rrh.l.inr,M-i i •Mta S£ermn ($a. M uonL WRATnWE'ARE WORHNBtFOR. .'lSS’4 - | --------- 1- )] r - We Intend to have our share'of the Boot and 5^>* ^ ' O* r .- < ' Wj /. .* Shoe Trade, If.desirable goods, plenty of them an dllow prices.-will d o it;* --• - A. REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER If buying economlcaBy Is any object, you donh. want .to spend one doBar for Boots or Shoes untB you see our stock arid prices. W e don’t intend or expect to prevent com­ PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY petition, but we DO propose: to sell goods so satisfactorily as to secure popular custom, . ., — HX— • Boots and Shoes "Brice List: JOHN ft. HOL 3 JOES. Mens’ Calf Boots, from .................... ,...,$2.50 up. “ 1 lQ p ’Boots, from;™ .,.................. 2.00 up. “ S Heavy Kip Boots, Tap Sole...... 2.50 up. Boys’ Kip Boots, from............................. 2.50 up. T e r m s :—53 Si pex* "yeax*. ”Youths’ I’ K ip i p) Boots;J - ' . from—" ................ -1.00 - * :up . Badies’ Whole Stock Calf Shoes,.......,, 1.80 up. «#39*Tlft7 Cents deducted If paid Yearly In Advance. “ A. Calf, m . s................... 1.65 up y o M M n X I L “ Pebble Goat Bals............... 1.26 iip. ^UMBBR g g ( “ Fine Pebble Goat;button.."........ 1.75 Up. ’4 SlTOH.,* THtTRSUA Y, OCTOBER. 31} 1878. K id F oxed Bals...................... 1125 up. OVFIOE.—In Record B uilding Oak Street.. “ Goat Foxed Bals,................... 1.25 up. “ Goat, Side lace. ........................ 1:50 up. F ine K id; Side B ace...........................1.00 up. Palleii. Web SUppers.......... ......... 25 up. THE ROiD TO SUCCESS. in time understand the duties required ill Resources of American Agriculture. Aw endless variety o f Mi'sses and Children a. Business Directory. every employee’s station, from the office Shoes a tproportlonal prices. W n . I.. STASTOS1. While so much stress ia laid upon the • Eubbers of all kinds os low as the lowest. "What shall I do to'advance mysfelf; is a hoy.np to whatever position lie may him­ exportation o f limited •’ quantities o f do­ SOCIETIES.'. question asked hy many young men when A . LABAR, Tlioirori voice from yonder spire hits hushed self PcCtipy. A good common school ed­ mestic manufactures to foreign countries, i. o. o. r. its hollow tone, . - • first entering upon .their business icareer. ucation,.with the assistance of a. night the great increase o f our national com­ 30m 1 Old Stand o f Is. F. & G. W. Fox. Aud lnldnighfc duels tne lyingr. hero iu slleuce Too many are apt to answer it by suppos­ , school, will fit a hoy for any ordinary oc- merce rests impregnably upon tlie" raw The regular Tnee'iugta o f Ra*buuau Lod*re No. To are^ ing that some brilliant masterstroke is tlie hold at their hall.-in.Buchtuaui on Tueaday evening andalone; ■ ' .. cupation.”—Scientific American. products of the national domain, especial- " , ‘T j Garibaldi’s Home. ot exch we«k,aY7 o’e oek. Transieut bte>hren in The 6tlll moon through my wlndo\v sheds its talisman that is to open the pathway of ly those of agriculture. To say that-the >a atnodiag are- cordially IuvMkI to a’ v , success before them-. Brilliarit-hiaster- "Capre'ra is a , small narrow' island—a r B .M o S m , N; Q - 'W-SV S>titn. Sac. soft light on tbe'Cloor, * 'V Some Curious Things. cultivator is really tlie .hope o f the Re­ "With ti meliuieholy paleness I have never seen strokes, however, always carry with them public is only to repeat what everybody great rock in fact, with a -few patches of before; . great risks, andj’ asl'a'pule, the advarice- This week the Professor takes off his soil here And there. The only habitations -* SUM MIT LODGE NO. 192, knows and what no amount o f clamor And the summer wind eoines to mo, with its ■ ment made hy persislent effort is the hat to a scrap-book, for it lias told ‘hini about other interests has ever obscured. are k few shepherd’s huts antLGaribftldi’s ]f. X A . M., holds a regular uioe tug every Mouday safest, surest, and- most easy o f attain­ of tliingsho never knew before—or, know­ house, situated on the western side, about, ereulng on orbeiore the lull ot the nioon, in each (Succeaaora to L. P. &. G. W. Fox,) sad, jEolinn lay, And yet the policy o f tile government at­ mouth. » ^ . Ap if hurthpned v.'ith theiBorrows of a weary, ment. In choosing a profession or a ing, had -forgotten. In turning over the taches so much consequence to other pur­ three-quarters o f a mile on .the higher Xdwin Mobqa?(>'WvAI. 0 IV. Kox. Sec, ; weary day, trade, it is o f tlie utmost importance to leaves lie found many curious items, re­ suits that the tendency o f population has" . ground!1 I lls a one-storied' building, it .Butthe moonlight, cannot sootlie me of the select one that is congenial to tlie taste; lating to the origin o f quaint and familiar been perceptibly to the cities and towns e.y ajground floor only, divided into seven BDCHANAN LODGENO, 6S. Have Just Received a Fine sickness here witliin. and having chosen one to stick to it, for sayings and things. For instance, there’s and .away from the tillage o f ' mother plaip rmadomed rooms; a kitchen,,with T ,t A B . The rguUr communications of this Lodge And the sad wind takes wo portiou from my there is a wonderful element of success in “ foolscap” paper. How did it come' to earth. Our national staples—cotton, to- appliances *any small :xarmef’s wife In are held at MasOuic Uall, ou .Friday bveniug on or bosom’s weight of sin. the stamina that enables men to stick. bear tills strange name? You all know, vEngjand would consider very insufficient; helore the mil o f xne tuoon.iu each mouth. Assortment of baccb, wool, sugar,-rice, corn, wheat and Sx-ra Smith, W;,M. J .P . mNN3,gec. How many of our most successful men or should know, the histories of King provisions—have’ become so prolific in a dining-room with a plain deal table, Tot my heart and all its pulses, seems so quiet­ have clung to the pathway marked out, Charles I. and Oliver Cromwell of Eng­ large enough, however, to ’accommodate a ly to test, supply that the nations o f the world look ATTORNEYS. at times when fainter hearts would have land. The king found his revenues get­ to this country as a permanent and un­ party o f twenty-five ; a little stateroom; Ready~M ade That I scarcely feel them heating iu my arms abandoned the task and sought refuge in ting low one day, and sold the right to ' threC bedrooms for his children and any or in my breast; failing reliance. - ■ Ei M ; PliIM PTON, some less difficult occupation I Is this a certain manufacturers to make paper. On .friends who may land upon the island; SELLING And these rouuded iimhs are resting now, so Tlie general discussion about the feasi­ good trade; is that a good, profession; are this paper the royal arms were shown in, and his own bedchamber and study com­ A tt^ n ey tnd Cotosellor at Law* ami Solicitor iu still upon the bed. bility of making the nation self-sustaining Chuicery. Offlco over NohleV Store, liuchauau, questions that may be at all times an­ water marks. "When Charles was .behead­ has reference to industrial interests, for-in- bined—a good sized room with two win­ Bvrrien County, Mich.* That one would think, to see me here, that I swered by “Yes, for’tlio'se with the ability dows (one to the east, the -.oilier to the - wnslayiue’ dend— ed and tlie Cromwell government came agriculture the Republic is the greatest- Wliat if ’twerc so? What if I died as I am iy- for their pursuit and who possess the per- in, the latter laughed at the royal"aims producer in the world. .And whether our- south), a carpetless hoarded floor like the J. J. VAN RISER, severance-which success at all times de­ aud caused them to be replaced by the deek- of a ship, and whitewashed walls. Attorney and Counsellor at aud Solicitor iu „■ ing now? exportation o f finished merchandize■» is? Chancery; Collections made aud procee-ia promptly AVitli somethtnu likefoVirtue'sealm upon this mauds.” foolscap and hells. Another, parliament., destined to be great or small, there' is- no Its-chief articles o f furniture are a plain, It is folly to expect, to start out upon remitted Office,over Fuse ftatioLalBauk, bucutiu* HATS & CAPS, i marble brow. removed this indignity to the memory of likelihood of restraint being’ "necessary roomy, iron bedstead, • four common an, Mich; What if 1 dlrd to-ufglit?’ All! now this pulse any career with tlie pathway of progress King Charles ; blit ever* since,’ paper of! a upon the crops of the farmer. ’ The" ease * chairs, a simple writing table, an old-fash- r as plainly mapped out as i f laid down « ------AND----- i begins to beat— certain size has been “ foolscap:” This 'withwhich, our Southern States resumed, ipnefil chest o f drawers, ana a shower- DAVTD E. HINMAN, Afalien wroloh like me to pass from earth so upon a chart. F or all these things regu­ papjr is the size o f the “ Parliament Jour­ their natural position as the head Of cot- - bath; Everything of the most ordinary- Attorney aud Counsellor at Law, and Solicitorin Chan­ ! sadly sweet! late themselves; and while a pursuit nal.” _ * .
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