ASFACTS 2011 SPOOKTACULAR OCTOBER EDITION ED BRYANT HOME SAFE AFTER BECOMING ILL AT BUBONICON WILLIS AMONG HUGO WINNERS Colorado author Ed Bryant ended up in the hospital Winners for the Hugo Awards and for the John W. after becoming ill during his visit to Bubonicon 43 Au- Campbell Award for Best New Writer were announced gust 26-28. What first was thought to be food poisoning at a ceremony August 27 during Renovation, the 69th turned out to be much more serious. World Science Fiction Convention, held in Reno, NV. Bryant checked into a Colorado hospital on August Bubonicon friend Connie Willis received her third honor 28, the day after his 66th birthday, with gastro-paresis, of the year for her time-travel novel that was split in two. which affects the throat, the stomach and the digestive A list of winners follows: process. Bryant reported online that he spent eight days Novel: Blackout/All Clear by Connie Willis, No- total in the Intensive Care Unit. vella: The Lifecycle of Software Objects by Ted Chiang, He was transferred out of intensive care on Septem- Novelette: “The Emperor of Mars” by Allen M. Steele, ber 4, and according to author Melanie Tem, “his heart Short Story: “For Want of a Nail” by Mary Robinette and kidneys appear to be OK.” Bryant spent a few more Kowal, Related Work: Chicks Dig Time Lords: A Cele- days in general care at the hospital, followed by several bration of Doctor Who by the Women Who Love It edited days of additional recovery at the Tems’ house. by Lynne M. Thomas & Tara O’Shea, Graphic Story: In an email, Bryant said, “My decision to come to Girl Genius Volume 10: Agatha Heterodyne and the Bubonicon was pretty much last minute, prompted by Guardian Muse by Phil & Kaja Foglio. Lou Berger's generous offer of a ride, but more espe- Dramatic Presentation – Long Form: Inception , cially by the thought that I could spend some quality Dramatic Presentation – Short Form: Doctor Who , “The time with quite a lot of Wild Card ers and talk about the Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang,” Professional Editor – Long Form: Lou Anders, Professional Editor – Short Form: Sheila Williams, Professional Artist: Shaun Tan. UUUPCOMING ASFS MEETINGS Semiprozine: Clarkesworld , Fanzine: The Drink • Club Elections & Mars Talk Tonight! Dr. Tank , Fan Writer: Claire Brialey, Fan Artist: Brad W. Maria Lane of UNM’s geography department Foster, and John W. Campbell Award for Best New gives an encore presentation of her Mars talk Writer: Lev Grossman. from Bubonicon 43. Plus, Three Offices need to The Big Heart Award went to Gay Haldeman. be filled for Nov 2011-Oct 2012, and the “challenge ingredient” for December chosen (see TEXAS WINS 2013 WORLDCON below). Voting rules apply, based on attendance and dues paid to date. Texas won its bid to host the 2013 World Science • November 11: A visit from NM author Walter Fiction Convention in voting held at Renovation in mid- Jon Williams on his latest projects and books. August. The 71st Worldcon – LoneStarCon 3 – will be • December 9: The 7th ASFS Dessert Cook-Off, held August 29-September 2, 2013, at the Henry B. Gon- and short SF-oriented holiday films. Plus, the zales Convention Center in San Antonio, TX. They re- annual issue of SITH FACTS will be distributed ceived 694 of 760 votes cast. (deadline Sunday, Dec 4). Please help us clean Guests of Honor include Ellen Datlow, James up our room at the end of the evening! Gunn, Norman Spinrad, Darrell K. Sweet, and Willie • January 13, 2012: Perhaps a club discussion of Siros; with Paul Cornell as toastmaster; and Leslie Fish what members read and enjoyed in 2011... and Joe R. Lansdale as special guests. • February 10: Unknown this far out. We do Currently, an attending membership is $160. know there will be a Valentine issue of ASFacts . Craig Chrissinger, normal editor. Darth Vader, guest editor each December. Please Send All Correspondence to — PO Box 37257, Albuquerque, NM 87176-7257. Phone: (505) 266-8905. E-mail: [email protected]. ASFACTS published February, April, July & October for the Albuq SF Society. SITH FACTS out each December. NEXT DEADLINE : Sun, Dec 4. Club Officers: Kevin Hewett & Craig Chrissinger, co-Zec Secs (505) 266-8905. Jessica L. Coyle, Moderator. Harriet Engle, Alternator. Jack Skeleton, Halloween Advisor. Bubonicon Co-Chairs: Craig Chrissinger & Kristen Dorland (505) 459-8734. next book. I even brought with me my old Sewer Jack Mountain series. She lived in Tasmania, and was diag- tour jacket. Things started going south in Las Vegas, nosed with ovarian cancer in 2008. Although she under- NM, when we stopped for a quick lunch, and I ordered a went treatment, it returned in 2010. big bowl of green chili chicken stew. I was already start- ing to slip out of healthful parameters, but the soup didn't help. Hence the thought of food poisoning, which didn't SF B OOK GROUP READS ON turn out to be the diagnosis. The Droids & Dragons SF Book Group focuses on “I went to opening ceremonies. All in all, I spent Albuquerque authors the next two months! The group about two hours at the con. Got to see George RR Martin first meets 7:30 pm Monday, October 17, at Page One to and Melinda Snodgrass, Walter Jon Williams, Steve Stir- discuss An Old Friend of the Family by the late Fred ling, Gail and John Miller. Saw Vic Milan in the audi- Saberhagen. The group then focuses November 21 on ence but didn't get to speak to him. Ty Franck and Carrie the space opera Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey Vaughn and George I'd gotten to spend some great time (Daniel Abraham & Ty Franck). with a few weeks before in Denver. And it was an abso- Meetings of D&D are open to all interested readers lute pleasure finally to meet Paul Cornell.” on the 3rd Monday of each month. Books for discussion Things deteriorated quickly for Bryant, and dinner are chosen two months in advance, and group members at a nearby Mexican restaurant Friday of Bubonicon 43 receive a 20% discount on them. For more info, contact did not help. After that dinner, he went back to his room Yvonne at [email protected] or Craig at 266-8905. at the Sheraton Airport Hotel and did not move for the rest of the convention. “I should have gone to an ER,” Bryant wrote. “I thought I could ride it out. We western- GREEN SLIME AWARDS HANDED OUT ers are never more stupid than when we think we know what we're doing. I got sicker on Saturday. It was abso- In a ceremony August 28 at Bubonicon 43 at the lutely the worst birthday of my life.” Sheraton Albuquerque Airport Hotel in Albuquerque, On August 28, Bryant’s friends drove him to Den- NM, first-time Green Slime Mistress Jessica L. Coyle ver in the back of their van. Bryant decided it was best to presented the following with recognition of their wretch- get back home as he was worried about the possibility of edness in the last 12 months: “getting out of a distant hospital alone and stranded.” Adult Film: Skyline (boring alien-invasion film, an He noted, “I’ve been a type-1 diabetic for 43 years. epic “fan film”) Evidently I had a fun bout with gastro-paresis – where Teen Film: Red Riding Hood (deadly serious but so your GI system shuts down, ‘vapor locks,’ if you will. preposterous) And the GI guy found something totally unsuspected. Media Trends: CGI/Live-Action Films, like The My esophagus has evidently been eroding away for Smurfs (stop raping my childhood) years, with lots of scar tissue.” Television: Camelot (on Starz - looks cheap, under- Now back home, Bryant told his friends, “I'm try- imagined, even nudity can’t help) ing to get strength built back up, work with a liquid/soft SyFy Movie: Mega Python vs. Gatoroid (atrocious foods diet, let my esophagus heal, and take exquisite film with sloppy spfx, but it does have an epic cat fight care to keep my blood sugar under control.” between ‘80s teen pop stars Tiffany and Debbie Gibson) An auction will be held October 23 at Milehicon 43 SF Novel: Death Most Definite by Trent Jamieson to raise funds to help with Bryant’s medical bills. More (boringly blah with weak execution) details and updates on his situation, can be found at the Book Cover Art: Love & Rockets anthology Friends of Ed Bryant Facebook page. (everything wrong about it; tacky, just awful) Toy: Web Battlers Whippin’ Web-Chuk Spider- Man (another “mature” disaster) SARA DOUGLASS PASSES AWAY Australian author Sara Warneke, 54, who wrote WILLIS WINS 2011 H EINLEIN AWARD bestselling fantasy novels as Sara Douglass, died Sep- tember 26 of cancer, reported Locus Online in late Sep- Connie Willis has won the 2011 Robert A. Heinlein tember. Award, given for outstanding published works in science Warneke was born June 2, 1957, in Penola, Austra- fiction and technical writings that inspire the human ex- lia. She began publishing in 1995 with BattleAxe , and ploration of space, Locus Online reported in mid- wrote more than 20 books, notably Aurealis Award- September. Winners are chosen by a committee of SF winners Starman (1996), Enchanter (1996), and The authors chaired by Dr. Yoji Kondo, and receive a plaque, Wounded Hawk (2001), as well as the Wayfarer Re- a sterling silver medallion, and two lapel pins, all featur- demption series, the Crucible trilogy, and the Darkglass ing the likeness of Robert A.
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