Saundersfoot Sailing Club

Saundersfoot Sailing Club

SAUNDERSFOOT SAILING CLUB Portsmouth Yardstick Numbers 2015 Class Name Crew Rig Spin Number Status Notes 18 3 S C 957 CLUB No official number 405 2 S A 1089 CLUB No official number 420 2 S C 1105 RYA + 5 470 2 S C 973 CLUB No official number 505 2 S C 912 RYA + 2 29ER 2 S A 922 RYA 49ER 2 S A 726 RYA - 6 ALBACORE 2 S 0 1045 RYA - 5 ALTO 2 S A 912 RYA B14 2 S A 872 RYA + 2 BLAZE 1 U 0 1021 RYA - 5 BOSS 2 S A 847 CLUB No official number BOSUN 2 S C 1198 CLUB No official number BRITISH MOTH 1 U 0 1160 RYA - 4 BUZZ 2 S A 1015 RYA + 8 BYTE 1 U 0 1190 CLUB No official number BYTE CII 1 U 0 1150 RYA CADET 2 S C 1435 RYA CANOE INTERNATIONAL 1 S A 850 CLUB Adjusted from 870 CANOE INTERNATIONAL 1 S 0 893 RYA - 2 CHERUB 2 S A 920 E COMET 1 U 0 1200 RYA + 4 COMET DUO 2 S 0 1178 CLUB No official number COMET TRIO 2 S A 1085 RYA CONTENDER 1 U 0 976 RYA - 4 DEVOTI D-ONE 1 U A 959 RYA DEVOTI D-ZERO 1 U A 920 E ENTERPRISE 2 S 0 1115 RYA EUROPE 1 U 0 1148 RYA FINN 1 U 0 1042 RYA - 8 FIREBALL 2 S C 970 RYA - 5 FIREFLY 2 S 0 1163 RYA - 5 FLYING DUTCHMAN 2 S C 879 CLUB No official number GP14 2 S C 1130 RYA GRADUATE New Rig 2 S 0 1136 RYA - 5 GRADUATE Old Rig 2 S 0 1165 CLUB No official number HALO 1 U 0 975 E HERON 1 S 0 1345 RYA No official number HORNET 2 S C 963 RYA - 10 ICON 2 S O 969 E INTERNATIONAL 14 2 S A 780 E Foils INTERNATIONAL 14 2 S A 825 CLUB No foils ISO 2 S A 923 RYA JAVELIN 2 S C 926 RYA KESTREL 2 S C 1025 RYA LARK 2 S C 1071 RYA LASER 1 U 0 1091 RYA + 3 LASER 2000 or just 2000 2 S A 1100 RYA LASER 3000 2 S A 1065 RYA + 7 LASER 4.7 1 U 0 1195 RYA + 10 LASER 4000 2 S A 922 RYA LASER 5000 2 S A 846 CLUB No official number LASER BAHAI 2 1095 CLUB No official number LASER BUG 1 S 0 1520 CLUB No official number LASER EPS 1 U 0 1024 RYA LASER II 2 S C 1065 RYA + 10 LASER PICO 1 U O 1330 RYA + 12 LASER PICO RACE 1 U 0 1260 CLUB No official number LASER PICO RACE 2 S 0 1265 CLUB No official number LASER RADIAL 1 U 0 1135 RYA + 13 LASER STRATOS 2 S A 1092 RYA LASER VAGO XD 2 S A 1064 RYA LASER VORTEX 1 U A 940 RYA - 5 LIGHTNING 368 1 U 0 1160 RYA MERLIN-ROCKET 2 S C 985 RYA - 5 MIRACLE 2 S C 1210 RYA + 10 MIRROR 1 S 0 1372 CLUB No official number MIRROR 2 S C 1385 RYA MIRROR 1 S C 1365 CLUB No official number MOTH INTERNATIONAL 1 U 0 980 CLUB No official number MOTH INTERNATIONAL FOILS 1 U 0 570 E - 20 MUSTO SKIFF 1 U A 850 RYA - 7 NATIONAL 12 2 S 0 1064 RYA - 4 OK 1 U 0 1100 RYA OPTIMIST 1 U 0 1665 RYA + 7 OSPREY 2 S C 942 RYA - 2 PHANTOM 1 U 0 995 RYA - 7 REDWING 2 S 0 1094 CLUB No official number ROOSTER 8.1 1 U O 1040 RYA - 4 RS 100 10.2 1 U A 983 RYA - 5 RS 100 8.4 1 U A 1000 RYA RS 200 2 S A 1047 RYA - 4 RS 300 1 U 0 985 RYA - 5 RS 400 2 S A 944 RYA - 2 RS 500 2 S A 975 RYA RS 600 1 U 0 920 RYA RS 700 1 U A 852 RYA RS 800 2 S A 820 RYA RS AERO 5 1 U 0 1080 CLUB From RS website RS AERO 7 1 U 0 1040 CLUB From RS website RS AERO 9 1 U 0 1025 CLUB From RS website RS FEVA 2 S A 1189 CLUB No official number RS FEVA XL 2 S A 1233 RYA + 11 RS TERA PRO 1 U O 1351 RYA RS TERA SPORT 1 U O 1457 RYA + 6 RS VAREO 1 U A 1071 RYA RS VISION 2 S A 1134 RYA + 18 SCORPION 2 S C 1040 RYA - 2 SEAFLY 2 S C 1087 CLUB No official number SNIPE 2 S O 1087 RYA SOLO 1 U 0 1140 RYA - 6 SOLUTION 1 U 0 1090 RYA + 10 SPICE 2 S A 930 CLUB No official number SPLASH 1 U 0 1200 RYA SPORT 14 2 S C 1055 CLUB No official number STREAKER 1 U 0 1138 RYA - 8 SUPERNOVA 1 U 0 1071 RYA TASAR 2 S 0 1023 RYA + 5 TEMPEST 2 S C 942 CLUB No official number TOPAZ MAGNO 2 S A 1175 CLUB No official number TOPAZ OMEGA 2 S A 1075 CLUB No official number TOPAZ UNO 1 U 0 1243 RYA + 7 TOPAZ UNO RACE 2 U 0 1207 CLUB No official number TOPPER 1 U 0 1340 RYA + 18 TOPPER XENON 2 S A 1079 CLUB No official number WANDERER 2 S C 1170 RYA + 10 WAYFARER 2 S C 1112 RYA Multihull Crew Rig Spin Number Status Notes A CLASS 1 U 0 681 RYA CHALLENGER 1 U 0 1150 RYA - 4 DART 16 2 S A 910 RYA DART 18 2 S 0 814 RYA + 9 FORMULA 18 2 S A 693 RYA HOBIE 16 2 S 0 811 CLUB No official number HURRICANE 5.9 2 S 0 699 RYA SX configuration SPITFIRE 2 S A 709 RYA SPRINT 15 1 U 0 933 RYA SPRINT 15 SPORT 1 S 0 890 RYA + 30 TORNADO 2 S A 644 CLUB WETA 1 S A 950 CLUB The Yardstick Scheme is provided to allow boats of different classes to race against each other fairly. The RYA encourages clubs to adjust handicaps where classes are either under or over performing. In order to help achieve this they have removed the old Primary, Secondary and Recorded designations. RYA Experimental Numbers are included for some classes based on very limited returns. Club Numbers are provided for classes where adjustments have been made in accordance with the scheme. Club Numbers are also provided for a number of classes which no longer have an official yardstick number. SAUNDERSFOOT SAILING CLUB Portsmouth Yardstick Numbers 2015 Class Name Crew Rig Spin Number Status Notes MOTH INTERNATIONAL FOILS 1 U 0 570 E - 20 49ER 2 S A 726 RYA - 6 INTERNATIONAL 14 2 S A 780 E Foils RS 800 2 S A 820 RYA INTERNATIONAL 14 2 S A 825 CLUB No foils LASER 5000 2 S A 846 CLUB No official number BOSS 2 S A 847 CLUB No official number CANOE INTERNATIONAL 1 S A 850 CLUB Adjusted from 870 MUSTO SKIFF 1 U A 850 RYA - 7 RS 700 1 U A 852 RYA B14 2 S A 872 RYA + 2 FLYING DUTCHMAN 2 S C 879 CLUB No official number CANOE INTERNATIONAL 1 S 0 893 RYA - 2 505 2 S C 912 RYA + 2 ALTO 2 S A 912 RYA CHERUB 2 S A 920 E DEVOTI D-ZERO 1 U A 920 E RS 600 1 U 0 920 RYA 29ER 2 S A 922 RYA LASER 4000 2 S A 922 RYA + 11 ISO 2 S A 923 RYA - 1 JAVELIN 2 S C 926 RYA SPICE 2 S A 930 CLUB No official number LASER VORTEX 1 U A 940 RYA - 5 OSPREY 2 S C 942 RYA - 2 TEMPEST 2 S C 942 CLUB No official number RS 400 2 S A 944 RYA - 2 18 3 S C 957 CLUB No official number DEVOTI D-ONE 1 U A 959 RYA HORNET 2 S C 963 RYA - 10 ICON 2 S O 969 E FIREBALL 2 S C 970 RYA - 5 470 2 S C 973 CLUB No official number HALO 1 U 0 975 E RS 500 2 S A 975 RYA CONTENDER 1 U 0 976 RYA - 4 MOTH INTERNATIONAL 1 U 0 980 CLUB No official number RS 100 10.2 1 U A 983 RYA - 5 MERLIN-ROCKET 2 S C 985 RYA - 5 RS 300 1 U 0 985 RYA - 5 PHANTOM 1 U 0 995 RYA - 7 RS 100 8.4 1 U A 1000 RYA BUZZ 2 S A 1015 RYA + 8 RS AERO 9 1 U 0 1015 E From RS website BLAZE 1 U 0 1021 RYA - 5 TASAR 2 S 0 1023 RYA + 5 LASER EPS 1 U 0 1024 RYA KESTREL 2 S C 1025 RYA ROOSTER 8.1 1 U O 1040 RYA - 4 RS AERO 7 1 U 0 1040 E From RS website SCORPION 2 S C 1040 RYA - 2 FINN 1 U 0 1042 RYA - 8 ALBACORE 2 S 0 1045 RYA - 5 RS 200 2 S A 1047 RYA - 4 SPORT 14 2 S C 1055 CLUB No official number LASER VAGO XD 2 S A 1064 RYA NATIONAL 12 2 S 0 1064 RYA - 4 LASER 3000 2 S A 1065 RYA + 7 LASER II 2 S C 1065 RYA + 10 LARK 2 S C 1071 RYA RS VAREO 1 U A 1071 RYA SUPERNOVA 1 U 0 1071 RYA TOPAZ OMEGA 2 S A 1075 CLUB No official number TOPPER XENON 2 S A 1079 CLUB No official number RS AERO 5 1 U 0 1080 E From RS website COMET TRIO 2 S A 1085 RYA SEAFLY 2 S C 1087 CLUB No official number SNIPE 2 S O 1087 RYA 405 2 S A 1089 CLUB No official number SOLUTION 1 U 0 1090 RYA + 10 LASER 1 U 0 1091 RYA + 3 LASER STRATOS 2 S A 1092 RYA REDWING 2 S 0 1094 CLUB No official number LASER BAHAI 2 1095 CLUB No official number LASER 2000 or just 2000 2 S A 1100 RYA OK 1 U 0 1100 RYA - 6 420 2 S C 1105 RYA + 5 WAYFARER 2 S C 1112 RYA ENTERPRISE 2 S 0 1115 RYA GP14 2 S C 1130 RYA + 3 RS VISION 2 S A 1134 RYA + 18 LASER RADIAL 1 U 0 1135 RYA + 13 GRADUATE New Rig 2 S 0 1136 RYA - 5 STREAKER 1 U 0 1138 RYA - 8 SOLO 1 U 0 1140 RYA - 6 EUROPE 1 U 0 1148 RYA BYTE CII 1 U 0 1150 RYA BRITISH MOTH 1 U 0 1160 RYA - 4 LIGHTNING 368 1 U 0 1160 RYA FIREFLY 2 S 0 1163 RYA - 5 GRADUATE Old Rig 2 S 0 1165 CLUB No official number WANDERER 2 S C 1170 RYA + 10 TOPAZ MAGNO 2 S A 1175 CLUB No official number COMET DUO 2 S 0 1178 CLUB No official number RS FEVA 2 S A 1189 CLUB No official number BYTE 1 U 0 1190 CLUB No official number LASER 4.7 1 U 0 1195 RYA + 10 BOSUN 2 S C 1198 CLUB No official number COMET 1 U 0 1200 RYA + 4 SPLASH 1 U 0 1200 RYA TOPAZ UNO RACE 2 U 0 1207 CLUB No official number MIRACLE 2 S C 1210 RYA + 10 RS FEVA XL 2 S A 1233 RYA + 11 TOPAZ UNO 1 U 0 1243 RYA + 7 LASER PICO RACE 1 U 0 1260 CLUB No official number LASER PICO RACE 2 S 0 1265 CLUB No official number LASER PICO 1 U O 1330 RYA + 12 TOPPER 1 U 0 1340 RYA + 18 HERON 1 S 0 1345 RYA No official number RS TERA PRO 1 U O 1351 RYA MIRROR 1 S C 1365 CLUB No official number MIRROR 1 S 0 1372 CLUB No official number MIRROR 2 S C 1385 RYA CADET 2 S C 1435 RYA RS TERA SPORT 1 U O 1457 RYA + 6 LASER BUG 1 S 0 1520 CLUB No official number OPTIMIST 1 U 0 1665 RYA + 7 Multihull Crew Rig Spin Number Status Notes A CLASS 1 U 0 681 RYA CHALLENGER 1 U 0 1150 RYA - 4 DART 16 2 S A 910 RYA DART 18 2 S 0 814 RYA + 9 FORMULA 18 2 S A 693 RYA HOBIE 16 2 S 0 811 CLUB No official number HURRICANE 5.9 2 S 0 699 RYA SX configuration SPITFIRE 2 S A 709 RYA SPRINT 15 1 U 0 933 RYA SPRINT 15 SPORT 1 S 0 890 RYA + 30 TORNADO 2 S A 644 CLUB WETA 1 S A 950 CLUB The Yardstick Scheme is provided to allow boats of different classes to race against each other fairly.

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