DEPARTMENT OF PuBLIC WORKS AND HleHWAYS Con加act iD : 19cFOOOI Contract Name : Cons仙CtjonlRehab脚atjon of Accessjb叩y Fac脚es fo「 PhysjcaiIy Cha=enged Persons l n_._th, nl +t`O ermt,.:“寸∴C置-n書i ln」〇〇〇-臆IIo‖a CONTRAC丁AND AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This CONTRACT AGREEMENT made, ∴ 9th day of December2019 by and between : The GOVERNM酬T OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHiしiPPINES through the Depa巾Ite11t of P皿ic Wo十鴫 aれd Highways (DPWH), =oiio lst District Engineering O櫛ce , rePreSented herei[ by NONIE A. WÅR i吊e口車激坤 as Disthct Enginee「, duIy authorized for this purpose, With main office address at Fort S創 Pedro l髄O C坤 he「eina什e「 「efe「red to as "PROCJRING ENTI丁r; 一and- PITONGBUiLDERSANDCONSTRUCTIONSJPPLY a Singie proprietorship / Partne「Ship / COrPOratrm trt ventu「e o「ganized and existing unde「 and by virtue o=aws o=he Republic of the恥ippines. wi仇main o吊鷲aI抽ress a[ Hibao-an Su「, Mandurriao, lioiio City , rePresented herein by PEPITO T・ ou日賦A Owne「 , duiy authorized for伽s p叩OSe, hereinafte川efemrd to as the “CONmACTOR F WITNESSETH: WH駅臥S, the PROCURING ENT町Y is desirous that the CONTRACTOR exeate 3喝 ‾・1ケts J壌ざ 19GFOO81 ・ ConstmctionIRehabilita的n of Accessibi哩y Fac胴es fo「 Phys自前lly ChaI囲Pe]SOnS otm &坤ara =oiIo hereinafte「 caiied the "Works," and the PROCURiNG ENT町Y has accepted鵬Calcufated聞of請e CO軸RACTORむ the execution and compIetion of伽e Works a冊e caicuiated unit bid prices shown in肌e a飴Che(圧制Of QIJan憤es or a閲 Contract price of ONE MlししION SiX HUNDRED FIVE THOuSAND EIG町HUNDRED TH事RTYH議E旺SOS & 3軸OO (Pl ,605,839.35〉 and hereby agrees to complete the contract wi伽n Forty-Five 〈45) catend軸days wh肘郭a=馴mざ嶋e ur 「eceipt of the Notice to Proceed. ‥SS細乏しー」夢 BIし ��し〇千OO州同軸ES I丁重鵬NO. �DESCRIP¶ON �且S¶輸A丁モD �肌葛巾 �UI椅TBID ITOT〇〇日D Q」Å軸¶ⅡY ��(?巾) 同) A)OtonCent岨iEleme血rySchool,Chon,lk費k) �� �i I.FACIしmESFORTHEENG獲NEER � � � � A.1.1(8) �ProvisionofFieldO簡cefo「theEngin健「 (RentalBasis〉 �1.33 �mo. �9「こ丁2。調 �’ここI蒜‾i ii.OTHERGENERAI.REQUIRE剛ENTS � � � � B.3 �PemitsandClearances �1,00 �上S. �工723工場 �’‾着奏 B.5 �P「QjectB冊oca巾/S由nbcard �1.00 �ea. �6.83了.35 �…裳‾蕃 B.7(2〉 �OccupafronaISafetyandHea鵬Program �工00 �しS。 �三-置二二二二 三二さ愛妾, 1‖.AEARTm〃ORKS � � � 101(1〉 �RemovaiofStructu「esandObs観鳳 �1,00 �1.s. �8了31蔦 i 二「’t 803〈1〉a �StructureExcava同n(CommonSo叩 �14.94 �帥.鵬 �3乞鵜 �臓’1音 ‥SS曲をトー」ヂ 804(1)a �EmbankmentfromSt調ctureExcavatdr �7,00 �cu,爪, �鮪「質 ’上◆二王二 804(1)b �Embankment(fromCommonBo同w) �1,68 �CU.皿 �■蓑士蒐 王‡葺㌻“ 804(4〉 �GravelFill �3,21 �筒,し爪, �2.1了6臆臓 �三∴蓑三二十: iII・B.PL軸NANDREINFORCEDCowCRETEWORKS �� � �音 900(1)cl �St田CturalConcrete �10,40 �CU,爪, �8.108,55 �i教養三三三: 902(1)a �ReinforcingSteei(Defo「mC鵜i)G「ade40 �899,28 �kg �了3音撚 �ギニ・‾「{: S鵬N【dd〇〇〇四d山繭○∴岬○○績書館⊃d出鐘¥圭 ¥ネ 903(2) �Fo同mWOrksandFaiseworks �36.45 �S『-m �‾ニ●‾二 二‾‾葦一三 I‖{.FINISHI‖G � � � �音 く>“>.<田○乙e乙_董息重さをS古 1046(2)al �CHBNon-LoadB鏡面喝(Inclnding ReinforcingSteeり �84,68 �Sq"爪" �8了4,腿 �‾よこ’‾モ音 1010(1) �F「ames �2.00 �Sel �3.却1粥 �…A二三’… 1010(2)b �Doo「s(WoodPaneD �3.78 �m2 �5,839.伸 �着装之;遁 1008(1)c �AIuminumG看assWindow �0,了2 �「†ゼ �:∵掌’之二 �’‡号千第 CONTINUEDONNEXTPAG∈ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS Cont「ad ID : 19G亡OO81 Co[t「aCt Name : Con§truCtionIRehabilitation of Acce§Sibi叩y Faciiities fo「 PhysjcalIy Cha=enged Persons Location of the Contract 0ton & lgba昭s, =oiio BiLLOFQUANTl¶ES 」計董e之○臣覆 i丁各州N○○ �DESCRIPTION �各S細りA暮モD �UN町 �U動けBiD �丁o田圃D 葦>田n〇.〇〇〇鵜d田d QUA∬丁晴Y ��(冊p) �(蘭p) 1004(2〉 �Finishingla「dware �1.00 �しS. �1.005,48 �1,晒,48 爵細のuき○ 1003(17〉 �CarpentryandJoineryWo「ks �1,00 �I.s. �7了78,15 �了,1了8.「5 1027(1〉 �CementPiaste「Finish �103.75 �Sq・m・ �231,16 �】お.馳85 1051〈6) �Ra柵g �1,00 �しS. �7き001,09 �二的1、鴨 1003(1〉a「 �Ce軸g(4.5mmFibe「CementBoardon MetaiF「ame〉 �37,44 �Sq・m・ �艶3.純 �捕,0鎚、4「 1018(1〉 �GIazedTilesandTrims �25.70 �Sq.m, �1-944,15 �49,期.55 1018(2) �JngfazedTiles �15.00 �Sq・爪i �1溺2,00 �打、4脚、00 1032(1)a �Pa嗣ngWorks(Masonry/Concrete〉 �117,59 �Sq・m・ �351.11 �41梯了音灘 1032〈1)b �PaintingWorks〈WoodPainthg) �10,26 �Sq"爪・ �3掲,43 �35了4袋 1032(1)c �PainthgWorks(SteeiPainting) �42.69 �Sq・爪- �絶9▲〔鳩 �’与3鵜誌 『トロ 1014(1)bl �PrepaintedMetaISheets(Co皿gated, LongSpan,0.5mmthk〉 �38.64 �Sq・和・ �了52▲14 �着∴支え糞 1032(2)並 �Fa師catedMetaIRoofingAccessory (Flashings) �36.20 �m �285.9了 �’こ装え’’ 1047(2)b �S血CturaiSteei(Pu柵s) �飲鵜.03 �k9 �繍).46 �35護4書き「 1047(2)a �StmcturalSteeI(T田SSeS〉 �146.24 �kg �95.82 �14ご.∑÷’ l‖"D,PLUMBiNGISAN町ARYWORKS � � � �! ! 1001(8〉 �SewerLineWorks �1.00 �上S. �18,002.49 �.…絶え些 1002(24) �CoidWaterLines �1.00 �上S. �3了.0了3,92 �3‾二‾暮裳: 1002(4〉 �PIumbingF蘭」reS �1,00 �しS, �50、467.56 �よを「養子 1001(5)a �CatchBasin �2。00 �ea �3、弼「66 �一号護を 皿E.EしECTRICAL � � � � ‥∽ゆ甲乙臣ぎ手 1100(10) �Co[duits,Boxes,&F櫛ngs(Condu競 Works/ConduitRongh-in) �1,00 �Ls∴ �1了2鶉.鵜 �“‾重美王二音 1101(33) �WiresandWiringDevi鈍s �1.00 �LS。 �互23音2上41 �ここヱ{■: 1102(1) �Pane伽略rdw軸Main&Brarwh B「eakers �t的 �し.s. �1きま達臆誓 �.…与美で、 ‡ 1103(1) �L屯htin9Finuresandしamps �1.(職 �しS, �14.1ら5し32 �`4くま髭 B)!gba噂SCentralEiementarySch○○I, �喝的鴫S古畑b � �i .FACILl¶ESFORTHEENGINEER � � � � A.1.1(8) �ProvisionofF朋Officefor仇eE画nee「 (ReれfalBasis) �1.33 �mo, �9:丁乙鷺 �●三二きき‾…- II,OT軸ERGENE帥u_REQUIR王MEN「“S � � � B.3 �Pem韓sandClearances �1.00 �しs、 �「了23⊃聴 �’「王墓 B,5 �PrQjectB川board/S卸間 �1.00 �ea. �6.837.35 �三賞÷∴キ ‥S∽噌乙ト音き B.7(2) �OiecupatonalSafetya[dHea冊P「ogram �1.00 �上S. �8,脂。59 �…幣ミ: iiI"A.印慮T岬WORKS � � � �音 101(1) �RemovaiofStructu「esandObstructon �1.00 �上s. �8.了31,〔鳩 �5〇三’暮 803(1)a �S血C加reExcavation(CommonSdi) �14.糾 �帥,爪 �32.裳 �ふ誕’4 804(1)a �Embank「rlentfromStructureExcavaめn �7.00 �Cu.m, �鮎子ら二 �’ふ’こうこ 804(1)b �Embankment(fromComrrtonBorr蘭) �工餓 �CU.m �1、24丁「粥 �乙二王毒害‾ 804(4) �G略Vel戸iii �3.21 �ロ⊥m_ �2.1了6置腿 �三覚…之「 III・B.PLAINANDREiNFORCEDCONCRETEW〔糠KS �� � �雪 基因易山白田d山田卜其〕UH山範nd…ウ岬鑑でト音>.<因。乙O乙 富8u竜畠も占S香 900(1)cl �StructuralConcrete �10.40 �の」,調. �8.108.55 �鵜譲与之 902(1)a �ReinforcingSteeI(Defom劇)G「ade40 �899.28 �k9 �了3=繋 着き’:‾当 903(2) �FomworksandFakeworks �36.45 �印・m �了6工了6 �㌃「糞.…) CON¶NJEDONNEXTPAGE DPWH-iNFR-51-2016 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS eontract lD. 1eeFOO81 Contract Name : ConstructionIRehabiiitation of Accessibilfty Fac輔es for PhysicaIly Cha!ienged Persons Location of the Cont「act Oton & Igbaras, IioiIo Blし」OFQUANTmES 計量寄主丁〇十十さ I丁各軸NO. �DESCR!PTION ��ES¶MÅTED �U議叶 �u動けB鵜D �丁O丁きし帥 <鐘<>因⊃D.案e案-d因d QU州丁I暮Y ��(Php) �(P巾) llI"C,FINiSHING �� � � � ○○たき○ 縛 1046(2)al �CHBNon-LoadBea ReinforcingSteeI) �ring(lncluding �84,68 �Sq・m・ �874,的 �了4.01了.膳 1010(1〉 �F「ames ��2.00 �Set �3!201.58 �う、4臓∴6 1010(2)b �Doors(WoodPanel � �3.78 �m2 �6,鮪9.40 �25,852.弱 1008(1)c �AIuminumGiassW �dow �0,72 �m2 �1糾1,柳 �1∴鵜了.66 1004(2) �FinishingHa「dware ��1.00 �I.s. �1,005.48 �1,005,48 1003〈17) �CarpentryandJoin �γWo爪s �1.00 �I.s. �7,178.15 �丁178.15 1027(1) �CementPlasterFini �h �103.75 �S『.m・ �231,16 �23.舗2,85 1051(6) �Ra軸g ��1,00 �i.s, �7.601.09 �了.釦1.騰 1003(1)a「 �Ceiling(4.5mmF鵬「CementBoardon MetalF「ame) ��37,44 �Sq.爪i �〈お3一紬 �3さ、:さ醍4’ ‥シ餌 一 1018(1) �GiazedTilesandTrims ��25,70 �印・爪" �1.9調,15 �49、難、ら5 1018(2) �JngfazedTiIes ��15,00 �Sq.m" �1.83乞65 �2了4〈莞了5 1032(1)a �PainthgWorks(Masonry/Concrete〉 ��117.59 �S『・m・ �351.11 �41之さ了こ之 1032(1)b �PaintingWorks(WoedPainting) ��10,26 �Sq・爪・ �348.43 �3「5了4裳 1032(1)c �Pa輔ngWorks(SteeiPain個ng) ��42.69 �Sq・m〃 �3与9,糊 �†53幾柴 1014(1)bl �P「epaintedMetalSheets(Co「rugated, LongSpan,0.5mmt批) ��38.54 �Sqim・ �了52.14 �着実之や l 1032(2)並 �FabricatedMetalRoofingA∝場Ssory (FIashings〉 ��36、20 �蘭 �285,きて �・‥音読弓 1047(2)b �StructuraiSteeI(Pu輔ns) ��396.03 �kg �純、46 �曇養▲㌻三 1047(2)a �StructuralSteel(T田SSeS) ��146,24 �kg �8582 �・上二・二一・) ‥∽S出孝ト易し手 =i"D,PLU剛BINGISANl町ARYWORKS �� � � �i ) 1001(8) �Sewe「LineWorks ��1.00 �しs. �18.肪2.49 �1星(叢書三 1002(24) �ColdWate「Lines ��1.00 �l,S, �37.0了3.92 �「二㌢臆…之 1002(4) �PIumbingF蘭ures ��1.00 �I,S. �30.00了.56 �き二.こす葦 1001〈5)a �CatchBasin ��2.00 �ea �3.輔.紡 �‾纂薫司 Iii"E.EしECTRICAL �� � � � 1100(10) �Conduits,Boxes,&Fittings(Conduit Wo「ks/ConduitRongh-in) ��1,00 �l.s. �17,晒す50 �「丁こ鎚覚ぐ 1101(33〉 �WiresandWiringDevices ��1.00 �Ls, �盤,432。41 �こ之輩之4∵ 1102(1) �Paneiboa巾W肌Main&Bra「idlBreakers ��1,00 �Ls。 �18.463。了3 �●…堪‾で! 1103(1) �LゆtingF耽uresandLamps ��1.00 �上S. �13⊂996。飴 �’3ま莞輪 X"X"X・NO¶I齢GFα⊥Ol朋ゝX-X.X ‥∽S胃-参 丁O丁l叶 �����1丁㈱ 【d亀田〇四d田虫〇日UU星組裁笛<>->.<田園乙e乙 あらu【ぎ出)〇号S-口 ‥シ出 DPWH-1NFR-51-201 6 DEPARTMENT OF Pu軌iO WORKi州P Ⅲ珊mYi Cont「act Name : Const鵬CtionIRehabiIitation of AccessibiIfty FaciIities fo「 Physica=y ChalIenged Pe鴫ons Location of the Contract Chon & lgba「as, iloiIo NOW, THEREFORE, for and conside「ation of the foregoing premises, the pa巾es hereto ag「ee as folk)WS: 葺>因nD.○○↑“d田d 1. In個s CONTRACT AGRE馴馴T, WOrds and exp「essions shall have the same neanings as are respe。ivdy ass喝ned to触回堰 Conditions of Cont「act he「einafte「 「eferred to. 轟V○○重き○ 2. The foIIowing documents shaIl be attached, deemed to fom, and be read and cons血ed as part of this COⅢmCT AGREl副田町 and sha= be interpreted in the foIiowing o「de「 of priorty: ひi命若くS飯田個曇がd a. This Cont「act Ag「eement b. Documents forming part of the Cont「act Agreement: (1〉 Notice of Awa「d (NOA〉 with the Contracto「s signed ’confomee 〕ゝ由 (2〉 coNTRACTOR’s Bid in the Fom of Bi自ncIuding its Tec柚Cal and Fi圃Cial Components, aS Cake姐ed by鵬}議m; Entity and confomed to by the CONTRACTOR through仙e NOA. (3) lnstructions to Bidders (ITB) and Bid Data Sheet 〈BDS) (4) Supplementai/Bid Builetins fo「 Bidding Documents (5) SpeciaI Conditions of Cont「act (SCC) (6) Gene「al Conditions of Contract (GCC〉 ‥∽S叩若い重し字 (7〉 Spec師eations (8〉 D「awings (9) Perfomance Secuinty (10) Othe「 Documents: (a〉 Const田dion Methods (b) cons血ction ScheduIe in伽e fom of PERT/CPM Diagram o「 P「ecedence軌agran如Ba〃 C虹t l塙` S-CJr峠J接デ approved tooIs of p巾iect scheduiing, and Cash FIow.
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