ASILHA – ISLAMICATE INSTITUTE Publishing Journal of Hadith Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019) P-ISSN 2598-4810 ǁ E-ISSN 2598-4802 https://doi.org/10.32506/johs.v2i1.541 Methodology of Hadith Research: The Study of Hadith Criticism Thofiqur Rohman,1* Ulul Huda,2 Hartono,3 1 Institut Agama Islam Negeri Purwokerto 2 Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto 3 Institut Agama Islam Negeri Purwokerto E-mail: [email protected] *Coresponding Author Received January 11, 2019 Accepted for publication June 15, 2019 Published June 30, 2019 ABstract This paper is focused on the theme of hadith research methods. The focus of the theme of this hadith research method is the study of hadith criticism. Study of hadith criticism becomes important as this branch of science give contribution on how to figure out which are da'eef, fake, and authentic hadiths. This is because authentic Hadith takes fundamental part as the companion of Qur'an in learning Islam. Hadith criticism has meaning as a series of methods chosen by the hadith experts consciously to achieve validity degree of hadith. The purpose of hadith criticism is to contribute strong evidence that the traditions examined were really sourced from the Messenger of Allah. The method was born and developed since the Apostle PBUH, is still alive until now. The scope of study of hadith criticism covers the area of Sanad and Matn. In such an important way the science of hadith criticism, then places that knowledge in the priority position of the reviewer of the validity of the hadith. Keywords: Hadith Research Method, Criticism of Hadith, Sanad, Matn Metode Penelitian Hadis: Studi tentang Kritik Hadis ABstrak Tulisan ini difokuskan pada tema metode penelitian hadis. Titik fokus tema metode penelitian hadis dimaksud adalah studi kritik hadis. Studi kritik hadis menjadi pembelajaran penting mengingat cabang ilmu ini berperan sebagai sarana selektif menemukan hadis dhaif, palsu, dan shahih. Hal tersebut mengingat kedudukan hadis shahih merupakan landasan ajaran Islam pendamping al-Qur’an. Kritik hadis mengandung makna sebagai rangkaian metode yang ditempuh para ahli hadis secara sadar untuk mencapai derajat validitas hadis. Tujuan kritik hadis ialah untuk menyumbangkan bukti kuat bahwa hadis yang ditelaah benar-benar bersumber dari Rasulullah saw. Metode dimaksud lahir dan berkembang semenjak Rasul saw., masih hidup hingga sekarang. Ruang lingkup kajian kritik hadis mencakup wilayah sanad dan matan. Demikianlah nilai penting ilmu kritik hadis yang selanjutnya menempatkan ilmu itu pada posisi prioritas pengkaji derajat keshahihan hadis. Kata-kata kunci: Metode Penelitian Hadis, Kritik Hadis, Sanad, Matan A. Introduction (hadith), more than as-Sunnah needs Al-Qur’an itself. It means that the meaning that carried in Hadith becomes one of essential basic Islam al-Qur’an will never be understood properly beliefs. As it is very essential, Imam al-Awzâ’i stated that Al-Qur’an needs more as-Sunnah Thofiqur Rohman 73 73-84 ASILHA – ISLAMICATE INSTITUTE Publishing Journal of Hadith Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019) P-ISSN 2598-4810 ǁ E-ISSN 2598-4802 https://doi.org/10.32506/johs.v2i1 and wisely without being connected with The life records are always used as the reference sunnah Rasul PBUH. at first. for the current and future adoption of Muslim law. The statement is in line with the sentence Similar statement stated by Yahya bin Abi stated by Nabia Abbott, “Islamic tradition and Katsir. Yahya stated that sunnah becomes judge history were twin, thought notidentical, for al-Kitab—al-Qur’an.(bin Ali al-Syaukani, 2000, disciplines.(Afwadzy, 2017, p. 55) p. 189) Hadith as source of Islam belief can be analysed through two point of views. First, Based on that statement, it requires a rule to test hadith can be seen from structural point of view. the truth value of a hadith before it is used as In this position, hadith becomes the secondary one of the foundations of Islamic law. The source of law after al-Qur’an in the dimension of intended method to hereinafter referred to as theology, dimension of sharia, dimension of the Hadith Research Method. Therefore, the morality and many more. Second, hadith can be hadith research method is a tool to review seen through functional point of view. From this certain news to prove that the information point of view, hadith has position as the referred to really came from the Messenger of elucidation of any verses in al-Qur’an which is Allah (PBUH).(Rahman, 2016, p. 151) Through the more about general thing, so it needs deeper use of this method, it is expected to always be interpretation.(M Syuhudi Ismail, 1992, p. 1) exposed to the value of authenticity and truth of hadith. Hence, as the systematic option that should be done by scientist to protect the purity of hadith One of the assessment tools of Hadith Research is by applying criticism of hadith. Criticism of Method to assess the authenticity and truth of hadith is necessary to by applied as the the hadith is criticism of hadith. Hadith criticism significance of hadith position in Islam is a science that functions to examine the truth beliefs(2011). Based on the mentioned of the contents of a hadith and to assess the perception, the improvement of study about continuity of the narration of a hadith from authentic value of hadith needs to be analysed narrator to the Prophet. That assessment is continually. Not only by Moslems, but also by needed because the hadith, as one of the everyone who have duty on it—include references of Islamic law, must be sterile from orientalists. (al-Qaradlawi, 2006, p. 65) Here is the false doctrines and erroneous results as the important value of analysing hadith influence of narrator of the hadith.(Jufriyadi comprehensively. Start from the basic concept, Sholeh, 2016a, p. 74) In examining the function of the researcher tries to describe the series of Hadith criticism, this knowledge will be information with the criticism of hadith as specified in two branches. The two referred hadith research method on its focus. branches are criticism of matan and criticism of sanad.(Suryadi, 2015a, p. 2) B. Literature Review C. Method Historical records and hadith are two things that are interrelated and can not be separated Data that will be described by the researcher in from each other. The author gives this this research is the result of library research. statement because hadith contains a collection Information that is served contains data of life records of Prophet (PBUH) in the past. collection of criticism of hadith as a method to 74 Thofiqur Rohman 73-84 ASILHA – ISLAMICATE INSTITUTE Publishing Journal of Hadith Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019) P-ISSN 2598-4810 ǁ E-ISSN 2598-4802 https://doi.org/10.32506/johs.v2i1 analyse hadith. Because this research is work by Lalu Heri Afrizal which is entitled categorized as library research, the information “Selisik atas Metodologi Kritik Matan Ulama that served is sourced from primary data and Hadis” that published by Jurnal Studi Agama dan secondary data which are in the form of books, Pemikiran Islam Kalimah vol. 14, 2016. Then, journals, and other documents that included as for the secondary data, the researcher uses the library data.(2009, p. 329) works which is related with hadith critic as the method of hadith analysis. The books that become the primary data sources in finishing this research are; First, a D. RESULT AND DISCUSION book by H. M Syuhudi Ismail entitled Metodologi 1. Interpreting Criticism of Hadith Penelitian Hadits that published by Bulan Bintang in Jakarta, 1992; Second, a book that Critic in Arabic language literature is called written by Muhammad Mustafa Azami which is naqd.(Jufriyadi Sholeh, 2016b, p. 74) The use of entitled Metodologi Kritik Hadits that published naqd in Arabic language literature has meaning by Pustaka Hidayah in Jakarta, 1992; Third, a “naqada al kalam wa naqada al syi’r”. The book by Miftahul Ansor and Imam Musbikin meaning of that phrase is “he already criticised with title “Membedah” Hadits Nabi SAW. Kaedah the language and the poem”. Besides that, dan Sarana Studi Hadits serta Pemahamannya phrase, another phrase about naqd is “naqada that published by Jaya Star Nine in Madiun, al darahim”. “Naqada al darahim” has meaning 2015; that “he separates the good money and bad money”.(Mustafa Azami, 1992, p. 81) Fourth, a book by Mudasir which is entitled Ilmu Hadits that published by Pustaka Setia in Even though the word naqd contains “critic” Bandung, 1999; Fifth, a book by Umi Sumbulah meaning,(Heri Afrizal, 2016, p. 195) some hadith which is entitled Kajian Kritis Ilmu Hadits that scholars did not really popularize this word as published by UIN-Malang Press in Malang, a word that represent the meaning of critic. 2008; Sixth, a book that written by Ali Mustafa They preferred named the study which has Yaqub with the title Kritik Hadits that published collaboration with criticism of hadith with al by Pustaka Firdaus in Jakarta, 2008; Seventh, a Jarh wa al Ta’dil. Al Jarh wa al Ta’dil has book by Muhammad Mustafa Azami which is meaning as a science that show the entitled Studies in Hadits Methodology and invalidation and justice of a hadith. Literature that published by American Trust Based on that statement, it can be said that critic Publications in Indianapolis, 1977; Eighth, a or criticism has meaning as a way that book by Abu Hatim al-Razi which is entitled al- connected to someone through a story that Jarh wa al-Ta’dil that published by Dar al-Kutub propped up to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. al-Ilmiyyah in Beirut, 1988. Of course, that connectedness method is based Meanwhile, journals that are used as the on the rules and conditions that should be primary data by the researcher are; First, a work fulfilled.
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