III. DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD; DAKOTA CITY. NEBRASKA. Ksgfmssffl&mmami GET AFTER POP FLIES CY YOUNG'S RECORD NOT ENDANGERED gold in eastern states PAIN IN SIDE bummer Luncheons With 8llver and Other Metalo Year's Manager Production la Around JD inajiffy m Jones Wants His Men $30,000,000. AND BACK I Libby's splendid cMj reEere you 1 to Catch Texas Leaguers. ol er cooking. Stock tho Not nil of tho gold of this country Rocky pantry 9t theli With coinos from Alaska and tho How Mrs. Kelly Suffered and Mountain states. A good-size- d lump Sliced Shows Outfielder Marsans How Trick 10,000 w ot it, moro than ounces, worth How Sho Cured. mi aM I ffAy was Dried Beef Can Be Done and Cuban Star Grows $224,250, la dug out of tho mountains Wise Fly Chasers Must Be horo in tho East, remarks tho Now pood Burlington, WIb. -- wan very Irrogw and the other summer Ready to Rush In. "I meats including Lihhv'a York Sun. ular, and had pains in my sldo and back, Vienna Sausage II find Gold hunters droamod for yearn of you then part but after taking Iresh and appetizing. There will bo no loafing on tho hidden wonlth of yollow motnl In tho Lydln E. Plnklmm's of Brownio outfioldors on pop flics or southorn part of tho Appalachian Vogotablo Com- Libby, M9Neai & Texas leaguers In back ot tho lnflold, rango. Somo of them stopped dream- pound Tablets and Libby, Chicago as Ions as Floldor Jones Is directing ing and wont to work, missing an El- using two bottles of tho plays of tho Sportsman's park dorado but gaining enough profit to tho Sanativo Wash team. Tho fly chasers should and pay woll for tholr dally labor. As a I am fully convinced must bo ready at all times to rush In rosult 59 gold and placer mlnos and that I am entirely IMUIW dovol-ope- ilill to got pops frequently oludo short that 24 doop gold mlnos have been cured of theso trou- &z a pursuing Infloldor who Is running bles, and feel better with his back to tho diamond In an Tho most productive of theso aro in all over. I know effort to mako tho catch. Jones has North Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. your remedies have Instructed his men to this effect. Tho last-name- d Btato has not dono so dono mo worlds of During practlco session tho othor well as In Bomo provlous years, but good and I hopo ovory Buffering womaa day a pop fly was hit Into tho air by both tho othors havo oxcoodod tho pro- will givo them a trial." Mrs. Anna ono of tho rookies, which dropped Just of 1914. largest placor Kelly, 710 Chestnut Street, Burling- Two Sterling Pitchoro of National Fame. duction Tho behind tho Infield. Lavan tried des- mlno la in Rutherford county, North ton, Wis. perately to mako tho catch, but could Carolina, nnd tho most producttvo Tho many convincing testimonials con- not Judge tho ball, and mlssod it by Cy Young's Btorllng pitching record may endure for all tlmo. Only ona pltchor In tho game today Christy Mathewson had a chanco to ecltpso it doop mlno In Montgomory county, In stantly published in tho nowspapcrs a fow Inches. Marsans, who was play- tho samo stnto. ought to bo proof enough to women wha MINING STOCKS OI THE NEW But tho sun seems to bo setting on Matty's major lcaguo pitching llfo and, ing center, started In at tho crack of But thq wholo story of motal mining suffer from tlioso distressing ilia pecu- GOLD FIELD IN ARIZONA tho bat, but suddenly stopped whon wonderful as Is his work, it cannot comparo with that of tho old war horse. A. II.WOOLLACOTr, Mrmoer Lot Ant tits and San Young survived tho terrific paco of 22 campaigns. Ho quit tho gnma in tho East Is not told In tho quest liar to their sex that LydiaE.PJnkham's Fraacltco Stock Eichaozti. Miainc Stacks aad Boadi ho discovered Lavan 'dashing wildly for gold. Bosldcs this proclous mln-ora- l, Vegetablo Compound is tho medicine Suite Z61 1. W. lltllme B4t.. Las Anttlu, Calif. out field along in 1910 or 1911, and retired to his farm nfter having taken part in 819 into tho to mako tho catch. silver, coppor, load zinc havo they need. Have block ot Uatronn Ixiublo Haio Mining When combats. Of these ho won G08, giving him a Grand pitching avorago around and Oorapany'sGtoekuf Outuian, Ariiona, for eale. tho side had been retired and boon producod In quantities sufficient good old and remedy lniuui rlco ISO aharo. LUevrlf.0 acverul MarsanB was heading .620 for tho ontlro period. This root herb otmr r joaonos. jrDescriptions and fulllnfor-millio- n toward the to mako year has dread- nil request. Correspondents aulliltod. At tho end of tho 1915 season Mathowson's record showed that ovor n a totnl last of almost proved unequalled for theso strotch of 16 years under tho big canvas ho had worked in 614 games 205 less thirty million dollars. This Is noarly ful Ills; it contains what is needed to DAISY FLY KILLER than Young figured in. To oqual Young's rocord In games pitched, Mathewson throo tlmos tho valuo of tho procod-lu- g rostoro woman's health and strength. &' srSlS . year's production, tho In jSUKU' UltAiNMaj ',&. Alt. If oat, clean, or. must remain in tho majors at least six years longer a seeming Impossibility. lncronso If thoro is nny peculiarity lu naroeotal. conTtnlent. 185 games. Tho did not gold nlono being moro than fifty thou- m $$& frwM "visaj cheap. LOBta all Mathewson has won 368 and lost of his others your caso requiring special ad- soaaon. uadaoi Matty's grand avorago is .665. sand dollars. I metal, can'tsplllortlp flguro In his won or lost column. to dato Evon vice, vrlto tho T;ylla E, Pink j orari will not aoll or should ho by nomo mlraclo romaln in tho major lcaguo spotlight until ho has liaui JAIcdlclno Co. (confidential), j Injure anytlilne. Saving. j Guaranteed effectWo. pitched moro games than Young, it la boyond tho rango of probability that ho .ynn, Mnso., for froo advice. "Old Van Goldor ns -- Alldenleraortienl games. And Is began life a I " can win 60 per cont of the remaining that Just nbout what tho VVlAjf ;' Hftap.rU. express paid for 11.00. poor boy, nnd look now. HAROLD 80MEK8, ISO Da Kelb Ate., Brooklyn, H. T. weakening arm must accomplish to beat tho record of Young. at him Ho's compares Young's rocord with that of Mathewson and tho othor worth millions." Don't Persecute Alfalfa K, Bwcet Oloror 14. 'anus Whon ono for Rain und rent on crop parmonts great pitchers of today, there comes tho full knowledgo of what an Jtmazlng "Ho Bavod every cent ho onrnod, I J. MULIIALL. boo City, lmra Bupposo." twlrlor was Old Cy a hurlor whoso llko may nover again Illuminate and Your Bowels glorify tho baseball world. "Yes, nnd somo that othor pooplo Cut out cathartics and purgatives. They art Sioux City Directory earned besides." brutal, harsh, unnecessary. TryWfe, CARTER'S LITTLE "Hub of the Northwest." IF YOU OR ANY FRIEND LIVER PILLS PICKING RUNNERS OFF BASES HulTcr with ItliounnitlRin or Neuritis, ncntnor Purely vegetable Ac FOB 1ICST SKKVICE SU11" chronic, write for my FltKK BOOKton ltliemna tlHin ItHCdimo nnd Cure. Most wonderful Iiooh cently on tho liver. 'JBcartersT Nick Altrock Established World's Rec- tvrlttcn, rtlmnlutely ciiimnaic one, nnu Amn,7MW WHITTLE RSCE ccr It's FIIKK. Jesso A aoothe the delicate. BROTHERS ord for Performing This Particu- Cane, Ucpt. a W., Urocktou, liana. Adv. meniorancoimej IflUar Mitrn Live Stock Comrnlaslon Merchants At lar Little Stunt. bowel, Ctin jumvm m pi li.5. SiauXCITY, Ohloaao or Kansas Olty Hippopotami Can Run. Constipation, Blllouintii, ! In spito of its clumsy build, tho hip- CI.. II..X.- or JaCc--- Nick Altrock, in tho opinion of. ana MIBU- ..- . ' A Protest. 1b acbe and Indljullon, at millions Know. " manager popotamus can trot fast. That why "I appeal to you as a statesman Floldor Jones, of tho St. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Louis ho was givon tho namo of rlvor-horso- . SMALL PILL, "Don't dig P that statesman rumor Browns, was nbout tho best pitcher ho ovor had in picking men off Tho hippo's feet are kept far npart by Genuine must bear Signature about mo just now," Interrupted Sena- tho wldo body and mako paths with a tor Sorghum. "I'm a statosman most tho bases. g rldgo down tho middle, so ns to bo rec- of the time But with several conven- It is a cortalnty that in Phils' opon-in- Cy of Chicago Is a real gamo this year, Grovcr Clovoland ognizable nt onco. Thoy Bwlm woll, sj&&&& tions looming up In tho near future and p Williams j fij&b Mjwv xjI- $.& T Bd 4MaV hut go at tholr groatost speed whon a largo following of practical citizens iensatlon this year. Alexander, pitching promlor of tho lB not recommended thoy can gallop along In 3'WA'M'P-VV - to satisfy, I want to go on record as a National lcaguo, averted defeat for tho bottom f0P everything; but If shallow water. Thoy can stay under 11 yu havo kidney, Hvor politician." Ty Cobb is not hitting tho ball at hlmsolf by catching throo of tho iKJVJflOTX or bladder trouble tt his usual rato by any means. Giants off their bases.
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