ Department of Sociology, Clark College; “Recent lanta University Books on Race Relations — Discussant, Dr. UNIVERSITY CONVOCATION: October 27 — Open¬ George Mitchell, Director. Southern Regional Council ing session of tbe Annual Meeting of the Asso¬ ciation for the Study of Negro Life and History — RECITAL: November 19 — Carrie Kellogg Ray, Soprano Speakers: Dr. Charles H. Wesley, President of the College of Education and Industrial Arts at FORUM: November 20 — Dr. Everett C. Hughes, Pro¬ Wilberforce, Ohio; Dr. Rayford W. Logan Chair¬ fessor of Sociology, University of Chicago man. Department of History, Howard University; Subject: "Race and Mavor William B. Hartsfield of Atlanta Work" UNIVERSITY PLAYERS: November 24-25 —“The LAYING OF CORNER STONE OF HEALTH AND Velvet Glove” by Rosemary Casey RECREATION BUILDING, SPELMAN COL¬ LEGE: November 6 — Dr. John C. Dixon. Yrice CANCER WORKSHOP: November 24-25 President, Southern Education Foundation FORUM: November 29 — Sterling Brown, Professor of PIANO RECITAL: November 6 — Edwin Gerschefski. English. Howard University Dean, School of Music, Converse College Subject: “The Sociology of Literature" FORI M: November 8—Dr. Melvin H. Watson, Direc¬ MOREHOUSE CARNIVAL AND BAZAAR: December 1 tor. School of Religion, Morehouse College Subject: “The Sociology of Religion” RECITAL: December 2 — Natalie Hinderas, Pianist UNIVERSITY CONVOCATION: November 9 — Gen¬ FORUM: DECEMBER 6 —Dr. Homer L. Hitt, Chair¬ eral William F. Brougher, Soldier. Philosopher, man. Department of Sociology, Louisiana State Poet University Subject: “What America Means to a Bataan Subject: “Population Study in Modern Society Survivor" CONCERT: December 7 — The Xavier 1 niversitx Choir OPENING OF THE LIBRARY CONFERENCE: No¬ BOOK REVIEW PROGRAM: December 12 — Worlds vember 9 Miss Anita M. Hostetter, Secretary, in Collision — Discussants, Dr. Kimuel A. Hug¬ Board of Education for Librarianship, American Library Association gins, Chairman, Department of Chemistry, At¬ lanta l niversity, and Dr. Melvin H. W atson. Subject: “Recent Trends in Library Education Director, School of Religion, Morehouse College Miss E. Clarice Jones. Consultant. Georgia State Department of Education FORUM: December 13 — Dr. Alain L. Locke, Professor Subject: “State and Regional Standards for Li- of Philosophy, Howard l niversitx brar\ Personnel" Mrs. Hallie Beachem Brooks. School of Librarx CHRISTMAS CAROL CONCERT: December 15-16 Service. Atlanta I niversitx Students of Affiliated Institutions m I In making the presentation to President Rufus E. Clement, Mr. Ber¬ nard spoke of the liberal interracial THE NEW MUSIC AND policy of RCA and of its employment of workmen who were selected not RADIO CENTER on the basis of race but on their capability to do a superior type of job. In responding, President Clement praised the high quality and crafts¬ manship of RCA products, stating “ . we are grateful to RCA Vic¬ Coincident with the formal open¬ Victor artists including Marian An¬ tor and those concerned with it for ing of Atlanta University’s new mu¬ derson and Dorothy May nor. this magnificent equipment. I am sic and radio center in the Trevor All of the equipment has become honored to accept it for our cultural Arnett Library on October 23 was a part of the newly set up music and use and enjoyment. We are also the announcement of RCA’s magnifi¬ radio center of the Library and is happy to form this new relationship cent gift of a 19-inch screen television open to faculty, students, alumni and with a friends of the Atlanta major industry.” receiver, a 1951 model combination University Cen¬ radio three-speed phonograph, and ter. Completing the furnishings of At a luncheon for the visiting offi¬ the room are a number of Atlanta several hundred dollars worth of cials from RCA Victor which pre¬ phonograph recordings. University’s prize-winning paintings ceded the presentation exercises, Mr. and sculpture which have been Toney told the 40 educators and press This gift established a precedent created by contemporary Negro and radio representatives who at¬ in community relations. It was artists. tended that, “Through the recordings brought about through arrangements Present for the opening of the new teachers would be able to convey effected by Joseph V. Raker, public center were three representatives of skills to students that would make relations consultant of Philadelphia, the RCA Victor Corporation: James them better men and women and who has been for many years deeply Toney, national director, public re¬ better servants of the community. interested in the cooperative program lations department; Thomas Bernard, RCA is proud to be able to make this of the Negro institutions in Atlanta. assistant director, public relations gift,” he stated, “and we hope to be In the selected collection of record¬ department: Mr. Baker, and RCA able to add to the collection of re¬ corded music.” ings are records by outstanding RCA Victor officials from the Atlanta area. rTT.^ v n p* ■HKi «§«SSS® 4 THE ATLANTA UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Top: Luncheon for RCA Officials at University Dining Hall. Bottom: (Left to right) President Clement; Sam Wallace, Atlanta distributor for RCA; President Florence M. Read of Spelman College; and RCA public relations officers, Bernard and Toney. Left: Music and Radio Center, Trevor Arnett Library. PRINCIPALS AT OPENING CONVOCATION (Left to right) F. D. Moon of Oklahoma City, Okla., a member of the Executive Council of the Association; Dr. Rayford W. Logan, Director; Mayor William B. Hartsfield of Atlanta; President Florence M. Read of Spelman College; Dr. L. D. Reddick of Atlanta University; President Charles H. Wesley of the College of Education and Industrial Arts at Wilberforce, Ohio; and Attorney Louis R. Mehlinger, secretary-treasurer of the Association. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF NEGRO LIFE AND HISTORY For three days, October 27 through lanta and other notables attracted an Brown College; Dean A. A. McPhee- the 29th, the Association for the audience of nearly 1,500. Another of ters of Clark College; Professor Study of Negro Life and History the events of significance on the cam¬ Glenn W. Rainey of Georgia Insti¬ held its annual meeting in Atlanta pus was the luncheon on Saturday at tute of Technology; Dr. Melville J. with several of the sessions con¬ the University Dormitories which Herskovitz of Northwestern Univer¬ honored Miss vening on the campuses of the At¬ Gwendolyn Brooks of sity; Professor Clarence A. Bacote of lanta colleges. The meeting was Chicago, only Negro woman to win Atlanta University; Mrs. Helen A. planned and promoted by an Atlanta the Pulitzer Prize. Other sessions Whiting of the Georgia State Depart¬ committee on arrangements which were held at Clark College, Morris ment of Education; William M. was spearheaded by Dr. L. D. Red¬ Brown College, the Phyllis Wheatly Brewer of the Washington, D. C., dick, librarian of Atlanta University, Y.W.C.A., the Exhibition Gallery of public school system; Dr. R. 0. John¬ and Clarence A. Bacote, professor the Trevor Arnett Library and the son of Morris Brown College; Dr. of history at this institution. Wheat Street Baptist Church. Forrester B. Washington of the At¬ Biggest event on the campuses of Among the conference leaders were lanta University School of Social the affiliated institutions during the Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, who Work; and Dr. Howard H. Bell of three-day period was the opening serves as president of the Associ¬ Dillard University. convocation in Sisters Chapel on Fri¬ ation; Dr. Bell I. Wiley of Emory Although she was scheduled to ap¬ day when a program presenting Dr. University; Dr. Lorenzo J. Greene of pear at the opening session, Dr. Be¬ Rayford W. Logan of Howard Uni¬ Lincoln University (Missouri ) ; Gen¬ th une arrived too late to deliver her versity, President Charles H.
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