THUMPAV. APRIL tt, TOUKANCf HtftALP. Terra MUTE YOUTH of Cagney Stars in NABBED, FOR - Manufacture Canada Air Yarn BURGLARY "Captains of the Clouds brilliant technicolor epic of th Scribbling "I won't steal no RADIOS more If you let me go to Ore-' ALL air, with James Cagney In th starring role, has been booke gon to work In lumber camp," Into the Plaza theatre In Haw Philip Breeze, 18-year-old mute from Paifc Rapids, Mlnn., pro­ has STOPPED thorne where It starts tonlgh tested he only took James Brenda Marshall and Denn watch chain Morgan head the featured ca Clawson'i) hat and Bo«rd, Hal When he was arrajgned before Order of the War Production which Includes Alan Judge John A. Shldlcr on a Effective April 22) George Tobias, Reginald Oart Denny, a burglary charge laat Saturday Iner and Reginald morning. well as many officers of th of taking Royal Canadian Air Force, wit He was accused cooperation the pictu | food and Clawsorfs overcoat in whose I addition to the hat and Jewelry But was filmed. the deaf-and- In Canada i and police said Made on location dumb youth was nabbed as he under the direction of Mloha was climbing out a window of Curtlz, master of the outdoo near Car­ You action picture, "Captains of thp the Clawson home seen son st. and Madrid ave. All Clouds" has the superb instructions, questions and com­ background of one of the mo he picturesque locales In the West ment about his cape had to n hemisphere. written out for Breeze. Played against this magnlfl When It became evident thai Is the action formal prosecution of the nig­ cent backdrop. ged Minnesota youth would In- jacked and Inspiring story o of Philco Canada's heroes of the air i volvc a considerable amount th writing he wrote he could not arms against the Axis. It Is and was not very AND . Robert Taylor tricks Lana Turner of some men who cam rend lips FIRST TIME TOGETHER story familiar with "finger-language" nto believing she has committed a murder in this scene from out of the bush country, th . A new star is born in thi moved and forests of Northern Police Chief John Stroh Johnny Eager," the new M-G-M drama opening at the Grand akes >erson of lovely Donna Atwood, Los Angeles girl, who is one of the that the burglary charge be of conflict between an ideal- Canada, to fly against the Luft to­ leatre tonight (Thursday). It's a story waffe for the Royal Canadian tars of the Ice-Capades of 1942 which opens at th? Pan-Pacific reduced to vagrancy. This was Packard-Bell gangster. Sharing the Grand bill is the mys- is the first western sltater to court and Breeze tic girl and a ruthless Air Force. night for a limited run. Miss Atwood allowed by the ery-comedy, "Mr. & Mrs. North," starring Gracie Alien. gain prominence in the professional figure slating world. was sentenced to IS days In the county Jail. ' Radios at the STAR TO BRAWLEY DINNER HOSTS lousing Officials Mrs. W. L. Reeve and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Howard El Mc­ Due in Torrance :ourth R-Days LA. Junkman Held Table Corlista Reeve will motor to Donald entertained at dinner Second J. P. in We have the latest models in both Console, home on Beech avenue legtn Saturday . which Brawley this weekend to visit at their For "Salvaging" and .Portable Radios NOW ON HAND at the Charles E. Vbnderahe Saturday evening for Mr. and Friday for Parley be purchased on EASX TERMS. may lome. Mrs. C. O. Qeer. (Continued from Page 1-A) For Men 45 to 65 Township Meets Ex-Jap Residence -4 Ing has been virtually halted (Continued from Pag. 1-A) egy YOUR RADIO FOR THE DURATION IM- The cemetery Is filled with; Nope, clothes don't make the Nabbed while allegedly "salv­ oh brother, how they the only money available for General Donovan' pointed out the metal contents of a MEDIATELY, as there will be no more when present notorists who thought the sign man but, such work arc Federal funds County Approval aging" ITOP merely meant slow down. do camouflage his faults! hat thos» who register on April residence formerly occupied by stocks on hand are sold. Whyte pointed out. 25-26-27 are not liable for mill- .Retention of the second just­ Japanese, Clarence A. Thomas, "The Los Angeles Housing ary service under the Selective projects ice of the peace in Inglcwood 42, was held yesterday In the Authority can sponsor 'raining and Service Act of city jail on a petty theft charge. SINGING outside city limits. Allocation of 940, as amended. They will be township, a rapidly growing . TEACHER OF projects total­ He was released on ball to ap­ • RADIO • CONCERT • STUDIO RECITALS defense housing equlred later to fill out an Oc- area due to the influx of de­ pear for trial tomorrow (Fri­ Y. units will be made Star Furniture Co. Induud by MAIIO OUMIEE, M>Mp*lltan Optra •! N. ing 10,000 upatlopal Questionnaire con- fense workers, was voted this day) morning. in this area within the nex SARTORI at POST TORRANCE HERBERT HAY em ing their civilian qualifies- week by the board of super­ Officers said Thomas, a junk­ few days If we don't welcom Ions and skills, but that is for on motion of Supervisor else, visors' man, was arrested Tuesday 1 G>i»~r<r n. M3-w them, they'll go someplace he purpose of obtaining infer- Oscar Haugc. night while he was loading as­ Whyte said. "We must face the latlon only. The supervisors also acceded sorted pipe, tin buckets, sprink­ fact that we're going to need of a committee soon to the requests ler attachments, a tire and sun­ some sort of quarters very from Glendale and Burbank dry household articles into a for about 6,000 men. The gov­ !,000 More Japs justice be retain­ with that a second truck. Police said the Thomas ernment will provide them ed in the Glondale justice court, case was one in a .series of such quarters, such as barracks or o Be Evacuated which also Is growing rapidly the past trailer camps If no other hous Incidents here within from Pag> 1-A) due to the large Lockheed and two weeks. ing Is available. (Continued Vega airplane plants in Bur- "Other communities are going reclamation center on the Glla and getting bank. IAS VEGA8 VISITOR after such building liver Indian reservation in Art- Opposition from Supervisor Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Dlllcy have it. We need action to steer the i was contained In plans an- John Anson Ford, vented on the not been entertaining as their house- WPA to Torrance and if ounced this week by the San proposal to retain two justices guest, her sister, Mrs: Hal Me- | impact right in our city, then at least Prancisco regional office of the in the Inglewood, Glendale and of Las Vegan. Cormick what effect your close to our Industries. A hous far Relocation Authority. Con­ Pasadena townships when the than army Ing project Is better traction of the relocation cen- matter was brought up last Accident records show the printed material, type barracks." er, located near Sacaton, about week, failed to knock out the thinking driver never drinks and 0 .miles southeast of Phoenix, two-judge proposal this week. Indicate the the care and MISSION PICNIC will start Immediately under di- However, the supervisors vot­ lever thinks. will have always depends on Mr. and Mrs. George A. Brad ectlon of the U. S; Army En- ed their chief administrative of­ ford, Jr., accompanied by the ineera. to make a survey to de­ with ficer We've got Axis to grind. Buy skill used in its preparation ... for an ex­ John Schroeders of Long Beach Under lease agreement termine the actual work load Defense Bonds and Stamps. enjoyed a picnic party Sunday 10 Indian Service the War Re- of the various justice courts in perienced Printer with an eye for effec­ at San Juan Caplstrano Mis­ ocatlon Authority will operate the county. sion. more than 7,000 acres of irri­ gated land In the reservation tive presentation and a knack for judi­ t^ViX- «>•• f •«A*/VWWWVi Buy Defeni* Bend, and rhich Japanese farmers will Boy Loses Glasses; cious typography can make even the run- Stamp* at Theatre Box reduce large quantities of veg- ^GRANADA tables for the government's Offers Reward 632 Avalon Blvd., Wllmington ood for freedom program. .... Wllmington M8__ ... of-the-mill printed piece a standout . GIANT CASH NITE Construction by the Army Six-year-old Ronald Turner S* EVERY WEDNESDAY Engineers on a 1,500 acre rc- IK "m bad" with Itix mother, "THE MALEANIMAL" IN BOTH THEATRES accommodate swretary does it not seem wise to entrust your print­ >lue CONSOLATION KENO eption center to Mm. Bohhy Turner, Wlrk NINIV FONOA and GIANT KENO EVERY 0,000 Japanese began Sunday to City Clerk A. H. Burtlett, OUVIA O.HAVIIANO who can guarantee FRIDAY n the Tule Lake Reclamation and hi) doran't like It But "DANGEROUSLY THEY ing* order to a Printer ^reject in northern California, thorn's nothing he can <ln LIVE" Wifti JOHN G4IFICLD and RAN he prpjcct should bo ready for about It because he oun't nv RAYMOND MASS IE your complete satisfaction? . Herald ccupancy within 30 days. meiiilH'r where, lie loft hbt THEATRE. when he took tiimi gbuweH QF Printing has the stamp of distinguished ; IAIFHONIS fOI HAtD-Or-HIAlINO VISITS BROTHER off while playing yexbniay "THE COURTSHIP mo­ neur 318th »t.
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