s ~i.r.1(l e 1 J: a l ld. n 6'33 l.'.oy:: S t. p~cvi12~1ce , E. I. o ·nly Anglo-Jewi•h Serving 30,000 Mew•paper in This State in Rhode Island The J-ewish Herald VOL. XXXV, No. 7 FRIDAY, APRU.. 21, 1950 _PROVIDENCE, R. I. SIXTEEN PAGES 7 CENTS THE COPY Two Years of the Jewish State Jews in Germany larael'8 second anniversary us a J ewish State-to be marked on April 23--will focus world attention on the monumental achieve­ ments made poseihle there through American J e~ry's eu~po~! of the United Jewish Appeal. TheJhotos on tins page illus• trai'e'in nart the historic role playe by UJA funds in Israel's Organize Defenses settlement, upbuilding and development. Support in 1950 of the United J ewish Appeal's campaign is vital to Israel's con­ tinued progress. Since establishment oC the Jewish Sta to two I . years ago, UJ A funJs have helped transfer more than 400,000 Take Action As homeless J ews to Israel. In 1950, Americun J ewry must con­ Thomas Mann Says tinue to bear responsibiljty Cor this "ingathering" oC the home• less and dispossessed. Today, support of the immigration and settlement program through the United Jewish Appeal means: "Jews Justified" Anti-Semi.tism Grows the transfer to Israel of 150,000 additional Jewish refugees; emptying the immigrant camps of close to 90,000 newcomers; SAN FRANCISCO - Thomas FRANKFORT-German police comtruction oC 50,(XH) housing units, and the establishment oC Mann, internationally known reported that a Jewish cemetery at 125 new settlements. Israel's policy from the date of its re-llirth author of such books as "Magic has been " Open the Gates and Keep Them Open." Am~rican Goettingen was desecrated over Jewry must help'·keep Israel's gates open through Cull-scale Mountain" and "Dr. Faustus," the weekend. It was the second support of the United Jewish Appeal. declared here before an Emer­ reported case in three days of VJA brou•ht251>,'000 lwmelu, Jew, to l,rael i~ 1949. ln 1950, UJ,4 iency Conference on Renazift­ vandalism in Jewish cemeteries in nw,1 htint:.~Q~OIJO more - like the holllflu. family ,hown c:ibo11e. catlon In Germany that the west Germany. Jewish grave­ Jewish people "are only too stones at Frankfurt were over­ justified when viewing with turned last Friday night, the 30th deep alarm the present situa­ such act of vandalism in Hesse tion in Germany, the resur­ since the end of the war. gence of Nazism, the rise of (Jewish organizations in Wes­ anti-Semitism and the shock­ tern Germany called an extraordi­ Ing failure of the denazlllca­ tlon proceedings to democratize nary conference this week· to deal the area or properly punish the with the probJem of organizing criminally guilty." adequate self-defense measures against the mounting anti-Jewish "incidents" in the U. S. and British zones of Germany. <The Jewish organizations also Brandeis Leaders plan to appeal for outside inter­ vention against the "continuing neo-barbarism" in the country. To Speak Here <Dr. Philip Auerbach, Bavarian The story of Brandeis Univer­ commissioner for persecutees, said sity in Waltham. Massachusetts, that the weekend incidents were the first nonsectarian institution organized by the Nazi under­ of higher learning to be esta­ ground. The Social Democratic blished in the Western Hemisphere party denounced the incidents as under Jewish ·sponsorship, will be "doubtless organized by neo-Na­ outlined on Tuesday evening, May tionalists." The statement added: 2, to members of the Rhode Island "The labor unions and the Social Committee for Brandeis Univer­ Democrats will reply with a ll their sity by George Alpert, president of means.") the University Board of Trustees, Goettingen is a university town and Dr. Abram L. Sachar, presi­ in the British zone. Its university dent of Brandeis. is said to have a large number of Comprised of members drawn right-wing students. from Providence, Woon sock e,t Goettingen police said 15 grave­ Pawtucket, and Newport, the stones in the Jewish cemetery were Rhode Island Committee will hold overturned and damaged. its first meeting at 6: 30 p.m. on The police said they suspected May 2 at the Ledgemont Country Wilh UJA fund,, ne.ccom.,,._, help Ne wcomer lo l,rael from Yemen Brousht to l,rael u::ith UJA fimd, , lypicaJ ~rnup of newcomer, B" the vandalism was carried out by build 50,000 new howing unit.. at work on new /arm u tdeme~t. oul lo work fo field,. UJA mu,1 build 125 u rdemen1, thi, yea,.. Club. teen-agers, "but whether it was Presiding at the dinner which anti-Semitism or just youthful will ,honor the Brandeis officials tricks we do not know." will be Walter I. Sundlun, chair­ Club to Honor man, and Samuel Rapaporte, Jr., Zionists To Observe Israel's Anniversary and Alvin A. Sopkin, co-chairmen. A program commemorating the Archie Silverman ·The dinner will mark the entrance of Rhode Island with organizations Vets To Show Film second anniversary of the esta­ The Knife and Fork Club will blishment of the State of Israel in 20 states across the nation into wlll be conducted Sunday evening, honor Archie Silverman Tuesday active support for Brandeis Uni­ April 23 at 8 o'clock at Temple afternoon at 12 o'clock at the versity. Of Nuremburg Trials Emanuel by the Rhode Island Zio­ Narragansett Hotel to mark his Providence women have already provided active support for the Showings of the films of the nist Emergency Council. The recent 70th birthday. Many pro­ public Is invited to attend. new University through the forma­ Nuremburg Trials will be spon­ minent guests are expected to at­ Guest speakers, who will be in­ tion of a Providence chapter of the sored by the Jewish War Veterans tend the luncheon for Mr. Silver­ National Women's Committee of of Rhode Island Thursday even­ troduced by Frank Licht, Council man, who is a member of the club. Brandeis University. President of president. will include Archibald ing at 8:30 o'clock. Hope High Joseph Galkin wlll be master of the local group is Mrs. Louis School auditorium: May 2 at Paw­ Silverman, Alter Boyman and ceremonies. Kramer. Rabbi Aaron Deeter, director of tucket East High School, and May the Penn. Region of the Israel 3 at Newport. Paul J . Robip . chair­ Histadr\Jt Campaign. Rabbi Dee­ man of the showings, announced ter has been prominent in youth this week . and adult education programs, and S-Point Program Drawn Up For Zionists The film. an official release of the United States Army, shows. in Zionist a ff airs. An able lec­ JERUSALEM-A five-point pro­ turer and analyst. he is considered The program . based on a thesis not only the trials of the Nazis. gram outlining the future role of submitted by S . z. Shragai. Miz­ but some of the crimes for which an authority on current problems the Zionist movement-which was of Israel and the Histadrut. rachi member of the J ewish Agen­ they were convicted. submitted to the Zionist action cy Executive. declares: Rabbi Nathan Rosen . deputy Resolutions covering the mat­ committee session opening here "l. The Zionist movement has national chaplain . will address the ters of internationalization of RABBI AARON DECTER Wednesday-was approved unani­ not yet reached Its goal since the a udience before the showing. All Jerusalem and the embargo on mously here at a Joint meeting of majori ty of the J ewish people live adults are invited to attend. arms to Israel will be presented the governing bodies of the Mfz­ in the Diaspora a nd part of Pal­ Mr. Robin is assisted in arrang­ by M. Louis Abedon and Stanley Morris Schussheim in which the rachi and Ha poel Hamizrachl, estine is in the enem y·s ha nds. ing the showings by Arthur H . Snyder. Also on the program will members of the Rabbinical As­ representing the religious and "2. The Zionist movement must be a service of thanksgiving pre­ Rosen. commander, Barnett Fisher, sembly of Rhode Island will religious-laborite segments of continue to bear the vi sion of the J ames Jenkin, Herman Braff and pared by Rabbis Eli A. Bohnen and participate. Zionism. !Continued on Page 2) Lewis Kaplari. ., ~manuel Begins Rehearsals for Original ~usical Comedy 5-Point Program _, - .~ Drawn for Zionists ( Continued from Pa~e 1) ~ nation's unity and its concentra­ .,... tion , in Israel. "3. Immigration must- reml'-in i::l under the auspices of the Z10nist Ill movement which therefore· should II,, <· continue to care for immigration and absorption. ~ "4. The Zionist movement must <Q receive a charter which will en­ iii able it to continue immigration, r.. absorption and colonization, and Q the government o.{ Israel must as­ :;] sist the Jewish Agency in this task. Ill "5. The Zionist movement must r.l mobilize the Jewish nation in the Diaspora to assist the State of = Israel by winning public opinion, rLJ= sympathies and support abroad St for the benefit" of the state. Pay­ r.l ment must continue to fulfill the ... tasks of land acquisition for pres­ r.l ervation as the nation's property, 0z as · well as for development and r.l preparation for absorption and Q ;: colonization.'' 0 Ill II,, Gailing to Entertain at r.l Installation meeting =E-< ) Ben Gailing, .Jewish actor, hu­ morist and author, will entertain at the Installatiot1 meeting of the \ Rhode Island Jewish Fraternal Association Thursday evening at 5,30 o'clock at the United Com­ mercial Travelers Hall.
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