NOVEMBER 1923 ONE SHILLING NET 1 11 IheOCCULT "REYIEW EDITED B Y RALPHSHIRLEY C o n t e n t s NOTES OF THE MONTH By the Editor The Problem of Automatic Writing THE BROKEN STATUE By J. S. M. Ward A NEW MESSAGE FROM OSCAR WILDE HAVE ANIMALS SOULS ? By Horace Leaf INDIAN SYMBOLISM By V. B. Metta THE CYCLAMEN By Phyllis M. James ■ J BLAKE AND SWEDENBORG if pi By H. Stanley Redgrove LINKS WITH THE PLANETARY CONTROL iftl By P. H. Faw cett FOUR ROADS By Eva M artin PERIODICAL LITERATURE CORRESPONDENCE REVIEWS c E Ei LONDON : WILLIAM RIDER AND SON, LTD. CATHEDRAL HOUSE, PATERNOSTER ROW, E.C.4. UNITED STATES: THE INTERNATIONAL NEWS COMPANY, 85 DUANE STREET, NEW YORK; NEW ENGLAND NEWS COMPANY, BOSTON; WESTERN NEWS COMPANY, CHICAGO. AUSTRALASIA AND SOUTH AFRICA : GORDON AND GOTCH. CAPE TOWN : DAWSON AND SONS, Ltd. INDIA 1 THACKER AND CO., BOMBAY; “ THEOSOPHIST ” OFFICE, ADYAR, MADRAS. Entered a* Second-Class Matter at the New York Port Office, Sept. 16th , 1907. leistered at the Q.P.O. 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