2018 FINAL PROGRAM RESULTS REPORT OFFICE OF U.S. FOREIGN DISASTER ASSISTANCE AND FOOD FOR PEACE (FFP) Awardee Name and Mercy Corps [lead agency, Cash Consortium for Iraq (CCI)] Host Country: Iraq Award Number: AID-OFDA-G-17-00126 Donor(s): Office of United States Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) Office of Food for Peace (FFP) Activity Name: Cash Consortium for Iraq (CCI) Emergency Response for Conflict Affected Households Budget: $10,000,000 ($3,400,000 from FFP; $6,600,000 from OFDA) Activity Start Date 21 August 2017 Activity End Date 20 September 2018 Submission Date 18 December 2018 Reporting Fiscal Year FY2018 Awardee HQ Contact Name Title Address 45 SW Ankeny St. 45 SW Ankeny St. Portland, OR 97204 Portland, OR 97204 Telephone Number Email Address Host Country Office Contact Name Title Telephone Number Email Address District level areas of Sinjar district, Ninewa governorate intervention Mosul district, Ninewa governorate Tel Afar district, Ninewa governorate Sheehan district, Ninewa governorate Tilkaif district, Ninewa governorate MERCY CORPS 18 December 2018 - AID-OFDA-G-17-00126 - CCI Emergency Response for Conflict-Affected Households a Hamdaniya district, Ninewa governorate Hatra district, Ninewa governorate Shirqat district, Salah al-Din governorate Baiji district, Salah al-Din governorate Tikrit district, Salah al-Din governorate Balad district, Salah al-Din governorate Ramadi district, Anbar governorate Heet district, Anbar governorate Fallujah district, Anbar governorate Sector 1.1 (OFDA): Logistics Objective: Conflict affected families in Iraq, including Support and Relief newly displaced IDPs, protractedly displaced IDPs, Commodities returnees, and host communities, have improved access to essential non-food items Sub- Sector Non-food Items (NFIs) Sector 1.2 (OFDA): Shelter Objective: Conflict affected families in Iraq, including and Settlements newly displaced IDPs, protractedly displaced IDPs, returnees, and host communities, have improved access to essential shelter Sub- Sector Emergency/transitional Shelter Sector 1.3 (FFP): Multi- Objective: Conflict affected families in Iraq, Purpose Cash Assistance including newly displaced IDPs, protractedly displaced IDPs, returnees, and host communities, have improved access to essential food items. MERCY CORPS 18 December 2018 - AID-OFDA-G-17-00126 - CCI Emergency Response for Conflict-Affected Households b Acronym List ARR Annual Results Report ACTED Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development CaLP Cash Learning Partnership CCI Cash Consortium for Iraq CFRM Community Feedback and Response Mechanism CRC Community Resource Center CSI Coping Strategy Index CTP Cash Transfer Programming CWG Cash Working Group DART Disaster Assistance Response Team DFID Department for International Development DRC Danish Refugee Council DTM Displacement Tracking Matrix (published by IOM) ECHO European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations EORD Entrepreneur’s Organisation for Recovery and Development FFP Food for Peace GAC Global Affairs Canada GoI Government of Iraq HCT Humanitarian Country Team HH Households HRP Humanitarian Response Plan ICCG Inter Cluster Coordination Group ICCR International Committee of the Red Cross ID Identification IDP Internally Displaced Person IER Income-to-Expense Ratio IRC International Rescue Committee IOM International Organization for Migration INGO International Non-governmental Organization ISF Iraqi Security Forces JCMC Joint Coordination and Monitoring Centre JPMI Joint Price Monitoring Index JRAM Joint Rapid Assessment of Markets KRG Kurdistan Regional Government KRI Kurdistan Region of Iraq M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MCNA Multi-Cluster Needs Assessment MEAL Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning MMCA Multi-month Cash Assistance MNO Mobile Network Operator MoDM Ministry of Displacement and Migration MoLSA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs MoT Ministry of Trade MoU Memorandum of Understanding MERCY CORPS 18 December 2018 - AID-OFDA-G-17-00126 - CCI Emergency Response for Conflict-Affected Households i MPCA Multipurpose Cash Assistance MTA Money Transfer Agent MEB Minimum Expenditure Basket NRC Norwegian Refugee Council OFDA Office for U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance MC Mercy Corps MPCA Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance NCCI NGO Coordination Committee for Iraq NFI Non-Food Items PDM Post Distribution Monitoring PIN People in Need PMF Popular Mobilization Force PMT Proxy Means Test P2P Peer-to-Peer SC Steering Committee SMEB Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket SSN Social Safety Net TDH Terre des Homme ToT Training of Trainers TVTF Targeting and Vulnerability Task Force TWG Technical Working Group UEP Unified Exchange Platform UNHCR United Nations High Commission for Refugees UNOCHA United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs UNOPS United Nations Office for Project Services WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene WPE Women’s Protection and Empowerment WFP World Food Programme MERCY CORPS 18 December 2018 - AID-OFDA-G-17-00126 - CCI Emergency Response for Conflict-Affected Households ii I. Summary of Overall Achievements During the life of the program (21 August 2017 - 20 September 2018), the Cash Consortium for Iraq (CCI) partners - International Rescue Committee (IRC), Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Danish Refugee Council (DRC), Oxfam and Mercy Corps, as current lead agency - worked together to reach 34,813 individuals (6,711 households) across conflict-affected areas of Ninewa, Salah Al- Din and Anbar governorates utilizing multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA) as an effective emergency response modality (Annex 1) to meet critical food and non-food basic needs. A total of 14,540 transfers have been delivered and this cash assistance totaling approximately $5,816,000 distributed in cash directly to vulnerable households to enable them to meet their critical basic needs. Throughout the reporting period, CCI Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM) data showed that 98% of cash recipients were satisfied or very satisfied with the overall service they received from CCI partner cash teams. In addition, the data showed that cash remained households’ preferred assistance modality in 99% of cases. Finally, 74% of households receiving the one-off transfer and 81% of households receiving multi-month assistance reduced their use of negative coping strategies. CCI partners also worked together to design and roll out a series of focus group discussions (FGDs) to promote greater understanding of how MPCA impacts OFDA-FFP beneficiaries. A total of 30 focus group discussions were conducted in Anbar, Ninewa and Salah Al-Din governorates, leveraging the CCI partners’ teams and infrastructure. A report containing a detailed analysis and final conclusions of the FGDs can be found in Annex 2, “MPCA in Iraq: Perspectives of Beneficiaries on Impact and Spending.” OFDA/FFP funding enabled two CCI representatives to participate in a Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP) ToT to facilitate CaLP training in Iraq. From July – September, 2018, 47 CCI partner cash program staff successfully completed the CaLP training organized by the CCI; the goal of the training was to help improve the quality of assistance given to families affected by the crisis. Training sessions were conducted in Erbil for CCI partners, while sessions delivered in Bagdad included partners from both the CCI and the Cash Working Group (CWG). A total of 65 participants took part in the training sessions. Across the CCI portfolio, partners also drove harmonization among the cash community by conducting training for other cash actors, including Entrepreneurs Organization for Relief and Development (EORD), as well as the German Red Cross (see Annex 3) in adherence to the CCI, and CCI donors’, Grand Bargain commitments. CCI partners conducted market assessments in all new areas of intervention (including, but not limited to OFDA/FFP areas of intervention) using the Joint Rapid Assessment of Markets (JRAM) tool developed by REACH and used by all CWG partners. From the start of the award, CCI partners conducted market assessments in West Mosul, the districts of Tel Afar and Sinjar, and Abu Maria village in Ninewa governorate; Baiji and Shirqat districts in Salah al-Din governorate; and Ana, Ru’ua and Al Qa’im districts in western Anbar governorate (see Annexes 4a - 4h). In areas where other organizations were already working, CCI partners have used the market research findings of these peer agencies instead of conducting a new JRAM in those areas, thus avoiding duplication of efforts. CCI partners also contributed to the REACH Joint Price Monitoring Index (JPMI) surveys throughout the reporting period (see Annex 4i). The data analysis reports produced utilizing the survey data covered a wide area of markets collectively, including but not limited to areas of MERCY CORPS 18 December 2018 - AID-OFDA-G-17-00126 - CCI Emergency Response for Conflict-Affected Households 1 intervention covered under OFDA/FFP funding. The reports were shared with all CWG partners by REACH in order to support all MPCA activities in Iraq. Drawing upon the CCI’s wider portfolio, the CCI has continually leveraged other awards to enhance the impact of MPCA to better meet the needs of conflict-affected households beyond the cash- needs addressed by this OFDA/FFP-funded program. An automatic online referral system has been established with ECHO funding which has improved beneficiary selection and caseload management across CCI partners. Using this mechanism, the CCI referred households identified under
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