-,- . ---.­, . 28 - THEJMISH POST, Thunday,June23, 1977 " 'TACK 31 , .V£ftSIZS -. , pER. DtV. ., Family Agency Seeks Community Direction -.. Auti 51917 only 25 per cent of the money that greater need for, support services described are afraid of assuming remains to provide programs and for the 25 per cent of the elderly total care, but might be able. to . I-lYFL... services to 93 per cen.t of the population which can't cope well help in a lesser role. Potential help . Visiting the Aged .•..•• _... • , population. with aging. (75fer cent cope fairly of family, friends and neighbours Wom8r!. on equality ••.••• _ • 4 " well.) Although, the number of must not be lost, Mrs. Fineman ;fi . Stressing the importance of Veterans VISit Cemeteries •• 5 . Olde8t and Largest A"-gIChTewish Weekly in Weatem Canada HI Jewish elderly in crisis is very said. "The Agency must turn some • " small, it uses the largest portion of of the questions back to the com­ Arabs Anatomised •••••- •••• 7 Candle lighting time Friday is 9:23 p.m. Shabbat ends 10:39 p.m. ,By mail in Westarn canada $7 commwlity and human resources, mllllity.;' . ~ . A Bridge too. Far__ .• _...... 10 - - , Vili,LlII No. 2it .' Wll\lilJIPEG. THU~SD~Y, JUNE 30,1977 . '.'l'~.14 Days in Temmuz 5737 " she said. Such -. as she Ii Thursday's' . meeting included '>.""'"" , some poSitive and happy facts as executive director Ed Moscovitch emphasised the'seriousness of the u.~. Delegate Wa~ks out as Isra-:llsraeli Diplomat Calls Sunday Times Agency's work. He said that in spite of me<!-ia reports an~ Excluded from African U.N. Meeting T·· rt- - Ch'arg . ·V·· SI d" -statistics to the. contrary, "the United Nations (JCNS) The ~ Herzog, on learning that his coun- '. o. ure esa ICIOUS an er :)1 .UnitedStates walked out of a'v try had been excluded, asked for London (JCNS) A four-page "The assertion that torture is a tention to publish this Arab .jl rec~nt meeting called at the United' an immediate meeting with Dr. report in last wel)k's Sanday d~liberate policy of the Isrveli propaganda material was known , I Na.tions to mark the anniversary of Waldheim, who spoke at the TImes, alleging the systematic use Government is as viciClUSa slander to us in advance and we offered to ",';I.. the Soweto massacre last year - a meeting. The Secretary-General of torture in the investigatioll' of as it is insulting to the only check out every single specific 1~ , ," . Northstar f;';:Yi'~ meeting to which only Israel and told reporters afterwards that he detained Arabs of the West Bank democracy and free judiciary in allegation. However, the Sunday j,~, Inn South Africa received no in- had not known that Israel had uot and Gaza has been condemned by the area. TImes rejected our proposal. ThE/ f MJ.s. Judy Linhart, president. vitations. Israel and a number of received an invitation and said he the Israeli. Embassy here as "The Sunday TImes has in this only elgllanation for such refusal P Edward Moscovitch, executive other Western states protested to would make enquiries. "totally unfounded" and as a case acted with the utmost bad can be \hat they did not want to be '\.. director •. 'i, the Secretary-General, Dr. Kurt Mr. Herzog said it was a sad but "vicious slander. " faJth in a manner sadly consistent confused by the facts,." the Israeli 1'.' Jewish education, Mrs. Linhart I: documented such other needs as Phil Schachter named 'joseph Sec­ Waldheim, about these exclusions. expected commentary on the U.N. Avraham Kidron the new Am- with its anti-Israel attitude. The in- Embassy stated. - ter and Dr. Harry Prosen to the The. meeting was called by the that "racist Arab States" were bassador here de;cribed it as a • Mrs. Lynne Fineman, guest those. of the aged, the children, and , Organisatfon of African Unity able to force other States to take "dastardly ." i).~, :the trew immigrants. She accuse,d Sam WDder making presentation board's roll of life members, thiIig I\, ) , speaker. " ')L- , which sent invitations to all States actions to please them. He denoun- The Embflssy statement read as <¥/;,\ '. tpe (lommllllity of losing sight of to Gerry DaJen. Sam Wil~J;. g!lve two special ,,". ": ,; but Israel and South Af~ca, and ced the. "moral cowardic~ and follows: "The Sunday TImes 'i,'\'(~, .1\ \ By NURIT KIVES her board's'role, which is -not fund- awards, to;' Phil Schachter and i~\' stiiffWriter raismg .. She . singleil out the Cantor Gerry ':Oaien, for their notlf!ed the U.N. Secretariat not to weakness of those whit submit to published a collectioll.. of Arab ~i' \J dedicated work. prOVide nameplates or seats for Arab pressures." atrocity stories. Allegations of this I:: Les Gilfbt,Judy, Linhart and WJCC. "Will th,ey be prepared," the two States. The exclusion of , Mustafa Sam, the acting nature in some cases identical , ; ~ Sam Wilder making presentation To end the evening, Bert Wold '. Lynne Finemanhad.i;tartling facts she asked, "tQ re-examine their South Africa had been expected---executive secretary of the OAU, with those appearing in the paper's I foreveal laSt wee~.' Speaking at priorities and ask, as we have to Pbllip Sbacbter. and Mrs. Bonnie Dobbs turned all {, ,) sinceit was the "defendant" State, said the decision -to exclude Israel report have been repeatedly put' , the twenty-sixthArlIlual Meeting of '.' a!lked ourselves, at what cost are family' still remains the most ·of the meeting's facts into reality "i. I but the snub to Israel was a sur- was based on the fact that' Israel out b~ Arab propaganda sources I' the Jewish Child and Family Ser- .we. providing our services? What with an effective audio-visual " viable institution in·our society." prise to tlie Western Europeans was occupying African territory 'and have proved to be totally un­ vice, they challenged the Jewjsh are we unable to provide because .' Happier Item's . presentation of the Agency's ser- ,. vices. " who, ~hen seeing Israel missing illegally - a reference to Israel's founded in the light of detailed and commllllity . to .examine and an- oui' focus, and our funds are chan- . Mr. Moscovitch was guest of from Its usual place between contll\ued presence in Sinai. He documented investigations. ; I nounce its-priorities: nelled in one main area?" 11',1 honour at the Agency'!! 25th an­ Philip Schachter, past president, ", Ireland and Italy, remained stan- . said that it was not a U.N. matter "Nor is there anything new -in , \1 The agency's financial fact is a Neglect of Parents niversary celebration in Nov., presented the nominating commit­ ding throughout the. meeting in pr- and that the meeting was not a quoting the 'authority' of the two ' . r ),' deficit of $45,846 .for its 1976-7,7 Probably the most shocking fact where' his 20. years _o(.sefYicew.~re tee slate and,the (ollowing persons . otest. The American.delegate, Mr. U.N. affair, an~ that therefore in- Commllllist lawyers, Felicia " , II,. fiscal year. In Jlis treasurer's at 'the meeting came- from guest recognised. Mrs. Linhart announ­ werl!' elected to 'the board for a . James Leonard, walked out. vitations ,were up to the OAU, Langer and Leah Tzl)mel, who . ~ '! report, Mr. Gilfbt said the Agency speaker" Lynne Fineman. ced that 625 people attended that three year term:' P .l'4. Sheps, Waldbeim to Enquire which could invite anyone "it saw have constantly regurgitated these relies on three major funding Describing "The Crisis of Aging", dinner dance and Marsha Cowan Mrs. H. Fineman, Bernie Brick, The Israeli Ambassador, Chaim' fit." ., allegations. bodies. The Family Department is she said there are many families made a special presentation to Sam WDder, Mrs. Bonnie Dobbs, flindeq by the Jewish Community who will- not take parents home Sam and Wendy Wilder who Dr. Fred Shane, Max Margolis, Council on a q,eficit fJ!Ilding basis from hospital, or do their laundry, -Mrs. Marsba Cowan makIng organised it. The event raised Mrs. E. Hecht, Mrs~ M. Soudack, 1"ls,ael . (e~ceptfor an annual dispute over or even visit once a week. presentation to Sam and Wendy $32,000. Gilbert Segal, S. Halperin, J. -. $6,047 which originated "many, -She said that -today- there is a WUder. On a happier not~, past president Nepom. '.. .- ..... ···Vie,tnamasa·Find·:,Hav·en - , " :.' many years ago" and which the . - . , , WJCC refuse~ to fund). The .(compUed by staif) promised jobs and accomodation Children's Department is funded The 'Yuvali' was bound for . The 66 Vietnam~se refugees, by the provincial: government on Home. 'Thoughts f,om Ab,oini Taiwan to unload her cargo of to any refugee desiring them at the rescued 50 miles off the coast of phosphates. So unwilling were Diplomat and Marina Hotels. the basis of a per diem rate and by Vietnam by the Israel vessel Taiwanese authorities to-give any the United Way through a grant. The Israeli decision must have 'Yuvali' some three weeks- ago, pretext for sabre-rattling from the been at least in part motivated by However, no one pays for the ,For~ar Winnipeggar' .Encourag-as Aliyah have arrived iii Israel. administrative costs in the mainland that they mount an ar­ memories of Jewish refugees In line,. with the long Jewish med guard aboard ship to ensure refused entrance into most coun­ children's department. ,Because of . To the. editor, and the Jewish interest in our little Winnipeg gar­ As I write to you I'm replinded to 1977. Registration must be done tradition of hospitality ~o the that the refugees stayed put. They tries during the Nazi years.
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