. ALL THE NEWS ALL TH* NÏW* "^711 OP GLENGARRY - OP GLENGARRY FOR G LENG ARRIANS FOR GLENGARRIAN8 The Glengarry New THE mraST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IE EASTERE ONTARIO Alexandria, Ont., Friday, June 15, 1945 $2.00 A YEA* VOL. Lin—No. 24 Among Arrivals Many Mourn Clear Liberal Majority In House Glengarry Stays Liberal Giving Consecration To Home From Overseas Rod S. McLeod Depends On Vote Of Servicemen Dr. MacDiarmid Increased Majority Be Held July 25 Rt. Rev. Msgr. Smith Relatives And Friends King Government Now Has 117 Liberals At Funeral, Monday, Plurality Is 1968 Over Nearest Opponent, To Be Consecrated Bishop Elected But Service Vote Might *• a L. Devaux, As Heavy Vote Recorded— Of Pembroke, Here. Of Popular Alexandrian Alter Results In 65 Ridings C.C.F. Candidate Gets But 287 Ballots. The consecration of Rt. Rev. Msgr Attended by a very large number of OTTAWA, June 12—Faced by an Glengarry remaned true to its Lib- W. J. Smith, DP., D.C.L. as Bishop of sympathising relatives and friends Named Senior R.C. opposition which gained strength in eral tradition in Monday’s Federal elec Second Time Winner Pembroke will take place in St Pin- from outside points and from every a more complete tabulation of yester- tion when Dr William Burton Mac- nan’s Cathedral, Alexandria, on Wed- section of Glengarry, the funeral of Chaplain 3rd Division day’s election results, the position of Diarmid of Maxville. was re-elected nesday, July 25th .according to an an- the late Roderick S. McLeod was held Canada’s Liberal Government tonight to represent this riding at Ottawa. The nouncement this week at 9.30 o’clock, Monday morning, June hinged directly on the service vote Liberal candidate'scored a decided vie. The consecrator will be Most Rev. Uth, from his late residence, Mam expected to be announced June 20. A tory, increasing his majority over that Ildebrando Antoniutti, D.D. Apostolic street south, Alexandria, to St. Fin- total of 65 seats might be affected. gained in 1940. Unofficial returns from Delegate to Canada and Newfoundland nan’s Cathedral and cemetery. The With results still coming in from the civilian vote gave MacDiarmid a who will be assisted by Most Rev. Ro- late Mr. McLeod died Friday morning scattered polling stations, Prime M!n_ majority of X968 over his nearest op- sario Brodeur, D.D. Bishop of Alexan. June 8th, in Kingston Military Hospi- ister Mackenzie King’s Administra- ponent, Lionel Devaux,, progressive Con dria ,and Most Rev. John Roderick tal, where he had been seriously ill tion tonight held 117 seats on the servative. In 1940 his plurality was Macdonald, D.D. titular Bishop of An- since stricken with a heart attack basis of the civilian vote, one less than 1757. cusa and Coadjutor Bishop of Anti- some three weeks previously. He was it was credited with last night. in his 63rd year. The unofficial vote was as follows: r< gonish, N.S. In addition Mr. King had eight In- The Solemn Mass of êequiem was .MacDiarmid, Liberal, 4751 ; Devaux, The preachers will be Most Rev Alex dependent Liberals on whom he might sung by Rev R. J. MacDonald, Rector Progressive Conservative, 2783 ; Dewar andre Vachon, D.D. Archbishop of Ot- F.O. DOUE THAUVETTE of the be able to depend for support, while of St. Finnan’s and he was assisted Ç.C.F. 287. tawa ,and Most Rev. Joseph Anthony R.C.A.F. who arrived at his home, an Independent, Bona Arsenault of by Rev. A. L.'McDonald, P.P. Williams O’Sullivan, Archbishop of Kingston. here, last week end; from overseas Quebec, announced today his inten- Glengarrians went to the polls in town ,as deacon ,and Rev. F. E. Le. The consecration ceremonies will be- where he had been serving since No- tion to back the Liberal Government. greater numbers on Monday than tebvre, P.P. Lancaster as sub-deacon. turned out for last week’s Provincial gin at 10 a.m. vember,. 1943. His mother, Mrs. L. This added up to a total of 126 in the Bishop.elect Smith, a native of Thauvette, St. Paul street his sister Members of the clergy present in the 245-member house. voting and the vote was as well con- Sanctuary included: Rt. Rev. Msgr. D. Greenfield, will succeed Most Rev Leo and brother motored to Lachine Que., Further Prog. Con Gain siderably heavier than that recorded in R. Macdonald, Rev. Geo. Cochet, Alex- the Dominion election of 1940. The Charles Nelllgan as Bishop of Pembroke Sunday, to meet him. The Progressie Conservative official The latter resigned the post because of andria; Rev A. L. Cameron, p.p. Glen Opposition, headed by John Bracken, tabulation of Monday’s ballotting Flying Officer Thauvette crossed on Nevis- ;Rev Jas A. Wylie P.P. Lochiel shows a total of 7821 votes cast, an in- DR. W. B. MacDiarmid M.P. ill health. the French liner “Pasteur” and most had on the other hand, increased Its Rev. E. Goedert, C.S.C. now conduct- strength from 62 members reported crease of 44 over the 7777 recorded in of those on board were ex-prisoners of ing a mission at Williamstown. A-H. MAJOR DONALD A. KERR, Glengarry proper a week ago. The war. He had many* interesting chats who has been named Senior (R.c.) last night to 66 late today, and this Interment was in the family plot, vote in 1940 totalled 7367. Died Suddenly with them and sympathizes with the Chaplain of the Third Canadian Divi- was supplemented by one Independent St Finnan’s cemetery .where Rev. The Vote By Polls families of those servicemen who have sion, overseas. Major Kerr, a native of Progressive Conservative. A study of the vote by polls in an Ewen J. Macdonald, P.P., Dickinson’s been over there for 4 or 5 years. Alexandria and a member of the dio. C.C.F. strength stood at 26, but Was ■adjoining column shows that the Lib- While At Cards Landing, said the prayers at the grave eral plurality came from all seven cesan clergy at the time of appoint- supplemented today by the election of Stricken with a heart attack while Pte Alex. Cardinal Home Members of Glengarry Council an independent C.O..F member. Two municipalities, and Progressive Con. ment as Chaplain, in July 1940 Is a enjoying a game of cards with mem- Wounded in action while serving Knights of iColumbus marched In a son of Mrs. James Kerr of Ottawa seats still were In doubt—Athabaska, ;gervative majorities were recorded in bers of her .family at 9.30 o’clock, Sun- body in the funeral cortege and form only five polls, with a tie vote for both I with the North Shore New Brunswick formerly of Alexandria. where a Liberal was leading, and Q day evening Henriette Sauve, wife of ed an honor guard in the Cathedral. North Battleford, where the C.C.F. parties in Poll 1 of Lancaster town- Alexandria Regiment in Germany during April, In a letter, written on June 4th, and Alfred (Fred) Fontaine, died sudden, The late Mr McLeod had been a mem candidate was in front. slùp. The C.C.F. vote reached two fi- St. James 87 22 221 1945, Pte. Alex. Cardinal of Alexan- ly at the home of her daughter Mrs. ber of Glengarry Council for many received by his mother on Saturday, St. Paul 131 17 206 dria, arrived home; Sunday and Is be- But over these figures hung the un» gures in only 14 of 43 polls and Mr PLilias Lalonde, Bishop street south, years and for the past four years had Major Kerr refers to the Solemn Dewar’s hghest vote was 22 in Alexan- St. George 120 13 133 ing warmly welcomed. Pte. Cardinal Mass of Requiem he sang for dead certainty of the vote by some 750,000 within a few minutes. The news of will enjoy a 30-day leave with his par- been serving with the K. of C. Army men and women in the services. On dria’s south poll. Dr. MacDiarmid’s Lancaster Village 88 II 157 comrades of the Ninth Infantry Bri- her passing came as a shock to fam- Huts organization at Petawawa and the assumption that a candidate whose Strongest vote was recorded in his na- Maxville 110 10 295 ents, Mr.i and Mrs. Albert Cardinal, gade, his last act before leaving the ily and friends and there were many and his wife, the former Cassie Mc- latterly at Barrtefield Camp, Kingston lead was seven per cent or less might tive Maxville, while Martintown gave Lochiel expressions of regret and sympathy. Mr Lome Crook of Barrtefield Camp, Brigade to assume his new duties at Mr Devaux his biggest majority, 77. Cuaig, Mrs. Cardinal and her sister Division H.Q. be overtaken as a result ofthe service The Gore 0 38 She was 72 years old. Miss Hattie McCuaig, were in Mont- represented the K. of C. Huts in the vote, there were 65 seats in doubt. Of Rain Marred Reception of Returns The church at iBUversham, Holland Glen Robertson 11 231 Rt. Rev. Msgr. Emile Secours, par- real to meet him. funeral cortege . these, 29 now are attributed to Liberal A driving ramstorm which set in at which seats 1800, was crowded with Glen Sandfleld 8 132 ish priest, and Dr. M. Markson were The pallbearers were:Dr. D. J. Dolan candidates, 20 to Progressive Conser- Pte. Cardinal was wounded In the civilians and some 550 Catholic mem- 7 o’clock, just as first returns from the Dalkeith 5 112 called but death had ensued before Dr R.
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