SA Elections • Voting Aprii 21 to 23 The Student Newspaper of the British Columbia Institute of Technology FEATURE / CAMPUS EVENTS The Unk is the sludent newspaper of the British Columhia Institute of Technology. Puhlishcd hi-wcckly by the BCIT Student Association, The Link circulates 3,.SOO copies to over 16.()0{) studcnis and staff. Vancouver's neon past powered up again Conlrihutors: David Lai, ERIN GARLICK 1940's, 50's and 60's. The artwork Most of Ihe vintage signs were neon streets as viewed from three Shannon Lentz, Link Arts & Culture Reporter on display includes delicate fragile rescued from the scrap yards of perspectives: through a rain Erin Garlick, glass tubes that formed the dog• local neon companies, and stored soaked window in a cafe, a Carlos Assuncao, s you enter you are greeted wood flowers decorating the win• Jollean Willington, for two decades in the museum's glimpse from Dad's Buick, or the by the enticing Buddah, dow of the Silver Grill Cafe, as vaults. They have all been sidewalk shopper. Cam MacDonald, inviting you to move fur• well as behemoths such as the Owl Lygdcl dc Lynn, A painstakingly restored to working Only 40 years ago Vancouver's ther into the exhibit to see more. It Drug We Deliver sign — over 15 Vedran Monicinovic, condition and now brighten the commercial streets were a riol of is the mega sign that 54-40 named & Paul Dayson feel long and six feet tall. The walls they temporarily adorn. color and movement in one of the an album after, the neon wonder Regent Tailors sign shouts its mes• There were over 19,000 pieces of largest displays of neon in the that was restored so it could tour sage using a full vocabulary of this electrical art ornamenting world. Now you would have lo wilh the band lo promoie Iheir neon — a huge projecting sign, Vancouver's streets at the peak of travel to L.as Vegas to see a dis• release, "Smilin' Buddah sheet metal letters fitted with neon neon's popularity in the 1950's. play as impressive.... Unless you Cabaret." It is just a taste of Ihe lo spell out Ihe name, a Vegas Managing Editor The museum has recreated a piece save yourself the annoyance of glamour lhat awaits in the new style lighl bulb arc, and flashing Paul Dayson of this spectacle wilh information long distance travel and check oul Vancouver Museum exhibit City "chaser" arrows. The sign is so about the science of neon, many the City Lights exhibit now on at News Editor Lights: Neon in Vancouver. large that il's elements had lo be Carlos Assuncao humming neon signs, a documen• the Vancouver Museum. I highly You set foot in the room, and reconfigured to fit inside the muse• recommend Ihe latter. um — even with 16-foot high ceil• tary film called, "Glowing in the Arts & Culture Editors are drawn in by Ihe slice of excite• Dark" and a re-creation room. This David Lai ings. ment that was street art in the room of the exhibit highlights Advertising Representative Liz Gaigc Distribution Manager Campus Events Cam MacDonald This Calendar column is open for notices of events on all BCIT campuses. Submissions can be faxed to 431-7619, sent by campus mail or dropped off at The Unk office in the SA Campus Centre (down the corridor belween the video arcade and the new copy centre location) April 19-23 Wednesday, April 28 Electronics: Last day lo Tuesday, May 11 7:00am. SA Boardroom, withdraw from Term B SA Campus Centre. Medical Radiography: Quintathalon. 11:30- courses and recieve a 'W' Toastmasters. Public Exam Week. As a member of 14:30. See Rec & Athletic on transcript. speaking club. 7:00am. SA Tuesday, May 18 Canadian University Press (CUP), Services for more Boardroom, SA Campus The Link adheres to CUP's April 22-28 information. Friday, May 7 Centre. Toastmasters. Public Code of Ethics. speaking club. 7:00am. SA To this end The Link TV Tum-ofTWeck. Friday, April 30 Aerobics ends. Thursday, May 13 v/ill not publish material deemed Boardroom, SA Campus by the editors or steering committee Centre. Thursday, April 22 Last day to withdraw to be sexist, racist, homophobic Recreation Council All Rec & Athletics from Term B courses or in poor taste. Social. Programs end. Friday, May 21 Earth Day, (March 22 start) and recieve a 'W' on Sunday, May 9 Monday, May 17 Medical Radiography Monday, April 26 transcript. The views in The Link are level 1: practricum ends. Mother's Day. American Marketing not necessarily ihiise of BCIT, Medical Radiography: Saturday, May 1 Association Meeting. the Student Association, Practricums commence. or the editorial collective. Monday, May 10 Intermediate Goir. See Electronics Engineering Rec & Athletic Services Nursing: Summer Break Entry (ETE): Start day for more information. for April intake. SA EXEC. ELECTIONS May 3-7 ETE: Lasi day to apply for American Marketing course credil exemption & 3700 Willingdon Avenue Association Meeting. Nursing: Exam Week. 1 change registration lo audit VOTING: Bumaby. BC V5G 3H2 7:00am. SA Boardroom, status. Tel: 432-8974 Fax:431-7619 SA Campus Centre. Monday, May 3 American Marketing SA Council Meeting. American Marketing Association Meeting. 5:30pm. SA Boardroom, Association Meeting. 7:00am. SA Boardroom, SA Campus Centre. 7:00am. SA Boardroom, SA Campus Centre. SA Campus Centre. Tuesday, April 27 SA Council Meeting. Tuesday, May 4 5:30pm. SA Boardroom, Toastmasters. Public SA Campus Centre. speaking club. 7:00am. SA Toastmasters. Public Boardroom, SA Campus speaking club. 7:00am. SA Centre. Boardroom, SA Campus Centre. * APRIL fi - 23 APRIL 21, 1999 2 THE LINK NEWS Eco-Fair '99 draws large crowd to BCiT Carlos Assuncao JOLLEAN WILLINGTON Link News Reporter New Student ID Cards, l CO-Fair '99 was a big hit said the & Fees, On Their Way event coordinator, Greg Helten, E/drawing approximately 2000 visi• 'ew student ID cards with a mandatory fee tors. Students from local elementary of $10 in the first year and $5 every subse- schools, business and trades people ^N quent year are being implemented at made up the majority who took part in BCIT. The SA has voted in favour of a motion to the fair, with very few BCIT students co-operate with administration in their efforts to attending. Helten figures the low turn install the new system. out from the institute was mainly the "BCIT (administration) is going lo go ahead result of a scheduling problem. (with this new card) whether we pass this motion "It was on a Wednesday, so there or not, the question is are we going to be involved were classes all morning, and in the (with there decision) or not." afternoon people probably took off," Said Stephen Diebolt, SA President in said Helten. "We requested that the response to councilors suggestions about making time table be changed around to allow the new card fee a one time fee when enrolling. students to take part," Helten added, but Western Washington Univesity's solar car (above) and Eco-Fair '99 event The cards will be able to hold cash on account that request was turned down by BCIT's organizer Greg Helten (below). that can be used to make purchases at almost any administration. business on campus, such asThe Elephant on In the Great Hall, exibits ranged from Califorinian government ety as we know it. "We together in a ground break• Campus, The Bookstore or the T.N.T stores and Environment Canada's huge diplay on cannot hope to repair the the cafeterias, just to name a few. recycling and household information ing move that hopefully damage done to our envi• In essence the card will a combined copy card, and The Greater Vancouver Regional will begin a trend of zero ronment with the way print card, library card and student ID card all in District's extensive display on water emition transportation. things are presently set one. The first card will come with $5 already on and waste treatment, to the Western The main theme that an up," stated Dr. Rees. account, students can then put money on the cards Canada Wilderness Committee's "if you through from table to table Not only is our environ• similar to the way they do with copy cards now. were a salmon fry" roll of the wheel and through the seminars ment suffering, but he One main reason for the new card is security info-game. Even Apple computers were was that of a holistic view maintains that we as issues. With the new cards security on campus on hand with the funky new models in a As industry becomes humans are putting our• (or any staff) can check your ID card to see if you rage of neon colours to disply eco-soft- increasingly efficient at selves at a huge risk. are who you say you are. ware on the newest liquid crystal dis• production and technology "How safe is a city of one The security benefits for BCIT include: play screen. The house was jumping more powerful and far million if the sources of " Access to audio/video equipment through the day with ideas flying around reaching the environment it's food are threatened by information on every table top. Above is also suffering at an accelerated pace. climate change? How safe is a city of 10 • Access to computer labs the crowds environmental videos played Key note speaker in the IBM hall, million people if climate change dirupts • Checking IDs for exam writing and enviro-art hung from the walls.
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