Documentary and Discussion- Juxtaposition Galore- Seeing- Eyes On The Prize Picnic on the Battlefield Red p.S p.7 p.9 THE TUFTS DAILYi Wllt~re you read it first Tuesday, November 3,1987 Volume xv, Number 39 Arena Theater Destruction Awaiting Approval by MICHAEL ZINN be complete in the fall. cendy approved dormitory is Tentative construction The drama department contingent on completion of plans for three major uni­ could withstand a summer the parking garage. Both are versity facilities will demolish session without a permanent slated for the fall of 1989. the arena theater six months theater, President of Pen, Current parking garage plans, before its replacement is Paint and Pretzels Garnett proposing the demolition of complete, Vice President of Bruce said. The company is the arena, will probably be Operations Dave Moffat said the predominant performance submitted this month to the yesterday. group in the Arena and organ­ trustee administration and Construction of the 450 izes the theater's other per­ finance committees to be con­ space university parking gar­ formances. sidered for Somerville Build­ age, which will demolish the However, plans for the arts ing approval. Plans to demolish the Arena Theater for the new garage will Arena, will take place in the complex will be "complex" The university intends to be reviewed by the trustees this month. (Photo by Kristina summer of 1989, six months and still await approval from "minimize disruption" of the Rashid) before the arts complex will the Tufts administration, drama department by closely board of trustees, and Somer­ co-ordinating construction of Weinberger Expected to Resign; ville Building Office. The de­ the parking garage with the sign and sonstruction process completion of the new arts will take roughly 24 months, complex. Carlucci Seen as Replacment Moffat said. Provoked by rumors that WASHINGTON CAP) ­ Rough sketches will be pre- the theater would by dis­ Carlucci would comIllent on Lahor Secretary William ..•.. -,'sj;!nt~tk().We· adm~nistration Caspar~. pJaced.for at least a year, Defense Secretary lhcii'lCj}\)rtedinovcs;'tIrt~,.~rrc ...' Bruck and Tcal~sportatiOriVlate;this"month, h{:idded. Friends of the Arena Theater Weinberger intends to resign White House did not dispute Secretary Elizabeth Dole Delays in the arts complex this week and will be replaced sought the support of alumni the reports. have resigned in recent weeks extending into the school yej!r during Homecoming on Sat­ by President Reagan's Weinberger is an old friend to work for the presidential would be "devastating to the national security adviser, urday. Members of the group of Reagan from California, campaign of Mrs. Dole's drama departments and espe- passed out a letter appearing Frank Carlucci, sources said and his departure from the husband, Senate Republican cially drama students," Monday night. in yesterday's Daily, "con­ Cabinet is another in a series Leader Bob Dole. Arena Theatre Business veying the importance of The sources, who spoke on of changes as the president Weinberger, while presid- Manager Joanne Barnett said. condition of anonymity, said having a working theater on moves into his final year in of- ing over the Pentagon buil- Construction of the re- see CONSTRUCTION, Reagan approved the ap­ fice. see RESIGNATION, page 13 pointment in recent days and page 13 it would be announced Thursday. Senate Opens Forum to Students Carlucci will be replaced by by BILL LABOVITZ more in touch with the Tufts to get ou l there [to the his deputy at the National Se­ them on the meeting agenda community," said Senator community]." curity Council, Lt. Gen. Co­ fur a following week, Senator The Tufts Community Dan Feldman, the proposer of "The best way for outreach lin L. Powell, it was learned, Alex Schwartz said. Union Senate voted Sunday the motion. "Many times is to go out to the community, Sources have said Wein­ The procedure is necessary night to set aside 15 minutes at students want to speak. There not make the community berger's decision to step for "quality, constructive the start of every meeting for should be a time they can come here," he added. down after seven years came discussion," Senate Parliamen­ students to informally state speak and be in direct contact Ganz and several others for personal reasons rather tarian Myra Frazier said. The their ideas and opinions. with student representatives." maintained that mechanisms than any dissatisfaction with full Senate meetings are the Also at the weekly Senate Students will be permitted for student expression was prospective arms control culmination of work over the meeting, Senator Bill Shein to express their ideas and opi­ already in place. Students may treaty with the Soviet Union week, which is needed for announced his resignation nions without the confines of present their views by speak­ or any other policy dis­ see SENATE, page 11 because he is taking a leave of parliamentary procedure, after ing to a senator, who will place agreement with the president. absence from Tufts, and a mo­ first indicationg their desire to Weinberger has been an tion supporting a proposal by speak to Senate President unyielding supporter of the Senator Edward Kennedy for Tracy Hahn. Ifno students are Reagan administration's de­ increased financial aid was present at a meeting, the agen­ fense buildup, and in the approved. da would progress as early years of the administra­ Despite the fears of some scheduled. tion, presided over an enor­ senators that an open forum During nearly two hours of mous buildup in the nation's could turn into a "a free-for­ debate, opponents of the pro­ military. all," the Senate approved, posal maintaineg that the Carlucci, who once worked 19-6-1, bylaw 29 establishing Senate already provides a for Weinberger at the Penta­ a "Student Forum." The pro­ forum for students during its gon, has been national secur­ posal cited the fact that weekly meetings, and that ity adviser since December "students may at times feel 1986. senators should instead reach unable to express [their opi­ out to the community. He was named to the post nions] or have some confusion "We are touching on the in the wake of the Iran­ about when to express them problem, but not looking at Contra affair, when National due to the strict confines of the cause," Senate Trustee Security Adviser John Poin­ Robert's Rules and the Senate Representative JeffGanz said. dexter resigned under fire. agenda." "We have to take the respon­ The Senate approved a motion allowing 15 minutes of infor­ Niether Weinberger nor The forum will "put us sibility on ourselves...we've got mal student feedback at meetings. (Photo by Chris Stevens) page two THE TUFTS DAILY Tuesday, November 3,1987 The Tufts Daily Jon Newman Editor-in-Chief ETTERI' David Gerstmann Executive Business Director A Necessary Element To the Editor: Stephen Clay Executive Editor Jonathan Larsen Associate Editor I am writing to express my really began to rely on Luf­ opinion about the proposed kin. Scott Miller Production Manager Evelyn Krache Production Manager move of Lufkin Library. I am My heavy course load in­ Bill Labovitz News Editor Michael Zinn News Editor a senior mechanical engineer­ cluded many homework as­ Sarah Crafts Assistant News Editor Diane Zitner Assistant News Editor ing major, and I feel my opin­ signments and projects that Bret Thorn Features Editor Amy Vellucci : Assistant Features Editor ions about the proposal are required a group effort to representative of my class­ complete. On average I spent Corinne Finegan Assistant Features Editor Mike Greenberg Arts Editor mates: The proposal is well 4 nights per week in Lufkin, Tracey Kaplan Arts Editor Adam Conn Assistant Arts Editor intentioned, but is impracti­ usually until closing...and I Kelley Alessi Sports Editor David Rothenstein Sports Editor cal and potentially detrimen­ was never alone. ( No, I did Randall Budd As.'l. Sporl.' Editor Chris Stevens Photography Editor tal to the engineering stu­ not go to the Jumbo on dents who rely on Lufkin Thursday nights, I usually Waldek Wajszczuk PholOgraphy Editor Adam Lesser Asst. Photography Editor where it is. went to Lufkin) The nature Sarah McEwen Layout Editor Sarah Brown LayoUl/:·ditor Mike Zinn's article states, of the work required discus­ Lynn Rosin Advertising Design Heather Zschock Advertising Design "Lufkin's relocation to Wes­ sion, "noise" that I know sell includes plans to expand would be unwelcome in Wes­ Seth Krevat Classifieds Editor Sharon Siben Classijieds Editor studying capacity by 1,200 sell, I was in Lufkin so often Penny Makris Office Mal/agel' students...."I have one ques­ last year that I gave the phone tion. Why should the much number to my parents in case The Tufts Daily is a non-profit newspaper puhlished weekdays during the academic year hy the students of Tufts University. Printing h,· needed expansion in Wessell ofan emergency. Charles River Puhlishing. Camhridge, MA. Please address correspondence to: The Tufts Dailv. Curtis Hall. Tufts Universitv. Medford. M:\ :Ie 1". Telephune: '617 lX 1-3090. Rusinl'ss hours: 10:00 In 0:00 weekdavs. t'.S. pnslage paid- in .\lcdli>rd. MA. - require the dissolution of "So," you might say, "you Lufkin :it its present location? could go to the new room in Lufkin Library has become Wessell and study with 1,199 a necessary element of my students in the same man­ education over the past years ner...." This may be true, at Tufts, and I feel that it but this isn't my only concern would be a crucial mistake to with moving Lufkin. The move it out ofAnderson Hall. major problem I have with I have utilized this facility to the relocation is the fact that, meeting for all Daily study, do research, and work I, along with many of my A mandatory on projects through my so­ classmates, use Lufkin ALL office workers will be held on Tuesday, phomore year, but it wasn't DAY LONG! If I have any until my junior year that I see LUFKIN, page 11 November 3 at 8:00 p.m.
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