![Chief Critic"Iiy Wounded 'I](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
LOW TIDE 6"29-71 2.1 at 0218 1 8 at 1500 ~V~OL~.~1~2~.~N20 __2~9~6~5~ ________~ __________________________________________________________~Ma~nday, June 28, 1971 Alleged M"fi" Chief Critic"IIy Wounded NEW YORK (UPI) -- Joseph A. Colorubo, 48, reputed Brooklyn Maila Chlef with racket lnterests as far away as London and the Caribbean, was shot In the head and critically wounded today at hLS own Ital1an-:~erlcan Dnlty Day ral­ ly by a Negro gunman. EIther polIce or Colombo's bodyguards -- It still was not clear hours later shot to death the assailant, Jerome A. Jackson, 24, of New BrunSWIck, N.J , at the rallY In Columbus CIrcle whIle a CT0Wd of several thousand watched. WItnesses said that Johnson was car­ Monsfie'd Announces rYIng a camera and wearIng what ap­ peared to be a press badge. He was Oossificotion Study reported to have been standIng near WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Senate Democratlc the speakers' platform wlth two other Leader Mlke Mansi1e1d announced today black men and a girl, all wearlng press a tentatlve agreement for a JOlnt Sen­ badges, when Colombo arrlved 40 mlnutes ate Pentagon investlgatlon lnto the before the rally began. publlc release of the Pentagon papers As Colombo moved through a crowd of and the broader question of what doc­ well wlshers, the four blacks approached ll uments should be classlfled secret. Wl-th a "ReIJo, Joe , the attacker grab­ As_the secret documents themselves bed him by the neck, spun hlm around arrIved on Capl.tol Hlll for congres­ and shot hlm twice in the head. At slonal exaUl1.natlon, Hansf1.eld told least SlX shots rang out and the as­ the Senate that the jOl.nt lnvestlgation sailant slumped to the ground. of thelr clandestlne release to some Colombo and the dead man were taken newspapers would be carrled out by to nearby Roosevelt Hospltal where a the Senate Forelgn Relations Committee priest adminlstered extreme unctlon representatIves of the armed forces. to Colombo In the emergency room Three He bald the proceed~ngs should be hours after the shooting, Colombo was open to the press and the publlc, but stll1 undergoing surgery. It was doubtful hearlngs could While roUS1C contlnued to play and held untl1 after Labor Day rally leaders pleaded for the crowd to remaln calm, pollce 5earcbed the OH, NOt NOT AGAINI~Ron and Beatnz Shouc,e, the Lull Predicted in area and found several guns, accord­ ing to Detectlve Chlef Albert Seedman. coupje that tuok off on 2 400-mde vOydge to Hav,''':Ill In u,'et NOli 1,'gLt,'ng J lO-foot lubbel laft for the thIrd tIme, wele force-d to 'I n A .38 callber revolver was found ln put In ;::t Cdpl!ola, C"dlf, .1.fter their Cldft 'Sprung a leak SAIGON (UPI) -- Battle actlon taper­ a man's handbag, ldentlfled by members five mlJc~ ~outh d theu "UI tillg p()mt <It Sdntd Crul ed off Ln the north today, and Intel- of the Italian-Amerlcan unlty group llgence offlcers pred1.cted a lull of as belonglng to Colombo. several weeks In the North Vletnamese ASSoclated Press reported lt recelV­ House Reiech Viet HOIl summer offenslve whlle the Communlsts ed an anonymous telephone call an_hour prepared a big push to lnterrupt the after the shooting from a man claim­ Wit6drowol Dote Policy South VLetnamese electl0n campaIgn. ~ng to be a member of a IIblack revolu­ WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The House to­ Ml11tary sources reported only mi­ tl.onary attack team" tak.1ng responsl.­ day reJected a move to establlsh as nor she11lngs at five fortress l~ke b~lLty for the LnCldent national POllCy the total wlthdrawal fire bases strung 20 m1.les along the Veteran Mafia-watchers sald the In­ of U S m1.1l.tary forces from Indo­ Demi11.tarLzed Zone. But lnteillgence cldent IDJ.ght be an indicatlon of re­ chlna w1th1.n nlne months and after officers were worrled by the compar­ newal of an old war between the Colombo all Amerlcan prIsoners have been re­ at1.Ve resplte as they had been last and Gallo famill.es for the South Brook­ leased week 10 heavy flghtlng In WhlCh flre lyn Mafla f~efdom ruled by the late The House's dec1.s1on to contlnue base Fuller was O'Jerrun. Joseph Praiacl. untJ.l Colombo took over lts support of Presldent Nlxon's uPI correspondent Ken BraddJ.ck In ln 1963. handl1ng of the VLet Nam War set the the north sald he was told that both stage for a confrontatl.on wlth the U S and South Vl.etnamese officers Agnew Dispells RUllors of Senate and the strong pOSS1.bllLty expected a major offenslve later ln that the draft law will exp1.re at the summer The presldentlal elec­ Hot Seeling Reelection mldnight Wednesday WIthout bel.ng tl0ns are ln October. AGANA, Guam (UPI) -- Vlce Presldent l.mmedlately renewed. The Communlsts have beefed up the1r Sp~ro T. Agnew dlsmlssed as lIpremature" At l.ssue 15 an amendment attached forces Ln the northern most province today any speculat~on that he would by the Senate to House passed legls­ of Quang Tr'l to a dlV1Sl.On or more -­ not seek reelection latlon that would extend the Selec- about 10,000 men -- 1n the last two Agnew said, !IAny speculatLon about tLve Service Act for another two weeks. They have brought ln heavy my leaving the off1ce 18 premature -­ years artl1lery and tanks for the first tl.me I've made no decl.sl.on Authorlzed by Senate Democratlc since the Khe Sanh offensive in 1968 liThe Presldent has sal.d that he's Leader Ml.ke Mansfleld, the amend­ At fuller, reoccupled at nlghtfall made no deci8l.0n about seekLng reelec­ ment would not have been legally yesterday for the second tlme since tlon hlIDself, and 11m certalnly not blndl.ng upon the Presl.dent Rather, It was overrun four days earl1er, there going to make any deC1Sl.On untll he 1.t would declare It to be "the was no actl.on Vietnamese spokesmen makes one,"Agnew sald. "He wJ.ll have policy of the Unlted States" that here sald troops operatlng at Dong Ha to make the final judgement as to whom a pullout be completed n1.ne months mounta1.n, on the slopes below the base, he wants to be h1s runnl.ng mate " after the enactment and after all came under sporadJ.c snlper flre. During a news conference aboard hlS Amerlcan POW's had been repatrIated. In CambodJ.a, government spokesmen plane shortly before landlng 1n Guam, If a law 1.S not passed by the reported clashes late yesterday along at 6'30 p.rn , Agne~ pledged h1S sup­ deadline, President Nlxon's power Hlghway Four,a maJor land route from port to NIxon next year "whether 11m to conscript men lnto the armed ser­ Phnom Penh to" the sea, but sald the on or off the ticket, either by my Vlces would be curtailed But Selec- road remal.ned open after four Communist chol.ce or h18 request." t1.ve SerVIce officl.als Bald they assaults in t~o days on the outpost Agnew spent the nlght ln Guam after would have no trouble flillng the at Sre Khlong, 45 miles southwest of a 12 hour fllght from CalLfornLa. draft Qy'ota~fQr the vear the capital. HOURG1.ASS Monday. June 28! 1971 Visiting Executives Review Spartan Work D Arriving on the World Airways flight this morning were two exe­ cutives of McDonnell Douglas As­ tronautics Company in Santa Monica, California. T.W. Stephens, Vice Bank of Hawaii Withdrawals President and General Manager of Savings Depositors of the Kwajalein Branch, who the MDAC Safeguard/Spartan Program~ wish to make withdrawals at anyone of the 62 and J.L. Cuba, Development Directo~ branches in Hawaii and the Pacific Area, should for the program, will review Spar­ obtain a letter of introduction prior to de­ tan missile test activity with parting the island. This will facilitate with­ KwaJale~n Test Center Director Don drawals on the account. Br~ncka. ' Mr. Stephens has been with Mc­ Letters of introduction may be obtained during Donnell Douglas since 1941. and normal operating hours as follows: has held a number of top positlons Monday & Thursday 11:00 am - 1:00 pm and In 1959, he was Field Station Man­ 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm. ager of Douglas activities at Whit~ Tuesday, Wednesday Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. and Friday 10: 00 am - 1. 00 pm In 1961, he returned to Santa Moni­ Depositors unable to make deposits during nor­ ca where he headed the Nike Zues mal operating hours may use the depository on program before be~ng made a vice the ocean side of the bank. Deposit slips should president ~n 1965. be made out in duplicate ~nd~cating name and Mr. Cuba has served in a number box number. Cash should not be enclosed. of engineering des~gn and manu­ facturing posit~ons w~th the com­ T.W. Stephens The following savings accounts are available at pany since jo~ning them in 1953. the Bank of Hawaii: From 1961 to 1963, he was Assistant Vacation Bible School Field Station Manager for the The classrooms and department as­ Passbook Savings - Interest 4.50% per annum Douglas Company at Kwalale~n be­ signments for Vacation Bible School fore becomlng F~eld Manager at are listed below and should be kept Savings Certificates - Guaranteed Interest White Sands Missile Range. for future reference in help~ng the rates: Both men will be staying until children flnd their classes.
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