KSEA LETTERS 재미과기협 Vol. 37, No.2 (Serial No.207) February 2009 회보 재미한인과학기술자협회 Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association www.ksea.org February 2009 Note to Our Readers Editorial Page Calling all members! Getting Involved Enhances KSEA Membership and Our Careers… Volunteers are the heart and soul of KSEA. As a member-driven, non-profit, ethnic professional organization, the success of KSEA is a result of the time and commitment of active members. Many opportunities exist for getting involved in the organization at both the local, regional, national and international levels. Feel connected to KSEA… Volunteering is one of the best ways to feel connected to KSEA. By the simple gesture of offering our skills and enthusiasm, we will positively impact other lives, as well as our own. Volunteers connect people and offer a new chance to build a stronger community. We will meet new people, make new friends, help someone, improve our community, and make a difference throughout volunteering in the KSEA activities. Of course, volunteering is fun! KSEA Letters,Vol. 37, No. 2 Publisher | Kang-Wook Lee Publication Directors | Jane Oh Jeong Seop Shim Yongtaek Choi Publication Coordinator | Mison Jeon Graphic Design | Miyoung Yoon Publication Date | February 20, 2009 Published by the Korean-American Scientist and Engineers Association. All rights reserved. No part of this publication maybe reproduced, in any form or any means, without the prior written permission of KSEA. KSEA assumes no responsibility for statements and opinions advanced by the authors. FRONT COVER Photo: YGTLC 2009 Participants Designer: Miyoung Yoon [email protected] February 2009 3 Table of contents 3 Editorial Page 7 President’s Message YGTLC 2009 SPECIALS 8 Young Generation Technical and Leadership Conference (YGTLC) 2009 Report 10 Increasing YG Involvement in YGTLC and KSEA 12 My First Trip, First Conference, and First Step to My Better Future 15 “열정과 비전있는 이공계 한인 2세들이 모였다” 16 Collection of Comments on YGTLC2009 18 Collection of YGTLC2009 Photos ELECTION 21 KSEA Election 2009 22 Jae Hoon Kim 24 Hosin “David” Lee 26 Hyung-Min Michael Chung 27 Myung Jong Lee UKC 2009 29 UKC 2009 Poster 30 UKC 2009 Speakers National Math/Science Competition (NMSC) 35 Dream on… 36 KSEA- The Test, the Win and the Dreams 37 KSEA Science Contest ESSAY 39 뉴욕메트로 지부 수학과학경시대회 봉사자 Michael Caruso 40 참을성, 성실함, 남을 배려하는 마음, 자기 부하를 아끼는 마음, 꾸준함… 42 “코리안-아메리칸의 아이덴노베이션 (Korean-American’s Idenovation)” 44 세상을 바꾸는 긍정의 힘 46 A Molecular Biologist Who Became a Patent Lawyer Table of contents ESSAY 47 Renewed, Re-energized, and Recommitted 48 My Hometown “Donwha” Revisited 50 은밀한 유혹 KSEA News 51 KSEA Annual Award Announcement 52 KSEA Headquarters News 55 재미과기협 공로상을 수상하며 Chapter News 56 Northwest Regional Conference 2008 57 New England Chapter 58 KSEA NY Metro Chapter Activity Report 59 2008 KSEA-SD /KWiSE Science Park Symposium 61 2008 KOEA KSEA-ST YOUNG PROFESSIONAL FORUM 62 The 8th Annual KASBP Symposium Member News 63 강성권, 강성모 64 김준기, 구자영, 김유성 65 Dennis Hong and Paul Oh 66 In Memory of KSEA Members KSEA Organization 69 Contact Information of Officers, Staff, Auditors, Councilors, Chapter Presidents, and KSEA Ex-Presidents KSEA SPONSOR ADS 1 Hyundai Motors 33 LGLS—LG생명과학 2 SK Energy 33 GGBC—경기바이오센터 6 POSTECH/Honam 38 KITECH—한국생산기술연구원 14 RIST/ Ewha Womans Universtiy 38 Samsung Cheil Industries 20 LG Chem/KAIST 67 POSCO 28 KIST/Samyang 68 KETEP 32 GIST/Choongwae/ 72 HYUNDAI Industries Co., LTD. 32 Samsung Total Inside Front Cover: KUSCO 33 Samsung Engineering Inside Back Cover: Membership Application 33 KOTEF—한국산업기술재단 BackCover: SK Telecom February 2009 Why should we renew our President’s Message Memberships annually? There are more than 20,000 Korean-American for K-12 students—the first KSEA Math & Science Scientists and Engineers in the U.S. who are eligible Olympiad (KMSO) held in November 1994. More for KSEA membership, yet there are only about than 400 students, 500 parents, and 100 members 2,500 active members. Some non-members may be participated in the Olympiad. After the initial success, unawares as to the existence of such an Association, the KSEA HQ decided to organize the National Math which is rather unfortunate, while others were once Competition (NMC) in 2002 and the National Math & members but did not renew their membership for Science Competition (NMSC) in 2007. one reason or another. This then begs the question, why should I renew my membership every year? These competitions are a great way for future generations of Korean-Americans to excel and display As the current President of this fine association, I their talents openly where they can be recognized would like to present three compelling reasons why for excellence in performance, thus boosting their we renew our memberships annually. morale and enthusiasm in these particular disciplines. By volunteering at these events, we can join together First, as a member of KSEA, we can contribute to the to help the younger generations thrive and become US-Korea cooperation in Science and Technology and, even more successful Scientists and Engineers than we coincidentally, the peace efforts in the Korean Peninsula. already are and make the Korean-American presence in the fields that much stronger. Korea is a country divided. No matter which side of the country we come from, we are all united in heritage. Third, as a member of KSEA we can promote our Thus, a peaceful unification is our hope, trusting that careers through networking. We have the opportunity both sides want peace and mutual prosperity. to meet and potentially befriend many Korean Scientists and Engineers in the US and Korea that we Korea is the land of our ancestors. Most, but not all, otherwise would not have access to. The exchange of Korean-Americans immigrated to the U.S. themselves information and knowledge promotes our careers as or are their Second-Generation children. We sit in well as the fields of Science and Technology. front of the TV and cheer along with the red-shirted fans when we watch our fellow Koreans competing in Finally, I would like to thank all the contributors to the Olympics or World Cup Soccer games. Just as we this issue of KSEA Letters for their excellent work want their success in sporting events, we want their and dedicated service, without whom this publication success in the sciences, as well as all technological fields. would not be possible. As a member of KSEA, we have the opportunity to Please take a few minutes to renew your KSEA promote the Science and Technology efforts of both the membership using the renewal form on inside the U.S. and Korea. As they grow to work together, it will back cover, and do not hesitate to give the attached become more apparent that the separation of North and application to colleagues and friends to join our great South Korea is unnecessary as the country would be association and make us more than 2,500 strong! much stronger united as a whole to aid each other so the economy can flourish even more-so than it already has. Thank you and God bless you! Second, as a member of KSEA we can contribute to the Sincerely, Korean-American Community. When I was President of the NY Metro Chapter in 1994, we discussed how KSEA could serve for the Korean Community in the NY metropolitan area. We immediately thought Kang-Wook Lee of our children’s futures and came up with an event The 37th President of KSEA February 2009 7 YGTLC 2009 Special YGTLC Young Generation Technical and Leadership Conference (YGTLC) 2009 Report Reported by Tae (Tom ) Oh YGTLC2009 Chair The Young Generation Technical and Leadership exchange rate. Despite these obstacles, KSEA, Conference (YGTLC) 2009 was held from January 9, KUSCO and KOFST went out of their way to 2009 through January 11, 2009 in Dallas, Texas. This provide funding for this year’s YGTLC..The YGTLC year, the conference focused on the central role science Committee would like to extend sincere thanks to Dr. and technology play in the development of society, Rhie, KUSCO Director, Dr. Kang Wook Lee, KSEA and, conversely, how the needs of society impact the President and Dr. Esther Yang, KSEA Vice President direction of science and technology. The conference for searching for the extra funding we needed to put featured distinguished guest speakers and workshops on a successful conference. In addition, we would that encouraged participants to explore the ways like to thank several YGTLC Committee Members society and technology interact to build the world of who contributed with individual sponsorships. tomorrow. Participants were also encouraged to think Even though funding was limited, through creative about how they, as Korean-Americans, can contribute planning, we were able to extend acceptances to to the needs of this society. nearly all who applied. This year, we received 95 applications; more than One of the major differences between this double the number of applications received for last conference and previous conferences was the active year’s YGTLC conference. This growing interest in participation of Young Professionals (YP). John the YGTLC is due in large part to the success of the C. Lee, Michael Choi, Justin Kim and Peter Wang previous YGTLC conferences. volunteered to be moderators and speakers at the Panel Speaker Session, the Career Networking Conference funding for this year was difficult to Session and the Career Development Workshop. obtain due primarily to a sluggish world economy They helped address some of the immediate needs and an unfavorable Korean won to U.S. dollar of the younger participants. There were other 8 February 2009 February 2009 YGTLC 2009 Special YGTLC working professionals who, recognizing the value Overall, the conference was very successful.
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