.Boundary Line Agreement · 143 ( Al.AM\.,.O~ OA I Ae,.«..~e.MLNT No , ~) \Mt>t'2.o\/€.. N.t.,,N, MAf-2.\NA YAc..i~tc_ , f.L.L.~ F.AR..&o . C.o. 1 \JJ .Patty· _tv\oRT6-A6'c. \ N\J E. SToRS F\ R.-S-r AMlR\CA"1I\TL-t. \N 5uAANC..t. C.o,. Re.cording Data: 3/,.,/1914 'Boo\<:,. L) b2.o4 S,e,:€.., ( I( .W.0.., No._:__w_-_?..._,_\_b_._7_~_J!\_____...,._________ County_:__L_o_~_A_N_G_t._L_e.._::)______________ Location: - ALAM\"fO& 'BAy Lf.RR1Tos C.\.-\ANNt-L- t~~\ .,. ~ z 7 ·NAo 2. £- -4 2.'~ E • ,surrunary: ------------------- BLA 143 is a Boundary Settlement and Exchange Agreement of certain State p{:ltented tidelands in Alamitos Bay adjacent to the Los ·Cerritos Channel and the Pacific Coast Highway pursuant to Chap. 1688, · Stat.s. 1965. The private title in the area is derived from patented State Tideland Location No. 137_. The State conveyed all its. remaining sovereign interest in the area to.the city of Long Beach in trust by legislative actions contained in Chap. 676, stats·: 1911 and as amended. The agreement fixes the location of the boundary of the tideland patent along the affected portidn of the Lqs Cerritos Channel in accordance w.;i.th a resurvey of said tideland location by tl;le st.ate. In copsideration for the boundary agreement ·and terminatibn of the public trust easement over lands included · within the patented tidelands, the private parties conveyed to the City of Long Beach, as trustee pursuant to statutory conveyances, the lands located between the agreed boundary and the proposed bulkhead line of Los Cerritos Channel, a io-foot wide .easement for .bulkhead and public access, an easement area-for restroom, shower and maint~nance facily, an easement area for city boat slip parking and · access way to all these facilities from the Pacific Coast · Highway (total area 1: .14 acres.) . Length ___ -----;~-=-~:~11-~-:_~~~< -:~~~;1-·;, _23 •- 2.2 ' - ~~~p;~·:i ; ----- L_ - ~'- ' l \ .:r----...J l1c1~t I - \ -- 1 - 1 ~ • ,\.\ ¼illikan_l j :1 _ \ ' 1e •.·. A SCALE: I • 100 SHEET. I OF I _SHEET 'ALAMITos·.:··-:::sAY- ... BOUNDARY:- INVEST.IGATION... ALAMITOS BAY ·soLJNbARY. SETTLEMENT a EXCHAN.GE> NO~ ·.9. · , .. ·· ... ··... · ._.··.. :-·EXHIBIT 11 811 - ... · ·· · . .:- .. ·. ·. ·: > ;..~':,_ ~ ... ;.' ·.. PART OF.· THE::·:ALAMITOS ·BAY AREA. •'/,/\::f (;?£, .· •c1H oF LONG. ~EAC~ .Los' ANG:~E~ :-cfoN~; CALIFORNIA --~ ·1 · : '. : ' . .• . ·. : . \'I,\ I . I\ . I ~ q: \•' ' ',• •" r , •" ' .', • • \lli ~ ~ ~i s ··. :.-· · · . · · ·• · ~-~--~\\\r · -- .' .. ·...:.~..\~ tf;m\l~'.···.~·'::_~ ~,~-~-c~~-.. <. ,_· ..· .'~'\,.,.'.:.'':\. l I>_-•\·,- ___.·. 1 ' 1 • ~ • .., _:!::"'- - . :\ ..... f ~ 1 'c, THIS ./t14,P ccws1si-1Nb_..or,. ONe 'SHEET "IS A :. - ' .. · · ··-:<j Ii l :.- -t ... · . · ' "'' 1 ~ .. ·· : - · .. TRv.e coMl"'lt.Ar10,v.·or sdRVEYANo ·... · . \-c ..:-_·,·..·. ,-'r;ftt . '.' '.· .·.. : .·_; . " . : ' . .. '. -:·> ·. ~ ~- '.' ' 1. ReCORt?° D,47;4 :'PRe~ARED VIVO.cR_'THe· · ·.. ·\ ~5:f'.;::i · -:-.\ ~ l\ · _-.' -•.'.: ., ·'., · . · · ' · . ·' _, "\ ~. :.,_. \, DIRECT/ON OF,CH~ N. WA[h'AW4Y · ·•-·-:.\}f{~- .~. _: '. .. _:.~:•::::·,::}~· -':.i:/_ • ·. · ~~ r .- ~$IS or.~t~;h.:/}};;,l;J}L ~:,-:,. ,, ·,' .... .. ._ ·...:. ~ . ~ \. .· :-~~~~ ;..,,~,. ~,,-.,.,. - ~ '1 _· .ti?c?'c;loo' os ("Abe.) ~ ,rcvn ·c,;y- ""' , . .\. ;_E9;n~*i;~~~:,i~ie :_ \ ··. ·· 4 P,n,,,n{t,on.s ·c:,~ ,n :'L!lrot:>lr-r,/1 ....,;s; · :-·.\ .\ '. -· :::;;:,.tr fl* ~ Q2cv,c~ #a,;.:, -"::'-!.. ·,'. "\ .· I ! DETAIL Scale, /·•so. '\ ·- ., ··,s t.:.(y. LJo.,.-r,o-'o.·y L-~ c/ ·E.x/>b-1' A. ;,.~·A ;:,;i,,:;,,-::::;; Z7tl ;::_;✓-:,,-;r;;L'M ,,/,....,...._.. ... \ ·:~ , -. :.\'f;e.-_ . .. SHEET 2 OF16 SHEETS ~ 4~ ~~•~'2~1•T ~~•,4a•~_!:_'2~7_•·_ :Y!2 TIDELANDS SURVEY 2 I ir.• 4 ue Jff.&s WP. ~~~~.~..~~-•& ~-4 ,2~.oro·uis 1 NO. 105 'l_ "C • .4,0SO, 502.J.4 4 SCALI!• 1'•500' fol sl!T cAu11. &TATc LANO, '<• .oso.~!l!I Y•-4,0!I0,,0.S,O r- . COM"11!,910N elZA55CAP FOUNO I..IAD.CoPl=Sl FOUNO ~ANGE.Le5 I~ AND A ·PORTION OF 0~,, ,, t:~INCCNCRl!Te ,,, ~~kf.~=:i.• ~~~ - "'11·· "··',>,(-" ,:-·-~·--'"•--~ro··., I06 rJ- _ W.Q 271t.i,7 IZl!Jll2eeNTING TM!! PIPE 51:T IN COWCl2&Te :l u!" . • ... • ., _ -~-,- _ ~ 0121Cil~N.'/4CXllZN!ll ,_ AMOl6"MLOWCIIZOJN0 ili ~~ _ _ __ · ·<;,,,1.(~,;,-~~I1~ -.T.i.t~~~~ ,.,_:,,· • """"·"•"•"'"•+v<·'·OF,,,•ec:na.i..5..,., ..,.,.,,_ .. ,,_-.,-·•.,, .._ =M~~- :;l~St':-'"•'···-.-,,,. ......·. .ec•I- ,:=- )·,.. 'tJ~· 9)-fl' • ill sec.~5 ~ ~: (-r' \').. I ,J. \ '?.. / .t,· 'I,: ~.... '9 ll.•-4,2-'& T<i9.!)I ..""11r ~ I LL .:.lb 9' .J !.ibl . _ ,r',._ttTJ T. !H!I. lt•A,'2.53,&i!5.!5!!, Y • .il,02&,i52.9 · , Jitri d !a ,f,v ,..,.. ~ ti~ .!v- o .,_~ 0 ~ Y• .4,oze,!5a~.57 ,.+; _,: iltANCI-IO L.OSALAMIT09 ,V - )fe,0 ~m~ > -'t· RANCHQ LOS A.,LAMIT'Qi3 .ri ,ouND z· 1RoN P1PE '- cnrfNT !'l.u& w1TH • --- -- _ ____ - LOS AN,E.LE5 COUNT-I U"IIEE1t'5 TAGo ~ •··~"'--,1.!-.i.!'lic. ·--~-I a_owN 1z•, l'ER.L.A.c.o.i.11•.F•.1.c41,1'&.c;a,u t,, . ."tF. •!Ir,. 5=>3.~• s. ~of>~ s.ew•so•A.a•&!. S.,i • _ _ • X=4 '25 !533.S4 b ·\ ..~,, N.l!fe!' ~!, ~JI,• :S 0,s, • -- Y=-4,O2~.~ 52- 34 II'( • 'I, "'· G,i ·1 ~. 1'111$.7 12ANCMO LO!I AL.A.MIT05 • I ,. 2• C:012,N0.5:Z. 11.&1 -~~_,'),"- N.%w"2!"0&'W., 151,i&' ,4', ~. ,._ FOUND CIH:.ELED •x~ IN TOP OF 5.S' COHC. BLOCI( WALL.~ PEii LOS AN'E.LE6 COUNTY N.~-Z!l'OTE.,22<'.'!I' '(q · .$!/;-I. /~!ll!lore.. ,,,.M I , ENGINEE~~ F.o. 1491, P6.55,6"1 ~~ oo·w. ,fJ fo~M'l7:'W. N,8!''1'!'00 '"'1- ~0. \05 I ... 5.l!l"ZO'A~'f,l'e.O!~ - • ·-· - -·· - 111.21' ~oa·is·w. .~ '6.19' N.,-~•.s.s•I o'bo"' 1 ~- O!!•w. i' ~ .fl~•.,s~. '?· 2i; .t!. X•.4254411.8~ Y= 4,02G,eSA,2~ s.21•20·~· ___R_A_N_C.1-10 . LOS ~_k~M / TOS ~CI-IOL.0SAL.AMIT05 COC2.NO.!5I ,.6!>·o5' 45" e. ~37. 2!'' r;.o~.!"c.°A~~~f ~~:usc~:t:l~G~U;-IT'I ,i.. ENfilNEE12'S f.&. 1491, PS• .5 Z \~ ,,, ~' ~ ~ ~o. \CG :-.. "'-t-~~'~ 11- .?-., ,a,vQ....J~-< .,~.,,, ' ' \, V, ' ;,. '~ ~o~ ~ t-"'I>' J:J -<.'o \ r'.J i--~ --<; :..;, CXB 5.5 l~ -.i:,,-·:·-,. ...... ~·- 'q.2.T ..- . ··. ~' .. ;·.\. _,. ' 2 2 ('I -i •A.256"711.96 ,-,-,C?.) Y•4,0'2.7,041.219 "" .......... , ' ......... /\ ~~o i' ?- ~ci' 'S..Y / ~'Y"~~ l>,'%(1)• / %~':' / r-- / ~ / 4,026,500 ffl / :r en / DJ 11.1 / tn / ,-</4J / 'l'&""~ ..,,.. ~~ / i:>:.(!J," .4'2.:8.4'2.8.36G. pQ"' / ~- 4,O2G,2,A.09S & 0~ Y.=4,'252,'!JAA.ISI ~.J.f:- ""~'""oc-:; Y•A,O26,2O u ~\--I-"_ " / I A ' / ' / -h~ \-,0~ "< .J.02(;,,__QOO " L~ COQNEl2 SI F<ANCl-lO l.05 Al.AM '"1 X:4 '25! ~12.'3'J l(j 'i=4,0:LS,672.'38 u., ll.:•4.'2.51' !!91.GOI / i:i::i ','s,4,0'2S,801.G86 X " 0 "' I CXB 5E L5 .:~Im:,.......iifHl'lfli•rrrrr · -2 . 1 :, l ,. ' ., MINUTE IT:J< 2/28/74 RCH 26. BOUNDARY SE'l11'IDlENT AGRE!.MENT WITH CITY OF LONG BEACH, SAN GABRIEL RIVER IHPROV™ENT CO., MARIN~ PACIFICA, WELLS FARGO MORTGAGE INVESTORS; FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, ·AND THOSE OTHER PARTIES WHICH EXECUTE THE AGRE.E){ENT--ALAMITOS BAY BOUNDARY SETI'LD'J1iT AGREE}{:rnT NO. 9, LOS ANGELES COUNTY - W2716.724. After consideration of Calendar Item 25 attached, and upon motion duly made and carried, the following resolution was adopted: THE COMMISSION: 1. APPROVES THE ALAMI'IOS BAY BOUNDARY .SETI'LEMENT AGREEMENT NO. 9 (BLA 143) AND AUTHORIZES ITS EXECUTION ON BEHALF OF THE COMMISSION; THE· AGREEMENT BEING ON FILE IN '!'HE OFFICE OF THE STATE LANDS COMMISSION AND BY REFER­ ENCE MADE A PART HER EX)f. 2. HAKES THE FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS REQUIRED BY SECTION 2b OF CHAPTER 1688, STATUTES OF 1965, CONTAINED IN PARAGRAPH 19 OF ALAMITOS BAY BOUNDA~Y SETI'LIBENT AGREEM.t:::NT NO. 9; SUCH F:NDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS TO BE EFFEC­ TIVE AT THE TIME AND AS PROVIDED Di THE AFOR.EMENTIONED AGRmtENT. 3. AUTHORIZES THE STATE LANDS DIVIsror; ON BEHALF OF nIE COMMISSION TO TAKE ALL FURTHER ACTION AND EXECU'l1E ALL OOCUMENTS, HAPS OR PLATS -NECESSARY OR R~UIRED TO ACCOMPLISH THE TERMS AN"D PROVISIONS OF THE ALAMI':00S BAY BOUNDARY SE'CTL.EMENT AGREOiENT NO. a. 4. · AUTHORIZES THE OFF'ICE OF THE ATrORN'EY GENERAL 'IO REPRESENT '!HE COMMISSION IN ANY AND ALL MATTERS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED 'IO LITIGATION CONCmNING ALAMI'IUS BAY BOUNDARY SETrLEMENT AGRE01ENT NO. 9. Attachment: Calendar Item 25 (2 pages) 171 CALENDAR IirE>i 2/711 RCH 25. w 2716.7211 BOUND~Y. SET'fLDlENT AGRED1ENT WITH CITY OF LONG BEACH, SAN G{BRIEL RIV:rn IMPROVIBENT CO., MARINA PACIFICA, WELLS f ARGO MORTGAGE INVES'roRS, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, AND IBOSE OTHER PARTIES WHICH EXECUTE 'rHE AGREEMENT--ALAMITOS BAY BOUNDARY SETTLD1ENT AGRE~ENT NO. 9, LOS ANGELES COUNTY By Chapter 102, ·: Statutes of 1925, ·and Chapter· 158, Statutes of 1935, as a..11 ended and supplemented, the State granted to the City of Long B~ach in tru~t all tide And submerged lands located within the boundaries of the City. These statutes failed to define the boundaries of land conveyed. trne Legislature in 1957 passed Chapter 2000 of the Statutes of that year requiring the State Lands Commission to survey, monument and p:-'.at the lands conveyed by the aforem~ntioned statutes. In the course of investigation of title and boundary problems in the Alamitos Bay area of Long Beach, it was determined that special legisla­ tion was required to solve the problems presented.
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