County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone (01482) 393939 www.eastriding.gov.uk Caroline Lacey Chief Executive Your Ref: Our Ref: summons/EHP Enquiries to: Liz Pearce E-Mail: [email protected] Tel. Direct: (01482) 393212 Date: 16 February 2021 Dear Councillor I hereby give you notice that in accordance with The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels(Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020, a meeting of EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE COUNCIL will be held on WEDNESDAY, 24 FEBRUARY 2021 at 2.00 pm. To view this remote meeting please visit: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR6ExCx8bLOJUyRfmClIMeQ The business to be transacted is as set out below. A G E N D A 1. Declarations of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests - Members to declare any interests in items on the agenda and the nature of such interest. 2. To receive the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 11 February 2021 (pages 1 - 6). 3. Any petitions as may be submitted. 4. Questions by Electors (if any). 5. To receive such communications as the Chairman or Chief Executive may desire to lay before the Council. 6. To receive and consider the minutes of The Cabinet and Committees: The Cabinet:- 2 February 2021 (pages 7 - 16) Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Sub-Committees:- Overview Management of 7 and 28 January 2021 (pages 17 - 29). Health, Care and Wellbeing of 12 January 2021 (pages 30 - 33). Children and Young People of 14 and 20 January 2021 (pages 34 - 46). Safer and Stronger Communities of 21 January 2021 (pages 47 - 57). Environment and Regeneration of 27 January 2021 (pages 58 - 65). Non-Executive Committees:- Planning of 14 January and 4 February 2021 (pages 66 - 86). Audit of 22 January 2021 (pages 87 – 90) Standards Assessment of 27 January and 3 February 2021 (pages 91 - 92). Health and Wellbeing Board of 28 January 2021(pages 93 - 95). Licensing Act 2003 of 2 February 2021(pages 96 - 100). Pensions of 5 February 2021 (pages 101 – 103). 7. Leader’s Update - An oral report will be submitted by the Leader. 8. Questions Under Procedure Rule 7.8(i). 9. Outside Body Questions. 10. Portfolio Holder Report - An oral report will be submitted by the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Inward Investment. 11. To consider the following Motion(s), notice of which has been duly given and to pass such resolutions as may be appropriate. (a) By Councillor Nolan “That this Council notes that there are rumours of a proposed local government reorganisation in the area, which will result in a merger of East Riding of Yorkshire and Hull City Council and the creation of a new unitary authority in their place. This Council considers that residents in the East Riding do not want to be merged with Hull City Council. The Council therefore resolves to oppose any move to merge the two Councils without the consent of our residents.” (b) By Councillor Johnson “That in view of the significant parking problems in Beverley, and to help alleviate this issue, this Council requests Officers to bring forward the Beverley Park and Ride scheme as a matter of urgency in this financial year. To be drawn from reserves and subsequently recovered from the developers from Section 106 contributions.” (c) By Councillor Padden “That this Council notes - 1. That many East Riding residents are suffering as a result of the pandemic and the uplift in Universal Credit has been a lifeline to them. We should be increasing support to unemployed people and their families at this time, not reducing it. 2. At a time when local economies and independent shops are taking a hit from the on-going restrictions on the high-street, the increase in benefit levels has also supported local businesses and local jobs during the pandemic and will continue to do so as people are more mindful to shop local and support their communities. The Council therefore resolves to write to the Chancellor calling for him to reconsider ending this uplift in April 2021 and instead make the £20 increase to Universal Credit permanent.” (d) By Councillor Weeks “That this Council; • Supports parents’ rights to choose to Home Educate their children. • Understands the current law relating to Elective Home Education, namely; o Education is compulsory. School is not. o Education should be ‘suitable and efficient’. o There is no mandatory registration for Elective Home Education. • Recognises the fantastic work the Education Welfare Service do to support parents who decide to Home Educate their children. • Shares the concern of staff regarding the lack of mandatory registration for Elective Home Education and the lack of a clearly defined national definition for ‘suitable and efficient’ education. Resolves to; Write to the Prime Minister, Secretary of State for Education and Chairman of the House of Commons Education Select Committee, to request the Government explore options to introduce mandatory registration and a national definition for what constitutes ‘suitable and efficient’ education.” 12. Climate Change Review Panel Report - Report of the Director of Corporate Resources (pages 104 - 107) 13. Council Tax 2021-22 - Report of the Director of Corporate Resources (pages 108 -127). Yours sincerely Caroline Lacey Chief Executive NOTES: IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULE 7.8(i), ANY MEMBER WHO WISHES TO ASK A QUESTION, MUST INFORM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE IN WRITING BEFORE 4.00 PM ON FRIDAY, 19 FEBRUARY 2021. IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULES 7.12 AND 7.15, ANY MEMBER WHO WISHES TO SPEAK ON OR MOVE A FIRST AMENDMENT TO ANY MINUTE, OR TO MOVE A FIRST AMENDMENT TO A NOTICE OF MOTION, MUST INFORM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE IN WRITING BEFORE 4.00 PM ON FRIDAY, 19 FEBRUARY 2021. East Riding of Yorkshire Council (“Council”) use third-party video conferencing platforms in order to facilitate remote meetings, seminars and webinars. The Council uses a variety of platforms including Zoom and Microsoft Teams. These products are external, third-party platforms and, as such, security cannot be assured. The Council does not directly host these platforms nor does it exercise control over their infrastructure or privacy protocols. It is the responsibility of the participant to be aware of the risks involved in using these, or similar platforms, and to satisfy themselves that the security of any platform they elect to use is sufficient for their needs. Each participant should read the relevant privacy policy of the platform provider and should exercise adequate caution, including using appropriate anti-virus/malware/spyware software and device encryption. The Council does not accept responsibility or liability for any damage caused or loss suffered howsoever arising out of the use of external video conferencing platforms. In using these platforms, the participants acknowledge that they are aware of, and accept, any risk associated with their use. EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE COUNCIL 11 FEBRUARY 2021 PRESENT: Councillors Smith (Chairman), Abraham, Aitken, C Bayram, L Bayram, Beaumont, Birch, Bovill, Burton, Chadwick, Copsey, Coultish, Davison, Dealtry, Dennis, Elvidge, Evison, Fox, Gateshill, Gill, Green, Greenwood, Hammond, Handley, Harold, Healing, Healy, Heslop-Mullens, Holtby, Horton, Jefferson, B Jeffreys, D Jeffreys, Johnson, Jump, Lee, Mathieson, McMaster, Medini, Meredith, Nickerson, Nolan, Norman, Owen, Padden, Rogers, Rudd, Sargeantson, Skow, Stathers, Steel, Sutton, Sykes, Temple, Tucker, A Walker, V Walker, Weeks, K West, P West, Whitehead, Whittle and Wilkinson. The Council meeting was held virtually by video conference and was live streamed on YouTube. Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Boynton, Lisseter, Matthews. 2730 DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY AND NON-PECUNIARY INTERESTS - No declarations of interest were made. 2731 MINUTES - Moved by the Chairman, seconded by the Vice Chairman, and Resolved - That the minutes of the meeting held on 13 January 2021 be approved and signed as a correct record. 2732 TREASURY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2021-22 - The Director of Corporate Resources submitted a report proposing a Treasury Management Strategy and Minimum Revenue Provision Policy for 2021-22. The Strategy was drawn from the Council's Treasury Policy Statement and covered investments, borrowing, the outlook for interest rates, the management of associated risk and the policy to be adopted on Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP). The Strategy had been considered by the Audit Committee on 22 January 2021 and The Cabinet on 2 February 2021, both of which had recommended that the Strategy and Policy be approved. Moved by Councillor Burton, seconded by Councillor Stathers, and Resolved - That the Treasury Management Strategy and Minimum Revenue Provision Policy for 2021-22 be approved. 2733 HOUSING REVENUE ACCOUNT BUDGET 2021-22 AND FINANCIAL PLAN 2021-22 TO 2024-25 - The Director of Corporate Resources and Director of Planning and Economic Regeneration submitted a joint report outlining proposed changes to the Housing Revenue Account Budget 2021-22 and Financial Plan 2021-22 to 2024-25. The report had been considered by The Cabinet who had recommended approval of the recommendations contained therein. The report set out the proposed Housing Revenue Account Budget for 2021-22 and the proposed council house rents for 2021-22, including rent increases of 1.5%, which was based upon the Consumer Price Index (CPI) plus 1%. The report also set out other fees and charges for 2021-22. 1 B:\DDPC\CR\Democratic\Council\MINUTES\11feb21.docx
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