Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774 2/10 ( 92 ) 2018 ECOLOGY UDC 504.4.06:556.52 DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2018.127829 Пропонуються методи визначення екологічного ризику погіршення стану DEVELOPMENT OF річкових басейнів на державному, регі- ональному та місцевому рівні. Для METHODS FOR ESTIMATING розробки комплексу природоохорон- них заходів передбачається визначення THE ENVIRONMENTAL RISK впливу природних і антропогенних чин- ників з урахуванням ландшафтних і гео- OF DEGRADATION OF THE графічних особливостей річкових басей- нів. Застосування запропонованого під- SURFACE WATER STATE ходу дасть змогу справедливо оптимізу- вати фінансові ресурси на оздоровлення O. Rybalova водних екосистем PhD, Associate Professor* Ключові слова: водоохоронна стра- E-mail: [email protected] тегія, екологічний ризик, кліматичні S. Artemiev зміни, раціональність водокористуван- PhD, Associate Professor* ня, річковий басейн Е-mail: [email protected] M. Sarapina PhD, Associate Professor* Е-mail: [email protected] Предлагаются методы определение B. Tsymbal экологического риска ухудшения состо- PhD* яния речных бассейнов на государствен- E-mail: [email protected] ном, региональном и местном уровнях. Для разработки комплекса природоох- A. Bakharevа ранных мероприятий предусматрива- PhD, Associate Professor ется определение влияния природных Department of occupational safety and environmental*** и антропогенных факторов с учетом E-mail: [email protected] ландшафтных и географических особен- O. Shestopalov ностей речных бассейнов. Применение PhD, Associate Professor** предложенного подхода позволит спра- E-mail: [email protected] ведливо оптимизировать финансовые O. Filenko ресурсы на оздоровление водных екоси- PhD, Associate Professor** стем E-mail: [email protected] Ключевые слова: водоохранная стра- *Department of Labour Protection and technogenic and тегия, экологический риск, климатиче- ecological safety ские изменения, рациональность водо- National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine пользования, речной бассейн Chernyshevska str., 94, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61023 **Department of chemical technique and industrial ecology*** ***National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" Kyrpychova str., 2, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002 1. Introduction scape and geographical features of river basins and a gradual reduction of ecological risk should be a base of the water Modern trends in climate change affect the state of qual- resources management program. ity and hydrological regime of water bodies in all countries The regional strategy for achievement of target charac- of the world, which requires development of new approaches teristics of the ecological state of water bodies should be to the scientific substantiation of water protection strategy. based on a forecast of climate changes with definition of a Adaptation to new climatic conditions, a growth of anthro- risk to health of the population and natural ecosystems, as pogenic pressure, emergencies related to an increase in the well as tech nological and socio-economic opportunities of number of floods and droughts requires a new concept of the society. water protection policy. Decentralization of water resources management implies An achievement of target characteristics of the ecolog- the necessity of scientific substantiation of a complex of en- ical state of surface water taking into consideration land- vironmental protection measures at state, regional and local 4 O. Rybalova, S. Artemiev, M. Sarapina, B. Tsymbal, A. Bakharevа, O. Shestopalov, O. Filenko, 2018 Ecology levels. That is why the hierarchical approach to determining a water catchment area of river basins on the ecological state environmental risk of deterioration of a state of water bodies of water bodies. A base of the methodology for assessing the presented by this study is very important. environmental risk of development of degradation processes in river basins at the local level, which this study presents, is determining the rational ity of economic use of a water 2. Literature review and problem statement catchment area. Papers [5, 6] present proposals for improvement of a Environmental legislation is one of those tools that surface water monitoring system in Ukraine. It is necessary combine a rational use of natural resources with prevention to add proposals for improvement of hydrobiological mon- and control of environmental pollution. The aim of the itoring of surface water to the proposals presented in the environmental policy of the European Union is to ensure mentioned works. This is important for the assessment of the environmental sustainability through the inclusion of the ecological state of water bodies and meets the requirements development of prevention measures following the basic of the Water Framework Directive. principles of sustainable development and adoption of com- Paper [7] presents a single transnational assessment mon commitments in sectoral EU policies. The mentioned of ecological characteristics in the Tisza river basin aimed laws are trying to ban or limit effects of environmental deg- at preservation of aquatic ecosystems. Authors applied a radation. Environmental legislation should be flexible in the complex cross-sectoral approach to assess the current state first place in order to make the implementation of current of the Tisza basin. They analyzed the following characteris- and future goals possible in order to stimulate a concept of tics: sources of surface water, water supply resources, a risk sustainable development and a solution of complex environ- of failure to achieve environmental objectives, significant mental problems. Despite significant improvements in the sources of water pollution, a water quality, sources of pollu- environment, especially in reducing air and water pollution, tion of the air, soil, waste management. The paper does not European legislation needs to evolve further. The process of show how authors defined environmental objectives, nor implementation and adoption of new normative legal acts on methods for assessment of an impact of negative factors on environmental protection is ongoing in the European Union the ecological state of water bodies. The assessment of ratio- to eliminate causes of deterioration of a quality of the envi- nality of the economic use of a water catchment area involves ronment and a quality of life [1]. determination of an impact of natural and anthropogenic Paper [2] analyzes the Protocol on Problems of Water factors on a state of aquatic ecosystems. and Health to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Economic efficiency of water preservation measures is an Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes. The important component of integrated water resources manage- main objective of the protocol is to protect human health and ment. The integrated water resources management system well-being with improved water management, including pro- stipulates achievement of target characteristics of a state of tection of aquatic ecosystems, prevention, limitation and re- water bodies taking into consideration economic tools and duction of the spread of water-related diseases. The protocol technological capacities of water users [8]. In Ukraine, de- takes into consideration differences in health, environmental velopers of programs for rehabilitation of river basins do not and economic conditions in the region and gives states-par- take into consideration technological and financial capabil- ticipants a freedom to determinate priorities taking into ities of water users for the implementation of environmental consideration specific situations. In addition, the protocol measures. It is necessary to implement an iterative approach reflects innovative functions of modern environmental law to water resources management. The paper proposes an and includes regulations related to international cooperation algorithm for improvement of a water protection strategy and international support for national actions in support of taking into consideration the environmental risk, economic its implementation. It is necessary to identify transboundary and technological capabilities of enterprises and financial watercourses that are in the worst state according to the resources. general methodology for implementation of international Articles [9, 10] consider issues of increasing of environ- cooperation. This would make possible to determine the mental safety and reducing a load on the environment. But priority of implementation of water protection measures. the mentioned works do not consider economic and envi- The aim of methods of assessment of the environmental risk ronmental effectiveness of reducing an impact of industrial related to deterioration of a state of surface waters proposed enterprises on a state of water bodies. We believe that it is in this study is a solution of the mentioned problem. necessary to determine a degree of reduction of the environ- Improvement of the current state of aquatic ecosystems mental risk of deterioration of surface water at development involves integration of key principles of the ecosystem ap- of environmental measures. proach to water policy. A work [3] presents an innovative There are scenarios developed for future emissions of approach to monitoring of a quality of water and assessment greenhouse gases and aerosols, which will further increase of the ecological state of water bodies for the achievement the air temperature by 2 °C by 2100,
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