~ ] • A DININQ TRADITION AT THE DEPOT Q R ia State baskeiletbail tourney *I .* What does Oscar have In mi • RichfieldTigers steal!jal a fir5t-four>d wiri i l l . • Gilbert and Sulllran In KetdL T V I ’ state baskatball tournament, • No hard feeling for Daughtrj 11X1 t Rh«r also advance. • Peter O’Toole's grand convalTvaback B B!H t h a C lass lA g irls' sU ENCLOSED I SPORTS. B31 l____________ • ■ H i • Shoshone and Raft Rl Good Morning"B r r \ < — T H U K D A Y ^ FebnaiyiS, 2007 A chance lor afswrsln 50 cents thowen.OetancB4: I li n u VOTE I . ■ le t fever NOW Scarl Fisl lading I\ "It’s like'Jurassic Pa P a r k . ’ ” I spres -X ibcyR lthardi,nrii Filer High School student jrome in Jeitrict reports six cases School distriiontagious infection | H | of highly conrrespondont _____________ I By Blair Koch rhe lerotne Sdiool District nowV ' o Tlmes^<ows corresrd ciiscs o f scarlet fever iifter an veek of ati unspecified numberI I • ILilOMli — Ts he a t H orizon , B has six reported:hool. c % oiiiba'iik last weeidle .School con- . ,cnore . of studenise ase Wedtic.sday. abOUl ' I T a l ' m Ulemcniar>’.Schoi eilers h(mie with scarlel ..C'-O jeronie Middlini! p a rc n ls kiiiiw. , f t M i firm ed ils firnl IIIcas Df Ih f au giiiiii; lifl "We sent leltcyon Ciildi sciirlul j , siudents lettinga m e wiiy, said " A' .. We've had ii loticipal i liinei Avery. around and you) il panic or alarmed ahtnil thee BPl fever the siimaround, bul wew.inted to have k Assistant I’rincip ‘ • ' a ' ; ' • lh a t it is going aroiinii.’' B, t f "We are noi In ii V ' .'Z Ploase seo FEVER, Page A33 ‘ V ■ B ^ U disciise going aro A parents aw ate ilw r - ^ . , ^ ays. he can’t Bush saiIranian leaders DHAumpIe at nier High School. KritiyR«y nchanit, hfl, woiki vtth htr litter,iw , Kiyta, m d d iw m iti Aihley MouHoruHon on Wedtmday while mlilng i DK __ prove Ineaponstolraq ■ Fil'iler teenageers help rese;earchers stitudysturge(“ sentwe. By Terence H unt • of ih e Male's m ust biziirre fisli. ByHittHittCbrMnwD one o Associated Press Hmc»^ie»Wews writer_________________ Irsl, iliough. the tciicliers had ic ool. Yoiuig a n d Itichards m et wi ^ii. , W A S U iN trroi i’rofessor M iulison Powell each 'Ili-R — I lolding their ha-aih am o fl i’t 110 go to Chiillenged on tl r for ihrei- years to nuisii'r gcnei hunchnchwl over cldicate lah samples, miTfi w ith lJ fiieyof U.S. intel Today Is the re se a t raction. earclim cxtnici HNA into a pipe ichsutn- I’resident Husi dcadllno to K's can lle y passed th a l knowleilge oiiK carrlcd — very carefully — ti> ihi iieiie WLtlnesday ther [toms diirtngWcdncsday's class. 'i « y o u f ...................bpposiposilc side* o f ih c la b w hen; a m a doubt the Irani: voles in for ^pH,^, It’s o n e th in g to gel stutlenis exi to kill President Bush pautet Its the double helix a n d copies ll )nt(i their erntnent is pr 'e l l L - ADNAbindtflmdbjFIIei nil a can n e d lab experim ent." P' o ld ie rs in it j new conference tfienmes- _ d nIA. a .'] Tlic daia is fed inio a a-frlger; Filer HI{h School sto- illlOlIl ISS. a r m o r • p i c e News Pick- si2j.cn idata- dtirtswtthinuttnTleletlli I. "ihit it’s iinotlier thing to get li le backed ,{ th* vfliHe House on e com puter a n d com piletl in n d; et light said.- exciie<i w eaiions to 9n olved in iui experiment thiit no i thfrOscar l,;ise. "Powell Anieriean soid Contest. The 'n,is 1 an an sw e r lo — not even us." nils isn't il scene from ih c latesisl \who- Watch thesIie students in action iiasai ;t ihem Ira(|. ihit lie lie siudents seemed equally thr winner will ^imnil iu crime shmv. and these a*sean 1)0 one away from clai magicvalley.com It's like ’luntssic Park,’" w hispen INSIDE ceceive aa-n'i:n'l i iisin}; th e DNA It) solve a m ur lop edieliiii o ssr W sey Hichiirds iis she hu nched ov new s con- Al-Sadf'$ allies movie tickets ’niisis Is Is b io te c h n u lo ^ class iii I'ilerLTliit;!] I K'eKr thrilled. government . chine Ciilled ii iherin o q x ler. [) said he encace U.S. and popcorn. schoo!liooI, w here sm d e n ls In Hd KicluiJu ird s' I la^ennan. i'ish Culiiiuliurel'xpcriment tnach lered resjionsihie. l’s not uinisual. some Miulents s iiy a tle in p i ollicials in war . You can find a n dd Kc Ken Young's science classes arc Statinn —incollabon[>oniilon wilh Idaho It’s over a liu'^h, ill a lie' liigh-tLth experiments like this cnitii--con- ofwoiOS, D4 Ihe ballot on learnliim lng th c finer points of DNA re;.earchre; I’ow er and the Honnciineville Power do iiij ference. idso s tech class, [hil this lim e it's for r wvw.maglc- — andin d le n d ln s ihclr le etiasitl. rubbibber- A dm inislralion —cxiunliiL-d cxii I’acific biotei ts said, to wotilil fight iuiy < results actually mailer, : r u . r ; “ valley.com. rIoxtmi\-cdI h ands lo a University of Idald a h o N orthwesl w hite stiirj■tiirgcon on th e Snake llte re lis o n e in l)y ihe D em ocni about 7.000 more5 lia t pu ts a l)il m ore stress on sii 1 Use the a n dd Id Idalio I’ow er Co. rcscarch tciiniiim . Hiver for geticiic divetliversity. Th; irreal— tniiled CongressAQ. Page A3 Irani refugees. A8I ;et iill th e steps right, anil ihey'ri I search (ca- 'I1ic:Iliesc juniors a n d seniors learnn Jibouta 'n icy ’n; followitiKlg ii]> ii] o n that study now to get olf mi)iiey for i challenge. Ik-sides, il's kitui o f f lure to find netlcs a n d get real-world forensitisic-sci- w ilh Ihc help o f llieic high h: schoolers, llic th e cl siudents ,' 1. * ^ 'Bush fingers Iran onI 1 lave you ever wiitdie<l ’CSl Mi; Pick-the- cnct:ce u experience. Ilie a-search lean;atn ^cts siiidents remove WADN/' from recently "il; PIcassscolMQ. ed smiling/Vshley Moiilioii. ■'It's Inl. Iraq bombs' Oscar. llie L-ris results. Riithercd sturgeonI so the resean:hers can iisked ; thill." { In llihc late 1‘JilOs, scientists at U ofc I s com pare the dataa iiiu n d leiirn m ore ab o m like tl imeflia at rtv.w.macicvnliey.com See Multime In Magic Valleyley LEGISLA'iliVE REPORT A fewm o re h um iles forr the oneT feeding operations by peojile tees a n d oftcti use it as tnul fe ;-m ilenil Bill extendingg testimonyi | - — ) live more than one' mile lalc for votes on the who I Mi inority > ' , H ! .‘ H o u se a n dS eniite. awiiy.!>’• e "I jusi think that it's time v ' limit passes COcommittee he bill — which now goes L.-11. D- Open meeting law: "ounty — orntleast ils The e iiway with this anomaly in I jre the full Senate — amends i ih e hill. Idaho Senate lo commlssioneiiners — learned lhat befon code," said Senate Min old law and permits public ;) c an go debate proposed ^ ByJiie<IS.Ho|iUaI principle ihthe hard way on an oh s I.eiider Clint Stenncit. inumy from '’affected |)er- IT it's Ihe changes, 08 ______ ! Tlme»-Wew« writarIf Wedncstiay.y. ti'slin Is K etrhiim , vvhii proposed llu 2 s," wiiich w ould include tiear- ■ ■ ■ w g f l g e g T hc statelate Senate l.ocal sons," c ■The footprinl of a ( j\l-() ci ENVmONMEm’: Thousands >usinesses. sdiool districts or lioisn-itosi; sif^nificance of tiovcrnmuni;nt and Titxaiion bybu •- beyond one mile, w h eth er it waterfowl hang out near i|)Ie wilh secondary resi- irbitriiry. local control is likeliki a manira in Commiltee:e u n a tiim o u sly peo|)I r- dust, the Ilies. the liglits, ih e Hagerman. ice’s. Curreni law provides for Idaho governmcnlent, State law- approved a billbi ib a i w ould iillovv dence ir the niiinureon the road." prim ary' hom eow ners- Page A3 POUnCS: Jeromo.Countynty m akers routinelyf rerefer lo lls value tesiimony on nevv connned-ani- just pi i- He ciilletl existing law arbi Republican Central commimmilteo >r Wolve*: Senate'panellei - --------- tubmit-thfefe-nama s i ouic51-coun-_______ ______ Please see FEEDLOTS.T Pa j — Z — OTProvcsuncc-ror— , ty pfosecutor. 1 1 p f wolf tag: S9.75 plusis j SEE PAGE C l -‘Expenrience IdaHo[o’ parks prcogram s l ^ t L v / X vendor fee, C l irovlng six state parks and BrJobaKDer . budget writeriicrs, seeking a tolal of imprt Iding a new one. u-xv park AM odated PrewI ^tarwl $->7 million.in. 1Last year. Mcincn's btiildl ittcr is under no obligation to IC BuslnMssnd Service dirtciofyno»y .E9 -------------------------- $63.4 millm illion d That means Kemptht k m ont.7 for p rogm im o f p;tst Bridjfl......................................EIO BOISE — "Expcipcricnce Idaho" budget incluiiduded ■ ■ ■ ■ seek r plans 10 buy l;ind for :i new ef executives.
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