Circulation 14,000 Free May 19, 2017 State Honors Family Farms Held for More Than a Century By Linda Cicoira ed as “Century Farms” by the Virginia in operation for more than 300 years. It agency’s website. There are 20 farms on the Eastern Department of Agriculture and Con- is the Parker Farm owned by Ann Flem- “Families receive a certificate signed Shore that have been in operation for sumer Services. ing of Cashville Road in Onancock. It by the governor and the agency’s com- 100 years or more and are designat- One of those farms is listed as being was listed as being founded in 1680. missioner and a sign appropriate for “Only this one has provided an ac- outdoor display,” the site continued. tual founding date. It’s possible some There are about 1,400 of these of the others (and some not designat- farms in the state. The program was ed yet) are also older than 250 years established in 1997. old,” said Dawn Eischen, a spokesper- “For many families, farming is both son for the agency. a tradition and a business that has In accordance with state law, the been passed down from one genera- Virginia Century Farm Program “rec- tion to the next,” said Commissioner ognizes and honors those farms that Sandy Adams. “Agriculture remains have been in operation for at least 100 Virginia’s largest private industry, consecutive years and the generations contributing $52 billion annually to of Virginia farm families whose dili- the Commonwealth. It speaks vol- gent and dedicated efforts have main- umes about our state’s long commit- tained these farms, provided nourish- ment to agriculture.” ment to their fellow citizens and con- In Accomack, the list includes: Photo Courtesy of Dublin Farm tributed so greatly to the economy of Bull Farm owned by Dixie J. Grin- Rows of potatoes at Dublin Farms, one of the Shore’s 20 “Century Farms.” the Commonwealth,” according to the nalds, Dublin Farm owned by E. Phil- lip Hickman Jr. and David L. Hick- man, Glebe Farm owned by P. W. Da- Sawmill Park Cuts into 2018 Accomack Budget vis, Hickory Hill owned by William M. By Linda Cicoira swap land that was given to the county steps that would be simple to take. Turlington, Hutchinson Farm owned Accomack supervisors approved by the federal government. Those included seeking state money by Benjamin Davis Hutchinson, Mar- spending about $393,000 for capi- In addition to leveling and building to purchase development rights in and tal projects at the county’s new rec- ball fields, piles of concrete, steel gird- around Wallops Flight Facility for the (Continued on Page 9) reational park. The 35-acre site is on ers, and asphalt need to be removed. danger zone in the rocket launch area, Joynes Neck Road, north of Accomac, County Administrator Mike Mason notify residents in 30 lots in the clear INSIDE at the former J. Franklin Jones lum- looked on the bright side, despite the zone through reverse 9-1-1 and include ber mill site and is being called Saw- cost. “We managed to take a piece of hazard zones on Accomack’s internet Classified/Legal Ads ................Page 38 mill Park. land and convert it into something all data base. Community Notes ...................Page 36 About $92,000 will come from the the citizens will enjoy,” he said. Documents included in supervisors’ Court Postings .........................Page 9 county’s remaining 2017 operating The supervisors tabled making a agenda package, showed the commit- Eastern Shore Flavor ............. Page 33 budget, around $100,000 will come decision on recommendations from tee suggested the planning commission Mileposts..................................Page 34 from the deferral of employee com- its Wallops Working Group regarding review the land use study for inclusion Obituaries ................................Page 10 pensation increases due to the loss of a land use study. Committee mem- in the Comprehensive Plan including Opinion/Letters to Editor .......Page 47 matching state funds, and $200,550 ber and Supervisor Grayson Chesser Wind Turbine suitability maps in order Post Times Calendar ..............Page 37 from employee vacancy savings from asked for the time so the county attor- to alert developers of potential issues. Property ...................................Page 8 the assessor’s and finance department. ney could review the suggestions. “If it becomes known that offshore Puzzles .....................................Page 23 Officials are obligated to complete Committee Member Phil Hickman energy development is considered, it Sports ......................................Page 16 Tides .......................................Page 22 the project because they made a deal to wanted the board to move forward with (Continued on Page 6) 2 • EASTERN SHORE POST • MAY 19, 2017 Corps of Engineers Satisfied with Wetlands Work, Says Fire Company Spokesperson By Linda Cicoira on the company’s Facebook page on May piece of land. Meaning, we could swap six years of paperwork, permits, head- Everything is legit for the construc- 10. “We purchased that land about six another piece of land to never be devel- aches and aggravation only to do some- tion of the $2.5 million Chincoteague years ago. After many years of the per- oped to satisfy the powers that be, like thing illegal at this stage of the game. Volunteer Fire Company’s new fire- mit and regulatory process we were able the ACOE (Army Corps of Engineers).” We have every document, every re- house, a spokesperson for the depart- to break ground and start moving dirt Bowden said, “Instead, they wanted ceipt, every drawing, every survey, ev- ment reported last week. The firefight- sometime (around) the middle of April.” money” for mitigation credits. “So on ery signature and more gray hair than ers paid nearly $60,000 to be allowed to This was when “rumors and rumors Aug. 21, 2014, our treasurer, wrote a we care to count. So, I hope this puts fill non-tidal wetlands. of rumors” got started, Bowden con- check for $59,995 to the Virginia Aquat- to rest and concerns you all may have “Ok friends, it has been brought to my tinued. “And this is the place where I ic Resources Trust to satisfy the powers now or in the future.” attention that I need to clear up the ru- hope to end it. Seems people are ques- that be. That folks is perfectly legal.” The current fire station, on Main mor mill concerning our new firehouse,” tioning how we can fill in the non-tidal “Trust me when I say,” Bowden con- Street, was built in 1930 for $32,000. The member Denise Bowden, who also hap- wetlands. In some cases a builder, in tinued, “we would have never spent the new facility is across from the municipal pens to be the town’s vice mayor, wrote this case its us, can mitigate a different money for the land, pushed through complex and is on the corner of Deep Hole and Chicken City roads and will have a banquet hall and adequate parking. The permit is posted on-site. It states that the “permittee is authorized to per- manently impact 0.794 acres of non-tidal emergent wetlands for the construction of a volunteer fire station.” The permit requires the purchase of wetland mitiga- tion credits from the Virginia Aquatic Re- sources Trust Fund to provide compensa- Photo by David Johnson tion for the disrupted wetlands, and im- A bulldozer fills wetlands to prepare a site for the construction of future fire station on Chincoteague. poses certain monitoring provisions. NEW LISTING! Hidden away on 3.4 wild acres, this island home features 3BR, screened porch & SUNRISE PIZZERIA more. Sold fur- nished! $375,000 FAMILY RESTAURANT Everyday Specials Large Bay Front 99 CHINCOTEAGUE & CAPTAINS COVE Home on Chinco. • Large Cheese Pizza $6 $306,000 Bay! 4BR/3BA, 2 Office Locations to Serve You! long pier, fire- 99 place, 2 beautiful • Medium 1 Topping $5 CHINCOTEAGUE CAPTAINS COVE waterside decks, upgraded septic! 00 6426 Maddox Blvd. 37054 State Line Rd. Excellent Rental • Buy Any Stromboli $3 OFF (next to PNC Bank) (on the right) History Walk to Town $659,900 757/336-5100 757/824-5195 00 PRICE REDUCED! • Buy 2 Large Subs $3 OFF $329,000 DUAL USE 99 Comm. & Res. 2BR home with • 2 Large Cheese Pizzas $15 retail space on LONGANDFOSTER.com first level. High- 99 traffic Main St • 3 Large Cheese Pizzas $20 NOW HIRING location! 99 We are seeking a licensed agent to $249,900 • 2 Medium Cheese Pizza $11 work with us in our real estate office. Large Custom Employee status; benefits included! Call us!! Duplex with Delivery, Take Out, or Dine In deeded water Chincoteague Island’s access! 2BR/Den, www.SunrisePizzeria.us MBR Suite, FP, #1 Real Estate Company in 2017 protected park- We’re selling homes! Call us today! ing, excellent 757-442-4007 facebook.com/lnfchincoteague storage! Fantastic Rental History! 4140 Lankford Hwy., #lnfchincoteague $319,000 Exmore VA MAY 19, 2017 • EASTERN SHORE POST • 3 Memorial Day SALE-BRATION! 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