Aribo et al. HCA Healthcare Journal of Medicine (2020) 1:4 https://doi.org/10.36518/2689-0216.1020 Case Report Investigation of a Peculiar Case of Childhood Lymphadenopathy Author affiliations are listed at the end of this article. Chadé Aribo,1 Alonso Al MD,2 Allison Woodall MD,2 Tommy Y. Kim MD3 Abstract Correspondence to: Chadé Aribo Introduction University of California, Lymphadenopathy is a common physical finding often associated with an infectious etiology. Riverside School of We present a case of a patient with generalized cervical and supraclavicular lymphade- Medicine nopathy diagnosed with a rare malignancy. Health care providers should be aware of some 92521 UCR Botanic Gardens uncommon historical or physical examination findings that warrant further investigation. Road Riverside, CA 92507 Clinical Findings A 16-year-old female presented to the emergency department with 3 days of a fever, con- ([email protected]) gestion and sore throat with swelling around the jaw. Her physical examination findings included bilateral mandibular swelling and generalized cervical lymphadenopathy with palpa- ble supraclavicular lymph nodes. Outcomes Complete blood count showed pancytopenia with a white blood cell count of 4.4 x 10e3/uL, hemoglobin of 10.8 g/dL and platelets of 87 x 10e3/uL. CT scan of the neck with IV contrast revealed extensive cervical and mediastinal lymphadenopathy with suspicion of lymphoma. Biopsy results diagnosed a rare form of a hematologic malignancy called blastic plasmacyt- oid dendritic cell neoplasm. Conclusions The presence of supraclavicular lymphadenopathy should raise concern for non-infectious etiologies, such as malignant processes. Keywords lymphatic diseases; neoplasms; dendritic cells/pathology; hematologic neoplasms; leukemia; pediatrics Case Presentation visit. The review of systems was negative for A 16-year-old female presented to the emer- weight loss, bruising, bleeding, shortness of gency department (ED) with a 3 day history breath, abdominal pain or headache. of fever of 100 F, congestion, and mild sore throat. She had a decreased appetite but had Initial vital signs on arrival to the emergency been able to tolerateO some oral fluids. She also department revealed a temperature of 99.6F, had complaints of bilateral mandibular swelling, heart rate of 131 beats/min, respiratory rate which had been increasing in size since the on- of 20 breaths/min, blood pressure of 131/85 set of symptoms. She denied any voice change, mmHg and an oxygen saturation of 99%. Perti- drooling or pain with neck movement. Her nent findings on physical examination revealed pertinent recent past medical history included 1+ tonsils and erythema without exudate or a previous visit to the primary care provider for petechiae. She had a large, left-sided, palpable, “bumps behind ears” 4 months prior to the ED post-auricular mass and a smaller right-sided, visit. She also had a history of a breast mass palpable, post-auricular mass. She also had with a negative biopsy 1 year prior to the ED generalized lymphadenopathy of the cervical www.hcahealthcarejournal.com HCA Healthcare © 2020 HCA Physician Services, Inc. d/b/a Journal of Medicine Emerald Medical Education 217 HCA Healthcare Journal of Medicine Figure 1. Coronal CT scan of the neck shows extensive generalized lymphadenopathy. and supraclavicular lymph nodes as well as pancytopenia with a white blood cell count of palpable, bilateral axillary lymph nodes. Ex- 4.4 x 10e3/uL, hemoglobin of 10.8 g/dL, plate- amination of her right breast showed a small lets of 87 x 10e3/uL and a differential with segs hyperpigmented macule and a well healed scar 1%, bands 6%, lymph 78% and atypical lymph without any masses. Otherwise her examina- 12%. The metabolic panel was unremarkable tion was found to be unremarkable including no except for a slightly elevated AST of 139 U/L hepatosplenomegaly. and an ALT of 126 U/L. LDH was 392 U/L, uric acid 5.6 mg/dL, phosphate 2.8 mmol/L The patient was given a lactated ringers bolus and the monospot test was negative. The for her tachycardia and dehydration. Her work CXR was normal with no mediastinal widen- up included a complete blood count (CBC), ing. Findings from the CT of the neck with IV complete metabolic panel (CMP), as well as contrast showed marked hypertrophy of the uric acid, phosphorus, lactate dehydrogenase adenoids and palatine tonsils with extensive (LDH) and a monospot test. A chest x-ray cervical lymphadenopathy (largest measuring (CXR) was ordered to evaluate for mediastinal 19.04 mm) and mediastinal lymphadenopathy widening and a CT scan with IV contrast of the (largest measuring 15.78 mm) with suspicion neck to evaluate the generalized lymphadenop- for lymphoma. (Figures 1–4) The patient was athy. transferred to the regional tertiary pediatric center for pediatric oncology evaluation. At the Laboratory studies revealed a CBC showing pediatric center, a bone marrow biopsy was Figure 2. Sagittal CT scan of the neck shows extensive generalized lymphadenopathy. 218 Aribo et al. (2020) 1:4. https://doi.org/10.36518/2689-0216.1020 Figure 3. Axial CT scan of the neck shows a 19.04 mm cervical lymph node. completed as well as a biopsy of the neck mass with IV contrast showed marked hypertrophy and the breast hyperpigmented macule. Re- of the adenoids and palatine tonsils with ex- sults of the biopsy confirmed a rare form of a tensive cervical and mediastinal lymphadenop- hematologic malignancy called blastic plasma- athy. Normally, lymph nodes in the neck have a cytoid dendritic cell neoplasm (BPDCN). diameter of 12 mm and 12.6 mm in the medias- tinum which compares to the size of a pea. Our Discussion patient had cervical lymph nodes that measure Our patient exhibited generalized lymphade- 19.04 mm and mediastinal nodes measuring nopathy including swelling of the supraclavicu- 15.78 mm. Due to the lymph node enlargement lar lymph nodes. Generalized lymphadenopathy and its diffuse pattern coupled with the finding refers to enlarged lymph nodes in more than of pancytopenia, a malignancy was suspected two areas of the body, and it is usually evalu- and led to the diagnosis of BPDCN. ated based on size and location. Swelling of the supraclavicular lymph nodes in children is BPDCN is an aggressive hematologic malignan- suspicious for malignancy and warrants further cy which presents with cutaneous lesions and investigation. Since these lymph nodes drain frequently involves the bone marrow as well as the head, neck and mediastinum, our find- the lymph nodes. Before being categorized by ing was especially suspicious for a malignant the World Health Organization in 2008, BPDCN was thought to be a natural killer cell leukemia/ etiology, which led to further testing. A CBC 1 revealed pancytopenia. A CT scan of the neck lymphoma. With further investigation, the ma- Figure 4. Axial CT scan of the upper mediastinum shows a 15.78 mm lymph node. 219 HCA Healthcare Journal of Medicine lignant cells have been recognized as a subtype includes treatment with tagraxofusp and, in of dendritic cells called plasmacytoid dendritic some eligible cases, hematopoietic stem cell cells. Plasmacytoid dendritic cells reside in transplants. Tagraxofusp, the first FDA ap- lymph tissues such as lymph nodes and tonsils. proved treatment for BPDCN, specifically tar- These cells secrete large amount of interferons gets the BPDCN marker CD123 with promising and other cytokines in the setting of autoim- results.3 Though acute lymphoblastic leukemia/ mune diseases or viral infections.2 The main lymphoblastic lymphomas (ALL/LBL) treat- surface antigens that contribute to a diagnosis ment regimens have had positive outcomes for of BPDCN include CD4, CD56, and CD123.3 In BPDCN, tagraxofusp is a much more target- 2016, BPDCN was established as its own entity ed option. The most serious side effect from by the World Health Organization.4 treatment with tagraxofusp is capillary leak syndrome, which can be fatal.3 Tazgraxofusp is BPDCN is a very rare hematologic neoplasm. recommended for children greater than 2 years Due to prior poor classification and many of age, and, in most cases, can be followed with changes to its nomenclature, the exact inci- allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplanta- dence of BPDCN is unknown. According to tion. In children less than 2 years of age, treat- recent literature, BPDCN accounts for 0.7 ment with ALL/LBL treatment regimens are percent of all cutaneous lymphomas.5 Skin recommended.5 lesions seem to take an indolent course before rapid spread to the bone marrow.1 Skin lesions Conclusion can present with macules, nodules and plaques The diagnosis of BPDCN, a rare hematologic that are hyperpigmented, erythematous or neoplasm, was based on physical examination ulcerative. The skin lesions can vary between findings of generalized lymphadenopathy but, one or two isolated lesions to disseminated more specifically, abnormal supraclavicular skin lesions of varying sizes. Skin pathology is lymphadenopathy. A high index of suspicion for typically accompanied by cytopenia, lymphade- a malignant process should be considered for nopathy and sometimes splenomegaly. Liver patients with palpable supraclavicular lymph involvement is not usually seen, though if pres- nodes. ent, it usually occurs with bone marrow involve- ment.5 In addition to lymphatic spread, system- ic dissemination can involve the soft tissues, Conflicts of Interest the lungs and the central nervous system.5,6 As The authors declare they have no conflicts of described in this case report, the patient pre- interest. sented with extensive lymphadenopathy, ele- vated liver enzymes and pancytopenia. She is a Drs. Al and Woodall are employees of Riverside prime example of how the diagnosis of BPDCN Community Hospital, a hospital affiliated with can be difficult, as many cases are mistaken for the journal’s publisher. acute myeloid leukemia and/or cutaneous T-cell lymphoma.5 This research was supported (in whole or in part) by HCA Healthcare and/or an In addition to CT imaging for further inves- HCA Healthcare affiliated entity.
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