Zinaida BALAYAN DOI: 10.24234/wisdom.v18i2.522 Zinaida BALAYAN LITERARY, METHODOLOGICAL PARADIGMS: THE THEME OF ARTSAKH IN THE WORKS BY RAFFI AND MURATSAN Abstract The works “Khamsa Melikdoms” by Raffi and “Baghtasar Metropolitan Hasan-Jalaliants Brief Biog- raphy”, “Ruzan or the Patriotic Girl” by Muratsan and their comprehensive research and re-evaluation are the chapters of “Artsakh in the Armenian Literature of the XIX century” research and the primary data for the article given. In the research, the subject of Artsakh is presented within the general framework of Armenian literature of the XIX century as a literary phenomenon viewed separately. It has its traditional layers and unique documents of secular culture and art, literary, political, philo- sophical thought. Keywords: Artsakh history, mentioning, Jalal Ishkhan, Varanda, sublime mountains, monastery. Introduction tury” and the works by Raffi and Muratsan being a part of it is the history of the literature created The past literary traditions continued with the about Artsakh. spirit of restoration in the XIX century, opening the arena for the new literary names emphasizing Topicality the national ideology, such as M. Taghiadyan, S. Archbishop Jalaliants, Gh. Alishan, A. Kos- In general, the research of the works “Kham- tandyan, Raffi, Muratsan, Leo, Haykuni, M. Bar- sa Melikdoms” by Raffi and “Baghtasar Metro- khudaryan. politan Hasan-Jalaliants Brief Biography”, “Ru- zan or the Patriotic Girl” by Muratsan is the first General Characteristics literary and methodological attempt of identify- of the Work ing, interpreting and evaluating against the gen- eral background of the Armenian literature of the The works “Khamsa melikdoms” by Raffi XIX century one of the central themes – the and “Baghtasar Metropolitan Hasan-Jalaliants theme of Artsakh of the XVII-XIX centuries in Brief Biography”, “Ruzan or the Patriotic Girl” the general context of the book events, which, by Muratsan with their literary and methodologi- according to the sharpness of the political issues cal fundamental research and re-evaluation are presented by it in the modern era, answers the the main chapters of research under the title fabrications of would-be scientists who distort “Artsakh in the Armenian Literature of the XIX the history of Artsakh. It acquires an actual so- Century”, partial reference to which is the analy- und with exceptional political, ideological, philo- sis of the works by Raffi and Muratsan presented sophical, methodological, aesthetic, moral and in the given scientific article. psychological problems. Collectively, the subject of research in “Art- The scope of the topic is quite broad, so we sakh in the Armenian Literature of the XIX Cen- preferred those key monuments that artistically WISDOM 2(18), 2021 176 176 Literary, Methodological Paradigms: The Theme of Artsakh in the Works by Raffi and Muratsan DOI: 10.24234/wisdom.v18i2.522 and typically represent the literature and history tural, re-evaluation, metrological methods. Zinaida BALAYAN of Artsakh, the natural and geographical picture. Research LITERARY, METHODOLOGICAL PARADIGMS: Subject, Purpose and Task THE THEME OF ARTSAKH IN THE WORKS BY RAFFI AND MURATSAN of the Research The method has a double meaning in terms of aesthetics: scientific, literary and artistic. In this Abstract The primary purpose and task of the scientific case, the creative literary method is identified research is the characterization and evaluation, with the romanticism, realism, symbolism, futur- The works “Khamsa Melikdoms” by Raffi and “Baghtasar Metropolitan Hasan-Jalaliants Brief Biog- re-evaluation of the literature of Artsakh in the ism of literary directions, currents. At the same raphy”, “Ruzan or the Patriotic Girl” by Muratsan and their comprehensive research and re-evaluation are thematic, ideological and stylistic, literary, meth- time, the method outlines directions in literature - the chapters of “Artsakh in the Armenian Literature of the XIX century” research and the primary data for odological space, the works of Raffi and Mu- historical, biographical, cultural-historical, etc. ratsan in particular. Historicity became the revelation of time. the article given. th In the research, the subject of Artsakh is presented within the general framework of Armenian literature The typological features indicating the au- “The 19 century was a century of history - gen- of the XIX century as a literary phenomenon viewed separately. thors‟ – Raffi (“Khamsa Melikdoms”) and Mu- eral (civil) history, literature art history, language It has its traditional layers and unique documents of secular culture and art, literary, political, philo- ratsan (“Baghtasar Metropolitan Hasan-Jalaliants history of mythology, philosophy of science and Brief Biography”, “Ruzan or the Patriot Girl”) – history of religion, history of economics, history sophical thought. unifies the thread that generalizes the theme of of state and legal laws” (Gaydenko, 2000, p. Artsakh, which reveals the spirals, patterns, orig- 385). Keywords: Artsakh history, mentioning, Jalal Ishkhan, Varanda, sublime mountains, monastery. th inal and fruitful manifestations of the develop- The 19 century marked a new step in the de- ment of the history of this Armenian region, lay- velopment of literary methods. Introduction tury” and the works by Raffi and Muratsan being ers of re-evaluation. The independent path in life is chosen by a part of it is the history of the literature created original literary methods, such as biographical, The past literary traditions continued with the about Artsakh. Research and Scientific historical, mythological. spirit of restoration in the XIX century, opening Novelty of the Topic The biographical method is recognized as the the arena for the new literary names emphasizing Topicality first method of literary studies. The method‟s the national ideology, such as M. Taghiadyan, It is true that both in the study “Artsakh in the founder is the French literary critic Charles Au- S. Archbishop Jalaliants, Gh. Alishan, A. Kos- In general, the research of the works “Kham- Armenian literature of the XIX century” and in guste de Saint-Beauvoir, who is best known for tandyan, Raffi, Muratsan, Leo, Haykuni, M. Bar- sa Melikdoms” by Raffi and “Baghtasar Metro- the article presented for analysis and re-evalu- his two-volume work “Portraits” (1836-1839). khudaryan. politan Hasan-Jalaliants Brief Biography”, “Ru- ation, the works of Raffi and Muratsan were sub- The descendants of Saint-Beauvoir were zan or the Patriotic Girl” by Muratsan is the first jected to a certain consideration by literary critics George Brandes, Hip. Ten etc. General Characteristics literary and methodological attempt of identify- (Leo, A. Terteryan, S. Sarinyan and others), but The biographical method has become domi- did not receive a fundamental theoretical assess- nant in Armenian literature since the 70s of the of the Work ing, interpreting and evaluating against the gen- th eral background of the Armenian literature of the ment and, in certain cases, in epic and genre, me- 19 century, the examples of which are Mu- The works “Khamsa melikdoms” by Raffi XIX century one of the central themes – the thodological issues. The scientific innovation of ratsan (Grigor Ter-Hovhannisyan), “Baghtasar and “Baghtasar Metropolitan Hasan-Jalaliants theme of Artsakh of the XVII-XIX centuries in the work is that attempts are made to subject the Metropolitan Hasan-Jalaliants Brief Biography”, Brief Biography”, “Ruzan or the Patriotic Girl” the general context of the book events, which, works of Raffi (“Khamsa Melikdoms”) and Mu- Shahnazaryan “The case of Khachatur Abov- by Muratsan with their literary and methodologi- according to the sharpness of the political issues ratsan (“Baghtasar Metropolitan Hasan-Jalaliants yan‟s literature”, N. Ter-Karapetyan “Khachatur cal fundamental research and re-evaluation are presented by it in the modern era, answers the Brief Biography”, “Ruzan or the Patriot Girl”) to Abovyan”, E. Shahaziz “Mikayel Ghazaryan- the main chapters of research under the title fabrications of would-be scientists who distort literary and methodological research and re-eva- Nalbandyants”, A. Yeritsyan “Grigor Artsruni”, “Artsakh in the Armenian Literature of the XIX the history of Artsakh. It acquires an actual so- luation, what the given work is aimed at. I. Harutyunyan “Stepanos Palasanyan”, A. Cho- Century”, partial reference to which is the analy- und with exceptional political, ideological, philo- panyan “Petros Duryan‟s biographical, critical sis of the works by Raffi and Muratsan presented sophical, methodological, aesthetic, moral and Methodology study” works, etc. in the given scientific article. psychological problems. The methodological analysis of Muratsan‟s Collectively, the subject of research in “Art- The scope of the topic is quite broad, so we When writing the article, we used compara- (Grigor Ter-Hovhannisyan) “Baghtasar Metro- sakh in the Armenian Literature of the XIX Cen- preferred those key monuments that artistically tive, contrasting, source studies, analytical, struc- politan Hasan-Jalaliants Brief Biography” is the WISDOM 2(18), 2021 176 177 177 Zinaida BALAYAN first part of the third chapter of the general scien- quainted with the native memories. Muratsan tific study “Artsakh in the 19th-century Armenian mentions the following about this in his “Auto- literature”. biography”. “I spent most of 1877 touring differ- The work was written on the principles of the ent parts of
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