Index to The Hawaiian Journal of History Volumes 31–35 1997–2001 Alvarez, Patricia M. (reviewer), Unconquerable Rebel; Robert A W. Wilcox and Hawai‘i Politics, 1880–1903, by Ernest Andrade, Jr., 31: 221–223; (reviewer) Women and Abell, A. G., 32: 40 Children First: The Life and Times of Elsie Wilcox of Adams, Governor. See Kuakini Kaua‘i, by Judith Gething Hughes, 31: 221–223; (author) Afong, Chun (sugar planter), 31: 105. See also Chun, Afong “The Battle for Wai‘apuka School: One Round of an Epic Agriculture and natural history (book list), 35: 112–115 Contest,” 33: 1–20 Ahrens, August (plantation manager), 33: 132 Amateur Musical Society () 31: 79, 87 Ahukie, 32: 58 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions Ai, Chung Kun (auditor, businessman), 32: 187, 190; 35: 24. (), 31: 28, 36, 53, 153; 32: 70, 102–103; 34: 2, 113, 123 See also Chung, Kun Ai American Brewing Company, 31: 146–148 Ailau, Jack (musician), 33: 95 American Seamen’s Friend Society (New York), 31: 55 Ajax (ship), 34: 139 Anderson, Alexander E. (army officer), 32: 167 Akana, John (student), 31: 161 Anderson, Rufus ( secretary), 31: 36; 34: 5, 119–121, Alabama (ship), 31: 209 124, 129–131 Alatas, Syed, 34: 33 Andes (ship), 34: 101, 106 Albert Edward, Prince. See Prince of Hawai‘i Andrade, Ernest, Jr., Unconquerable Rebel: Robert W. Wilcox Alcohol. See Liquor and Hawaiian Politics, 1880–1903, reviewed by Patricia Alexander (early visitor, 1816), 34: 64 M. Alvarez, 31: 219–223 Alexander, A. C., 31: 107, 118 Andrews, Lorrin (missionary), 31: 30, 61; 34: 7, 146 Alexander, Abigail “Abby” Baldwin, 31: 39 Andrews, Parnelly Pierce (missionary), 32: 101–119 Alexander & Baldwin (sugar factors), 31: 120, 137, 150 Andrews, Seth (missionary physician), 32: 101–119; 35: 6–7 Alexander House Settlement, Maui, 33: 140 Anglican Church and Mission (Church of England), 31: 157– Alexander, James (sugar planter), 31: 104, 118 163; 34: 113–138, 154 Alexander, Mary (teacher), 31: 169 Annexation, 1898, 32: 141–154; 33: 215–220 Alexander, Samuel T. (sugar planter), 31: 104, 120–121 Anthony, J. Garner (attorney), 34: 191, 193 Alexander, Wallace, 33: 190 Archambaux, Gregory (Catholic priest), 33: 9 Alexander, William DeWitt (historian), 31: 31, 40–42; 33: 208 Ariyoshi, Koji, 35: 56–57 Alexander, William Patterson (missionary) 31: 28, 39; 32: 110 Arizona (ship), 32: 146, 152; 35: 65, 67–70, 72–75, 84 Ali, Mehmed, “Ho‘ohui‘aina Pala Ka Mai‘a: Remembering Armand, Abraham (Catholic priest), 32: 70 Annexation One Hundred Years Ago,” 32: 141–154 Armstrong, Clarissa Chapman (missionary), 31: 165; 32: 113 Allen, Helena (author), 32: 122 Armstrong, Richard (missionary), 31:164; 32: 113, 123; 33: 4, Allen, Riley (editor), 34: 198 7–9, 11–15, 18; 34: 4–5, 7, 37, 39 Allison, Samuel (physician), 34: 194, 198 Artemise (French ship), 31: 64–65; 32: 67–69, 74, 78–84, 86–88, Allred, Reddick N. (Mormon missionary), 31: 4 90, 92; 33: 2 Allred, Reddin A. (Mormon missionary), 31: 4 Arthur (ship), 32: 55 “‘Aloha Aina’: New Perspectives on ‘Kaulana Nā Pua,’” by Amy Astrolabe (French ship), 32: 69; 34: 70 Stillman, 33: 83–99 Atcherly, Mary (writer), 34: 10 “Along the Old Honolulu Waterfront,” by Richard Greer, 32: Atherton family, 31: 157 25–66 Atherton, Frank C., 33: 150 Aluli, Yuklin (reviewer), Colonizing Hawai‘i: The Cultural Atkinson, Alatau (educator), 32: 129; 33: 48 Power of Law, by Sally Engle Merry, 35: 151–153 Atkinson, Edmund, 34: 155 INDEX TO THE HAWAIIAN JOURNAL OF HISTORY VOLUMES 31–35 1997–2001 Atkinson, May, 33: 31, 48 Berger, Henry (bandmaster), 31: 79–80, 84, 87, 89, 90, 92; 33: Austin, Warren (ambassador to U.N.), 31: 195–198 90, 94. See also Royal Hawaiian Band Australia (ship), 32: 144, 147; 33: 90 Berman, Weiler Association, 32: 136 Ayacucho (ship) 34: 103, 107 Bevani Opera Company, 31: 72 Ayusawa, Iwao (diplomat), 33: 184 Beyer, H. Otley, 33: 119 Bianchi, Eugeni and Giovanna (opera company), 31: 82–83 Bibliography, 31: 241–144; 32: 229–242; 33: 231–253; 34: B 237–257; 35: 101–140, 161–178 “Big Five” (sugar factors), 35: 44, 48, 49, 55 Babcock, William (ship captain), 32: 33 Biggs, John Jr. (judge), 35: 55 Bachelot, Alexis (Catholic priest) 32: 70–73 Bigler, Henry (Mormon missionary), 31: 1–2, 5–6, 11–12, 14, Bailey, Edward (missionary) 31: 28, 43 16 Bailey, Edward Hubbard (sugar planter), 31: 118, 120–121 Bijou Opera Company (New York), 31: 85–86 Bailey, William H. (sugar planter), 31: 121 Bingham, Hiram (missionary), 31: 28–29, 53, 205–208; 32: 3, Baird, Mr., 32: 91 19, 25, 112 Baker, John T., 33: 208, 209 Bingham, Hiram, Jr., 34: 174 Baker, Ray Jerome (photographer), 35: 112, 138–139 Bingham, Hiram III (Connecticut senator), 35: 77 Baker, Ululani Lewai (governess of Hawai‘i Island), 33: 209 Bird, Isabella (Bishop), 35: 25 Baldwin, Benjamin Douglas, 32: 166 Bird, Lance (film producer), 35: 66, 75 Baldwin, Charles, 31: 39 Birds, 31: 33 Baldwin, David Dwight, 31: 31, 35, 40; 32: 160 Birkett, Mary Ellen, “The French Perspective on the Laplace Baldwin, Dwight (missionary physician), 31: 28, 29, 35, 36–38; Affair,” 32: 67–99; “Hawai’i in 1819: An Account by 35: 6–7 Camille de Roquefeuil,” 34: 69–92 Baldwin, Henry P., 31: 39 Biscaccianti, Elisa (opera performer), 31: 80 Balguerie Etienne (French ship), 34: 71–72, 84 Bishop, Anna (prima donna), 31: 74, 80 Baranov, Alexander, 34: 83 Bishop, Artemas (missionary), 31: 13, 28–29, 38, 61; 32: 118 Baresh, Joseph (engineer), 34: 204–205 Bishop, Charles Reed (banker), 32: 41; 33: 33 Barnard, Charles H., 32: 172 Bishop, Princess Bernice Pauahi, 31: 73 Barnet, Diane, “Honolulu 1870,” 35: 35–41 Bishop, Sereno E. (missionary), 31: 31, 40–45 Barber, Henry (ship captain), 32: 55 Blair, James, 34: 147 Barber, Thomas (U.S. army officer), 32: 146, 149, 152 Blaisdell Concert Hall, Honolulu, 31: 77 Barratt, Glynn, 34: 66 Blanchard (ship captain), 32: 55 Barrere, Dorothy (historian), 32: 26–28; 34: 41–42 Blatchely, Abraham (missionary physician), 32: 21, 57 Bartow, C. S., 32: 48–49 Bliss, Emily Curtis (missionary), 32: 111 Basilish (ship) 32: 63 Blonde (ship), 32: 27, 57, 61 “Battle for Wai‘apuka School: One Round of an Epic Contest,” Blount, James H. 33: 35–37, 39 by Patricia Alvarez, 33: 1–20 Bloxam, Richard (chaplain) 34: 65 “Bayonet Constitution of 1887,” 31: 131–132; 33: 208 Board of Health, 33: 120, 132–134 Beardslee, L. A. (U.S. navy admiral), 32: 144 Board of Immigration, 31: 100 Beaver (ship), 34: 103, 107 Boissier, Theodore (Catholic lay brother), 32: 70 Beck, Louis (writer), 32: 209 Boki (chief, governor of O‘ahu), 31: 163; 32: 3, 32, 35, 57; 34: Becker, Robert (reviewer), The Folding Cliffs, by W. S. Merwin, 77, 85 33: 223–227 Bolina (ship), 34: 103 Beckley, George Mooheau, 33: 209 Bond, Elias (missionary), 31: 28, 156; 33: 4–5, 6, 9, 12, 15–16 Beckwith, George (sugar planter), 31: 103, 115 Bondu, Melchior (Catholic lay brother), 32: 70 Bee (ship), 34: 103 Bonite (ship), 32: 69 Beecher, William (navy captain), 31: 184 Books about Hawai‘i, 35: 101–140 Beechert, Edward (historian), 33: 134 Booth, Mr., 31: 4 Beer and Brewers, 31: 143–150 Bongaars, Mona (reviewer), Molokai: The Story of Father Belhaven (ship), 34: 104, 108 Damien, by Hilde Eynikel, 34: 221–223 Bell, Frank T., 35: 26 Bordelais (ship), 34: 71–72, 84 Benham, Maenette K. P. “The Voice‘less’ Hawaiian: An Analysis Boston Lyric Opera Company, 31: 85–87 of Educational Policymaking 1820–1960,” 32: 121–140 Bouains (ship captain), 34: 76 Benson (army officer), 34: 191 Boussole (ship), 34: 70 Benson, Ezra T., 31: 17 Bouslog, Harriet (attorney), 35: 55, 58 2 3 INDEX TO THE HAWAIIAN JOURNAL OF HISTORY VOLUMES 31–35 1997–2001 Bowman, Donald (sanitary inspector), 33: 132, 136, 138, 140, 148 C Bowman, Harold (colonel), 31: 192 Bowman, Holst, Macfarlane, Richard, Ltd. (advertising C. Brewer & Company (sugar factor), 31: 104, 118; 32: 40, 62, agency), 35: 109 137; 34: 95 Boxer (ship), 32: 172 Cadboro (ship), 34: 101 Boyd, James Harbottle (aide to Kalākaua), 33: 209 C. Q. Yee Hop Market, 31: 147 Boyd, Robert (high sheriff), 32: 39 Cahill, Emmett, The Shipmans of East Hawai‘i, reviewed by Boylan, Dan (reviewer), Who Runs the University? the Politics Sandra Wagner-Wright, 31: 223–224 of Higher Education in Hawai‘i, 1885–1992, by David Camarinos, Peter (fruit exporter), 31: 130–131 Yount, 31: 238–239; An Unlikely Revolutionary: Matsuo Cambridge History of the Pacific Islanders, edited by Donald Takabuki and the Making of Modern Hawai‘i, by Matsuo Denoon et al., reviewed by Rod Edmond, 32: 207–210 Takabuki, et al., No Ordinary Man; William Francis Quinn, Campbell, Archibald, 32: 50 His Role in Hawai‘i’s History, by Mary C. Kahulumana Cannon, George Q. (Mormon missionary), 31: 1–2, 5, 14 Richards, 33: 227–230; video documentary reviews, Captain Cook’s World: Maps of the Life and Voyages of James 35: 141–147; O Hawai‘i: Of Hawai‘i from Settlement Cook, R.N., by John Robson, reviewed by Eleanor to Kingdom, 35: 142–143; Nation Within: The Story Nordyke, 35: 158–160 of America’s Annexation of the Nation of Hawai‘i, 35: Caranaue, John J. (French resident), 32: 37 144–145; Hawai‘i’s Last Queen, 35: 144–145; 1946, The Carlsmith, Carl S. (attorney), 35: 46–47 Great Sugar Strike, 35: 145; The Great Hawaii Dock Strike, Caroline (ship), 34: 64 35: 145–146; The 442nd: Duty, Honor and Loyalty, 35: Carter, George Robert (governor), 34: 181; 35: 44 146–147; (author) John A.
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