See pages 21 to 26 and www.goleader.com/08election for detailed voting information Special Election Edition - Vote Tuesday, November 4 (6 a.m. to 8 p.m.) Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, October 30, 2008 OUR 118th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 44-2008 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS America Votes Voters to Elect Federal and County Leaders; Choose Mayors, Councils By PAUL J. PEYTON the process of appointing judiciary po- ated voters. The number of registered Specially Written for The Westfield Leader sitions. (See election coverage, which voters has increased by 20,000, since AREA – New Jersey voters will begins on Page 21). the June Primary, according to the Board head to the polls to select a new Presi- Polls will be open on Tuesday, No- of Elections website. dent of the United States, Congres- vember 4, from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. The U.S. Senators Barack Obama (D) sional member and United States Sena- latest voter-registration numbers issued and John McCain (R) are running to tor, as well as decide municipal races in Monday, October 20, from the Union replace President George W. Bush in more than a dozen Union County mu- County Board of Elections indicated the White House. The leading cam- nicipalities. In addition, two referen- that 299,762 registered voters exist in paign issues are the struggling economy, dums will ask voters to choose whether the county, with Democrats holding a including Wall Street worries and the voter approval should be necessary for 124,342 to 44,909 edge over Republi- thousands of foreclosures due to the state borrowing, and they will decide cans. The county has 130,416 unaffili- collapse of the sub-prime mortgage market, and reducing the nation’s de- pendence on foreign oil. Also running are Independent Ralph Nader and former congressman Robert Barr, run- ning as a Libertarian. Mayoral races will be held in Scotch Plains, Clark and Elizabeth. Contested council races will take place in Berke- ley Heights, Clark, Cranford, Eliza- beth, Fanwood, Garwood, Kenilworth, Linden, New Providence, Roselle Park, Horace Corbin for The Westfield leader BOO...Happy Halloween everyone from witches, satans, catwoman, Poison Ivy, clowns, friends and staff of Scotch Plains, Springfield, Summit and The Westfield Leader. Winfield Park. There are uncontested council elec- tions being held in Mountainside, Roselle and Union. There are no mu- GOP Officials Hold Meeting nicipal elections in Westfield this year, and Hillside holds non-partisan elec- tions in May. In addition, question one will ask To Discuss COAH Provisions voters to decide if future state borrow- By JOHN MAGUIRE one out of every five new housing exclusionary zoning litigation. ROLLING ALONG…Warren Rorden of the Rotary Club of Westfield works with ing should require voter approval. The Specially Written for The Westfield Leader units created in a municipality must Municipalities that choose not to Thomas McElynn, left, and Patrick McElynn, on October 11, on the many bicycles second question proposes that munici- SUMMIT – “This is a night for be designated affordable. In addition, participate in COAH’s administra- donated to “Pedals for Progress,” which provide transportation for the needy in one affordable housing unit must be tive process will be vulnerable to other countries. See additional photo and article on page 6. pal judges who cover multiple towns questions, answers and an open dis- no longer be appointed by the Gover- cussion,” said State Senator Tom provided for every 16 jobs created in exclusionary zoning lawsuits, accord- nor, but instead that the Legislature Kean, Jr. to the capacity crowd gath- a municipality by new commercial ing to Melissa Orsen, COAH’s chief determine the process by which these ered at the Summit Municipal build- development. counsel. GOP Looks to Gain Seats judges are appointed. ing on October 16 to learn about the “We used to have a surplus [under Ms. Orsen addressed what she said The Seventh Congressional District state’s newest Council on Affordable the old rules], but now, we have a were myths about COAH and the race between veteran state legislators Housing (COAH) requirements. deficit,” Springfield Mayor Bart third-round requirements, which call In GW; Unopposed in MS Senator Leonard Lance of Hunterdon Republicans Mr. Kean, Assembly- Fraenkel said. for the construction of 115,000 new By RAYNOR DENITZIO bus. County and Assemblywoman Linda man Jon Bramnick and Assembly- The new rules include a 2.5 percent units of affordable housing statewide. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader “We’re running because we want Stender of Fanwood is considered one man Eric Munoz called the meeting developer’s fee on commercial de- Ms. Orsen said that it was not true GARWOOD — With two seats up to help make our community better,” of the most competitive in the country. to help concerned constituents and velopment that the state says will be that complying with COAH means for grabs in Garwood on November Ms. Quattrocchi said. “It’s important The county currently stretches from local municipal officials understand used to offset the costs incurred by increased property taxes, a statement 4, the balance of power on the six- that it stays a nice place, an affordable Union to Hunterdon County. Mrs. the meaning of the new COAH rules. towns to build housing. Regional Con- that caused the crowd to laugh. member borough council could shift place, a place that you’d want to raise Stender nearly pulled an upset when In perhaps the understatement of tribution Agreements (RCAs), which COAH was created in 1985, with in 2009. Republicans have held only your family and place that you want she lost to Rep. Mike Ferguson (R-New the evening, Assemblyman Munoz allowed a municipality to transfer a the Legislature’s passage of the Fair one seat on council since 2005. to live out your retirement.” Providence) in 2006, by 1 percentage told those present that “COAH is portion of its fair-share housing obli- Housing Act. This Act was a legisla- Presently, Anthony Sytko is the The Democrat candidates are Louis point. Independent candidate and quite complicated.” gation to another town, are now elimi- tive response to a case, in which the governing body’s sole Republican, Petruzzelli and Jonathan Linken. Mr. Bridgewater councilman Michael Municipalities statewide are fac- nated. Southern Burlington County but the retirement of Democrat in- Linken is a bond trader for Prudential Hsing, a registered Republican, seeks ing a December 31 deadline to sub- According to Philip Morin, Union N.A.A.C.P. challenged the zoning cumbents Walter Tucker and William Financial Services and the husband to make it a three-way race. mit plans outlining how each will County GOP chairman and an attor- ordinance of Mount Laurel Township Schadewald gives the GOP a chance of a Garwood teacher. Mr. Petruzzelli, The race has been highlighted by comply with COAH’s third-round ney and real estate law expert who on the grounds that it operated to to gain a second seat or potentially tie the owner of Accent Electrical, is a weekly negative political mail pieces affordable housing quotas. spoke at the meeting, if a municipal- exclude low- and moderate-income the council’s split at three to three. member of the borough’s planning CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 To comply with COAH’s new rules, ity submits a plan to COAH by De- persons from obtaining housing in As with many towns, the major board and is involved with the cember 31, and it is approved, it re- the municipality. issue facing Garwood is how to deal Garwood Parent Teacher Association ceives “substantive certification,” COAH utilizes a fair share formula with mounting expenses and shrink- and Garwood Chamber of Commerce. DWC Focuses on Getting which is designed to provide the to determine each municipality’s af- ing revenues. The council has warned “The reason why we ran encom- municipality with protection from CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 that the budget process will not get passes all the issues that are going on any easier in 2009 and 2010 as the in our town and our state and our Shoppers, Diners Downtown borough faces higher payments to the country,” Mr. Linken said. “We are By WAYNE BAKER merchants, with the public helping to Rahway Valley Sewerage Authority just looking to get involved because Specially Written for The Westfield Leader judge. Prizes will likely be offered and pension systems. Governor Jon we think we can be assets to the town WESTFIELD — Monday night’s both to merchants and members of Corzine has also said the availability in making decisions that could be meeting of the board of the Down- the public. of municipal aid could be affected by vital to Garwood’s future.” town Westfield Corporation (DWC) The town will plan its annual pho- the state’s financial problems. Of Garwood’s 2,572 registered focused on plans to bring shoppers tos with Santa and Mrs. Claus, sched- Development, particularly along voters, 1,276 are unaffiliated with and diners into the downtown. De- uled for Friday, Saturday and Sunday North and South Avenues, will be either party. Although, among voters scribing this past weekend’s Hallow- of Thanksgiving weekend at Lord & important over the next few years. who identify with a party, Democrats een festivities (trick or treating and Taylor. The Garwood Planning Board is re- outnumber Republicans 820 to 476, the Halloween parade) as a “tremen- The DWC said free parking on the working the borough’s master plan, Republicans had a strong showing in dous success,” the board is looking to weekend of October 18 was success- and the council hopes development last year’s election.
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