.yA'4'«s ,' > \ -- MU A rtrsfi Osiljr jCirculstion For ths Mssth sf IM l t i m 'WM tiM ir' FsnsssI t< e.K Witiw Bs ^ 6,677 Cl—dy ssd MSimiii tesi Tsesdsy clesdy feOswed by ''iM rini;'" Messbtr st ths Asdit is sfistssss or slfRA ' Bnress a t Obeslstlsss ’ Manch^Mter... A City of VUlaga Charm (ClassHM AdvortiMag On Page IS) (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE V0L.LX„N0.154 MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, MARCH 31,1941 Result'of Sabotage on Italian. Ship Report British Fleet Armed Forces Sei^e Unscathed in Battle; 70 German, Italian ^ ^ * > Raid Invasion And Danish Vessels At Least Five Italii Taken to Protect ‘little Steel’ - s a y s World War’s Attack German Chan Warships Sunk in *1 ^mCips Against Acts of tie of Ionian $e«’ Ui nel Shipping by Day­ Italy Sound Sabotage by.Crews; Ex­ ■Law Invoked Plants Blamed light in Fiery Follow- der Blaring Guns ol tensive Damage Done Up to Night Raid on In Finances Mediterranean For^i ,~Tb at Least 20 Ital­ Seizing Ships For Bloodshed Battleships Scharn- Cruisers Turned ian Vessels Spreads horst and Gneisenau; Farmers Able to Meet i Mass of Flames Dori^^ To Central America Secretary of Treasury Senate Ovil Liberties And Governor of Co Hear Bombs at Dover; NatioKs Needs in 1940 Surprise AtUck^ Where 2 Ships Fired. Committee Points to nal Zone Authorised ’Uncompromising Re­ London, March 31.—(/P)— I D espite Adverse C li- Aboard H. M. S. Wsrti Washington, March 81.— R. A. F< bombers and fighters matic Conditions. Flagship of the British (ffV-Seventy Cierman, Italian To Prevent Sabotage. fusal’ to Make Bargain blasted the French “ invasion terranean Fleet at Alei and Danish ships were seized / coast” and German channel Rome, March 81—(/n—Italy la dria, Egypt. March 31. Waabin'gton, March 81—<P)— Washington, March 31—(P)— by armed forces o f the Unit­ shipping by daylight today in financially sound, Dr. Vincenzo — Britain’s fighting ships ed States over the week-end the United States took over 70 Tba Senate Civil Liberties Com­ mittee today blamed the bloody a fiery follow-up to a night Azzolinl, governor of the Bank of raded into port to ^ y ap) to protect them against acts German, Italian and Daniah mer­ UtUe Steel " atrlke of 1937 on the raid on the Nazi battleships Italy, said In hla annual report ently unscathed in the of sabotage by their crews. chantmen In American porta yes­ terday under a section of a World uncompromising refusal” of the Schamhorst and Gneisenau read Saturday and latar publlahed rious “ Battle of the loi The Treasury made public a by the official news agency, war, anti-sabotage law. Independent” produmre to bar­ at Brest. The air over the Sea” in which at least fii compilation covering 28 Ital­ The statute authorises the sec­ gain with workers. Stefenl. % Dover strait was declared AazonUl said that war found Italian warships sank ian, 2 German and 36 Danish retary of the Treaaury and gov­ The committee further declared ernor of the Panama Canal Zone, humming" throughout the Italy economically and financially their blazing guns, ships taken into custody by that any company which today prepared “In all sectora for the with consent of the president, to declines “under all circumatancea" morning and early afternoon claiming three— and most efficient uae of Its meanA” ^the Coast Guard and the take "fuU poeseaslon and oon- to enter Into a rigned bargaining with British planes, and the four—of Italy’a biggest ( A ^ y and Navy in ports of Officere of the U. S. Coast Guard inspect the damaged cylinder Despite adverse climeUc condt- ^ contract la "endangering the na­ heads motors of the Alberto, 6.100-ton Italian freighter seised in heavy crump of falling bombs ers and two—perhaps tl (OMtlnned on Page Eight) tional security.” the United States and the Newark,.N. J.. harbor by U. S. Coast Guardsmen. Sabotage by mem' (Ooatlaned On Pngs Twelve) destroyer^ the British Reporting on its protracted could be heard plainly on this Panama Canal Zone. Four bers of the crew lor the purpose at Inc^acitstlng the vessels was three aerial toipedo hits: Beetbm study of the atubboraly-fought hinted. side of the channel. other Danish vessels were atrikea in the plants of the Beth­ Observers watching through the crack, Italian battle t^ e n over by the Navy in Board Reports lehem, Republic, and Youngstown glaaaea also aaw water shooting Littorio left that 36,000>t Sheet and Tube Companies al­ into the air near the German-oc­ Army o f Nile Philippine waters. capita] ship heavily di The Treuury aald that the most four years ago, the commit­ cupied shore. This was believed to be a continuation of attacks on (Tba ItaUana acknowledge crews had been removed from the Four Strikes tee told the Senate they had a t e , -ton cruleers are, 66 veaaela Included In ita announce­ "peculiar relevance to the prob­ Monopoly Group Seeks German rhipplng which earlier in Making Rapid 10 000 the dey wee rsfx>rted by the Air and Pols sad the deetroycn! ments. The Coast Guard la a unit lems of industrial production and trale and Vincenzo Globe rto of the Treasury. Now Settled national defense which challenged Ministry to have left two German tankers afire end linking off sunk by t e Britleb, but Aggngnto StAllfi Tons the nation today.” M oves W est Decentralization Policy Le Havre. te t at least oae Britiaii Tha 6^ vessels aggregated 296,- Might Have Been Avoided. was sunk and two other 718 tons. Including 168,775 Italian, Tha committee held that the Ne IHreet HIto Observed were daauged.) New Labor Mediation 3,087 German, and 118,858 Danish. "UtUe Steel” strikas might easily In last night's attack on Brest Also Advaneing Toward The 18-Inch guas of Unit Gets Three Dis­ have been avold^ and then the Air Ministry said that no Hte sabotaging, reported by the Asmara, Capital o f Eri< battleshlpe weer said to have I Treasury to hava resulted in exten­ stated; | "TE^:.„ot“ pS?Ss!Yugo8lav.Nazi direct hits were observed on the ed t e Italian crulaen Into a 1 puting Groups to Con­ "Certain it la that the nation Scbsrnhorat and Gneiaenau, but sive-damage to at least 20 Italian trea; (>nly Rail Line o f flanaes when the Fascist ships, spread to Central America cannoti'permlt these companies to­ that their docks were "etreddled was surprised heading 1 ti nue Negotiations, Power Is Undermining R e la tio n s N oW today when crews set fire to one day to take the same attitude ;rom all directions by medium, Of Italians Is Severed. the MedtterraLeaa they took In 1837 with the same lame and Very large bomhx” German and one Italian ship in Free Government Base' -f t x night. Coats Rica. By The Associated Press- Inevitable consequences of Inter- *611 36-000-ton Nasi alatar ships Cairo,' Egypt, March 8L—(/Pi— Busk Wlthla JD Tha saw Defense Labor Medi#- 3krw*6tasnflA3A . ^ are believed by the British to have The ships were the. Onnaw ■YTashihiijori; M trch ’^81— Worse Hourly ’The Britlah Army of te Nile, All t e ItaUsn shiiis, sito ] freighter 'Bsinach and the Ita'*'in tlon Board crtAted toy President "Any company which today led the assault by surface craft (/P);^The Monopoly Ckimmit- and U-boata In'recent nterchant aager for quick completion of ita by snother cruiser a t t e fM ^ t e r Fella, anchored at Pvnlta Roosevelt to try to speed produc- stands up and flatly rtfuaea to en­ danere class aad another ( Arenas. The crews wem arrssted. ter into a signed bargaining con­ tee* reported to Ckmgresfl to- operations in the Atlantic. (The conquest of Italian Blast Africa, ia Uon In Industry announced today German Minister Leav­ Ocmana reported 138,000 torn of er, .went dpwv la tiu two This development followed yes­ tract under all clreumstanees, and d«y that “concentration of advancing rapidly west of ntwlir- between 10 ■,<>• terday’s aetsure by tha United that the first four striaeS turned any employer aaaociatlon which ing for Berlin as Bel­ Britlff) ships were aubk in com­ te t night, t e British said. over to it had been terminated. economic and political power” bined German Naval assaults oh occupled Diredawa in Ethiopia and ^ States Coast Guard and Navy of supports and aaststs it In such a toward Asmara, capital of Eritrea, After t e battle was ovsr, nearly 800,000 tonsOf Italian, Ger­ In' three instances negotiationB poidtion, are endangering ths na­ was “ undermining the foun­ grade Envoy Returns convoys beginning March 23.) Ish o ffic tn said, thay sbu will continue between the manage­ Whila the R.A.F. swarmed over te Middla EaH command an­ man and Danish shipping docked tional security . dations a t both free enter- hear heavy firing at widely scattered ^rts. More ment and tmlona in regard to wage From Reich Today. the channel (3erman "big Berthaa" nounced today. "Such conduct not only threatens iriae and free government” in ‘The advance by South African than 60 veaaels were taken Into increase and other demands. The the vital continuity of production, on the French coast pumped ahella ;he United States. forces who aatered Italian-aban­ (Oanttsned Oa Fags Fnmr)' “protective” custody after a dla- fourth strike was settled before but It challenges the nation's do- Belgrade, Tugoelav, March 81— into tha Dover area. The shelling Submitting Its final report on a started at a.
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