University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 9-29-1937 Sandspur, Vol. 43 No. 01, September 29, 1937 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 43 No. 01, September 29, 1937" (1937). The Rollins Sandspur. 497. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/497 "ULLiiMt, COLLEGE LIBRARY WINTER PARK. FLORIDA Florida's Oldest College Rollins anii0pur Boycotting Japa (Weekly Student Newspaper) WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1938 (Complete Campus Coverage) NUMBER 14 ORGAN VESPERS The Guardsman" Thursday afternoon, January 20 BISHOP FJOHAN RUSSELL PLAY 5 o'clock BEAROSLEY GIVES 1. Allegro, from— First Symphony Maquarie 2.—a) Andante (from violin TALK IN THEATRE OPENS FRIDAY sonata); b) Loure (from cello suite) Bach Speaks On Importance of Leader of Episcopal Church 3.—The Sun's Evensong from Mushrooms Explains Religion "Seven Pastels" ....Karg-Elert CETRULO TAKES PART OF IRIS WEEK 4.—Tenor solo by Walter IS PROMINENT BOTANIST WEDNESDAY Royall "Come and follow me" was the Julie Trowbridge and George Dr. H. C. Beardsley, well known 6.—"I Dream of Jeannie" — text of the Right Reverend Frank Miss RusselFs Collection of Holt Have Leading Stephen Foster-Nevin botanist, gave a lecture in the An­ Roles A. Juhan, Bishop of the Episcopal Playbills and Pictures 6.—Overture, "Sakuntala" — nie Russell Theatre on Friday, Jan­ Church of Florida, chosen for the Is Shown Goldmark uary 14, as a part of the adult GIVE "THE GUARDSMAN" sermon he delivered at the Sunday This overture for orches­ education program of Rollins. Dr. morning service in the Knowles Me­ tra was first performed in Beardsley spoke on the commer­ morial Chapel. LENT BY MRS. CARTY To Be Supported By Able in Vienna in 1865. It is Cast cial and botanical importance of Bishop Juhan painted a vivid pic­ characteristic of his skill mushrooms, after which he showed ture of the disciples, Peter, James Miss Russeirs Own Room Is in m a n i p u 1 a ting his a series of slides illustrating 18 or and John, simple peasant fisher­ Opened Although Franz Molnar's com­ themes. edy?, "The Guardsman", was 20 mushrooms and toadstools found men, who, he said, at the words made famous in this country by in Florida and the eastern United JULIE TROWBRIDGE GEORGE HOLT of Jesus, left their nets and fol­ A collection of old playbills, the remarkable Lunts, members of States. • lowed him and because they obeyed autographed pictures, and costumes this command their names are the Annie Russell Company who He began his lecture by telling of Annie Russell was placed on blazoned on the history of Chris­ will produce the play in the Annie of the two questions which are exhibition in the Green Room of tianity and their influence remains Russell Theatre Friday and Sat­ FELLOWSHIPS FOR most often asked of him; these the Annie Russell Theatre last LABOR PROBLEMS deeply impressed on the hearts urday nights of this week have no two were: "How is it possible that Headlines Wednesday. These memorabilia and minds of men. Had they not intention of modeling their p e r- mushrooms are able to grow up were given to Rollins as a per­ By FRED LIBERMAN followed Him they undoubtedly forraance in the Lunt-Fontanne seemingly overnight?" and "How manent memorial to Miss Russell would have gone about their busi­ manner. is it possible to tell poisonous from TO BE OISGOSSEO by General John J. Carty, former A short while before he an­ ness of fishing, living their alotted trustee of Rollins, and his wife. In fact, George Holt, who will Kappas To Award $1,500 For non - poisonous mushrooms and nounced that George Sutherland time, then going to their graves, Mrs. Carty is Miss Russell's sister. play the leading role, confesses Graduate Work toadstools?" The first question would be succeeded on the Supreme Economic Conference To Be their names unheard and their In the room adjoining the green that he was "unfortunate enough was answered by the simple state­ Court bench by Stanley Reed of Held Here OFFERED FOR 4TH YEAR honor unsung. room Miss Russell had her office. to see neither the play nor the ment, "They don't." He went on Kentucky, President Roosevelt in­ movie version of 'The Guardsman' to explain that the visible part of Answering the question how and This has been left exactly as Miss Kappia Kappa Gamma is offering dicated that he aims to abolish all JOHN GOSS TO SPEAK when it was played by Alfred Lunt the mushroom and toadstool, the when He comes to us, the Bishop Russell had it while she lived. One for the fourth consecutive year Sl,- holding companies, especially those and Lynn Fontanne." part that is eaten, is not the whole The Economic Conference to be said that He comes in every fine can sense the spirit and beauty of 500 in graduate fellowships, avail­ connected with public utilities and plant at all. Indeed, he explained, held January 27-29 will hold ses­ impulse that throbs in our spirits, her personality from this room. She "Whatever character I give to able to any woman student not over banking. the part that is underground, the sions in the Winter Park Women's in every unselfish urge, in every surrounded herself with mementos the role," he said, "will therefore 30 years of age who has or will Our guess is that he covered up cilia, bears the same relationship, Club and the Annie Russell Thea­ generous act, in every conviction that must have meant much to have to be entirely lacking in any receive before next July her bach­ his first announcement with the in size, the edible part, as a whole tre. The first two sessions will be that we must obey that which is her. Her life was the theatre and impressions I might have received elor's degree from an institution new Supreme Court appointment tree does to the apple. The answer devoted to labor problems. noble and true and beautiful. For everywhere one finds its influence. from Mr. Lunt's characterization. in which a chapter of this women's when he realized he'd made a mis­ to the second question was just as In the first session Mr. John B. we are spiritual beings; we are not One the table are old prints of This is very unfortunate since, in fraternity is located. take. If he sticks to his original a sense, the part was an ideal one simply: "You can't." According Goss, Vice President of the Sco- only our body, yet our body is an Biliere and Mrs. Siddons. On the The $1,500 is divided into three plans he will have quite a task for him and his interpretation to Dr. Beardsley, the only safe ville Brass Works, head of the Per­ important part of our personality, walls of the office are several play­ fellowships of $500 each, which are ahead and will meet what amounts would therefore be the one upon way to distinguish between edible sonal Relation Division, and mem­ the home of the spirit. Then there bills. One advertises the appear­ awarded regardless of fraternity to insurmountable opposition. which other actors should pattern and unedible mushrooms and toad­ ber of the Connecticut Labor Board, is the part of the body we call ance of Miss Laura Keene at the or non-fraternity membership. Certainly Wall Street did not their own." stool is simply to know each spe­ will lead a discussion on "The Im­ conscience, the thing which enables Walnut Stret Theatre in "She During the three years Kappa expect the President's wrath to de­ portance of Human Engineering in us to perceive the will of God in "However," smiledthe tall young cies, and memorize whether it is Stops to Conquer" concluding with has given them, two have gone to scend upon ALL holding compan­ Industrial Relationship. The talk the ways of mankind. And this actor whose measurements for a safe or not. A rule that a great the roaring farce of "Away With non-fraternity women, one of whom ies. If he sticks to his word al­ will be followed by a panel dis- conscience must be forever grow­ Guardsman uniform so startled the many people follow, and it is a Melancholy". It is dated April was aided for two years; a third good one, is to eat only the com­ most every corporation in the ing and expanding. 14, 1864. The prices of the tickets tailors at Eve's costume establish­ United States will be affected. Most to a member of Alpha Xi Delta. mon field mushroom that every one Bishop Explains Religion give a remarkable insight into the ment in New York City, "under economists agree that when the The second session on labor Although there is no stipulation knows, and leave the rest strictly Religion, the Bishop stated, is period. The Orchestra seats were Miss Lockhart's expert guidance I ppesident said all holding compan­ problems will deal with problems as to the course of graduate study alone. You may miss many a good largely a matter of saying "I will". 75cents; the Dress Circle, 50 cents; believe that the Annie Russell play­ ies he spoke out of turn.
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